What Will I Do After High School? The Future of Mirai!

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Third Person POV
Time: Friday Afternoon | Location: Techno High Academy

"Hey hey Mirai, have you thought about what you're going to do in the future?"

Suddenly Mirai woke up. She turned her head multiple times as if she saw a ghost. Then she relaxed a bit and saw three girls surrounding her.

"Why do you want know, huh?" Mirai rudely responded back, "Can't you mind your own business?"

The girl frowned, then her best friend jumped in, "Oh come on Aosemura-san, we were only asking! I can see on your computer that your survey is blank."

"Yeah, we have to submit them by tomorrow."

Mirai rolled her eyes and got up from her chair. "Ha, I'm called Mirai but I have no f*cking clue about my future. Maybe I'll ask my bratty younger sister for some help. Hahaha!"

"Oh Nikko-tan? She does way more than you!" The third girl remarked, wrinkling her nose. "She goes to the Dojo, she's more popular than you can ever be and everyone likes her!"

Mirai suddenly got up from her desk once the bell rang and stormed out of her classroom.

She shoved past a few peers of hers and dashed straight into the bathroom cubicles. Angst made her vision to blur, that survey... it's not like she didn't want to.

She had no idea what she was going to do in the future unlike her classmates.

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What Will I Do After High School? The Future of Mirai!
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~Time Skip~ | Location: Aosemura Residence

"Thank you for the dinner!" Mirai watched her family happily wolf down their steak for the fifth time in a week.

Seeing her happy family made Mirai pissed off, she was about to wander back into her room again.

"Mirai dear!" Mirai turned to her mom, again with her stupidly sweet smile, "You're always in a rush aren't you?"

Mirai looked at her mother once before going up to her room, loudly slamming the door. Mom frowned and turned to Nikou, "Nikko dearie, can you cheer up your sister for me? She must have had a bad day in school!"

Nikou chomped down all of her steak and blinked at her mom, "Mom, I'm not gonna enter her castle without armour when she's all Ms. Doom and Gloom."

Nikou's mother sighed and put her hands on her hip, "Well if that's the case... Nikou, no more Super Middle School Fighters A+!"

Nikou loudly gasped. She clapped her hands and rushed off to Mirai's room as if she was in a typical cartoon. Sweatdrops fell down her dad's face while he looked from her to Nikou's mother repeatedly until he facepalmed. Meanwhile Mom felt content and giggled to herself.


"AH SH*T!" Mirai swore, her headphones popped off her long jet black hair and she opened up her palms with her midnight blue nail polish like a cat being threatened.

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