Drive Pretty Cure!

By LunaticLemons

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Today in 20XX, technology has advanced so far around the world that now people are able to perform simple and... More

DPC - Introductions
Log In! The Birth of the Virtual Warrior Cure Glitch!
The Android's Miracle! Cure Pyro, Help!
Troubleshooting? Hello Transfer Android, Micro!
Mitsukado's Harmony! Her Name is Cure Tunes!
We Are! Three Hearts, One Shot!
New Transfer Student! Can We Be Friends?
Good Day! Hack 'n Dash for School Council President!
Nikko and Cauli: High Spirited Friendship Challenge!
Miss Micro's How to Beat a Terrorbyte Lesson!
Christmas Special: Nikou Makes Christmas Dinner
Triple Power Up Adventure! Karate Style~
A Miraculous Showdown! Azure Ultra Drive!
Really Busy! My Life as a Teenage Student Council President
Micro-chan the Sensational Cyber PreIdol's First Tour!
Nikko and Cauli: The Future Romeo and Juliet?!
The Exam Boss Fight But I Don't Know How to Beat It!
Bonus Art - Micro's Birthday
What Will I Do After High School? The Future of Mirai!
Gears of Ooze! Our Scarlet Ultra Drive!
The Mystery of all Techno-Mysteries! Who Is Chance?
Nikko and Cauli: Chance's True Identity is... You?!
With my own Wisdom, I am Me! Cure Knowledge!
Cauli's Dilemma: Team Request Approval Denied!
Shine! Cauli's Huge 5-Star Makeover!

Ange and Jeanne's Secret Past? A Brilliant Peridot Ultra Drive Awakens!

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By LunaticLemons

Ange's POV
Time: 25 Years Ago... | Location: Mitsukaido Middle School

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I opened the bathroom door to see nothing but an empty lavender set of cubicles. I heard nothing but the winds from outside. This is very weird. Where did everyone go?

I sighed and went back out again. I looked at the time on my watch, it read half past four. Normally I will be back home where the aroma of my mom's traditional jerk chicken curry will await my grumbling stomach. Sadly, that didn't happen. I'm still stuck in this school after some loud explosion happened during Home Economics.

I had my entire life ahead of me. I got my best grades ever in the last exams, my family thinks very positively about me, I was accepted into Clef Academy, and I'm also training to be a butler. Maybe one day I'll serve a very rich family...

"Personnel: Undetected." Crap. Who's there?! I quickly rolled over a nearby plant pot. I brushed off my dark purple hair and peeked my head out. I saw a girl, I think she was around our age holding a massive saber. From the back, I only saw yellow hair, some sort of uniform and a cap. Who is she?

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Ange and Jeanne's Secret Past? A Brilliant Peridot Ultra Drive Awakens!
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Third Person POV

"Plate Terrorbyte." The girls in their Cure forms were particularly fighting another Level 1 Terrorbyte summoned by Jeanne d'Arc. It was a plate-themed Terrorbyte using its body as a Shield. Some part of Mitsukaido was engulfed in a Cyber Zone which unlikely no citizens were trapped but unfortunately the Cyber Zone was very similar to the one Victorie summoned.

"Pretty Cure Triple Combo Punch!" Glitch, Pyro and Tunes thrusted their fists towards the Terrorbyte, however it simply shielded itself with a smaller plate. The girls yelped as they fell through the air, they quickly flipped against a nearby abandoned skyscraper the moment they saw it behind them.

"T-Talk about cheap...!" Glitch grunted. She was the first to fall off then followed by the others. They landed on the ground face to face with Jeanne and the Terrorbyte.

"Is that so?" Jeanne crossed her arms, "Terrorbyte, attack!"

"Terrorbyte." It summoned disks towards the Cures.

"You guys! I have a plan!" Glitch announced with a plan on her face. Somewhat Pyro and Tunes knew what she was going to say. The girls separated themselves, running across the field.

"Terrorbyte. Terrorbyte." It didn't sound like it but it switched its head back and forth.

"Glitch, what are you planning to d-do?" stuttered Tunes, barely keeping up as she was panting.

Pyro nodded in agreement, "Yes! At least edit your Speech.txt beforehand!"

Glitch gulped and leaped forward, "Wait! You'll see very... soon! Let's join now!"

Tunes, Pyro and Glitch jumped mid-air joining like pieces of clay. "Pretty Cure Triple Combo Hammer!" They thrusted their hands out and slammed it down like a hammer.

"Uh? What smart thinking Pretty Cure..." Jeanne stared at her monster crashing down the pixel battlefield.

"Alright, here I-I go!" Tunes readied herself.

"Fortissimo HeadControl!" Tunes grabbed out her weapon, and placed the Passionate Gear Chip on the center. She slid her finger across the three heart-shaped gems on the remote playing a compressed chiptune for each heart. It glowed multiple colors before it shone chartreuse.

"BiriBiri Gauge... Complete! Change Mode!" Megan cried out. Suddenly green thunder emerged from the skies, reaching Tunes. Instead of electrocuting her however, it instead caused the HeadControl to split into two baton-like weapons. The Passionate CureChip divided itself into both centers.

Tunes drew a boombox with the baton and energy from her movements. "Execute! Pretty Cure, Max Unicorn Encore!" Tunes leaped into the air, triggering a large energy eruption towards the Plate Terrorbyte. The energy eruption then turned into a unicorn and it majestically stomped the Terrorbyte onto the ground.

Tunes swirled around with the Fortissimo HeadControls in Change Mode and then knelt on the ground, "Bonus Score GET!"

"G-Game over..." The Level 2 Terrorbyte murmured as a massive explosion occurred. As the explosion died down, it returned to being a normal copy of Restaurant de Panic, a cooking game.

Tunes' POV

"Phew t-that's over..." I sighed in relief as the Cyber Zone disappeared and the world of Mitsukaido loaded back up again. This time there was no more drama or suspense, just a brief moment of punches and victory...

"It seems even a revenge duel isn't enough to defeat you." Jeanne brushed her bangs towards us, "But it shows you're getting stronger-"

"Kasumi?" That voice! Ange?

Third Person POV

The mysterious lady clad in purple stared at what's happening around her. She had spotted the fabled Cures and Jeanne in front of her.

All three Cures froze into position, fear and worry heavily pouring down their faces. Even the Navis were turned into stone, them being even more worried than the others.

"Ahh! Ummm...! Y-You're welcome, young citizen!" Glitch nervously tried to come up with something but judging by the looks of Tunes and Pyro... it wasn't worth it. She found out.

Suddenly something sparked through the woman's eyes. The green Cure in particular resembled someone she knew. Too much in fact... Kasumi. That innocent face of hers looked identical to Tunes. Then there were the red and blue Cures who look similar to her friends. The warrior in red gave it all away with the plates of her arm clicking slowly.

But that was not it for Ange. No. Jeanne. A moment of lightning struck between the two ladies, almost something of a memory flashed to them.

"You...!" Jeanne'a growl feel very uncomfortable for the Cures, "You decided to show again."

Anger. Rage. Fury. Jeanne couldn't compress those three feelings in a Zip file.

"You are..." Words slipped out of Ange's mouth, she didn't know what to say, "That robot from back then-"

Ange was briefly interrupted by a lance towards her face, luckily Tunes and the others quickly blocked her. "I see you remember my humiliating defeat, Ange!"

"H-Huh?" Tunes looked back at Ange all confused, "Ange, w-what is she talking ab-" Realising what she said, Tunes slapped her mouth.

"Tunes!" Pyro silently screeched.

"From this day ownards... I will kill you!" The Cures have never sensed much anger in Jeanne before. She was scary yet relaxed and calm than the other two. Then Jeanne angrily zoomed off into the skies.

Ange kept watching the robot in yellow flying past. Meanwhile the Cures themselves were stuck in their own dilemma. With their own identities.


Kasumi's POV
~Time Skip~ | Location: Kanakusa Residence

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I know it's all sudden but PLEEEASE don't turn us into the SCP facility!" Everyone stared at Nikou all bewildered with eyes big as saucepans.

Ange looked serious and calm before she stared sniggering, "No you sillybilly why would I do that? Gyahaha!"

"But Ange! We're... we're Pretty Cure. A role that's meant to be for robots only..." I replied. It was true, I had forgotten while being a Pretty Cure is fun.. there's consequences for it. Including nearly getting killed...

"I know. And personally from that CGI play, I already knew there was something fishy about you girls." Ange got up and started making iced tea for the girls.

"I'm not entirely mad at you guys because I'm hiding some secrets too.." Ange's shades had a small reflection when she emphasised on secrets.

Micro put her hands on her hip, "Define: secrets."

"Response: Unable to open Secret save data." Ange replied in a sarcastic manner. Ange's always been like that, she can not only speak Japanese but also English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Thai and Gibberish... according to her.

"Why? You found out about our secret! You have to tell us too!" Nikko slammed her fist across the table, the tea cup almost fell off the table in slow-motion.

I was about to tell Nikko to be so gentle but then Ange quickly grabbed a tea cup and dashed it across the floor and the tea cup twirled like a ballerina on its hedge until it sat perfectly with no tea spilt.

"O-Oh..." Micro and I gasped.

"Patience is virtue my dear," Ange softly picked up the tea cup and placed it on the table again, "I cannot tell you yet. Not after when I'm seeing talking Navis!"

"Ereku!" Electro happily giggled while in Nikou's arms, "Nice to meet ya!"

Nikou and Micro raised their eyebrow at Electro. I sighed and looked outside the windows, the sun was almost going to set.

"Plausiable. Anyway, Nikko and I have to return back to our bases." Micro brushed off her hair, "Kasumi, Ange, see you tomorrow." I heard the slight anger when Micro pronounced Ange.

"Yeah! Bye Ange, Bye Kami-chama!" Nikko waved to me then everyone left.

"Umm Ange, they're g-gone now. Y-You can tell me... r-right?" I asked Ange.

Ange shook her head, "Nooope! Not even you, Kasumi-san."'

"E-Eh?! Why? Do you and Jeanne have so-some sort of-" My lips were sealed tight by Ange's finger.

"Well if you look that~ Eight o' clock! Go to bed, Kasumi-san." Though it sounded like she was joking, something didn't sound right. For one it's eight o clock and usually go to bed at ten. I pretended to ignore that comment and went off to my room.

"Good n-night, Ange-san." I said, silently closing the door behind me.

I plopped myself onto my bed, then Megan jumped out from my pockets into his normal form. Then he seemed to have grabbed something out with him.

"Eh, M-Meggy, what is that you're holding?" I asked.

Megan moved his plush arm down, revealing a fruit. It was like a watermelon but he seems to be chewing it like gum?

"Gummelon. Cyberspace Candy exclusive ~mega"

Megan snapped the melon into half, "Girlie. Want some?"

I looked at the sticky texture, "Thank you." I took the melon and pulled the gum from its shell. It doesn't taste that bad... it tastes nice!

As I chewed, I still had that thought on my head... Ange knows about our alter egos. Jeanne had a weird reaction to her. What is Ange exactly?

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Third Person POV
Location: Dr. Cerius' Fortress

"Doctor, I believe I require maintenance." Jeanne suddenly announced, allowing herself into the scientist's laboratory.

However Dr. Cerius seemed to be not there, "Doctor?"

"Your beloved is not here~" Jeanne looked up to see Chance yet again hanging from the wires on the ceiling.


"Yes, me!" said Chance happily as he crawled down the wires and backflipped in front of Jeanne.

"Why are you here? Did the doctor give you such Permission.exe?"

The Navi started to throw her arms out like a toddler on a tantrum, "Jeanne, don't be such a party pooper!"

"I'm only paying an unexpected visit to you~"

Chance pointed at Jeanne, the robot warrior looked confused. Their soulless eyes met at each other for a brief moment, "To be logical, you have 55% more experience than the other two."

"And besides I saw your little rumble with the sunglasses lady!"

"Rumble? What are you talking about? My eye camera did not sense your aura." Jeanne said aback.

"Oh silly Jeannie-" Suddenly Chance's cape swayed in the breeze as he briefly appeared behind her, "I have eyes everywhere."

Jeanne pivoted herself to see nothing until Chance was standing right in front of her. "Gah! What do you require of my services?! You're not the type to ask for preferences whenever you find another Number to dismantle."

"I know but this is a special offer! Everyone loves bargains and offers!" Chance cooed Jeanne.

"Anyway, just call me... whenever you're offline. Arrivederci!"

"Wait a momentum!" Jeanne stretched out her hand before Chance disappeared into the darkness leaving the robot warrior all alone.

"... Ange."

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Third Person POV
~Time Skip~ Location: Mitsukaido

A averagely-sized sleek car drove past the streets of Mitsukaido, then stopped once they reach the center. Yet the city of the future was bubbling with many Helper Bot flying around, cars driving past, little children playing with their floating tablets and dogs running as free as the wild with their virtual leashes. Kasumi got out from the car, and she bent over to the window to see Ange.

"I will be back soon, just looking for a new phone case. Have a good day, Ange-san!" Kasumi smiled.

"Yep. Stay safe, Kasumi-san!" Ange waved. Then she slouched over and relaxed on her driver's seat.

Meanwhile in the distance, a certain robot loomed over the streets of Mitsukaido. Jeanne's eyes were particularly focused on a car in a parking slot. However she almost noticed Ange casually waiting inside her car. The yellow robot's fury intensified however Jeanne tried to maintain it with a sigh.

"Target located!" Jeanne quickly turned around to see Chance standing behind her, his Navi happily munching on some candy.

"Chance!" exclaimed Jeanne, "I do not require any Assistance.exe!"

"I know, wait a moment-" His Navi swallowed all of her candy in one go, "There. Now, it's not about me helping you! I just happen to have the Dark Chaos Chip my dear Mother granted me."

Chance leaned over Jeanne, stretching out his palm. "Come now... you don't feel motivated enough to summon a Level 2 Terrorbyte. I'll fix that with my own shock~!"

"Tick tock~" Chance danced around the uneasy atmosphere, then his Navi summoned his Chaos Helicon for him. Chance grabbed his Helicon and absorbed all of the dark energy, he then insert a lone car (somehow...) into the helicon. Chance played a miserable melody from the helicon, large dark energy transformed into a monstrous Terrorbyte.


Later, a young man who was just returning from work went outside the parking out. "Ahh, I'm so tired... eh? EH?! M-MY CAR!! I-It's... IT TURNED INTO A TERRORBYTE?!"

He soon fled with the other people of Mitsukaido. Then Kasumi came out of the mall, content with her new phone case, all green and purple filled with music notes. But she saw the Car Terrorbyte and her smile became a frown. Yet again people ran away in absolute fear, while Ange stood there. She found Jeanne standing right in front of her, a brief wind flew by the two of them.

"Jeanne..." Ange looked at Jeanne blankly.

Jeanne's eyes were covered by her hat, "You... you... you...!" Anger was burning through Jeanne's circuits. She couldn't stop it anymore, and she threw a impactful fist on the ground causing a crack in the ground, somehow Ange backflipped away from the large earthquake in the ground.

"You WILL die by my sword!" Jeanne thrust her sword out.

Seeing Jeanne's darkened face, Ange took a step back from Jeanne. "Sorry Jenny, I-I have a family to take care of..."

"What foolishness are your communications on about?!" Jeanne raised her voice, "I've waited for our duel ever since you defeated me that day... THAT DAY!"

"Huh it's been forever huh. It seems you've grown taller haven't you?" Jeanne shifted her sunglasses, "Well at least you're less incompetent than before!"

"SILENCE! SILENCE! SILENCE!" Jeanne charged towards Ange.

"Stooooooooop!!!" Suddenly Nikou and the others came in front of Ange, with Nikou failing by tripping. Sweatdrops poured on everyone's faces until Nikou got back up.

"Pretty Cure...!" Jeanne growled, "What are you doing here?!"

"Kami-chama called us! As for you... prepare yourself! Ah!" Nikou clenched her fists but she looked at Ange who was right behind them. She then shook her head, "No... we have to transform! Even in front of Ange-san!"

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(WARNING HEADS UP: Updated Transformation!)

"Ready!" The mascots jumped in the air as they turned into their Synchro-Phone forms. The girls inserted their DriCureChip into the home screen, then they proceeded to press a set of buttons with multiple shapes in a particular order.

All Navis winked before on the screen below them, it showed a silhouette of their Cure forms.

"Pretty Cure! Synchro-Me Up!"

Suddenly neon blue, red and green light merged from the screen. Nikou, Micro and Kasumi were spinning through the void as they briefly changed from their civilian forms to their Cure forms.

"Linking the unknown mysteries! Logged in, Cure Glitch!"

"Igniting the burning blazes! Logged in, Cure Pyro!"

"Harmonising the nostalgic melody! Logged in, Cure Tunes!"

Then the three Cures each fell from the digital sky, as they put their foot down a trail of pixels followed.

"Us three digital warriors will fight for everlasting justice!" Glitch confidently declared.

"Game Start! Drive Pretty Cure!" All three posed as their respective symbols bursted into the camera.

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(Eyecatch 3: Chibi Nikou is seen winning in a video game and Kasumi and Micro have lost. It cuts to Micro showing off, Nikou angrily throwing her controller at Electro and Kasumi nervously bowing. The logo pixellates in as the girls are talking to each other and the Navis hovering over.)

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(Eyecatch 4: The Navis are seen playing with the New DriCureChips, the Cures looking at them excluding Megan who is observing the Passionate Gear Chip. It cuts to Chibi Tunes making a pose.)

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Third Person POV

"Hey Mr. Wheels-For-Hands! Watch this trick!" Glitch grinned.

"Wheels-For-Hands...?" Both Pyro and Tunes commentated with sweatdrops on their heads.

Suddenly Glitch jumped on a skyscraper, alerting the Terrorbyte's attention to her. She edited the skyscraper to be more sharp as it bent over to the Car Terrorbyte, pricking it.

"TERRORBYTE." The monster got pricked by the skyscarper, deflating one of its wheels, "TERRORBYTE."

"Oh uhh... good performance, Glitch." Pyro sighed.

Tunes was going to congralute Glitch until she noticed a debris of broken concrete, "Pyro watch out!"


Tunes skid across Pyro and summoned a green holographic barrier made up of pure sound.

"Thanks, Tunes!" Pyro smiled.

Tunes made a small grin as she lowered the barrier and shoved it back to the Terrorbyte.

"TERRORBYTE." Tunes was hoping for it to work but instead the Terrorbyte was left with no scratches.

It threw its arms across the floor, then it converted its body of a car. Then it zoomed at high speeds towards the Cures, the three Cures tried to stop the car with their bare hands. They grunted a little as the Terrorbyte insisted its force by accelerating faster.


"GAH!" With the Terrorbyte on full speed, it brushed past the Cures and kept hitting them over and over like a loop. In the distance, Chance saw the entire fight. He didn't want to interfere with Jeanne's "drama" so he kept watching and he grew happier every moment of the Cures in pain.

"Girls!" Ange cried out. She paused for a moment, everything that is happening seemed like a dream. Jeanne was real. Kasumi is a Pretty Cure. A Human Pretty Cure in fact.

"Oh don't get distracted now, Ange!" Hearing Jeanne's voice, Ange returned her attention on the furious knight, "I never believed this day will come... and now.... and now I'll have my revenge!"

"Really? The classic revenge?" Sweatdrops ran past Ange. She wanted to help the girls depsite them being Pretty Cure however she was just an ordinary human. No advanced technology to help her.

Or was she? "Hey how about this for a change?"

"What-" Suddenly Ange brushed past Jeanne, she jumped on top of several nearby cars, "HEY COME BACK HERE!"

Jeanne attempted to thrust her sword at Ange but the mysterious butler avoided that attack with a stylish backflip. She continued on running across cars while the robot knight grew more impatient.

"Sorry Jenny, I'm on a mission!"

Tunes, in particular, was still grunting from the repeated hits she and the others took from the Terrorbyte.

"Pretty Cure!" The Navis cried.

"G-Get a grip, girls!" Mega winced.

"Ow ow OOOW!!" Glitch groaned.

"Pause t-this stimulation!" Pyro complained in pain.

"Gaah!" Tunes let out a petite squeal, once she tilted her head she caught a glimpse of Ange, "E-Eh! Ange! Ow."

"What's she doing- ow- here?!" Glitch asked.

People gazed at Ange, probably the citizens so far able to defend herself. Chance had become more curious, somehow he knew the Cures will miraculously win thanks to Glitch's optimism but Ange, who was only a human. It was a gamechanger to him. "Girls! If you really want to defeat this monster, combine your strengths with style!"

"Eh? Ow!" The girls struggled to look at where Ange is. She leaped down from the cars and was now at a closer distance from the Terrorbyte.

"What are you doing, Terrorbyte?! Go on offense mode!" Jeanne shouted, "It is unacceptable to let HER proceed!"

"TERRORBYTE." Suddenly the monster stopped attacking the Cures and multiple wheels spun towards Ange.

Ange pulled a diamond-shaped magnifying glass and looked closer at the Terrorbyte. "And its weak point is..."

Suddenly Ange leaped into the skies, almost twirling mid-air, "HERE!!" With a beautiful dropkick, Ange smashed her leg onto the Terrorbyte's visor.

Everyone looked at Ange in absolute shock, wondering how on earth is Ange possibly capable of inflicting damage on a Level 2 Terrorbyte?!

"TERR- TER- ORR..." The monster slowed down as its engines were blaring uncontrollably.

Finally the Cures leaped back to the ground with a flip despite the many bruises on their bodies.

"I knew it! Today's already glitchy thanks to Ange-san!" Glitch pumped her fists into the skies with great force. The others grugidingly raised their bodies too.

"Huh... who would have processed that newest information..." Pyro stimulatenously blinked.

Tunes particularly stared in awe at Ange, someone who she thought she knew. Turning out to have history with one of their enemies and secretly capable of fighting monsters?

Tunes' POV

I saw Jeanne emerging from the smokes, her face was more angry than usual. Normally.

"YOU!" She roared, I felt my skeleton nearly popping out.

Ange turned towards Jeanne, a whisper of wind brushing past them. "Jenny..." Ange frowned.

"Y-You really... piss me off!" Jeanne gritted her teeth. Again, Jeanne always speaks formally. It is as if she goes out of character once she sees Ange or something like that...

"I cannot compute this! You're only a mere human! No ordinary human being should be able to implant a damage on a Level 2 Terrorbyte let alone Level 1!" Jeanne stamped her foot.

"A-And I should say the same for... myself! Tell me, Ange! What is it you can really do?!" Jeanne raised her tone.

I felt like I wanted to say something. We've been keeping secrets with each other this entire time... we're not being true to ourselves. But Ange is one reliable mentor! No, I wouldn't let her talk down on Ange like this!

"S-She can do anything!" I stamped my foot down.

"Ka- I mean Tunes..." Ange's mouth went an O-shape and so did everyone else except Jeanne.

"Girlie...!" I heard Megan from the inside of my pouch.

"Ange is different from anyone I've seen!" I cried, "She's very mysterious... I don't know if her real name is Ange!"

"Eh?" Glitch's suddenly beady eyes blinked.

"But ever since... h-he passed away and my mother got occupied with her career, Ange filled in that childhood figure I needed. She always does her best to make me happy!"

Third Person POV

Meanwhile in the distance, Chance was still watching in the darkness. Suddenly his mouth went open the moment Tunes mentioned 'childhood figure', he did not say anything though.

"Chance?" His Navi, Server, finally spoke for herself, "What's wrong?"

Chance stared at Tunes for a while until he shook his head and Server floated back to his shoulder.

Tunes' POV

Jeanne grunted and crossed her arms. "And how are you so certain? You do lack a parent figure. Not the one who hides secrets from you."

Tunes stood aback, this time she was standing alongside her teammates who joined her.

"That's where you're wrong! Ange is mysterious- well yeah but she's really cool too!" Glitch added, "That's what makes Ange... Ange!"

Pyro rolled her eyes at Glitch's wording, "At least she troubleshoots her past unlike you."

"The magical kids are right you know." Ange finally spoke, "I may be mysterious but~"

I watched Ange spinning in the air past Jeanne before she jumped back down. "That's what makes me. Me, right Glitch-tan?"

"O-Oh yeah! Yeah! And she's gonna stay that way, right Tunsy?" Glitch turned back to me with a smile.

"... Yes!" I clapped my hands together, "Just like how we're always going to be friends forever and ever! Right, you guys?"

Pyro nodded, "Correct!"

"100%!" Glitch encased her palms into a fist.

"Always, Tunes-san." Ange had a nicer grin on her face.

I nodded my head too, "O-Okay then... let's start this concert!"

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Third Person POV

"Fortissimo HeadControl!" Tunes summoned her weapon.

"Error HeadControl!" Glitch summoned her weapon.

"Blaze HeadControl!" Pyro summoned her weapon.

Suddenly the diamond-shaped tips of their weapons shined a neon light, its colour changing from green, blue to red in that order.

"Triple Cross-Fusion!" The mascots declared, each Cures tipped their weapon as they crossed together.

"Ultima Memory Chip, transfer your great energy to the Pretty Cure!" Tunes placed the Chip on her weapon, she switched indicator slider to green, then the tips of their HeadControls changed to green.

"Execute! Pretty Cure, Peridot Ultra Drive!"

The camera spun in every direction of the Cures as they drew a gear-shaped symbol in front of them with their HeadControls, pixellated energy surrounded their bodies with green light then they charged towards the Terrorbyte.

"TERRORBYTE." The Terrorbyte surprisingly attempted to zoom past the Cures. Suddenly a health meter appeared, as the Cures were travelling at a faster speed. But it was no use for the Terrorbyte, the Cures penetrated it through creating a shape that was a heart in the middle of a gear, the Terrorbyte became covered with green light.

The Cures landed behind the Terrorbyte, then they hold hands and jump in the air. "Goal!!" Then the Level 2 Terrorbyte explodes into purple cubes.

"Game Over..." It said still in its robotic voice. The health meter disappeared and in replacement a score of 1000 points showed up.

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Ange looked at the girls, atonished by their newest attack. The Cures de-transformed back to normal. Ange snorted out a giggle and proceeded to offer the girls a high five and everyone including Navis cheered. However...

"Don't you dare think you've won the duel, Ange." Jeanne lowered her eyes, "As per usual, you will always win out of sheer luck."

Ange tapped her foot, "Tut tut! Someone's obviously grumpy, here have some cookies!"

"What?!" Ange shoved a large white chocolate chip cookie down Jeanne's mouth. The Cures and Navis' eyes turned into literal white saucers with medium-sized dots this time.

"Mmm... mhmm!" Jeanne swallowed the cookie in one go and her face went literally red, "I do not have the time for this! We will duel again Ange! For sure!"

Jeanne stropped away into the wind instead of her zooming off into the clouds.

"Bye bye! I hope you put up a real challenge!" Ange waved back with a grin on her face.

From a distance, Chance took notice of her defeat. He then whispered something to Server before stepping back into the darkness never to be seem.

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Kasumi's POV
~Time Skip~ Location: Kanakusa Residence

"S-Sorry!" I bowed with Nikou, Micro and the Navis.

"What for again?" Ange raised an eyebrow.

"W-We hid our secret from you ~ereku!"

"You nearly got hurt ~nono!"

Megan scoffed, "Huh a human doing the job themselves is pretty cool ~mega... Seriously don't do that again before somebody's bones would break into the backrooms or something."

Myself and everyone else also nodded, then Ange smiled again. "It's alright you girls. If anything I'm the one at fault!"

"The truth is I've only encountered Jeanne when I was back at high school." Ange stated, "And it was when the Terrorbytes first came. I was just getting back from the toilet until I saw her."

"Then...?" Micro blinked.

"That's all for today folks!" Ange winked. We all facepalmed to the floor, Nikou was the first to shoot back up with 'Are you kidding me?! So much suspense...!'

"Ange..." I sighed then I felt a hand touch my shoulder, "Oh?"

"Actually. I would like to request something if that's ok."

"Huh? State your request." Micro stared at Ange.

"Well after seeing the way you girls fought in both the theatre AND today... I want to help." Ange raised a fist to her chest, "I'm no Pretty Cure Number or superhuman but... I bake cookies and spread love! Is that a good application form?"

Micro's eyebrows twitched hearing that, "No comment available..."

"Of course!" My eyes flashed for a brief second, "It would be lovely to have a human mentor..."

"Eh. There's no rules about human allies ~mega! Welcome." Megan sounded so... welcoming. He jumped on Ange's shoulder and had that small smile again.

"Yeah ~ereku! More humans who won't sell Nikou and Kasumi to the facility is the best ~ereku!"

"The facility?" Ange asked.

"Uhhh don't worry about that! H-Hehe...!" Nikou slapped her mouth onto Electro's, "But if Ange's going to be our side... oh YES! Today's already glitchy!"

"It is~!" I added, "Ange, thank you...!"

° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ 👾🎮👾 ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °

???'s POV

A soft breeze fell past us. Her dark purple hair tied up in a bun. Her soft lemon eyes fading into the light. Her peccable and handsome uniform.

I wanted it all. But my systems won't allow it. I had to do it. For the Doctor's perfect control.

° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ 👾🎮👾 ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °

Drive Pretty Cure Preview - 15

Kasumi: G-Good day everyone! We obtained a new power-up, Peridot Ultra Drive.

Megan: So, we have a new member joinin'.

All: Presenting...

Ange: Salmat pagi!

Micro: Salmat... pagi?

Ange: It's nice to feeling the great days of highschool adventure! So what's next on the bucket list?

Nikou: AHHHHH!! WHY?!

Ange: Screaming? Awesome!

Kasumi: O-Oh my... is this about the test results?

Navis: Test results?

Electro: Like maintenance program tests ~ereku?

Megan: Those are easy! Only a Navi with a empty memory storage can fail those ~mega!

Micro: I predicted this will happen...

Nikou: WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT?! N-No... if Mom- wait no she isn't that bad, Mirai will laugh at me again and... oh jeez. Dad! I'm done for! I, Aosemura Nikou, can declare today is NOT gonna be glitchy!

Cauli: Why?

All but Nikou: AHH!

Nikou: *sniffs* Cauuliii... help me...

Cauli: Sure.

Micro and Kasumi: That sudden?!

Cauli: Next time on Drive Pretty Cure. The Exam Boss Stage But I Can't Beat It!

Nikou: T-Thank you... Cauli-kun!

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