Wanna Play? (Fem!Chucky x Mal...

By Thebrony0921

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You receive a package and get a surprise... (This is my first story.... so... probably cringe ahead..) More

Playtime~ (Lemon)
Voodoo is Complicated
Death by Misadventure
Give Me Something Good to Eat
I Like to Be Hugged
Just Let Go
Cape Queer
Twice the Grieving, Double the Loss
An Affair to Dismember
Till the End

Little, Little Lies

2.2K 38 10
By Thebrony0921

Caroline's POV

I wake up in a hospital bed and daddy notices, calling my name and waking up to me before sitting.

Caroline: I like to be hugged.

I say, quoting Chucky's words. Daddy kisses my cheek and I look around for my friends.

Caroline: Where are Chucky and Y/N?

Daddy: Oh, sweetie, they've had a few boo-boos and to rest, now. Maybe you can see them in a little bit.

I get a little irritated by being kept away from them.

Caroline: I want Chucky and Y/N. I want Chucky and Y/N! I WANT CHUCKY AND Y/N!

Daddy: Okay, but, uh.. Chucky and Y/N look a little different now, honey.

He says as he gets up off the bed and walks to a closet pulling the two out then comes back to me and reveals them. I'm horrified by their looks and I scream loudly.

Y/N's POV 

After Caroline screamed in horror when she saw us, her dad went over to the nearest garage chute in the hospital, throwing me and Chucky in. We scream as we slide down into a pool of trash. I climbed out first and noticed some used needles in my arms and legs. I got nervous, not knowing what was in it as I helped Chucky out, seeing a few needles in her arms, head and chest as well and in a matter of three seconds I started seeing some weird stuff. We both laughed in unison, high out of our minds on whatever was in those syringes. Chucky speaks as she swims through the waste, kinda like Scrooge Mcduck but with drugs.

Chucky: WHAT A FUCKIN' RUSH!! That's some good shit! HAHAHAHA!!! 

Y/N: Oh shit! I'm tripping balls, man!! 

Chucky grabs me as we fall back into the trash, holding me close to her.

Chucky: God, I love hospitals!


Jake's POV

Last night, Devon, Lexy and I were at the hospital when we tried to make sure that the evil duo were dead, but they were already gone by the time we got there. Now, we're  in science class discussing what they could be doing right now, amongst ourselves.

Lexy: How do they move around so fast? They're freaking dolls.

Jake: Maybe they left Hackensack.

Devon: No, they're psychos, back in her hometown on a mission. They're not leaving.

I noticed Junior, looking at us in some type of way.

Jake: What do we do about Junior?

They turned around and noticed the same thing.

Devon: We should tell him.

Lexy: No. No, we can't bring him into this. He doesn't have the imagination.

We continue to talk about what their goal might be and where they're going or who they're going to kill. Then Junior comes over, interrupting our discussion.

Junior: What are you guys talking about?

Lexy: Nothing.

Junior tries to fit in the conversation, asking  if we've watched "Westworld" and starts talking about the robots. We tell him that we haven't and this entire moment becomes awkward, but then Miss Fairchild resumes class. 

//More Timeskips//

Lexy's POV

I walked around the half burnt house to where my dad and sister were, seeing Caroline with a big smile on her face and I noticed that dad had two dolls in his hands that looked exactly like the evil ones.

Lexy: Where did these come from?!

Good Girl Doll: Hi, I'm Tammy, wanna play?

I asked whom and where he got them from. He told me where, but he did know who sent them. Caroline hugs them tightly in her arms.

"Tammy": I like to be hugged.

Caroline: Tammy hugs too, just like Chucky!

I get close to Caroline and the two dolls, still believing them to be Chucky and Y/N. I then ask my sister if "Tammy" would give me a hug too. She hands me the doll and tightly hold it, bashing the good girl doll against the other one, hitting them both until I'm stopped by my parents. I take a picture of the dolls and send it to Jake and Devon.

Jake's POV

I'm at the dinner table with Junior, Bree and Logan, when I suddenly get a text message on my phone.

Bree: Jake, please. No phones at the dinner table.

I look at my phone anyway and Junior sees that it was Lexy texting me.

Junior:What's she doing texting you? She hasn't returned my text all day.

Bree: Okay, phone, now.

I couldn't give up my phone. The text could've been about Chucky and Y/N's whereabouts.

Jake: Sorry, I-I can't do that.

Bree: You can have it back after dinner.

Junior: Yeah, hand over the phone, Jake.

Jake: No.

Junior grabs my phone and I hold onto it tightly as we fight over it. The bickering stopped when Logan grabbed Junior, telling him to drop it, which he did. I grab my device and walk away from the table.

Y/N's POV 

It's now raining as Chucky and I are outside of Caroline's window, watching her play with our replacements.

Y/n: This scene looks pretty familiar… eh, probably seen something like this in a movie or something.

Chucky ignores me as kept watching with her hand on the glass.

No One's POV 

Nathan, Lexy's father walks up to Caroline's room, finding her asleep with her two dolls in bed and is about to leave until he also finds the other two burnt dolls laying on the floor. He picks them up with a confused look on his face, bringing them down stairs, nearing the door to the outside when Lexy walks in.

Lexy: What the hell?! Where did those come from? 

Lexy's mother, Michelle, gets frustrated with Lexy's "actions."

Michelle: Lexy, this isn't funny, hasn't your sister been through enough..?

Lexy: N-No, that's not fair, there's no way--!

Nathan: Michelle, it's not a big deal, I was just gonna throw them out.

Michelle: Please do. And Lexy, just-- just get out of my site. Go to your room.

Nathan: She doesn't have a room anymore, remember?

Michelle: And whose fault is that?

Lexy just walks off at this point.

Nathan: Jesus, Michelle, would you just give it a rest?!

Nathan: walks outside to the trash can, throwing the two dolls inside.

Later, Lexy is holding down the lid to the trash can as she feels something moving and trying to get out. Jake and Devon arrive. 

Lexy: Okay, okay. Get the sack.

Jake grabs the sack from behind her as Devon grabs his taser.

Lexy: Okay.. Are you sure this is going to work?

Jake: No.

Lexy and Devon stare at Jake.

Lexy: Are you serious right now? What do you mean, "no"?

Jake: It'll work, it has to.

Lexy counts down from three and lifts the lid, finding a skunk climbing out running away. They then use the sack, pushing the dolls in as Devon tasers them and the trio kick them around. When Jake lifts and empties the sack, the two dolls are completely destroyed and in bits and pieces on the ground. The group cheered, believing the two dolls were dead. They begin to move on with their lives, and Jake and Devon have their first kiss.



Human Y/N's POV 

I've been staying at the hotel with Tiffany and Chuck-Nica for a while now. When I came back after the day I had set Chucky and the doll version of me down at the yard sale, Chuck-Nica somehow convinced me into having a threesome with her and Tiffany. Tiff wasn't really fond of the idea either, since we had just met, didn't trust me much and wasn't feeling anything towards me. That quickly changed when a week passed by, I told her more about me and my interesting killing methods, and even "treating her better than Chucky," as she puts it. 

Once, Chuck-Nica instructed me to invite random women for sex, only to kill them, or get them killed once they stepped foot inside the room. Tiff and Chuck-Nica were just inviting random people for sex, and I was along for the ride. But as soon as people got to the hotel they were sometimes tied down and gagged as they watched the three of us screw around instead.

Now, there's a dead body in the kitchen and a guy who's still breathing, bound to a chair with tape covering his mouth. And I was watching Tiff and Chucky go at it.

Tiff: What's the matter, little fella? Are you not enjoying the show?

Y/N: I thought he would've been loving this. Hmph. Guess, I was wrong..

Chuck-Nica smirks and laughs at my statement. Tiffany walks over to the terrified man.

Tiff: What do you want, little fella,

She was speaking to him like he was a pet while giggling.

Tiff: I need a snack.

Chuck-Nica: Yeah, me too and he looks kinda yummy~

Of course, she was referring to me, making me blush a bit as she licked her lips.

Tiff: Well, I won't lie, he would make for a good treat, but I was talking about a real snack, like Swedish meatballs.

Chuck-Nica: What, you're hungry? Now?!

Tiff: Yeah, I'm hungry. I wanna eat something.

Chuck-Nica: Jesus Christ, you're always hungry!

Tiff: Yeah, I'm always hungry--!

Chuck-Nica: Y'know, I'd say you were turning into your mother, but that would be an improvement!

Y/N: Oh no…

They start getting into another heated argument. You know, this is like the seventh argument I've watched them get into. And you might be wondering, why I'm not stopping them. That's because the last three arguments I've tried to handle led to me almost getting stabbed and another almost had me get a plate thrown into my face. And each time, I get yelled at with, "STAY OUT OF THIS," by the both of them. But now, I'm not even going to bother, I leave the room and enter the kitchen area, put on a fresh clean shirt and sit in a chair in front of a small TV playing some video games to pass the time. 

I finally hear the arguing start to die down a bit and Tiffany walks into the kitchen and the last thing I hear from Chuck-Nica is go get fat, then Tiffany shouted that she will. She tears up a little as she starts searching for food. I decide to try and cheer her up.

Y/N: You're not fat Tiff, and you'll never be fat. I'm sure she doesn't mean any of it.

I wasn't really expecting a response from her, but to my surprise, she kissed my cheek.

Tiff: Thanks, Dolly~

I continue playing my game, which was Fortnite as I hear a *thump*, but think nothing of it. It was Chuck-Nica doing something to the poor bastard in the chair. Tiff was through the cabinets finding nothing but plates and bowls. My stomach growls loudly, begging for food. I guess I'm pretty hungry too.

Tiff: You hungry too, hun? Want something to eat?

Y/N: U-Uh, yeah. Do we have anything edible?

Tiff: Um.. still checking.

Once I get eliminated from the game, I get up helping her search for any sign of food, checking all the cabinets and the fridge, finding nothing..

Y/N: Shit… guess we gotta tell Chucky.

Tiff: CHUCKY! Our stomachs are growling like lions and these lions need to eat. And if you ever compare me to my mother again, I will cut your heart out and feed it to a stranger.

Tiff says as we both enter the next room seeing Chuck-Nica on the floor, panting heavily.

Tiff: What are you doing on the floor?

Chuck-Nica: That was weird..

Tiff: What's going on?

Chuck-Nica gets back up on her feet.

Chuck-Nica: I dropped my knife.

Tiff: Well, don't do it again.

Chuck-Nica looks at me, walking up and kisses me, then looks at Tiff. You two wanna eat? Let's eat. Wet work for dessert.

Tiff: My favorite~

Tiffany walks into the kitchen as I stay Chuck-Nica for a bit longer, still not convinced that everything's fine.

Y/N: You alright?

Chuck-Nica: Yeah, babe. I'm fine. Now, c'mon. 

She softly pushes me in the kitchen as well.

Chuck-Nica's POV

I gently pushed Y/N to the other room and almost forgot about the guy that was still tied up.

Chuck-Nica: Hang on a second, doll, I almost forgot something.

I rear my head around the corner to the guy who's trying to free himself with his untied hand because of Nica. 

Chuck-Nica: Hey. 

The man stopped what he was doing, getting extremely nervous as I went up to him.

Chuck-Nica: Best if we keep this Nica bullshit between us, huh?

I then slit his throat, letting blood spray everywhere as I laughed.

Chuck-Nica: It'll be our little secret.

//Back with the trio in the school auditorium//

No One's POV 

The auditorium is filled with most of Hackensack's citizens awaiting for the town meeting to start. Jake, Devon and Lexy are talking about telling people what really happened.

Jake: What if we tell them about Chucky and Y/N? Tell them that they're dead.

Devon: My Mom's not gonna believe that.

Lexy: Nobody will believe us.

Jake: But what if they do..? 

Junior shows up, not even seconds later next to Lexy.

Junior: Move.

No one moves, and Jake and Devon hold each other's hands.

Junior: Lexy, what the hell?

Lexy: Jake's dolls, Chucky and Y/N were alive and they killed his dad and they killed Oliver and the cop at the hospital.. and your housekeeper too, and they wouldn't stop killing so we broke them into pieces and now they're dead so everyone can stop worrying about it. And you can stop worrying too.

Junior just rolls his eyes and scoffs, not buying her story.

Junior: If you don't want to tell me what's going on, fine, but… making up stupid shit like that is just embarrassing. Grow up, Lexy. Asshole..

Junior storms off to where his parents were sitting.

Lexy: Told you.

Mayor Cross then gets on the stage, telling the crowd about how Hackensack is safe and is still the best city in America, regardless of the murders and stating that she's doing everything possible to keep everyone safe. Nearly everyone in the auditorium was calling her an idiot and a murderer and even some were booing her until she gives the mic to Detective Evans.

She explains that it's important that they get to the bottom of the situation, catching the killer so everyone can live their lives and show remorse for the events that had transpired and announce the new rules for the city. But when Kim calls out the principal of the school, she doesn't show up and music is heard.

Kim: Miss Mcvey?

Suddenly, the principal's decapitated head rolls from under the curtains, with her eyes still blinking. 

Off with your head

Everyone in the crowd screams in fear and start panicking as the trio look terrified and confused.

Dance till you're dead

Heads will roll
Heads will roll
Heads will roll
On the floor

Y/N and Chucky were behind the curtains. Chucky was pulling the ropes, opening them as Y/N was on a phone, playing "Heads Will Roll" as they chuckle.

Glitter on the wet streets
Silver over everything

While Detective Evans is aiming her gun, the curtains open, revealing the body of Principal Mcvey, sitting in a chair with both of her thumbs up.

The river's all wet
You're all chrome

Lexy: But we killed them.. w-we killed them..

They start thinking of a possible explanation of how the dolls could still be alive.

//Rewind: Last Night//

Dripping with alchemy
Shiver stop shivering
The glitter's all wet
You're all chrome

The door to Caroline's room opens with burnt Chucky and Y/N at the door frame.

The men cry out the girls cry out
The men cry out the girls cry out
The men cry out, oh no
Oh oh! Oh!
Oh oh! Oh!

They walk up to the middle of the room and Chucky looks at herself in the mirror, talking to herself.

Chucky: You look like a tuna melt. No one's gonna love you looking like this…

Y/N: Eh.. I still love ya.

Chucky giggles after hearing him say that. Regardless they continue walking towards Caroline's bed, stopping in front of it as they hold hands.

Chucky: Ready?

Y/N nods while smiling as Chucky raises her hand over them and begins whispering the familiar chant.

Chucky: Ade due Damballa. Give me the power I beg of you!

Lightning strikes and the two burnt dolls fall over, lifeless.


Hi, I'm Tammy, wanna play?

(To Be Continued...)

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