The Demetrian Value | A Cars...

By TheOverzealousOne

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A sequel to 'The Dash to Victory' - 'The Demetrian Value' closely follows main protagonist Andrew "Dash" Bolt... More

Chapter 1: The Honeymooners
Chapter 2: Safe Home
Chapter 3: Remembrance
Chapter 4: Parental Guidance
Chapter 5: Prison Settlement
Chapter 6: The Uncovered Truth
Chapter 7: Show Me the Past, Part 1
Chapter 8: Show Me the Past, Part 2
Chapter 9: Show Me the Past, Part 3
Chapter 10: Whereabouts
Chapter 11: Old and New Wounds Alike
Chapter 12: The Magic City
Chapter 13: The Solution Presents Itself
Chapter 14: Downfall of the Psyche
Chapter 15: Careful What You Wish For
Chapter 16: The Journeywoman
Chapter 18: Trust is a Privilege
Chapter 19: Clashing Ideologies, Part 1
Chapter 20: Clashing Ideologies, Part 2
Chapter 21: I Will Find You
Chapter 22: Old Friends Against New Enemies, Part 1
Chapter 23: Old Friends Against New Enemies, Part 2
Chapter 24: Old Friends Against New Enemies, Part 3
Chapter 25: Most Wanted
Chapter 26: Unravelling Horror
Chapter 27: Confronting the Demons
Chapter 28: Backup
Chapter 29: Abandon All Hope, Part 1
Chapter 30: Abandon All Hope, Part 2
Chapter 31: Abandon All Hope, Part 3
Chapter 32: With One Light...
Chapter 33: Forgive Me
Chapter 34: Soul Searching
Chapter 35: Tell Me Your Stories and Anecdotes
Chapter 36: What Happened?
Chapter 37: The Idol Afar
Chapter 38: The Sentence Must Be Served
Chapter 39: Finale II
About 'The Demetrian Value'
Bonus Chapter 1: The Death Threat
Bonus Chapter 2: Botarius

Chapter 17: Where in the Warehouse?

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By TheOverzealousOne

A flashback to many moons ago...

Dash arrived to the Wheel Well. Tears rained down his fenders unlike anything he had felt before. Reality itself had come crashing to a halt. Demetria arrived shortly after – watching in suspense as Dash stared into the panoramic valley. Before she could say a word...

"I don't know how this could've happened..." Dash finally spoke, knowing he wasn't alone.

" could I have been taken away so easily? They seemed to be so obsessed with ensuring my success in life. How could this just fall to the wayside?" he began to question.

Demetria finally drove up to him – closer than they had ever been.

"Dash – it was never your fault." she began to comfort him.

"Who am I to blame? Who can I even trust?" Dash observed

"Everyone here." Demetria confided.

"But I've been here for just over a week. A week..." Dash began to back away from Demetria.

"It doesn't matter about the amount of time you've known someone. If you've made a connection – it's a connection nonetheless." Demetria inched closer once again – though Dash stayed away reluctantly.

"I just... I've had the time of my life here." Dash reconciled. "I really have – but, the way that my past just came back all of the sudden... why didn't this happen sooner?"

"Because they were trying to protect you." Demetria defended. "Dash – you're young. Heck, they were, too. It's those mistakes we make in life that make us the people we are in the future."

"You can't sit around and wait for change. You have to insight change from within yourself. People who don't change themselves never experience the life that they want." Demetria comforted.

"What does this have to do with my parents abandoning me?" Dash questioned.

"It was all in the past. They looked to the ends of the world for you. They still cared – they grew from their mistake. You should too – and listen to them." Demetria recommended.

"Tell me – what was it like to have your parents with you every step of the way?" Dash asked.

Demetria backed away slightly – taken aback by the question at hand. Dash knew that he may have overstepped his boundaries. They both looked at the ground in silence for a few tense seconds.

"Demetria – I'm so sorry. I didn't know..." Dash finally spoke up.

"No, no, it's okay. I'm comfortable to share – if you don't mind hearing." Demetria began to loosen herself.

"If you trust me – I'll gladly listen." Dash confided.

Demetria sighed and looked into Dash's eyes. She had never been so comfortable sharing anything so personal in her entire life. She took another deep breath.

"I was always a born-and-raised Radiator Springs citizen. I had the best upbringing I could've hoped for in the earliest part of my life. My parents were the top doctors in Carburetor County – let alone Radiator Springs... until Dad passed..." Demetria shut her eyes tightly, shedding a few tears.

"Oh, Demetria. I'm so sorry – I'm so very sorry." Dash began to shed a few tears himself, before continuing to listen.

"I was very young – about 1 or 2 years old. My parents had just got hitched – when the town was starting to reach a peak in its popularity. Lightning was still the most popular racer the scene had ever seen. He made my Dad so very proud..." Demetria confessed. "My mother and I couldn't bear the sight of Radiator Springs after that. We just ran away one night – never to see the town again. Well, she didn't get the chance..." Demetria continued, despite beginning to openly cry. "She passed after 2 years of being on the run – and I was orphaned by the time I started my schooling."

"I was admitted to the Los Angeles boarding school shortly after I had lost her and grew up without any guidance from parents. I had to learn from teachers – had to be parented by guardians and caretakers for my whole schooling life. I thought if I worked hard enough – I could skip a few years of school and become a doctor." Demetria continued. "I thought that if I became a doctor – one day, I could save someone else's life the way that my parents could've been saved. I came to Radiator Springs after I graduated from the doctor's college a year or so ago after hearing the stories my mother used to tell me. They needed a doctor after losing two of them – having hired some from Carburetor County." Demetria elaborated. "Lightning and Sally took me in as a rookie... and I never left."

The tears began to dissipate slightly before Dash began to lean in. The two exchange a long and deep kiss, one that made the years of mental trauma entirely worth experiencing.

"When I first heard your story from Lightning, I knew that there was something special between us. You were literally everything that I was missing in my life. A strong, intelligent, and hilarious individual – that, and you were and still are a hot rod." Demetria chuckled.

"So, your dad was Doc Hudson? Was that true?" Dash asked.

Demetria chuckled, whilst quite teary.

"Absolutely. You've won the little riddle!" they both chuckled once again.

"You know, you're the first person I've told any of this to," Demetria admitted. "I trust you so very much, Dash."

"I'm so very thankful that you do, Demetria. I've never trusted anyone more in my life than I have you." Dash thanked.

"I'm really grateful that we got to have this chat, Dash. I love you." Demetria nudged him more.

Dash felt his engine roar on the inside. He finally found someone who reciprocated the love that he shared his whole life. He nudged her even tighter.

"I love you, too. I'm never letting you go, ever." Dash comforted her.

The sun was minutes away from setting, prompting the two lovers to make moves.

"I love watching this sunset with you – but you should really get back to your parents before it's too late," Demetria advised.

"Excellent idea." Dash commended. "Maybe we can say that we're a thing now, too?"


Present Day

Words reverberated in Dash's mind as he remembered first hearing about Demetria's traumatic past in detail. However, he slowly opened his eyes and came back to reality; to two familiar-looking vehicles.

"Agh! What the heck..." Dash jumped as his vision focused.

He tried to move but was restricted by a parking boot.

"Our sincere apologies, my friend," Sven said.

''What the heck... who are you? Where am I?" Dash jumped.

"Oh, allow us to introduce ourselves! I'm Sven and this is Damian." Sven said.

"Hey, premium racer," Damian said.

"Hey, I know you two! You're the ones who kidnapped me!" Dash remembered.

"Precisely. We take it you're still a bit dozy from the sleeping agent?" Sven asked.

"Eugh." Dash scoffed.

"Now, you must be wondering; 'why am I here'?" Sven said.

"Yeah, why am I here?" Dash asked.

"Well, I guess we're just two scumbags who got lucky." Damian echoed.

"That's nice, can I go now?" Dash put on a fake smile.

"No, you cannot." Sven denied.

"We're not even here for you," Damian said.

"What? Why am I even here, then?" Dash asked, confused.

"Well, that's part of the reason. We do want you here because we're using you." Sven notified.

"For what, exactly?" Dash asked.

"That shall remain top secret." Sven ensured.

"Mighty helpful, thanks," Dash said sarcastically.

"You're welcome," Damian said.

"Damian, don't..." Sven said.

"Look, I think you have the wrong car. If you could just let me go, that'd be nice." Dash said.

"Nice try, racer. We aren't buying it." Damian denied.

"Haven't you heard of prisoner/prison-ee workmanship?" Dash perked up.

"What?" Damian asked.

"Prisoner... Prison-ee... workmanship?" Sven asked, confused.

"I'll speak up for the hard of hearing. I said; 'Haven't you heard of prisoner/prison-ee workmanship'?" Dash repeated.

"We heard you, for crying out loud," Sven said.

"Oh, good. I just had to make sure." Dash chuckled.

"It's not even a thing-" Damian said.

"Damian, pipe down," Sven ordered.

"Agh, can we just tell him already? I can't keep it in much longer!" Damian asked.

"Tell me what?" Dash asked.

"No, not yet!" Sven signaled.

"Hey, give your buddy some slack here!" Dash mocked.

"Yeah, Sven." Damian agreed.

"No, we can't tell him the secret." Sven denied.

"Say, this 'secret' wouldn't have anything to do with a white Mercedes, would it?" Dash asked.

"White Mercedes, how did you..." Damian trailed off.

"Quiet, Damian!" Sven barked.

"It's painfully obvious. For Nettes, Boltarius wife and parents? I just so happened to be kidnapped right after I get abandoned?" Dash said.

"How does he know about the note?!" Damian asked.

"Damian!" Sven barked.

"Look, if you two don't mind, I don't want to hear another word of her." Dash requested.

"How do you know it's a 'her'?" Damian asked, slightly dumbfounded.

"Damian, he knows..." Sven sighed.

"Yeah, it's not like it was obvious or anything," Dash said sarcastically.

"Just shut him up, will you?" Sven requested.

"No, I want to hear the guy talk. Why are you speaking so ill of your wife?" Damian asked.

"Get abandoned by the one person you trust the most; then I'll talk," Dash said.

"Why would she abandon you, though?" Damian asked.

"Maybe because she took the bait?" Sven perked up.

"Damnit, I knew it was bait. Why, Deme, why?!" Dash sighed.

"See, my partner; he spoils too much," Sven explained.

"No, he spoils too much." Damian retorted.

"Shut up, please! I had to deal with this stuff with Demetria not too long ago and it was hard enough." Dash barked.

"Oh, is this a form of torture for you?" Sven asked.

"... No..." Dash answered.

"I think we got a good way of making you talk, then," Damian smirked.

"Ugh." Dash scoffed.

"Excellent. So, we've assumed she's taken the bait. She should be within our grasp any day now." Sven exclaimed.

"I suppose so." Dash sighed.

"Anything else you know of, racer? Where her little friends are, perhaps?" Sven questioned.

"The only one I know of is sitting right in front of you." Dash gestured.

"What? Where?" Damian jumped around.

"He's talking about himself, idiot," Sven notified him.

"Hey! Don't call the guy an idiot," Dash exclaimed.

"Yeah, maybe you should treat me with a bit more respect." Damian agreed.

"Damian, it's another one of his mind games." Sven sighed, not amused.

"Oh, right. You ain't tricking me, racer!" Damian exclaimed.

"Ugh, like talking to two brick walls." Dash sighed under his exhaust.

"What did you say?" Sven snapped.

"I said; 'I'm surrounded by four brick walls here." Dash excused.

"Is he already going crazy?" Sven asked Damian.

"Yeah, I think you're right." Damian agreed.

"Sure, the captive one is going crazy! How surprising!" Dash exclaimed sarcastically.

"Alright, back to the main point; you can't be her only friend," Sven said.

"Well, aren't they staying in Radiator Springs?" Damian asked.

"What? No." Dash denied.

"Classic denial once again." Sven chuckled.

"Surely you'd know what's-his-name... racecar... Thunder McKing?" Damian said.

"Thunder McKing?" Dash asked, confused.

"Oh, surely you'd know! Thunder McKing is one of the best in the biz!" Damian laughed.

"He's the rally world champion!" Sven perked up.

"It's Lightning McQueen! Light-ning Mc-Queen!" Dash yelled.

"Ha! So you do know who he is?" Sven exclaimed.

"So? That doesn't mean I live in his hometown!" Dash excused.

"Bull-truck! He does know!" Sven exclaimed to Damian.

"Maybe he'd know the wrecking truck that lives there!" Damian said.

"Tow truck! He's a tow truck and his name's Mater!!" Dash yelled.

"He does know! Oh, this is getting easier and easier!" Damian laughed.

"Come on, then! We know you live there now!" Sven snapped, wearing an evil grin.

"I'm telling you, I don't!!" Dash exclaimed, rustling in his restrained.

"Don't make me get the jumper cables," Damian laughed.

"Please, do get the jumper cables!" Dash yelled sarcastically.

"He's asking for it! He's literally asking for it!" Damian exclaimed to Sven.

"NO! That's how the academy fell down! The damn racer managed to harness the electricity to short-circuit all the power, remember?" Sven advised.

"Oh, right." Damian sighed.

"Damnit!" Dash cursed.

"Don't worry, we have other ways of making you talk," Damian exclaimed.

"Like what, boredom? The slow spiral to insanity?" Dash exclaimed sarcastically.

"Don't keep saying that! We'll run out of ways to make him talk." Sven whispered to Damian.

"I heard that." Dash sighed blankly.

"Oh, quiet you!" Sven snapped.

"Damnit, Deme... where are you?" Dash sighed to himself.

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