Love Across The Stars - Super...

By Korijin

42.1K 1.7K 258

After his mistake of Flashpoint the Dominators have come to collect the bounty placed upon Barry Allen's head... More

Actions Have Consequences
Stronger Together
Going Back Home
The Grief of a Son
Don't Give Up Yet
Music Meister
False Hope
Exchanging Feelings
Overprotective Sister
Greatest Fears
Old Enemies
Three Steps Behind
Complete Eachother
A Bright Morning
A Lazy Day Off
A New Emotion
Tag Team Duo
Hypocritical Secret
Birth of a Hero
Awake and About
Stranded (Part 1)
Stranded (Part 2)
Stranded (Part 3)
Stranded (Part 4)
Stranded (Part 5)
New School, New Faces
Stranded (Part 6)
Group Assignment
Stranded (Part 7)
Stranded (Part 8)
Stranded (Part 9)
Stranded (Part 10)
Project Icarus
Broken Friendship
Strained Relationship
The Truth
Negative vs Positive
Healed Hearts
A Glimpse of a Future
Fears of a Hero
Love Story
Rescue Plan
I Always Win
Same Mistakes, New Enemies
Finding Peace
In Search of Balance
Back on Earth-5
His Lightning Rod
Face to Face
In the Face of Despair
Free of his Reign
Is it Over?
Settling In
The Fate of Krypton

Five Months Later

432 22 3
By Korijin

"Good job out there." Ellie smiled high fiving her sister as Kara walked into the Cortex in her Supergirl suit.

"That was pretty impressive. Looks like your training has paid off." Caitlin said like a proud mother.

"Pretty impressive? That was fricking awesome." Cisco geeked out.

"Okay I think you're a bit too excited here." Kara said trying to calm her friends down.

"Am I the only one thinking celebratory drinks?" Cisco asked.

"Wha-that means I can't come though." Ellie whined, "Even though human drinks don't affect me."

"C'mon, they won't care." Cecile said, "Ellie is a part of the team, we can't leave her out."

"Fine she can have a lemonade or something." Cisco sighed as he left the Cortex with Ellie following behind him.

"Are you guys coming?" Iris asked, snapping Kara out of her daze.

"Y-Yeah, I just need to get chagned."

"Alright, don't take too long." She smiled softly as she left with Cecile.

Kara stared at the mantle displaying Barry's old Flash suit and let out a sigh. She's been trying to fill in for the Flash and she didn't know how he did this for so long, "How are you doing Kara?" Caitlin asked.

"Not a single phone call or message Cait.....after five months I would assume he would of contacted us by now." 

"I miss him too but you know it's always an option."

"No Cait, he asked us not to look for him and.....I owe him at least this much."

"Kara he's been gone for five months, he could be in danger. I need to know he's safe. But I won't look for him until you give your permission. So please reconsider." Caitlin said as she left the Cortex.

Five months have passed since she read that note and everyday she wonders, if he's eating well, sleeping properly, if he's safe and if he's happy. It's been five months since Kara felt herself and felt like she's smiled from the bottom of her heart because the only person that could make her do that was Barry.

The fact that he's been gone for so long makes her think that he found his happiness somewhere else, or mabye found it someone else.


"Slow down!" A woman scolded chasing after a small boy as he giggled and ran away, "Can you help me with him please?"

"Are you telling me to scold the younger generations for exercising?"

"They can exercise all they want, outside." A man said joined in placing a kiss on the woman's temple.

"You guys are gross...."

"Suck it up Barry." The woman chuckled.

"Barry!" A small girl whined, "Play with me." She said tugging on his the hem of his shirt, using her puppy dog eyes.

"Give us a moment sweetie." The woman said rubbing her head.

"Okay." The girl smiled happily before running off

"The kids really do love you don't they?"

"Of course they do. Who doesn't like me?"

Their conversation was cut short when they heard a bang come from one of the rooms, "I'll check it honey." The man said before walking off to find what happened, leaving his wife with Barry.

"How are you doing Barry?"

"Honestly's been rough. I've tried to move on and find what to do with my life but...I can't."

"Why not?" She asked and immediately realised what she had asked, "Y-You don't have to answer it if it makes you feel uncomfortable."

"No, it's okay. It's just....I have someone I love and I thought I could trust her with everything but...she was lying to me and I guess I've been trying to avoid that pain for the past five months."

"Me and Eli have had troubles in our marriage and relationship but we always managed to get past them because you when you really love and care about someone." She started as she looked past Barry's shoulder and saw her husband playing with the kids with smiles on their faces, "You'll do anything to keep them, right?"

"I guess you're right." Barry chuckled.

"I know I'm right." Irene smirked, "Anway you told Lily you wold play with her, now go." She said shooing him away as he nodded and walked off to find her.

"Elias stop messing around." Irene scolded as her husband gave her a sheepish look.


"Why do I love you so much?" She sighed rubbing the brige of her nose.

"That's a 'you' problem." He chuckled giving his wife a kiss.

Barry watched and thought back to his life in Central City, the people he left behind and the relationship that meant the world to him. He looked at his soul mark and wondered if Kara was safe and if she was doing well.

He thought about it multiple times, about going home but how would he face Kara and his team after disappearing for so long and leaving just a note. Not only that but Elias and Irene helped him a lot when he first moved to Coast City and he is doing everything he can to repay them. 

--Five Months Ago--

He was too hurt to face Kara so he did the best thing he could, run. Leaving Central City he ran as fast as he could until he didn't want to run anymore. He did multiple laps of the Earth until he came to a stop in a city a few cities away from Central. He now had to build a temporary life in Coast City until he could heal himself and go back.

Brushing those thoughts aside, Barry wandered around Coast City wondering what to do. Maybe he should visit the museum that Caitlin always raved on about but never had the chance to go to.

He sped over to the building and saw people entering in and out and it seemed like a popular place. Curiousity got the better of him ad he decided to take a look around. People were in awe of the paintings and sculptures and he thought that Caitlin would of definietely loved this place.

He let out a sigh and continued to walk around the museum until he heard a loud crash, as if a window had been shattered.

"Everyone on the ground now!!"

"Great...." Barry mumbled to himself as he ducked behind a wall. The first time he tries to enjoy a museum and it procceds to get robbed

The robbers were ushing people into a large group so they would be easier to manage, meanwhile Barry hid behind the walls. He tried to use his speed but it wouldn't work.

"What the hell?" He muttered trying to vibrate his hands but nothing, "Perfect..."

As he was sneaking around he heard sobbing coming from a small child and at that rate they would get discovered. He quickly ran over to the child to calm them down.

"Hey, hey, where are your parents?" He asked quietly.

"I-I don't know." The little girl sobbed as Barry put his hand over her mouth and hid her behind a wall with him to avoid one of the robbers.

Once they were out of sight he let the little girl go as she whimpered softly, "What's your name?" He asked.

"Lily..." She mumbled.

"C'mon Lily, I'll get you out of here." He said as she held onto his hand. He could feel her trembling and could see her trying not to cry again. 

The combination of fear and the loud ringing noises of the alarm made it hard for Barry to sneak around and look after Lily. But once they found the group of hostages, she immediately wanted to run over to her family but if she did would get spotted.


"Lily, please calm down. Your family is in trouble right now." Barry whispered as Lily tried to break from his grasp, "I'm sorry please be a little more patient."

He saw Lily's tears streaming down her face and saw his childhood self in her. Someone at a young age desperately trying to save their family. It was a scene he had hoped no one would experience.

"Put your hands up." A rough voice said as they heard a gun cock behind them.

Barry raised his hands up and slowly turned around to be met with a gun pointed directly in his face, "What do you want?" Barry asked.

"Give me the girl."

"I can't do that."

"Lily!!" A man yelled desperately as another robber cracked him across the face.

"Daddy!" Lily cried as Barry held her back from running.

"Alright Mr. Hero, give me the girl or I will shoot every joint you have until you can't move." The man threatened again 

"That would only take one bullet." Barry said. One bullet indeed was all it took as the man shot Barry in the knee causing everyone to flinch at the loud noise.

"Want more? Give the the girl."

"I-I can still move." Barry said as another bullet was fired into his shoulder.

He clenched his teeth in pain and he couldn't feel his arm and couldn't stand, "Please leave her alone."

"Why should I? Who's going to stop me? You?" The man taunted reaching for the girl.

At that moment the doors of the museum were blown open and dozens of police officers swarmed the building with SWAT members crashing through the windows.

Everyone would be safe now that the police were intervening. He could finally let his pain overtake him as his vision blacked out. Without his speed he wouldn't be able to heal faster and he could feel tears slipping from his eys because all he could think about was Kara.

Beep Beep Beep

The beeping of the heart moniter he was attached to was a familiar noise to him as he heard it every other day after his fight with metas. He opened his eyes and it took him a second to gather his surroundings.

He remebered what had happened and quickly touched his wounds and found them completely gone, as if they healed over night. He looked at his hand and vibrated it meaning his speed was back.

Was it broken? Why was his speed coming and going whenver it pleased and in the worse possible situations as well.

"He's awake!" He heard a girl cheer loudly. He looked to the door and saw Lily smiling at him. Before he could react the small brown haired girl was around his chest in a tight hug.

"W-What's going on?" He asked in a confused tone.

"You've been asleep for three days after what happened." A dcotor said entering the room with two other people a young boy, "How do you feel Mr Allen?" The doctor asked shining a light in his eyes, very similar to the way Caitlin did.

"I-I feel fine."

The doctor clicked his pen and scribbled something down onto his notepad before closing it, "Well, your body is very healthy, you should be good to go whenever you're ready." He said before exiting the room

"Lily sweetie, he's still recovering please let him go." Presumely her mother said.

"Who are you guys?" Barry asked as Lily let go of him

"Sorry, I'm Irene and this is my husband Elias." The woman introduced, "This is my daughter Lily and my son Evan."

"Why are you guys here?"

"You saved our daughter Barry." Elias said warmly, "You took two bullets for her, if there's anything you need, we'll be here."

"I didn't save her for a favour." Barry chuckled.

"That doesn't change the fact that you still saved her life." Irene smiled, "Thank you so much." She said as tears fell from her eyes.

"Don't feel obligated to help me." Barry said, "I did what anyone would do."

"That's too bad Barry because we will help you even if you don't want it." Elias said.

"Coming on strong for a stranger." Barry laughed, "I guess there's nothing I can do about that."

"Now that we're on the same page, do you need anything?" Irene asked.

"Well I'm new to town and I guess I'm trying to find a job."

"How about baby sitting for us?" Elias asked, "Lily already loves you and I'm sure Evan will as well."

He looked at thet wo small children and saw a bright smile on Lily's face, "How could I say no?"

(A/N: By the way, Irene, Elias, Lily and Evan are all original characters)

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