The Mystery of all Techno-Mysteries! Who Is Chance?

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Third Person POV
Time: Friday Morning | Location: Mitsukaido Academy

"Wah! Look at so many Chips, we've gathered!" Nikou spread out every DriCureChip on her desk. Though it didn't look like much, the girls were obviously progressing through time. All of the chips were shimmering so bright, reflecting their past adventures.

"It's so s-shiny..." Kasumi's dark blue glittered in sync with the Chips, "M-Micro-san, are there any more DriCureChips?!"

"Not that I recall of." Micro put her hands on her hips, "Though there are more Chips. But there are ultra rare rarities. Right, Nano?"

"Yes ~nono! So far since you guys are at Level 2, these are the remaining chips to get you into Level 3, the final stage."

"Level 3?" The three girls asked in unsion, cowering over the red panda. Nano shuffled away and ran behind Megan, sniffling.

Electro tapped on his shades and projected three more Chips. "We only got the silhouettes ~ereku but it's close enough! Here ~ereku!"

The left Chip hologram looked ring shaped with a few ribbons around it. The right Chip hologram seems to be similar to the Ultima Memory Chip, however it had wings instead of chains and there were a few 'triangles' sticking out.

"T-That left one looks v-very similar to our Ul-Ultima Memory Chip!" Kasumi pointed out.

"Overheat! These are the Chips used for Cyberspace!"

Electro happily nodded in agreement. "That's right ~ereku! With these Chips, we can finally enter Cyberspace because we can't just get there ya know ~ereku?"

"Someday we'll go directly to Cyberspace ~nono..."

"They look... pretty!" Nikou exclaimed, "So we just gotta look for them first right?"

Megan rolled his eyes at Nikou "What do you think this is, Diginyan?!"

"Uhh... yeah? We collect Chips like Diginyans!"

Megan leaped away from Kasumi's hands and landed on the desk. "Good grief... These chips are still at your Level but they'll only be unlocked if we defeat a boss with high XP points! In other words, Chance!"

"... EH?!!!" The girls shrieked.

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Detective Mode~! Who is Chance?
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"EH?!!!" The girls shrieked.

"That 's impossible! 100% of our attacks are guaranteed to fail on Chance AND his Terrorbyte!" Micro whined.

"I doubt A-ANYONE is a-able to beat C-Chance." Kasumi nervously bit her lip, quavering at the thought of going up against Chance again.

"Well then I guess we'll never achieve Level 3!" Nikou huffed, "Come on everyone! Even if it takes us until we're old grannies, let's try and beat him!"

Another idea flashed up on Nikou's head, "Hey imagine we end up being Pretty Cure until we die if we never beat the Terrorbytes...!"

Inside Nikou's wild imagination, the Cures were transforming. However instead of young, fresh, 15-year old girls... they were senior old ladies. Micro was the only one who looked in good condition if it weren't for her corroding body. Kasumi looked like a chick compared to the others with her shrivelled white hair. Nikou herself looked a bit fit for an old lady except she had fake teeth.

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