Triple Power Up Adventure! Karate Style~

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Nikou's POV
Time: Tuesday Afternoon | Location: WakuWaku Land Park

"J-Just... who are you? There's no way you can be human...!"

The masked figure turned his back away from us and chuckled. "Me? I am just a robot warrior without an identity in the world. Created by a hellbent scientist, but to save myself from being addressed as 'you'... the name's Chance."

I can't stop forgetting about him, he will always remain as my memory. We just looked at him before he departed off into the skies like he was some sort of anti-hero. Chance? Is he working with the Triplets? But Annie doesn't know him and I don't know for Victorie nor Jeanne. Just... just why does he take pleasure in destroying innocent Pretty Cure Numbers.

"Aosemura? Aosemura!" I shot up my head and shouted "Chance, I won't let you hurt any more Numbers!"

Everything went blank, I realised as I opened my eyes. I was in my English class, my classmates were sat in their chairs. My teacher was holding her book, her eyes bewildered.

"I-I..." I blushed, and turned to Micro who was sitting next to me with Kasumi.

"I don't know where you got that line from but please pay attention next time."

I sighed and sat back down. The teacher called up Dezome Nodoka to read next, she spoke in clear English. Better than mine.

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Triple Power Up Adventure! Karate Style~
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Third Person POV
Time: Wednesday Afternoon | Location: Outside Mitsukaido Dojo

The bells toll as it was the end of the school day. Many student rushed out of the gates to go home, some have stayed back for their school clubs. However Nikou and the others followed by Yuuki were standing outside of the school's personal dojo.

"Here it is!" Nikou pointed at the Dojo, "I know we've been here before but I want to play my part in the training!"

"Training? What for?" Yuuki blinked.

The girl looked slightly nervous, Kasumi stepped out forward and said "Us t-three are doing something i-important... w-we're trying to gain more muscle."

"Yeah muscle muscle!" Nikou exclaimed.

"Muscle? Muscle...?" Micro's eyes went blank as she slowly turned to both Kasumi and Nikou.

"Ah if that's the case, I believe training starts in 5 minutes so we should quickly change into our uniform." Yuuki reminds the girl.

"Yessir!" Nikou and Kasumi replied in unison. A confused Micro stares at them blankly, she grabs out her own phone, well she was actually talking to Nano but is making herself look like she's taking a selfie.

"Nano, what on earth are they talking about?" Micro whispered.

"Karate ~nono! It's a type of sport that orginated in Japan ~nono!" Nano quietly whispered before she went back to sleep mode. Micro, however, was still confused. Nevertheless she followed Yuuki and the girls to the dojo.

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"Eh? What am I wearing?" Micro looked at her red uniform, and her long red hair was tied into a ponytail. She turned to Kasumi who was in green and her two ponytail tied into buns and Nikou who was in blue. Yuuki was wearing the regular uniform.

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