Quartic:The Darkness Withen [...

By YourSecreetAuthor

1.4K 69 8

Quartic is the planet we live on, our society based on the signs. Twelve of them to be exact, but as crisis f... More

Caelum- Ch.1
Ferdinand- Ch.4
Ferdinand-ch 5

Tamsin & Thomas-Ch.5

20 2 0
By YourSecreetAuthor


"Let's bring Caelum back with us to our room" Tamsin whispers to Thomas during class.

Thomas gives Tamsin a questioning look.

"Why?" Thomas questions, trying to not look like he was interrupting our teacher. Even though an interruption would be heavenly at this point of time.

"We have been studying his powers right, we know how it can be used" Tamsin snapped grumpily, even though she was tired, her brain was still sharp and to the point.

"Right okay, say we take him to our room, will he stay awake to listen?" Thomas questioned, his eyes rolling.

"Pst Raine, what's Caelum like when he gets back to the dorm?" Tamsin questions Raine, she was in the desk in front of Tamsin.

"Well, first he pretends to study for like thirty minutes, when really he is asleep, then I don't see him for the rest of the night" Raine whispers back to Tamsin.

Thomas appeared to be quite confused.

"Where does he go?" He asks Raine.

She gave a shrug, then slips a note behind her to us.

'He wanders the school during the night, he's always so restless, he always tells me how he's going to study for an hour, then says he needs to go toilet, who goes to the toilet for the entire night' , we both looked up from the note, noticing Raine writing down notes on her paper.

"He probably gets bored, this sounds like boredom" Tamsin mutters under her breath, scrunching up the note.

"How would you know?" Thomas looks at Tamsin, his arms crossed.

"Well, would you believe that it's hard to sleep with somebody who snores through the whole night?" Tamsin replies back smartly, throwing an eraser at him.

He feigns defeat, pretending that he was wounded.

"So damn dramatic" Tamsin hisses under her breath, pulling the blanket tighter around her small frame.

For someone so small, she sure was strong.

"Ouch, that hurt my poor heart" Thomas pretends to pout, holding his chest like it was in pain.

Tamsin rolled her eyes at her overdramatic brother, before they knew it, class had ended.

Everyone had started to pack up their bags, but Tamsin was quick to grab Caelums hand without a word.

She starts to drag him with her without a word, Caelum didn't seem to object as long as it got him out of the next class.

This man was on a whole different level of trying to avoid any sort of learning procedure, We did get a few stares from people around us, Tamsin half asleep, dragging a reluctant Caelum.

While Thomas was trailing behind the both of them, like he didn't have anywhere else to be, in a matter of fact, Thomas was curious to what Tamsin had in mind.

Once we got to the dorm, Tamsin muttered. "Sit down"  she plonked her self on a chair in front fo Caelum, throwing water from the glass I had given her earlier at Caelum.

Caelum was too slow to respond, but the water didn't seem to hit his skin anyway.

It floated above his body in small water droplets.

"Mhm, okay" Tamsin mutters, yawning again.

"Okay, what?" Thomas says impatiently.

She doesn't say anything for a while as she stares down at Caelum, chewing on an orange.

"Do you learn visually or verbally, written or physical" She says after a while, her eyes sleepy as she yawns again.

"Visually I think, an Physical?" Caelum asks as a question, like he too didn't even know.

"Hm, makes sense" Tamsin says, ignoring the water droplets that haven't splashed or dropped yet.

"Tamsin, what's going on" Thomas asks impatiently.

"His power is strong" Tamsin observed, gesturing towards him with a yawn.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Thomas muttered, getting sick of Tamsin by this point.

"Water users don't usually have that problem" Tamsin pointed out, an she had a point.

Water never had that much control around somebody unintentionally.

"He's not even trying to hold it there" she squinted her eyes at him, before bringing out a book.

Reading through it, before looking up at him a couple of time.

"I know, its annoying" Caelum mutters under his breath.

"Click your fingers" Tamsin says, flipping another page as she keeps reading, he seems confused but clicks his fingers anyway.

Which makes the water drop down, he looked so shocked that when he became excited by it, the water rose off the floor.

"okay, I see" Thomas says, watching him closely.

"You need to be stern with it, your emotions clearly do not control it" Tamsin says to him.

"What? treat it like its a dog?-" Caelum looked around him with a determined frown.

"Down bessy!" He yells at the water, it seemed to do nothing at all.

it did make her laugh though, she had understood his reference.

"Let me show you how I control mine" Tamsin says helpfully.

She clicks her fingers as light appears at her fingertip, glowing brightly, white light bursting out but controlled.

She slowly opens her hand, in the palm of her hand was a white flame encasing her whole hand, like it was on fire.

Her hand snaps closed, then the fire burns out, before she mutters out "light" an the entire room lights up.

Not with flames this time, but pure white light covers the whole room.

He appeared to be in awe of her power, he bought out his hand.

Then clicking his fingers, making the water jump up to move, around his hand in circle of small blobs.

"Flower" We heard Caelum say, the water moulding itself into a flower in his hand. 

He closes his eyes tightly as a blade made of water appears in his hand.

"Still" he demands, staring as the mould disappears into normal liquid form, sliding off his hand.

His eyes widen, then he jumps up and down excitedly.

Thomas and Tamsin were surprised, that he was already able to make shapes out of his abilities already.

"Why haven't we ever seen Thomas's ability?" Caelum asks suddenly, watching us curiously.

Thomas shifted uncomfortably, then avoiding eye contact until Tamsin says.

"His power is the opposite of mine, he brings darkness an demons, where I bring angels and light." Tamsin explains to Caelum carefully.

She watches him closely for any signs of worry.

"Wait, Demons- did you just say that he could.." Caelum stood up without another word, immediately leaving the room.

"there was a reason I hadn't told him Tamsin" Thomas started to laugh a little awkwardly.

"Why?" Tamsin asks him, frowning.

"I told him you an I could turn people to stone with our powers combined an now he's doing what he did earlier" Thomas says, rubbing his forehead.

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