Troubleshooting? Hello Transfer Android, Micro!

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Nikou's POV
Location: Aosemura Residence | Time: Tuesday Morning


We're not even half-way through the week.

I slowly groaned to myself. That stupid alarm went off again. This time it immediately turned off by something. I rubbed my eyes to make sure this wasn't just my eyes deceiving, then I saw...

"Stage Clear ~ereku!" Electro! He seemed to have karate chopped the alarm and he looked very confident in doing so.

"Electro! You're such a lifesaver!" I said in glee, getting my sleepy body up.

"I know right ~ereku? Now come on! The Tuesday Level Stage of the School World awaits you ~ereku!" Electro happily raised his fists into the air.

I chuckled and ruffled his fur like he was my dog. "Hey. Not everything's a video game, buddy. Save that for the future!"

Electro and I giggled, then I got myself ready for school. I never realised he could do this but Electro then dived straight into my phone. He changed back into a Synchro-Phone but it was sort of different. He looked like a phone cover.

"ACK! What didya do?!"

"Dived into your phone. Remember I merged with your phone ~ereku?"

Oh... that's right. I didn't see Micro's phone getting merged but Electro somehow merged with mine.

"Don't worry though ~ereku, I will be quiet and just act like a regular smartphone!"

"Oh uh, cool!"

I ate breakfast, most of it was me 'pestering' Mirai for her totally real boyfriend before she went to high school and it ended with a goodbye kiss from Mom and a wave-off from Dad.

I started walking off to school, assuming Kami-chama's probably getting dropped off by Ange-san in her limo again.

"Today's gonna be gl~itch~y! It's already already ready rea-" Suddenly my phone rang, it was Micro? I wasn't expecting her to call now.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Nikou-san! Ah thank god, this was approximately my 267th attempt to call you today!"

"Hold it, 267th?! Did you spend your morning calling random numbers?!"


I facepalmed to myself. "Micro-chaaan, they're gonna think you're prank calling them! What if they're a serial killer?!"

"That's preposterous Nikou-san. The chances of that happening is below 1%!" I visualised Micro probably rolling her eyes. "Moving on, I have to go now. I'll see you at school."

I blinked. "School? Uhh Micro, what are you talking about-"

"Bye!" Before I could finish, Micro hung up. I was confu- No VERY SUPER confused by what Micro meant. What does she mean she'll see me at school? Androids don't need to go to school, they're super smart!

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Troubleshooting? Hello Transfer Android, Micro!
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After tiring minutes of walking, I finally met up with the rest of my classmates at the school gates.

"Nikou-senpai!" I turned my head around to see a short boy whose blazer was way bigger than him and his messy dark brown hair and bangs hiding his eyes.

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