Miss Micro's How to Beat a Terrorbyte Lesson!

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Third Person POV
Time: Saturday Evening | Location: WakuWaku Land Park

"Good afternoon~" Suddenly a mysterious figure leaped down from the building. Their black cloak flowed past their legs.

"Eh? Who the hell are you?!" Antoinette roared. The girls also peeped behind her.

This is weird, even Annie nor the Navis doesn't know them. Were they a friend or a foe? The girls thought.

"My name?" The figure had a somewhat distorted chirpy voice but the girls figured out that it wasn't coming from the mysterious warrior. Floating besides their shoulder was a petite doll-like creature who had a black dress, purple locks of hair, bright blue eyes and chains around her 'arms'.

"That's not important~" The figure crossed his arms, "But today you, Pretty Cure, are gonna die here."

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Miss Micro's How to Beat a Terrorbyte Lesson!
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Pyro's POV

"Kasha kasha~" I watched the cloaked figure jump down in front of us, he grabbed out an odd looking trumpet and blew out a miserable melody. I saw purple pixels emerging from the mouth of the trumpet. Those pixels then transformed into a hideous and more robotic Terrorbyte!

"CLOCK TERRORBYTE." It said flat out.

"What the hell is that- Oh forget it! Pretty Cure, see you lot next week I'm outta here!"

Glitch sudden held Annie by the boot, "Hey, you're just gonna leave us with THAT?" Glitch frowned.

"... Yeah. NOW GET OFF!" Annie kicked off Glitch and flew away. Wow.

"Clock Terrorbyte...!" A torment of images flash through my very eyes.

I was now visualising myself standing in front of the dismantled bodies of my former teammates, yet the only one who was still standing was Cure Moony and myself. Moony was holding the Navis, they looked like Electro, Nano and Megan! But why were they here? They seemed to be asleep...

"CLOCK TERRORBYTE." I darted my eyes to the giant clocktower Terrorbyte that was slowly approaching Moony.

"MOONY!" That voice was my own voice? "WHY ARE YOU STANDING THERE, R-RUN AWAY!"

Moony herself, with her curly silver hair did not move. She was standing there, waiting for her demise. Moony instead turned her face to me, her face was filled with tears and oil. No her entire body looked like a wrench.

"It's alright, it's alright Pyro-chan." Moony gulped with her weapon in the ready. Her weapon was different from me in fact everyone's was. Her weapon was shaped by a harp with wings, "I'm no good anyway. I never computed like everyone else, I'm not even strong enough to handle Annie's Terrorbytes... E-Even if I don't get repaired... I'll be happy you do! Very!"

"Moony! I can't leave you here alone! I CAN'T!"

"Micro, don't you know? A Pretty Cure Number does not solve problems like this-" Moony pointed to the Terrorbyte, "We execute solutions." She held onto her weapon tightly.

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