Air Book 2 of Superstar Super...

By bordercolliesrock

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Sequal to Water. Which will be up as soon as I finish editing it. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Part 1)
Chapter 16 (Part 2)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22 (Continuation)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 LAST CHAPTER!!!

Chapter 9

63 0 0
By bordercolliesrock

I love this chapter. I have something planned! I hope you enjoy!!!!! (Sorry I'm thinking like London on the suite life on deck. I just watched like a WHOLE season!) (Bailey is my FAVOURITE!!!)

Chapter 9

We flew over Anne's car and followed it to a large tall building. There was a helicopter on the roof out of which about 6 different guys got out. The helicopter left but before the guys went downstairs me and Azura made our entrance. She landed lightly on the roof. I kissed her nose lightly and turned to the men. "Hi! I'm Charlotte. I'm the alpha of the pack." I said holding out my hand. They were staring at me as though I were a rat that they had put in a maze. One stepped forward and shook my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet a beauty such as yourself." I heard Aiden walking up. "The pleasure is all mine." I said and he kissed my hand. Aiden growled and I turned smiling to him. "Aiden darling!" I decided to play the dumb girl part. I ran over and kissed both of his cheeks. His eyes started to turn golden. I started to back off. "I'll get rid of the girly me but change your eyes back before we do something we'll regret." He shook his head and his eyes changed back. "Don't do that again." "I don't intend to." I said and followed the guys in suits downstairs. We walked into a large room and I saw the rest of the pack along with the flock, and Anne. I walked over and Aiden followed me. We sat down and the people in suits played this video of the flock's life. I only saw one in it where me and Fang were yelling at each other over the whole alpha female thing. When it finished I was staring at their bald heads. "What has you so captivated?" A lady asked me. "The men's bald spots." She blushed but I kept a straight face. The men looked self consious. "Don't worry. It suits your personalities. Shiny." I said the last part in a high pitched sqealing voice. Aiden was trying not to laugh. "Don't worry honey, You can laugh all you want. Can we leave yet?" I asked turning to the guy at the head of a table. "Not yet. We need to decide what to do." He said. "Here's an idea. Let's all go jump off a cliff and see who survives." I said and he reddened even more. If thats possible. He looked angry. Looking at Aiden he asked. "Why is she the leader?" "That's ALPHA to you." I said with all my power. Everyone in the room bowed their heads and when he looked up at Aiden. Aiden made me proud. "Cause she's the boss." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Turning to the people. "Any other questions or can we go? I want to get going." "Where?" "Wherever I wanna go why?" "You can't live without a gaurdian." That was it. No more nice Charlotte. "Have you ever gone on a picnic with your parents and had them dragged off and murdered? Lived with your siblings and raised them alone? Killed someone? Been almost killed?" She looked ashamed and her coleagues are staring at her in anger. "None of you all are any better. Is there anything you can come up with?" "A home?" "I already have a family and have homes all over the world." "Uh..." He was at a loss of words. I smirked. "I thought not. I'm through with this." "You can't leave. Government won't allow it." "They can try and stop us. All of us would die for one another. Some more than others." I said looking pointedly at Aiden and Charlie. "You don't have enough experience to live on your own. You need gaurdians." "Experience? Did you not hear me earlier? My parents were murdered when I was 4. I can remember what their DEAD BODIES looked like! I can remember living in an orphanage where we were mistreated. I can remember everyday Fury would ask me where Mommy and Daddy were. Having to break a 2 year olds heart breaks mine! I had to raise my siblings!" I was yelling at them now. "I woke up one morning and Charlie wasn't home. I grabbed the twins and raced around the neibourhood thinking he was DEAD! I spent weeks living in a small town in the middle of nowhere as a bar waitress! Charlie had to work and the twins did too as soon as they were old enough! We lived in hiding for years! We spent months living in a cave on the mountain! I had to hunt if we wanted meat. Don't tell me I need experience. You don't have enough experience to fill a tea spoon!" They looked taken aback and I stood up. "We... Are leaving." I walked out and the pack followed me. The flock walked out a few moments later and Anne scuttled out a few minutes later. Me and Aiden went upstairs and hopped on Azura and Damien. I almost left to go ride the car. They had their necks intertwined and were staring in each other's eyes. I cleared my throat and chuckled at their expressions while they hurried to break apart. "It's ok. I know me and Aiden must do similar things ourselves." Azura blinked her thanks to me and I climbed on her back. She leaped off the side of the building and we went almost to the ground before Azura opened her wings and flew directly upwards.

Sorry to end it there but I have to go to bed. UGH! My parents went out all night for their anniversary. 15 YEARS!!!! And my sister is babysitting. She would literally sit on me and my brothers if momma and daddy would let her. Bye for now! Choa! Elaine

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