Micro-chan the Sensational Cyber PreIdol's First Tour!

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(Just a heads up, I was looking for so many songs and Dreaming Sound came to mind for both Stellar and Micro's songs! Btw the reason why I put this is because imagine Drive Pretty Cure OP... it would be a fusion between Vocaloid and Dreaming Sound. XP What? I'm no songwriter so bare with the terrible lyrics! X_X)

Third Person POV
Time: Saturday Morning | Location: Aosemura Residence

"Two days ago in Mitsukaido, what seemed to be a stronger variant of the Terrorbyte attacked. However the Pretty Cure came and saved us as we expected!," A brunette reported happily announced, "But what's this? The original Pretty Cure Numbers are now officially back in order! But it seems the New Pretty Cure are still fighting too!"

The TV showed a live recording of Cure Glitch, Cure Pyro and Cure Tunes. They were fighting against a broom Level 2 Terrorbyte Antoinette summoned. It cut straight to the part where the Pretty Cure won and lots of trespassing cheered on them.

"GAAAAAH!!!! HOW AM I LOSING!?!" Antoinette stamped her foot furiously as she tugged her twintails like a four year old on a tantrum.

"Cuz us Pretty Cure are super invincible and strongly bonded together!" The energetic warrior of mysteries happily swayed her hips from side to side, "We're getting stronger everyday!"

The live footage ended there and returned to the news reporter's smile. "Now as we thank the Pretty Cure for their efforts once again, we'll now go to Shinda-san for the weather."

The Aosemura family were doing their usual things; Nikou's mom was cooking, Dad was figuring out how to read an e-newspaper and Mirai listened to some music on her iPods.

"Mom! Dad! I'm gonna meet Micro-chan and Kami-chama at the Plaza!" Nikou slid downstairs. This time she was wearing her casual outfit- a brand new t-shirt of Space Invaders;
a tied up checkered cardigan around the waist; demin shorts and red pumps.

"Alright kiddo." Nikou's dad mumbled among his frustrations.

"Have a nice outing sweetie!" Her mother waved. Mirai nodded her head as a gesture but to Nikou she was probably buried into her iPods.

"Thanks! Bye!" Nikou raced out of the door and closed the door shut.

After minutes of walking, Nikou found herself encountering Kasumi and Ange; then Micro who appeared just before Nikou.

Seeing her friends, Nikou had the biggest smile on her face, "Micro, Ange-san, Kami-chama! Hiya!"

"Good day." Kasumi and Ange smiled. Ange was wearing her usual suit and tie. Kasumi wore a dainty mint green dress with music notes, her headphones sloped over her neck, frilly socks and high boots. It had yellow accents at the tips.

"I predicted you were going to be late but this will do." Micro huffed. Micro wore an off-shoulder red top and a yellow vest underneath it. With shorts and tights, and neon red-tipped mary janes.

"Hehe, so where do you want to go today? The Arcade?" Nikou looked around, "But I don't think Ange would be... y'know?"

"Huh? Who said I didn't like video games?" Ange shrugged, "As a smaller Ange, I used to play lots of Universe Invaders and Super Adventure Bros. 2 afterschool!"

"Y-Yeah... I asked Ange if she can come with us to the Arcade." Kasumi replied.

"Overheat! Can we proceed already?! It is obligatory for me to play Super Adventure World again!" Micro was slightly getting impatient as she was tapping her foot.

Nikou and Kasumi sighed, Micro continued to groan.

"There you are!" A loud voice echoed throughout the street, the girls turned to see a strangely dressed man pointing at Micro.

Drive Pretty Cure!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz