🌼Dandelion🌼 (Zenitsu x Nezu...

By OceanEmbers

283K 6.5K 8.5K

Completed!! This is just a story about the ship Zenitsu x Nezuko in their high school AU. This does not conta... More

The Beginning
First Impressions
Cherry Blossom
Tanjirou's Invitation
The Butterfly Estate
Truth or Dare
Scared Together
A Scary Tanjirou
Midnight Kiss
Save Me
A Flustered Dandelion
Falling for You
I Trust You
The Party Starts
Dancing in the Dark
A Dream Come True
Making Memories
Cookies & Cupcakes
Fun in the Snow
Mistletoe Accident
Embrace Me
Gift Exchange
Birthday Preparations
The Perfect Present
My Decision
Tips and Tricks
Valentine's Day
I'm Yours
Info II
First Date
Game Night
Love Sick
Summer Shenanigans
Rainy Days
Laundry Day
Noisy Dandelion
Perfect Love
Water Park Special
Firework Festival
Pinky Promises
Sneak-Peek: A Growing Crush
Just Us Two
Overprotective Onii-chan
Word Vomit
Operation: K-I-S-S
Jealous Boi
The Sleepwalker Incident
Secret Admirer
Lover's Rings
Anniversary Fiasco
Crazed Trespasser
Lost and Found
The Thunder Brothers
Home Sweet Home
Attention Hog
Tokyo Night Terror
Medicine Mishap
Kamado's Abode
Crimson Crankiness
LDR Heartache
Lovely Catastrophe
Sakelicious Lovebirds

Itty-Bitty Infant Time

2.5K 39 143
By OceanEmbers

Hey! It's the start of winter break for me, what perfect timing~ I've got a cute chapter for you guys, along with some art of course! Stick around to see a 'comic' I made at the end (it's my fav so far).

Request: "Could you make a chapter where Zenitsu and Nezuko babysit a child from someone?" ~mabuchiswife

Anddd I took another mini request from Crystalz_Fnf about Zenitsu accidentally tripping and kissing Nezuko. Along with that there was a another one way back talking about some Obamitsu, sadly I couldn't find who sent it

Quick sidenote about the Obamitsu, I don't know their dynamic as well as Zennezu (that's why I kinda avoided it until now) so just a heads up if it isn't as canon as you think it should be lol

Anyways~ Thanks for waiting so long! <3

Nezuko's POV:

As the snow gracefully floated down from the cotton-candy clouds, I sat curled up in a blanket-- the fireplace was glowing, the orange-y red flickers flying up into the air, the sparks crackling as they fizzled out. My comforting cup of hot chocolate warmed my hands and heart as I took a sip, letting the flavors harmonize in my mouth.

Aah....What a lovely start to Winter Break.....

"Aaaaghh!!" But the peace was interrupted by an anguish-filled cry from a familiar whiney voice.

Confused, I arched an eyebrow, taking another drink of cocoa sugary goodness while I listened to the incoming footsteps.

"What am I gonna do?? What can I do?? I'm SO gonna fail this assignment!!" Zenitsu-kun sluggishly dragged his feet into the living room, hanging his head with shame.

I squinted, worried. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, Nezuko-chaann!" Zenitsu-kun finally noticed I was there and all his attention was now on me. He swiftly came over to me and plopped onto the couch, even squirming into my blanket to huddle against my body in a toasty embrace. He complained. "I'm totally loosst! I have a health assignment, and the unit is about reproduction. I need to create or do something educational involving the things we learned as a project."

Zenitsu-kun cried out again in frustration, hiding his face in my arms. "How am I supposed to do that??! How in the world am I supposed to 'showcase my understanding?!'" He mocked the specific wording on the instructions bitterly, "children hate and make fun of me! I don't have any little siblings I can make a project on, and there aren't any daycares around here that I know of! Just give me an F, at this rate I'll never get this done by the end of the break, the best I can do is take care of an egg in our fridge and hopefully not break it..."

"....Pfftt-" I tried desperately not to giggle, but thanks to Zenitsu-kun's keen sense of hearing it was useless.

Shocked at my laughter, my boyfriend lifted his head to look into my eyes, frowning. "See?? You're agreeing with me! I'm just a lousy, good-for-nothing failure when it comes to kids!"

I shook my head, my stifled giggles still audible. "No, no! I was laughing at how dramatic you always are! Don't say all that, silly, it's not true!"

"Oh, yeah?" He cocked his head, "I'll just have to prove it to you then!"

"Really~? Well, I have the perfect opportunity for this!"

"Yeah! Great! I'll show you- wait.... Huh..?" Zenitsu-kun paused for a moment, seemingly scared as well as interested. "What do you mean 'opportunity...?'"

Winter Break had just hit. During the weeks leading up to it we skipped out on quite a lot of school because of the many snow-days we had where we stayed home due to the weather, which of course was nice but because of it we had to make up what we missed in some way. Therefore the whole school gave out a little project to complete-- a small assignment, nothing that would take up a huge amount of time. We all had to do some sort of hands-on thing involving children, whether that be taking care of a little sibling and documenting it, volunteering at a daycare for an hour, giving toys to children for the holidays, making a poster about the growth of an infant/how they are made, or.....

"Did you forget, dandelion?" I smiled, "we all got the same assignment. I can help you out, let's just say we did a group project, okay? Wanna know what I have in store? That is.... if you're up to the task."

Zenitsu-kun griped, he could tell what I was gonna suggest. "Oh no....please don't tell me-"

"Yup! That's right! Babysitting!!"

Zenitsu's POV:

My own expression slowly turned into terrified distaste, a small scowl could be seen on my mouth as I stared at her. "No, absolutely not. Nezuko-chan, you know it's gonna turn into a disaster if I come.... Plus babies scare me, they seem to know just how to push my buttons and make me feel awful. I'll only make things worse for you!" I pulled Nezuko-chan's blanket over my head, hiding away like I was a mole burrowing into the dirt.

"Hey," she began consoling me, "when it comes to babies, it's trial and error. They aren't demons that cry and scream for no reason, you know."

Meanwhile I grumbled, my voice low and quiet. "Yeah? Well they are when they're within a two mile radius of me, I'm an infant repellent to them."

"Ahh...." Using her hands, Nezuko-chan placed her cup of cocoa down on the coffee table, then pulled the blanket away, revealing my choppy blond hair and a pair eyes that gazed into hers with sour worry. She tapped me on the nose with a grin. "C'mon~ it won't be so horrible! If you come it'll just be me, you, and a itty-bitty little baby to coo over and rock to sleep~"

I couldn't resist her smile. I was on the fence earlier, but now I'm leaning to one side. Any opportunity where I can be alone with Nezuko-chan is something I can't just pass up. Along with that she seemed really eager to teach me how to care for an infant, that too is something I cannot ignore. Even though she's young, Nezuko-chan's the type of lady who loves the idea of children, she's already basically a master at babysitting because of her siblings. So if that's something she wants and it makes her happy, I must fulfill that goal of becoming a master as well! If it's for Nezuko-chan I'll do anything.

It's not like I don't like kids either, they're cute and lovable. The issue is that they don't like me.

Well, I guess this is the time to figure out how to fix that.

I thought for a moment, fidgeting with my hands and words until I gave in. Seeing that I was now in agreement, Nezuko-chan's face lit up like a set of bright Christmas lights. She leaned over and gave me a tiny kiss on the cheek as if she was thanking me, the soft feeling made the tingly fuzziness inside me rise all the way up to my face, painting my cheeks with a cherry rose.

Blushing, I grazed my fingers against my skin where her luscious lips were. "Uh, w-where and who are we babysitting for, anyway? The youngest person I know is Senjuro, and he's not even a toddler."

"Oh, about that," Nezuko-chan was about to burst from pure giddiness-- fangirling over the news she was about to tell me. "Obanai-san and Mitsuri-san are married, right? Well, recently they had their first born!! It's so amazing!! And they asked me to babysit for them since Mitsuri-san really trusts me, we're very close. I was actually going to go over their house later today so this is perfect timing!!!"

I was shocked, my jaw was basically on the ground. "They had a child together?!?! Since when??? Dang, I always knew they had something going on...."

Speaking of which, I'm not really on good terms with that snake dude on account of that one time he caught me talking about how pretty Mitsuri-san is.

Can you blame me though?? Everyone thinks she's pretty, even Nezuko-chan does! So why am I always the target?

Well that doesn't matter, I have my own girl who's even prettier, hmph!!

"Anyways, we'll be heading over there in...." Nezuko-chan's gentle voice made its way into my ears, I paused my train of thought to listen. I watched as she checked the clock in the living room, only to see the color in her face drain with unease. ".....30 minutes!? We better hurry up! I guess I lost track of time enjoying this cup of cocoa, and, you know, talking to you~"

That last part made the heat return to my skin like I was a living fireplace. Why does she always have to sneak something mushy and flirty into what she says just to see me blush like a doofus?

Nezuko-chan stood up, giving me a little head pat as she did. With a yawn and a quick stretch she began running around preparing to leave, I did the same. In a few minutes, we were all set to go! Warm, puffy clothing, gloves, winter accessories, and even a little care/congradulations bag Nezuko-chan had put together for the new parents in town.

The cold air whipped and bit at us as we exited the coziness of the Butterfly Estate, though I had brought my trusty yellow and pink scarf with me to battle through the nip. I had originally gotten the scarf from Gramps --back when it was only yellow-- but unfortunately one rough fight last winter with Kaigaku caused it to get torn. Gramps couldn't exactly fix it, but Nezuko-chan could! She sewed the rest back on, but made the ends fade into pink, that way it'd match us. She was even able to replicate the white triangle pattern on the original.

My scarf was long enough so that it could wrap around both of our necks, keeping us nice and snug from that and because we had to stay near each other for it to work. We held hands, locked in a firm grasp as we strolled. With every breath the frigid breeze swirled around in our lungs, the frost melting to pleasant bliss once inside.

"Mhpf!" As the winter snowflakes landed on our noses, Nezuko-chan looked up to me, offering me a warm homemade baguette she snagged from the kitchen before leaving. She already was biting on one of her own-- hence the adorable muffled noises of communication. I gladly took the wonderful, savory treat from her hands munching on it too while we continued our journey.

By the time we finished our little bread travel snack we had reached our destination. Of course, just like Shinobu-san's place, Obanai and Mitsuri-san's house was huge. It seems like all the teachers at Kimetsu High are rich famous people, huh?

The two of us walked up to the pathway leading up to the front door, giggling and chatting.

"Okay, we don't know if the baby's sleeping." Nezuko-chan whispered to me, smiling eye to eye, trying to contain her excitement. She reached her hand out to knock on the door. "So let's enter quietly- Waguaahh!!" Although before she could even touch the entrance, she suddenly slipped on a patch of ice we didn't notice was below us.

"Nezuko-chan!" I panicked, without thinking I basically leapt forward and attempted to catch her or brace her fall, but instead tragically slipped as well. Before we fell we did that weird dance, the one where you hopelessly try to keep your balance-- sliding, gliding, twisting, and turning around until you inevitably collapse on the hard, cold ground.


Somehow after all that in-place ice skating we ended up landing on top of each other, me on top, Nezuko-chan below. I had hit my head, my eyes were closed as I inhaled sharply through my teeth in pain. When I opened my eyes I was immediately shocked at how close we were, her nose was pressed against mine, I could feel her breathing on me!

"Uh-" I froze, awkward like always. Looking at her, I felt my heart pump attraction through my veins. Gazing into her big Sakura colored eyes that glimmered in the daylight, her delicate pale-ish face, rosy red cheeks and nose from the cold, the way her dark hair was sprawled majestically all across the ground, flowing like a river with tiny white snowflakes that rested in her locks, some even on her long eyelashes.

I know now's not the time, but holy shit she's stunning.

Then out of nowhere, I felt her lips brush up on mine, my stomach exploded with butterflies. Nezuko-chan must have been trying to get up, but didn't get the cue that I had forgotten how to function correctly, which resulted in a sudden kiss since I didn't move back to give her space. Her lips were slightly cold like my own, but then the iciness slowly transformed into ginger warmth-- thawing just like a piece of snow on your tongue. She was so sweet it made me zone out and not realize what we were supposed to be doing, that is....until the door swung open.

"Vile teenagers...." Obanai-san looked down at us in disgust, grimacing. He must have heard all the commotion and knew we had arrived. "Can't keep your hands off each other, eh? Gross."

"Mmh!" The two of us glowed bright, as crimson as a Christmas tree ornament. Not to mention our lips were kinda stuck together for a split second-- a faint, invisible passion glue being peeled away once we finally parted, able to utter an explanation. "I-It's not what it looks like! We-!"

"Oh my gosshh~! Is she here? Iguro, is she here??"

In the middle of Nezuko-chan and I standing up and brushing ourselves off, we heard a chipper, high-pitched girly voice echo through the house, followed by what I perceived as the sound of skipping happily. Nezuko-chan quickly picked up the care gift bag she had brought with her, ready to present it upon her 'second mother'. From what I know, Mitsuri-san sees her as a little sister, like most people do since she's so welcoming.

"Hiii~~!!" Mitsuri-san nearly flew out the front door, she was so elated. She had a big smile, and was giggling an immense amount, even bouncing up and down like a hyper puppy dog. But then after greeting Nezuko-chan with a squeeze, she noticed I was there too. She gasped, covering her mouth. "Ah! Agatsuma-kun's here as well? You brought your lover? You didn't tell me that~!" She then reached out to me, I was taken aback, completely suffocated in a powerful embrace.

"Yeah. You didn't tell us that." Obanai-san glared at me and growled. Still engulfed in his wife's hug, I gave him a weary smile and tense wave.

Jeez, he really doesn't like me.....

"Oh, sorry!" Nezuko-chan apologized frantically, sensing the disappointment. "I suggested he come along at a late notice, I didn't have time to tell you guys. I'm truly sorry!"

"No, no~ It's totally fine sweetie! Don't mind Iguro, he's just being grouchy!" Mitsuri-san patted her on the shoulder kindly. "I get it, girl! You brought him along because you love him soooo much and always want to be with him, right? Awweee~ so cuteee~! You're madly in love with him~!! Alrighty then, Agatsuma-chan~" The little wink and smirk Mitsuri-san had painted on her face made Nezuko-chan and I blow up like a volcano, filled to the brim with embarrassment.

"No-! I didn't- We- D-D-Don't call me that, Mitsuri-san...!" Nezuko-chan mumbled, intensely flustered. Seems like she was up in the clouds again getting lost in the idea about our marriage, everytime she thinks about it she turns so red.

Mitsuri-san only laughed, finally letting us inside their home. Upon walking in, the scent of sweet pancakes entered my entire body. The whole house had such a soft aura just like the aroma. A few baby toys were on the ground, we could hear a faint sound of a child snickering as well. It immediately filled my heart with joy, as well as a smidge of anxiousness.

"Oh, if you guys are hungry I made you a tiny snack, right over there in the kitchen~" Mitsuri-san pointed at a ginormous stack of fluffy gold-brown pancakes.

So I guess that's where the smell came from....But something tells me their house always smells like this anyway.

Also, a "tiny" snack? That's big enough to feed us for a week!

"Oh, you didn't have to do all that! Thank you so much!" Nezuko-chan gushed, her gratitude cued me in to express my gratefulness as well.

"U-Uh, yeah!" I spoke up awkwardly. I felt a little weird and out of place, so I haven't been talking as much. "We'll definitely be sure to eat it!"

"Great! Well, we're gonna head out now! We're going on a double date with Shinobu and Giyuu!" Mitsuri-san beamed, "if you need anything, don't be afraid to call, my darlings!"


Right before they turned around and left, Obanai-san menacingly glanced towards me. "Just so we're clear, I didn't agree to you babysitting our child. So don't touch her, don't even look at her, or I'll-"

"Ahaha~ Iguro, stop it!" Thankfully, his lovely wife grabbed him by the hand, reassuring him as she pulled Obanai-san away and out the door. "She'll be fine, Agatsuma-kun and Agatsuma-chan will do great, hon. Don't be rude, for me, okay~?"

You could clearly see the bright blush gleaming through Obanai-san's white medical mask that covered his face. He shyly nodded, grasping her hand back. "Of course, anything for you, love. I'll allow it if you're happy."

I sighed when they closed the door, breaking me free from that man's harassment. "My gosh....I thought he was gonna kill me, I wanna cry.. What did I even do??"

Nezuko-chan shook her head, patting me on the back as she spoke. "Nevermind that, dandelion. Obanai-san sure can be a little quirky when it comes to other guys, but let's push that aside and go check on the baby!"

The frown on my face immediately warped into a gigantic smile and my energy shot through the roof. The two of us tip-toed quickly over to where we heard the cute sounds of a child and the faint jiggle of a rattle, and when we turned the corner into the living room there was indeed a chubby infant sitting on the floor.

"Uuh..?" The little girl paused what she was doing at the sight of us. She seemed slightly confused, probably wondering where her parents had gone. But nevertheless, she cooed with a dorky smile, reaching her tiny arms out like she wanted to be held.

"Awww, you sweet wittle thing~" Nezuko-chan's voice suddenly was much more squeaky than usual. I've never heard her use her baby voice, and honestly it was adorable. She bent down on her knees and inched towards the baby, carefully she picked her up, holding her close to her body securely. The baby surprisingly was quite warmed up to Nezuko-chan already, willingly letting her touch her with no fuss.

"Man..." I scrunched up my face, squinting, "you make it look so easy... How'd you do that?"

"What do you mean? All I did was pick her up, anyone can do that!" Nezuko-chan teased me, cuddling the baby with her cheek pressed against the infant's face. I blushed, embarrassed.

"Y-Yeah, I know that but-"

"Here! Why don't you try?" Nezuko-chan stood up and walked over to me, smiling. She gently handed me the baby girl. I didn't respond at first, I was too nervous. Eventually I warily held out my hands, but the closer I got the more fidgety I became.

"Waaugh...!" As I tried to take her from Nezuko-chan's arms, the infant started to whine, physically trying to get away.

I freaked out and retracted my hands instantly. "Uh...W-W-Why is she- I-I didn't-"

"Shhh..." Nezuko-chan hushed me, now holding the baby with one hand so she could use the other one to rub my back. "You're too tense, dandelion... Relax and maybe she'll be more comfortable. Even I can sense your anxiousness, you look like you're being held at gunpoint."

She brought her hand to my chin, holding my face. "Unclench your jaw." Her touch was like a ray of sunshine, it made me flare up a ton. I did as she was told and released the tension in my jaw, my teeth in a much more pleasant position. Seeing so, Nezuko-chan moved on, she went behind me, placing her hand on my shoulder to caress me with a massage.

She leaned in, whispering in my ear. "Now....bring your shoulders down away from your ears, you'll feel better that way, Zen."

I gulped, the heat within me rising through my body as my heart raced. Flustered out of my mind, I quietly did as I was told once again– fixing my horribly tense posture.

"A-Ah!" But next she suddenly wrapped her arm around me, her hand right on my chest where she could feel my heartbeat.

"Take a deep breath and calm down.."

At this point I was relaxed on the outside, but eternally I was boiling like hot water. After a few breaths I was finally ready. Nezuko-chan came in front of me with a soft, loving expression, she then slowly and successfully handed me the baby, adjusting my arms and hands to hug her snugly.

"....L-Like this...?" I stuttered, still very red in the face.

"Yep! See? You've got it now!" Nezuko-chan praised me, amused by the blush she caused to cover my complexion.

She definitely did that on purpose– taking the opportunity to be all touchy...

She just loves to mess with me.

"Okay," my mischievous girlfriend pinched my cheek and wiggled it around. "I'll be right back, I just wanna grab the things we need and prepare the baby's bottle and food. I won't be long!"

"Wait-! Y-You're leaving me?! What if-!!"

"You'll be fine! Look at you! You're doing great, dandelion!" Nezuko-chan pressed her index finger to my lips, signaling me to stop blabbering. The next thing I knew she walked off– a little pip in her step expressing her happiness. I knew she would be back any second just as she said, but the mere fact that I was alone with the responsibility to look after a living human being made me sweat.

I moved over to the couch to sit down, then gazed down at the little girl in my arms. We met at a stare –me, a teenager, and her, not even a year old– it was kinda crazy thinking I used to be as small as that. Thanks to Nezuko-chan I felt at ease and was able to actually absorb this sweet moment.

I took my hand and gave the petite girl a head rub, feeling the limited amount of hair that she had growing in. She sputtered, making those cute blub-like noises, but then suddenly her giggles turned into whimpers which next exploded into loud cries full of tears. I instantly blew up.

"Oh, m-my god! What the hell did I do now??!" I was paralyzed. I don't take care of kids, that's not my thing! So I had no idea what to do when a temper tantrum sparks off, the best I can do is cry with the baby!

I tried to contain my shaky hands, they were clammy too– sweat was just caked on from my anxiety. The baby's cry was ear piercing, her strained sobs ringing out deadly soundwaves. I don't know about you, but an infant's whine is one of the most terrifying noises, it makes me sick to my stomach. I get so frenzied, non-existent nausea overwhelms me. It makes the whole world spin!

"Uh....Uhhhh," now tears were rapidly welling up in my eyes as I tried to calm her down. "Shhh, it's okay! Y-You're okay! Don't cry! Please?!" I felt my chest grow tighter and tighter as I began to spiral.

Augh!! Why do I even try?! I can't do this!!!

What's wrong with her? Why is she crying so much??? Obanai-san's gonna murder me!

Oh my- what if she's going into cardiac arrest or something?!?!

O-Or maybe I patted her head too hard and I caved in her skull and now she has a concussion and her brain cells are decaying!!!

Maybe I was holding her too tight and I broke her ribcage!!

Maybe I-!



Nezuko's POV:

"Zenitsu-kun?? Is everything okay?!" With all the baby care items in my clutch, I came rushing back to the living room after hearing all the commotion. I was only gone for at least 2-3 minutes top! What in the world happened?

I dashed around the corner, my maternal instinct on overdrive. "Zeni- oh..." The image placed in front of me was actually quite funny rather than horrifying, it thankfully made my intense concern melt into somewhat of a tender fondness: Zenitsu-kun was unconscious laying on the couch. He probably threw himself into an uncontrollable hysteria and then blacked out from how crushing it was. Meanwhile Obanai and Mitsuri-san's baby was in the middle of a giggle fit, perched on top of Zenitsu-kun's face as she grabbed at his ears, hair, and cheeks, absolutely cracking up at the fact he fainted.

I sighed, laughing as I shook my head. "Hey! What'd you do to my boyfriend, missy? You crazy baby!" Upon hearing my voice the little girl turned to me, snickering with a big grin. I placed the things I was carrying down on a nearby table, then made my way over to Miss Naughty Diaper Pants. Placing my hands on my hips, I bent down to her level.

"Now, what was all that fuss for? It was enough to make my weary dandelion pass out so it must be important-"


Right before I could finish my sentence a hungry growl erupted from her stomach, a light bulb went off in my head, bright and clear. "Ah, so you want food? Okay~!"

I quickly grabbed her bottle– rich sugary milk filled to the brim. Then I took a seat on the couch too, finally freeing Zenitsu-kun from an infant's bum being on his face. Next I propped Zenitsu-kun's heavy body up in a much more comfortable position, though when I did he ended up toppling over in my direction, resting on me instead.

Ha, even though he's temporarily asleep he still wants to be near me.

Rolling with the situation, I laid the baby on my lap, my arm serving as a head rest as I fed her. The subtle sounds of her sucking on the bottle was all that could be heard.

"Nghh..." A sudden groan from Zenitsu-kun broke the silence. I looked down at him seeing he was still knocked out, just making noises like he usually does when he sleeps. But as I gazed at him, studying his figure, face, and features, certain thoughts arised in my brain.

If and when we get married...will we have kids?

Ah, no, no, no I shouldn't think that right now. That's getting WAY ahead of myself!

But still, I love the idea of having a child to take care of, it reminds me of my siblings....

I stared at my pretend husband, contemplating even more. My cheeks grew a bit rosy with every flutter of my heart. "Would they take after him, or me? Like his eyes..." Zenitsu-kun's golden brown eyes– the purest hue of honey I've ever seen, like it's straight from a bee hive. They're so gentle, the round shape of them just gives him an innocent yet sleepy look. I'd love to see a second pair of them in the future.

My hand made its way into his blond hair, rubbing through it with my fingers. I heard Zenitsu-kun murmur, a tint of faint blush on his face from my graze. Similar to his eyes, the color of his hair is so vibrant, you'd be lying if you didn't think this was his natural hair color, cuz I sure did! I was so shocked when he told me the truth. But because his hair isn't his original, genetic hue, it's very unlikely that the potential child in my mind would take that specific feature. Even so, I'm willing to bet on having a miniature dandelion running around, even if it's just a strand of blond-ness.

"Or his eyebrows...." I continued to mumble to myself. To get a better look I used my palm to swipe his bangs up out of his face, showing off his bare forehead and thick eyebrows. Although it's one of the more strange things about him, I grew attached to it as I got to know him. They fit him and his big personality. Since they take up a lot of space it really amplifies the variety of his expressions too since it's the first thing you notice. Plus they're dorky and cute, it gives him such a sunshiny vibe I can't explain.

"They're one of a kind, ya know. They make you so special." Taken away by this tenderness flowing in my veins, I leaned down, placing my lips to his forehead for a dainty kiss to express my fondness. I felt his skin tense up, he furrowed his eyebrows as if he was confused by what he was feeling. Then in an instant he abruptly shot awake. And of course, I wasn't surprised by how noisy he was.

"AUGHHH!! OBANAI-SAN, I'M SORRY!!!" He shrieked. Luckily I moved out the way when he swung his hands up to shield his face, protecting himself from his made up illusion of danger. "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!! I-"

To keep myself from getting a headache, I quickly covered his mouth with my hand. Zenitsu quieted down, he stared at me with visible confusion.

I smiled and pulled my hand away. "Hi there~ you were asleep for some time, you know."

"My gosh, you're gorgeous... Are you an angel...?" He whispered, a little frightened yet star struck. "This is heaven?? I thought it'd be different than just a house... Plus you look exactly like my wife.... Strange. Wait, don't tell me she died too, was it my fault?"

"What..???" I stared back at him, flabbergasted. However soon I bursted out into a loud laughter. I flicked his forehead with my finger.


"Zenitsu-kun, you dummy! You're not dead, and neither am I!! Obanai-san didn't kill you, he's not even here right now!" I grabbed him by the face, cupping his cheeks in my hands. I looked him directly in the eyes. "Babysitting. We're babysitting, remember?"

I watched as the gears turned in his brain until he finally came to his senses. A very subtle rosiness spread across his face at the sight of me being so close. "Oh.....right. I'm sorry, I've been kinda useless since I fainted. Wait-! The baby! Is she-"

"She's super duper!" I cut him off to ease his panic. Hearing that news, a bright grin of relief appeared on his terrified expression.

"Oh thank the lord.... I thought I killed her-"

"Daa!" Once finished with her bottle, the itty-bitty baby made an excited gurgle. She was looking at Zenitsu-kun, already in a giddy mood even though he hadn't done anything to make her laugh.

"What...? Why's she doing that?" Zenitsu-kun cracked a curious grin, gazing at her and then back to me happily.

"Hehe," I adored her as well, watching as she put her hand in her mouth and chewed on it by using her gums. "While you were unconscious she found it absolutely hilarious that you fainted, she was laughing so much. Something tells me she wants you to do it again."

Zenitsu-kun was wide-eyed, after a moment of shock he chuckled. He bent down to be face to face with the silly little girl, doing a slightly noticeable baby voice of his own. "You think I'm funny, huh? Do you think I'm funny~? Well then, I guess I'll do it again then since you're so cute."

I watched as Zenitsu-kun activated his acting skills, he cleared his throat and soon a very, very dramatic skit unfolded. "Ahh! Oh nooooo~~!!" He let out one of his classic girly screeches, covering his face with his hands trying to make it seem like he was upset. "I'm sssoooo f-freaking out right n-now!! Ahhh!!" It was very clear that he forced the stutters, it sounded unnatural, it was so exaggerated, it made me start to laugh as well considering he also fakely bit his nails to recreate one of the many things he does when he's overwhelmed.

The baby was deeply entertained, squealing and clapping her hands uncoordinated. Her little laughs filled the air as my dorky boyfriend frantically imitated his own actions. "Auugh! What s-should I d-do??? I think I'm gonna- ah-!" Then to finish up the show Zenitsu-kun closed his eyes and fell backwards onto the couch. "Blegh...." He stuck his tongue out like some animated cartoon character to add another comedic effect. Even though we were joking about something that's not fun at all to deal with –fainting– it's not that horrible to make fun of yourself nor make a few punchlines about your issues for a laugh.

Speaking off laughing, Zenitsu-kun's biggest fan was cracking up a storm. She crawled over to him where she still laid, trying to conceal his snickers to keep up the act, and just like last time, she climbed on top of him and started playing with his hair. She also grabbed at his ears and nose, but unfortunately for Zenitsu-kun she was slamming her hands down on his face to express her enjoyment.

He screamed. "Oww!! Ow! Haha~! I get it! I- Ouugh! She's drooling on me now! Help!!!" His cheerfulness transformed into a grossed out frenzy.

"Welp," I quickly picked her up to hold her and Zenitsu-kun sat up, wiping his face off with his shirt. I then gave him a soft peck on the cheek, starting to joke a little bit more with him. "That's just the way babies show their affection for you, I would know of course."

"Oh really, now~? Is that so~?" Zenitsu-kun arched his eyebrow, gazing into my eyes with a grin, sensing I was toying around.

"Yep!" Deciding to make another move, I leaned in closer to him, smirking. "You wanna know what else they do to show their attachment to you?"

"What? Tell me, I wanna hear." He still didn't break eye contact with me. He tilted his head, intrigued as he took a lock of my hair, swirling it in circles with his finger and bringing it up to his face to inhale the scent– attempting to allure me and draw me in. I tried to keep a normal expression and not react, because that would make his response ten times funnier from what I was gonna say:

"Stinky diapers."

His flirty attitude was instantly shattered, disgusted. "WHAATT??!!"

Zenitsu's POV:

The hours went by, but to me it seemed more like days, as it would to any beginner babysitter. There was so much to do, and there was so little I didn't know. Thankfully Nezuko-chan was there to help, and laugh at me while I cautiously tried to change a baby's diaper for the first time. Can you blame me?? It was scary! I thought she was gonna pee on me or something, plus putting the clean diaper back on was a tussle, she kept trying to get away and go commando!

Despite the hardships –and the poop– I still had fun! I got a tiny bit better with each task, but unlike Nezuko-chan I could never figure out why she'd start crying. It was like Nezuko-chan had some 7th sense for that, 'she's hungry! She's bored! She's tired! She needs a diaper change! She's upset!' how does she know all that just from her whines??? I hope I can get as good as her because it stresses me out not knowing what the baby needs.

"Looks like someone needs to burp, huh?" I was cradling the baby in my arms for the time being. It was later in the day but since it's winter it was basically dark outside even though it was only 5:00pm. I stood right beside her crib in the living room, gently patting her back and holding her head over my shoulder. Meanwhile, Nezuko-chan was taking a break, currently on the phone with Mitsuri-san who was checking in on us. I had been taking care of her child all on my own for a while.

After a moment of back pats the baby finally let out a teensy burp and hiccup. I was relieved because like always I had this feeling I misinterpreted Nezuko-chan's instructions, since I have little to no experience besides what I learned today.

"Okayyy..." I sighed, feeling the heaviness in my eyes. "Time for a nap. I'm tired, aren't you, cutie?" When I placed her down into her crib, swaddling her in her blanket nice and tight, she gave me a sour look, indicating she was still wide awake.

"Ah..." I knelt beside her bed, looking down at her while I thought about what I could do. Sadly nothing was coming to me, so I started to space out, quietly humming a song stuck in my head– either from instinct or just randomly. Music helps me organize my brain, I guess that's why. But suddenly as I did, I noticed she grew a bit drowsy. Like a light switch a bright idea hatched.

".....♪Silver bells, silver bells~ It's Christmas time in the city~♪" The tune I was humming formed into actual lyrics as I sang her a Christmas 'lullaby'. Hearing the soothing melody she began to doze off a bit. I continued, "♬ring-a-ling~ hear them ring♬-"

"♫♩Soon it will be Christmas day~♫♩" I was elegantly cut off by Nezuko-chan as she waltzed into the living room, joining me in a duet. I turned a little red, completely swept away by her grace. I didn't stop, just watching as she made her way to me, kneeling down too.

She rested on my shoulder, her body against mine, still singing with me. I involuntarily slid my arm around her waist. The whole time we sat together with the baby, slowly singing her to sleep, us two love birds huddled as one through the process.

"♩Soon it will be Christmas day~♪ Soon it will be Christmas day...♬" As the song finished the tiny infant was sound asleep, sucking peacefully on her pacifier. Nezuko-chan turned to me with an affectionate smile, she motioned for me to come follow her. Curious, I did.

Leaving the baby safe in her crib, we didn't go far– just out the sliding door nearby to stand on the backyard porch for a bit of privacy. The snow wisps fell from the sky, flying around in the hint of breeze, the moon was out as well.

"Mmhhn..?" I was surprised when Nezuko-chan pulled me in, kissing me sweetly with her hand on my chest. The feeling was as fluffy as a handful of cottony snow, it made a surge of infatuation pulse through me, I'm so obsessed with the sensation. As she broke away I gave her a tiny smooch back, my cheeks painted with a red hue.

"You brought me outside to kiss me?" I half joked with a captivated smile. Nezuko-chan was blushing as well, she let out a tiny giggle.

"More or less...I just wanted to be alone with you for a moment." She held her hand to the side of my face, rubbing it with her thumb. "Thank you for coming here with me, I had much more fun than I usually do when I'm by myself on the job. I like it better when it's a team effort."

I glanced down at my ring for a split second, feeling my heart thump faster. "Y-Yeah, me too, Nezuko-chan. I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day– a clumsy husband helping his lovely wife take care of a child."

"Oh, stop it!" Nezuko-chan waved her hands in front of her face, all flustered by my sleaziness. I chuckled, charming her more by bringing her closer, my arms pulling her into me.

"Why not?" I tucked her hair behind her ear, giving her a kiss on the check. "It's true, right, darling?"

"Mngh..." She only mumbled, her crimson face now hidden in my sweater. A few seconds passed and she shyly gazed back up at me, her eyes shining like the brightest star placed on top of a Christmas tree. I moved in a bit, breathing in the frigid cold, feeling it cover my skin only to fade away like a feather in the wind. Nezuko-chan willingly closed her eyes and lifted her head again, waiting for me. But right as I met her lips once more we heard something.

"Waauughh!!!" The baby was crying, she needed to be attended to. I did a mental whine, sad I missed out on a bonus kiss. The both of us backed away, ready to go back inside to see what was wrong. Then my girlfriend laughed.

"You know, her crying like that reminds me of you when you're cranky." She teased. I furrowed my eyebrows grumpily, but secretly being playful too.

"Hey! Are you calling me a crybaby???"

"No~ of course not, dandelion!"

A/N: I have a feeling that now because of Zenitsu, Obanai and Mitsuri fake faint to entertain their child lmao. I also hope I captured how they both act correctly, all I know Obanai is a hardcore simp for Mitsuri, and is mean to everyone else basically, and as for Mitsuri she's just super chipper and kinda shy towards him. Oh like earlier I just wanna say thanks for waiting, I'm surprised you guys still read this

Fun fact: I don't really have a fun fact today but my birthday was a few weeks ago! I'm a December baby if you didn't know lol

Okay enough blabbering, here's the comic :33

I just absolutely love the way this came out, his bed looks so soft and comfy, and Nezuko looks really pretty too. I decided to do one where I showcased Zenitsu's hyper sense of hearing, I thought it'd be cute if Nezuko-chan whispered to him in his sleep and he reacted to it.

Welp, this is bye bye for now once again. I hope you enjoyed!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Have an epic winter break!!!

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