Innocence of the Shadow(A D-G...

By AlwaysAnonymousSoul

33.1K 1.1K 112

Mimiteh has been trying to survive when the Akuma and the Exorcists were after her. As a child she was very c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Authors note

Chapter 3

1.8K 65 4
By AlwaysAnonymousSoul

At one stop Cross stood up and pulled me up with him. I got off the train and felt the sudden urge to run. Why did I decide to follow him again?

“I want to run free.” Ko’lae complained. I looked at Cross then at the path.

“He’s not paying attention, but he will find us again if we run.” I sighed, not liking it at all. I saw two other people walking in our direction. They were both wearing exorcist coats, one was a boy and the other was girl. The boy had a green headband, an eye patch, an orange scarf, his hair was red and his eyes were green. The girl was wearing knee high boots and a skirt that went to her thighs, her hair was long and black, and her eyes were dark blue.

I tensed and heard Ko’lae growl lowly. I stroked her head and ducked my head, not wanting to be noticed.

“Ko’lae blend into my vest. Your fur is the same color as it.” I told her. She quickly shifted into my vest and rested on my shoulders. I looked at her and could only find her because I knew she was there.

“Will they see me?” Ko’lae asked. I looked up and dipped my head down again.

“Only if they look for you.” I replied. Wind blew my hair back and blew my bangs out of their hold behind my ear. I replaced the hair behind my ear and made sure that it stayed there.

“Mimiteh.” Cross said. I looked at him and crossed my arms over my chest. We waved his hand, beckoning me over. I walked over and stood a foot away from him. I didn’t like being near the three exorcists, I felt out of place. I rested my gaze on each of the exorcists, studying them.

“I’m Lavi.” The boy with red hair and the scarf said. I nodded to him and looked at the girl.

“I’m Lenalee Lee.” The girl said. I nodded to her and looked in the direction of the wind. I longed to be free, I felt so strange being captive like I was. I didn’t understand why the exorcists were no longer trying to kill Ko’lae and myself. They were acting like i was one of them.

“The name is Mimiteh.” I stated. They looked at me with smiles and began walking in the way they came. I stayed where I was and looked back that the train. If I was going to run, my only chance was to get on that train.

“What are you planning?” Ko’lae asked. I sighed and shook my head.

“I was going to get back on the train, but then where would we go, the exorcists could just track us down again.” I replied.

She chuckled and I smiled, she understood why I felt the way I do, and I understood her as well. We were two halves of the same soul. We belonged together like the cold and the dark. I stood where I was until I felt a hand on my arm.

“Let’s go.” Cross ordered, his hand tightly held to my arm. I fought to free my arm and stared Cross down. After a few seconds I got my arm free and stepped on his toes as I walked past him. He walked behind me and didn’t enjoy being the center of attention.

“So, where are you from?” Lavi asked me. I didn’t answer, I didn’t even react to the question. I slowed down my stride and looked at a person that was eyeing me. Cross ran into me and grumbled something. I ignored him and walked away again, keeping my gaze on the feet of the exorcists in front of me and my head low. The wind began blowing again and I pulled my hair over my right shoulder.

“How long have you been training?” Lenalee asked. I didn’t respond and quickened my stride to place one or two feet between me and Cross.

“It feels like we are prisoners.” Ko’lae stated, her tone plain. I nodded and sighed.

“It doesn’t help that Cross is treating us like prisoners.” I replied.

“What do you think will happen to us?” Ko’lae wondered. I yawned and clasped my hands behind my back.

“I don’t know, but I hope it causes no harm.” I replied.

“Can we trust these exorcists?” Ko’lae asked, her voice testing.

“I don’t know.” I replied, shaking my head. Ko’lae’s tail flicked and I noticed the large doors of a building. The doors opened and a tall man, dressed in white, had dark hair and eyes, and a white hat placed on his head ran out and wrapped his arms around Lenalee.

“Oh, my sweet Lenalee. Why did you leave without telling me?!” He cried. Lenalee stood there an embarrassed, annoyed look on her face.

“Hello, Komui.” Lenalee said. The man, Komui let her go and looked at her with pleading eyes.

“Brother, i’m fine. I just went to the station to help bring a new exorcist to the order.” Lenalee sighed. She motioned to me and I barely looked up.

“Oh a new apprentice?” Komui smiled. Cross put his hand on my shoulder, barely missing Ko’lea’s head.

“This is Mimiteh.” Cross said. I shook his hand from my shoulder and moved over by Lavi. Lavi might have eyed me but he was better than Cross. I knew it would happen, just I didn’t think it would happen this soon; Cross was finally beyond annoying.

“Come on then, it’s cold out and we should get inside.” Komui laughed. He waved his hands and walked through the doors. I expected it to be dark and uncomfortable on the inside, just like it was on the outside, but I was shocked to find that it was bright and homelike on the inside. Something caught my eye to my left and I looked over to see a little golden figure.

“Timcampy, what is it?” A vaguely familiar voice said. The boy Allen came into the room and the golden figure, Timcampy landed on Cross’ hand. Allen stopped and looked at Cross.

“Master.” Allen said with a small bow.

“I don’t understand the reason behind the traditions of this place.” Ko’lae sighed. I knew just how she felt. This master and apprentice thing was ridiculous. Out of all the ways there are, they chose to give people the authority over another being just to teach them how to be an exorcist. In all honesty I didn’t want to call anyone master, it made me feel like a slave or a prisoner for some reason, I guess that’s what happens when you spend your entire life being free and having no one telling you what to do.

“Where’s your cat?” Cross demanded. I ignored him, as predicted he grabbed my arm and asked me again.

“You may be a general, but i’m no pet.” I hissed and ripped my arm away from his grasp. I looked at Allen and remembered the first time we met. I walked over to him and reached my hand out.

“The last time we met I was quite rude. My name is Mimiteh, nice to meet you.” I said, a fake smile on my face. He took my hand and shook it. As we shook hands I started to squeeze my hand tighter on his. When I let go, he was trying to hide the pain and I was smiling.

“Don’t think he was expecting that.” Ko’lae laughed. I smiled and snickered.

“Yes, he might not have.” I replied with the same tone.

“What’s so funny?” Lavi asked. I looked at him and smiled.

“Oh just a thought.” I replied.

“They still don’t see me?” Ko’lae asked.

“I don’t think so, but they will soon enough.” I replied, my smile getting bigger. Ko’lae flicked her tail and Lavi looked at me closely. He must be trying to figure out if there is something more to me than he thought.

“You might just like it here.” Komui stated, nodding his head.

“I just might.” I said flatly, still trying to decide. I was going to half to see more of this place before I made a choice.

“It’s about time that you met Hevlaska.” Komui replied.

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