The Story of Us (Fili/The Hob...

By Bilbos_Acorn

332K 9.4K 2.5K

Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning. More

1. The Wizard's Request
2. An Unexpected Party
3. Fili And Kili
4. The Quest Begins
5. Three Trolls
6. Holy Ground
7. Orcs and Wargs
8. Rivendell
9. A Thunder Battle and Goblins
10. Goblin Town
11. The Defiler
12. His Name is Beorn
13. Revelations
14. Mirkwood
15. Spiders and Elves
16. The ElvenKing
17. Bilbo's Plan
18. The Orcs and the Bowman
19. Lake Town
20. The Bowman's Home
21. The Master
22. Splitting Up
23. Healing Kili
24. The Orcs Are Back
25. The Dragon
26. Journey To The Mountain
27. Arkenstone
28. Greed
29. He Will Have War
30. Pretend It's Okay
31. Bad Blood
32. The Battle Begins
33. Ravenhill
34. Sweet Despair
35. One Last Time
36. The Final Showdown
38. Nightingale
39. Bilbo's Departure
40. Distant Relation
41. The Great Feast

37. If I Die Young

5.8K 162 44
By Bilbos_Acorn

*Fili's POV*

The cold air of Ravenhill was not a bother to me anymore, nor did I have a problem with it. I have grown used to it. As a matter of fact, I myself, am frozen. Frozen with a sense of devastation that I feel I would never be able to fully defrost from. Muted emotions are stirring in my heart and mind, and I know that when they surface, they will not be pleasant. A delicate flower, she was. A beautiful, kind-hearted rose to which was now covered in thorns. A summer flower that was left alone in winter. One that I failed to look after in danger and destruction, and caused her to slowly wither. We had won this accursed battle. However, I had lost. I had lost too much that nothing mattered anymore.

She laid completely still in my arms, her hair a messy wave that streamed down her shoulders. No sound. No movement. Nothing. Not even her heart was beating. She's not gone, I told myself. She can't be gone yet. I've witness too much today that I can't naturally react to anything anymore. The hole in my heart is already too deep for anything else. All I could do is cradle her fragile body in my arms. I mentally cursed myself for being so ignorant and stupid. How could I just let her go off like that? It's as if I was purposely letting her walk into her own death.

I heard the sound of footsteps solemnly walking towards my direction. I didn't bother to turn back, I wasn't in the mood for discussions.

"Is she...?" It was Bilbo. The concern the hobbit had for her lit a small spark of warmth in my heart.

I slowly nodded my head and kept my eyes downcast, looking at her peaceful features. It had blood, still fresh, smeared at the corner of her head. Her face had a light shade of dirt on it. Her hands had already grown cold.

I swore I saw Eleanor's body jerk slightly but I didn't give it much thought, possibly my mind playing tricks with me. But I was not mistaken.

She coughed harshly, sounding like it hurt her throat to do so. I froze on the spot.

She's alive.

I was utterly shocked. How could it be? Her heart was not beating? It's a miracle!

"She's...she's alive." Bilbo said, hearing a smile in his voice.

"Bilbo, call for Oin. Right now." I demanded.

I cradled her face in my hands, careful not to hurt her even more than she already was. A wave of relief washed over me, although she still hasn't opened her eyes. Eleanor was still awfully frail.

"Oh Eleanor, you're alive. You're alive." I whispered to her repeatedly. "But how? You're heart, it stopped!

"Don't worry, it's working now." She breathed, her voice sounding weak. I managed to let out a small chuckle. Even at the brink of death she can still put a smile on my face.
Just in time, Oin came and observed El's wounds. His face full of concentration as he inspected them. I began to feel a small sting of worry. He didn't look as joyful as I was.

"We must take her back to Erebor. She needs to be taken in the healing hall immediately." I did as he said. Carefully gathering her fragile body in my arms, I lifted her. She let out a small groan. I winced slightly, knowing I accidentally applied pressure to her shoulder wound. "Sorry." I whispered to her.


Finally we made it to the entrance of Erebor. The whole time I was painfully aware of Eleanor's seemingly lifeless body in my arms. Every so often I would tell her to not give up. To stay awake. I reminded myself various of times that she is back and she will be taken care of as soon as we enter those halls. The sun shone out of the clouds, brighter than ever. It gave me a sense of hope as I walked in the mountain, with the others quickly following behind.

Swiftly, I made it to the healing hall. Oin and Bofur were behind me as I entered. Looking at my surroundings, I noticed a few other Dwarf warriors who were in beds. They were also wounded badly. Oin laid some more blankets down on a spare bed far off to the corner. "Set her down on here, I'll be right back." He ordered as he left to get what he needed.

I did as he said and laid her gently on the bed. Oin then came back not long after, slightly pushing me out of the way. He pressed two large fingers against her neck and stayed silent for a moment.

"Is there something wrong?" I questioned, noticing Oin's eyebrows pulled together in a tight line.

"She has an extremely faint pulse."

"But she's going to make it, right? Please tell me she will." I pleaded. I know I sounded desperate at this point but I didn't care. The only source of light in my life is slowly fading right before my eyes. I almost lost her once, and I am not letting that happen again.

"That remains to be seen, laddie." He added solemnly. "Now we might lose her if we don't hurry." Oin then proceeded to tear off pieces of her shirt to get to the wounds. Bofur soaked a piece of cloth in warm water before handing it to Oin. He then began cleaning the surrounding areas of the wounds carefully. But then Oin's eyes widened upon realization of something I could not quite lay my finger on.
"The stab wound on her side here looks awfully deep. So does that gash on the side of her forehead. If that didn't kill her, then the poison might've done it already. Or she could've choked on her own blood. Did you see her coughing up blood?"

I nodded slowly.

"I don't understand how she is still alive. No one could have survived in such a deadly state." Oin added, still quite in shock.

I began to get angry. All of this chit-chat could've been time used for Eleanor's healing.
"Listen, do not question how she is still alive. She is, but barely. So I suggest you start saving her before she really is gone for good." I demanded, shooting him a serious look.

Oin nodded, he didn't need to be told twice as he began to cover her injuries with Kingsfoil. He did a bit more cleaning up with the piece of cloth before wrapping bandages around her. I knew he wasn't going to let another member of our company die. I wasn't going to allow that either. Why should she pay the ultimate price of her life, just because she was doing what was right? And this is also speaking for my brother and my uncle. They didn't deserve this. None of us did. Nonetheless, I have her now. And I am not leaving her side. No matter what comes in our way.


*Eleanor's POV*


That's all I heard around me. More like whispers or muffled sounds of people speaking. Quiet murmurs filled my ears, as I began questioning where I was and what had happened. They all sounded all too familiar but I could not decipher which voice belonged to who.


Bright, shining light.

That's what pulled me out of the darkness that I was in for so long. That same darkness that numbed my pain, grief, and gave me peace. I could have sworn I heard my mother's voice. I wasn't sure it was her, but the voice kept repeating itself in my head, it's not time yet.

The battle, however, I remembered it all. The images were so clear and vivid in my head. I remember how Fili was about to be killed right in front of my eyes. The desperation I felt, thinking the worst if I had never gotten to him in time. I remember the sight of Kili laying lifeless on the ground. The heart-wrenching sight of Fili weeping for his fallen brother. I also remember the painful memory of having to watch helplessly as Thorin was mortally wounded by the pale filth. I have not forgotten the ripping pain that shot through my body as the Orc attacked me with such force. These things I remember all too well, much to my dismay. I wouldn't want to remember a single thing about this battle. We won it, yes, but with the cost of others and their lives.

I remembered before I collapsed, I was thinking I would never see Fili or my friends ever again. I felt so weak, frail, and helpless. I felt I was wounded beyond hope. But now, the light was growing brighter and brighter by the second. I didn't want to open my eyes. For fear of the reality that was bound to haunt me for the rest of my days.

I couldn't help but finally opening my eyes, the light becoming too strong for me to even keep them closed. I groaned lowly as my eyes fluttered open.

There was another voice in the air, much louder and clearer this time. Opening my eyes a bit more, I blinked a couple more times, trying to focus my gaze on the person in front of me. Oin had a relieved, yet worried look etched on his face.

"Lass, can you hear me?" Oin asked. I tried to respond back, but my throat was unbearably dry, not allowing any sound to come out of it.

"Where..where am I?" I croaked, my eyes searching the place in confusion. Torches hung from every corner, illuminating the area. There were many other wounded Dwarves in here.

"You are in the healing hall. You've been here for three days since the battle." He replied. My fingers grasped onto the soft fabric of the blankets as I attempted to pull myself up. From the moment I sat up I knew it was a bad idea as searing pain coursed through my body. I winced as I let myself fall back into the bed, my head landing on the pillow.

"Try not to move so much, lass." Oin said as I huffed in slight annoyance.
I turned my head to the left. I noticed a wooden brown chair that was next to my bed. That must've been Fili, I thought to myself. That means I wasn't dreaming when I saw him at the time of the battle. He's alive.

"Where are the others? Where's-" I questioned but Oin shortly cut me off.

"I escorted them all outside of the hall. They were crowding around you too much. All of us had to practically drag Fili out because he refused to leave your side, even for a second. Would you like me to go fetch him?"

"Yes, please." I nodded to him as I sighed in relief.

I watched as Oin walked out the door. I slowly, again, pushed myself up into a sitting position without hurting myself this time.

"Eleanor," My eyes instantly darted towards the doors and I could not stop the relieved smile that spread across my lips as I saw Fili rushing into the room.

"Fili!" I croaked, still finding it hard to speak well.

I suddenly felt the warmth of his hand on my cheek as the other held my hand. He sat down on the chair next to my bed, not taking his eyes off me. I grasped onto his shirt, wanting to make sure this wasn't something I was imagining. I wanted to confirm he was indeed, right in front of me.

"I'm so glad you are well. So so extremely glad, my love." He mumbled, tears brimming at his eyes as he brought my hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss on it.

"Same with you. You're here. It's really you! I have to remind myself you are here and not just a figment of my imagination." The handsome Dwarf beside me grinned wider than ever. Throughout this whole time and what the battle took away from him, it warmed me that he could still manage a smile.

"I assure you I am here. And I won't ever leave your side again. Unless you ask me of it under reasonable circumstances." He chuckled.

"Agreed." I confirmed, pulling his face closer to mine and kissing him on his cheek.

"So I guess we don't get a hello then?"

My head turned to the direction I heard that familiar voice. It was Bilbo and the rest of the company. I couldn't help but let a smile tug on my lips. They all survived. They are all okay.

That familiar inexplicable grief began to hover on the edges of my mind once I realized who were missing amongst the group that stood in front of me. I looked up quickly, in attempt to relieve my eyes from the possible tears.

Kili and Thorin.


I know I haven't been thanking you guys ugh and I feel really bad but thank you guys SO MUCHHHH for 19k reads!!! Wow I never thought I'd get very far with this fanfic but thank you so much!☺️❤️

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