Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru...

By ScammerOne

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Inubozaki Shouichi was a boy without any memories of his past. He is now adopted at the inubozaki house and i... More

Noble Storm
Sword Maiden
Sword Maiden II
Shining Hearts
Shining Hearts II
Overcoming Adversity
Anticipation of Tomorrow
Anticipation of Tomorrow II
Anticipation of Tomorrow III
Idyllic Happiness
Idyllic Happiness II
Idyllic Happiness III
Idyllic Happiness IV
Blessing of the Gods
Blessing of the Gods II
Blessing of the Gods III
The Choice For A Change
The Choice For A Change II
The Choice for a change III
Those Who Know Grief
The Bonds of Love
The Darkness Of Despair
The Light Of Hope
Inubozaki Shouichi
A Brewing Storm
The Connected Past I
The Connected Past II
The Entrusted Future
The Entrusted Future II
Records Of the Agito - The Unknown Past
Records Of the Agito - The Lost World
Records Of the Agito - A New Beginning
Records Of the Agito - The Red-Eyed Devil
Records Of the Agito - What It Means To Protect
Records Of the Agito - Determination
Records Of the Agito - Determination II
Records Of the Agito - Transition
Records Of the Agito - The Two Girls
Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence
Records Of the Agito - Recovery
Records Of the Agito - Budding
Records Of the Agito - The Flowers Of War
Records Of the Agito - Exploration
Records Of the Agito - Exploration II
Records Of the Agito - Fleeting Days
Records Of the Agito - Sisters
Records Of the Agito - Loss
Records Of the Agito - Warped Minds
Records Of the Agito - Mad Thoughts
Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice
Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind
Records Of the Agito - Warriors Of Shikoku
Records Of the Agito - Warriors of Shikoku II
Records Of the Agito - Ashikawa Shouichi
Records Of the Agito - The Passed On Feelings
Spectacular Days
Joyous Youth
Precious Memories
Precious Memories II
My Heart Aches When I Think of You
Concealed Intentions
Pure Hearts
Shinning Evolution
I'm Happy For You Are With Me

Final Duty

153 12 4
By ScammerOne

(3rd POV)

(Hero Club Clubroom)

With Yuuna revealing the truth about her condition, it is obvious that nobody is going to agree with her and thus, resulting in the whole group getting into a debate with her. In order to stop her from going through with the Shinkon Ceremony.

Yuuna: I've...... decided it......

Fuu: There's obviously something wrong!!! What were you thinking taking that on????!!! (Fuu said in an angry tone)

Sonoko: Yuu-Yuu...... I don't think that's right......

Yuuna: Everyone......

Yuuna could obviously feel that the whole club is against it. 

Mimori: You can tell by our directions right? Yuuna-chan's decision is wrong! I'm sure, Shouichi-san would say the same thing......

Yuuna: Togo-san.......

Fuu: Damn those people from Taisha!!! Yuuna! We'll go with you!!! Let's go turn it down together!!! 

Itsuki: There's no need for you to go through with Shinkon!! 

Karin: Sonoko, can you contact Taisha right now? 

Sonoko: Yes! 

Yuuna: W-wait-!! 

Mimori: I've already had enough....... I can't take it much longer.....

Fuu: Let's go! It may be better for mankind if we take them down for good! 

Yuuna: Stop it! Everyone! I've...... already decided to take on the Shinkon....... Shouichi-san too...... That's also what he would've wanted!!! 

Fuu: There's no need for that!!! Screw that idiot!!! 

Karin: If you'd take that on...... then you would die right? 

Fuu: That makes no sense!!! It makes no sense!!! It's the same thing as sacrificing another fellow human!! 

Sonoko: Also, living alongside Shinjuu-sama....... What does that mean? 

Itsuki: Just thinking about it brings a shiver down my spine.......

Mimori: Anything it is, it couldn't be something good. 

Yuuna: But, if I don't do it then Shinjuu-sama will wither away and the world will come to an end!!! 

Fuu: I understand that Shinjuu's sama doesn't have long! But that doesn't mean we have to resort to his way!!! 

Yuuna held the curse on her chest then tried to convince Fuu into letting her do this. 

Yuuna: Fuu-senpai...... The hero club is..... a club that exists to help other people right?

Fuu: This is not the same thing, Yuuna. 

Yuuna: But! I think this is also part of the hero club! No one is at fault. It's just there are just no other choices. There's nothing to help it. In order to save the world, If this is the only way...... as a hero I have to.....

Fuu: Yuuna!!! Calm yourself down first! 

Sonoko: Yuu-Yuu..... Let's not see that as the only way....... Before Shinjuu-sama withers away, let's try and come up with something better. 

Karin: T-That's right!!! 

Yuuna: Even if we think together, I....... no longer have much longer time left...... And....... I already did a very horrible thing to Shouichi-san....... I can no longer come back...... (Yuuna said in a very regretful tone) *gasp*

As Yuuna more and more to talk, she could see the symbol curse being spread on to the rest of the members of the club. 

Fuu: Yuuna?

Mimori: Yuuna-chan, we already knew...... That your body is weak from the curse by the heavenly gods. 

Yuuna: Please! Don't talk about that already!!! I never told you anything!!!! (Yuuna said in a very sad and fearful tone of voice)

Mimori: Yuuna-chan....... everything is going to be fine...... 

Sonoko: Including all of that, we'll definitely find a way to solve this. 

Itsuki: It's not right in the first place!!! Why is this just happening to Yuuna-san!! 

Yuuna: B-but, Itsuki-chan....... I don't like that someone could get hurt or go through something painful just because of me...... So this time, the burden has to be mine!! And mine alone!! 

Mimori: No!!! If Yuuna-chan dies, then do you know how many people will be saddened by your loss!!!! I...... tried to imagine it........ and probably I'd stab myself in the neck and follow after you!!! 

Yuuna: B-but, even Togo-san went to the sea of flames in order to save everyone........ You also thought that you could sacrifice yourself to save the world, right???!!! 

Mimori: Yes, I did!! But it was my fault for breaking the wall in the first place!!!! You did nothing wrong!!! I'm against it!!! I'll stab myself to chase after you!!!! 

Yuuna: That's just...... no fair....... I'm in this place in the first place because I took your place....... (Yuuna said as a part of the truth leak out from her mouth)

Mimori: Took my place? What do you mean by that......, Yuuna-chan? 

Yuuna: .......

Itsuki: Y-Yuuna-san! If heroes are like what you say, then heroes need to work for others to ensure their happiness!! 

Yuuna: I know!! That's why I'm working so hard!!! 

Fuu: When we say everyone, we meant everyone. That also includes you, Yuuna! 

Yuuna: I-I'm already very happy....... If with my sacrifice everyone can be saved, 

Mimori: That's a lie!!!! 

Yuuna: Hero club five tenets!!! Try your best to not give up!!! I'm betting on the possibility that everyone can survive!!! 

Fuu: But you've given up on yourself!! Given up on living!!! 


Fuu: YUUNA! That's not what the five tenets are for!! 

Yuuna: Fuu-senpai...... I..... just want to do everything I want with the remaining time that I have........ Which is why I came here today!!! 

Sonoko: This is just an announcement, Yuu-yuu. We have to discuss it more. 


Karin: Yuuna...... U-Uhmm, anyway don't push yourself! 

Yuuna: I'M NOT!!! 

Karin: I-I'm sorry........

Yuuna: I'm just acting like myself!!! Just hero-like!!! Just like I always am!! 



As the debate continues with Yuuna and Fuu screaming at each other, the youngest member becomes more and more to be agitated by discords. Realizing her weakness of won't able to stop the fighting Itsuki began to cry. 

Itsuki: Please stop...... (Itsuki said as she began to cry) Why does it have to come to this........ Please don't fight.......

Yuuna: Itsuki-chan.......

Fuu: Itsuki........ (Fuu said as she patted Itsuki's back to calm her down)

Yuuna looked at the crying Itsuki and felt guilty for herself to the point that she wanted to share her pain with others but just the thought of wanting to back down, made the curse spread onto the rest of the members of the club. She couldn't bear it anymore, causing her to run out of the club room with everything she got while leaving the smartphone that allows her to transform into a hero in the room.

Mimori: Yuuna-chan!!! 

Sonoko: Yuu-Yuu!!! 

Mimori and Sonoko then went to chase after Yuuna while Fuu and Karin remained in the club room to calm Itsuki down. 

Itsuki: *cry* *cry* *cry*

Karin: Damn it!!! 

Looking at the confused Karin and Itsuki, Fuu was also at the loss of mind. Without anyone to depend on. 

Fuu: Just....... what should we do at a time like this...... I'm going crazy........

Inner Fuu: Shouichi...... That's it.......

Fuu: That's it........ We need him....... 


(A Few Hours Later)

(Inubouzaki Household)

Fuu, Itsuki, and Karin then head home in order to ask for help from Shouichi that they believe could solve all of this. 


Shouichi: ........

With Shouichi not willing to open the door and Fuu who is growing more and more frustrated, she resorted to much more drastic measures. She took a crowbar from the toolbox in the kitchen and used it to forcefully open the door. The three of them enter the room only to find Shouichi sitting curled up at the corner of the room. 

Shouichi: What do you want? 

Fuu: "What do you want"?! Are you serious right now?! Yuuna is about to be sacrificed and what about you???!!! You're sitting here pathetically????!!!! (Fuu said as she grabbed Shouichi by the collar)

Shouichi: Then, tell me......

Fuu: Eh?! 

Shouichi: TELL ME!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO????!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO TO SAVE YUUNA-CHAN!!!! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS EVERY TIME!!! Every time we got a problem that you dragged us into, I've gotta be the one to get us out of it!!! For only one time! Tell me!!! What should I do to save everyone????!! 

Fuu: I..... 

Shouichi: How???!!! Tell me!!! 

Fuu: I..... I don't know!!! Alright, I don't know!!!! But that doesn't mean we should give up! I don't know what is it but there should be another way to save everyone!! I'm willing to bet on the possibilities of it! 

Shouichi: Even if there's a 1% chance that everyone could be saved, would you take it???!! In the end, possibilities will only remain as it is, possibilities. Rather than taking something that can't be understood, We should make a choice that has a true chance of saving everyone!!! Even if that choice includes someone that is important to us.  

Fuu: You...... YOU IDIOT!!!! 

Fuu then was just about to slap Shouichi right in the face when suddenly, someone else's hand slapped him before Fuu's hand could connect to Shouichi. 

Karin: I can't believe I've ever fallen in love with you....... You're a coward. At the very least we're willing to fight and don't give up till the very end!!!! You're pathetic.

Shouichi: .......

Karin: Let's go, Fuu, Itsuki! Leave this coward to dwell on his failure. 

Fuu: .......

Itsuki: ....... 

With that, It's good to be said that Shouichi has just been abandoned by Karin, Fuu, and Itsuki. 


(Sonoko and Mimori's Location)

Sonoko: Did you find her, Wasshi?!

Mimori: No! She's nowhere to be found!

Sonoko: Just where she could be hiding.

While Sonoko was wondering where Yuuna could be, a call rang out from her phone. When she looked at it, that call came from Taisha itself. Summoning all of the remaining heroes at the monuments of the fallen legends. Mimori and Sonoko then called for Fuu, Itsuki, and Karin to also head there at the same time. 

(Monuments Of Fallen Legends)

When the five of them arrived there, they saw Aki, one of the top priests standing in the center of the monument. 

Aki: My highest respects to our heroes. (Aki said as she bowed down to Mimori and the rest of the group)

Mimori: Please stop that. 

Fuu: What..... is this place? 

Aki: This place is where all of the previous heroes and Miko lie. 

Karin: Don't tell me, Yuuna is already-!!!! 

Aki: Yuuna-sama is not here. I just thought that this place is a good place to talk. 

Fuu: Phew...... At least it's not too late. 

Mimori: We came here to see Yuuna-chan! Where is she?! 

Aki: Yuuna-sama is at the Taisha headquarters, preparing for the Shinkon. 

Fuu: Then, let's break in that place and save her! 

Aki: I see you've heard everything from Yuuna-sama. The only way to save the world is only to perform the Shinkon. Are you aware of the reason behind the hurry? Yuuna-sama only has a short time left to live. 

Itsuki: Is there really no way we can get rid of Yuuna-san's curse? 

Aki: We've also tried to find it, a way to save Yuuna-sama. But we couldn't find anything. As long as the burning world exists, Yuuna-sama will always be cursed. 

Karin: Then, is there at least something we can do about the flames outside?! 

Aki: The only plan is to buy time and allow Agito to continuously evolve until his strength is enough to defeat the heavenly gods. 

Karin: Then, can we do that!!! 

Aki: The only plan that we have to fight against the heavenly gods is using Kino Kaoru's plan to evolve Agito into its strongest form. But the current Agito is still not strong enough, even though the current Agito is has shown much more potential than the previous ones. 

Karin: How can you decide that on your own!!! 

Aki: There isn't much more time. Yuuna-sama will be doing the Shinkon ceremony shortly. 


Aki: Many of the previous heroes lost their lives fulfilling their duties. That also includes Minowa Gin who gave her life two years ago for mankind. Gin-sama had fought long and hard to fulfill her duty before finally becoming an eternal spirit. Yuuna-sama too, though with the different circumstances, she too will be sacrificing herself for the greater good. Understanding, that is what a hero must do. 

Fuu: The previous heroes and Miko....... So they were all the same age as us. So we've always survived by sacrificing the lives of children! How can you allow such a cruel world to exist???!!! 

Aki: If that is the only way, then we have no choice but to move forward in that path. Everything must be done in order to protect everyone's life. That is how the world existed. An iron-clad rule that can never be changed.

Sonoko: You hated green pepper right? (Sonoko said as she asked Aki a very unexpected question) You were someone who is really strict but I really liked the charming side that you sometimes showed to us. But now....... you're no longer the Aki-sensei that I knew. 

Mimori: You also mourned the death of Gin with us....... If you can understand that pain, then you shouldn't sacrifice any more people!!  

Aki: Your classmates, your friends, and their families are excitedly waiting for spring to come while eating a bowl of Udon, sleeping in their warm Futons, and leading another peaceful life. With such a small sacrifice, we've been able to help the majority of people live happy lives.  


Aki:  We would want to if that were possible. But Shinjuu-sama would not accept us. Maybe he only accepts you for the anger of sacrifices. 

Suddenly, the ground where they are standing began to shake heavily, and the alarm on their terminals began to ring. The alarm signals the beginning of the attack. 

Karin: W-wait, what's going on???!!!! 

Aki: It's your turn to fight. The heavenly gods were angered by how a human got close to their powers out of fear that one-day mankind will surprass the gods themselves. So it is said that he sent the judgment to us. A Shinkon would be out of the question. 

The skies then began to be covered in darkness and walls that had been surrounding Shikoku for the last 300 years began to burn.

Fuu: An enemy in the real world???!!! 

Itsuki: Is that...... even an enemy.......

Aki: Once Shinkon is completed and Yuuna-sama became the sacrifice for the people's wishes, humans will become the people of god. No longer being humans, we will no longer be attacked. This way, everyone will be able to live in peace with Shinjuu-sama. This is your last duty. Hold the enemy back until the Shinkon is completed. 

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and the synopsis of the story.

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