The Beginning of the Thread (...

By lizardbrian999

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Y/N L/N is 18 year guy who was just normal. That all Changed when he was bit by a radioactive spider. He dawn... More

Characters In Story (Heroes)
Characters in Story (Villains)
Story Arcs
Your Suits
Chapter 1: The Bite (Origin)
Chapter 2: The Hard Goodbye an A Trail of a Killer (Origin)
Chapter 3: A Hero is Born (Origin)
Chapter 4: Death From Above (Origin)
Chapter 5: The Shocker (Origin)
Chapter 6: The Vulture (Origin Finale)
Chapter 7: Sting of the Scorpion
Chapter 8: Horn of the Rhino
Chapter 9: Feelings Revealed (Electro Arc)
Chapter 10: The Accident (Electro Arc)
Chapter 11: Power Surge (Electro Arc)
Chapter 12: Fractured Bonds and Breakout (Electro Arc)
Chapter 13: Enter Electro (Electro Arc)
Chapter 14: Electro Vs. Y/n (Electro Arc Finale)
Chapter 15: Rise of Doc Ock Pt. I
Chapter 16: Rise of Doc Ock Pt. II
Chapter 17: Villain's Breakout Plan (Sinister 6 Arc)
Chapter 18: The 6 Assembled (Sinister 6 Arc)
Chapter 19: Disassembling The 6 Pt. I (Sinister 6 Arc)
Chapter 20: Disassembling The 6 Pt. II (Sinister 6 Arc)
Chapter 21: Electrical Forgiveness (Sinister 6 Arc)
Chapter 22: Doctor Octopus (Sinister 6 Arc Finale)
Other Villains in Story (Spider Verse Arc Villains)
Other Spider Man in Story (Spider Verse Arc Heroes)
Spider Verse Arc Trailer 1
Spider Verse Arc Trailer 2
Spider Verse Arc Trailer 3
Chapter 23: The Visions (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 24: Worlds Collide (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 25: The Tinkerer (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 27: How Is that Me? (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 28: The Tinkerer's Pain (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 29: Snared Spider (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 30: A Game of Itsy Bitsy Spider (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 31: An Unfortunate Turn Of Events (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 32: Rising Tensions (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 33: The Tinkerer's Plan (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 34: Webbed Warriors Vs. Sinister Syndicate (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 35: Not Ready? (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 36: Hello Boys, Y/n is BAAACK!! (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 37: Shutting It Down (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 38: Saying Goodbye (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 39: The Edge Of Time (Spider Verse Arc)
Chapter 40: The Kingpin (Spider Verse Arc Finale)
Thanks For Reading!
The Sequel!

Chapter 26: The Vistors of the Multiverse (Spider Verse Arc)

1.2K 16 18
By lizardbrian999

Later with the Spiders. The group was going to the safehouse which was an abandoned apartment building with empty rooms.

Peter B.: This is the Safe Zone, Guys.

Spider Man (MCU): Oh, So it's an...Apartment?

Spider Man Noir: Well this place went out of business Years ago. When We Arrived in this Universe we found this place. We Got More of Our Guys.

Spider Man (TASM): Wait, More of Us?

Miles (ITSV): Dude, H-How Many of us are there?

Miles: More than You Think.

Y/n: More of Us?

The Group enters the building and head to the up sairs area of the apartment. They Find a lab and a Bulletin Board with Villains as Photos. Villains they were trying to search for.

Peter B.: When We found out that some of our worst Villains came in we thought it be great to bring a little fire of our Own.

Spider Man (TASM): What do you mean...

There spider senses go off as they look up to see 5 sets of eye flash in the darkness.

Spider Man (2002): Hey Fellas...

Spider Man (TASM): Boy is it good to see you

Y/n: Tobey Maguire?! and Why does this guy sound like Andrew Garfield.

Spider Man (2002): Of we sound like them because, We're Them.

Another Spider Man then comes down from the ceiling.

Spectacular Spider Man: Hey Guys, Ya'll May know me but, I don't know You...

Y/n: Is that Josh Keaton? I'm A Huge Fan, I'm Y/n.

Spectacular Spider Man: So...You're Spider Man, Just Not Named Peter...Interesting...

Another Spider man then comes down and greets them.

Symbiote Spider Man: Whats Up Guys.

Y/n: What's that Black goo?

Symbiote Spider Man: It a Perk, You'll Get Used to it.

One Other Spider Man comes down as he comes to greet them.

Spider Man 2099: Hey Guys, Sorry for the Inconvenience 

Y/n and MCU: Are You from the Future?!

Spider Man 2099: Yes. Yes I am.


Spider Man (MCU): This Can't Get any weirder!

Eddie Brock (2018): Actually, it can.

Venom (2018): Also Sorry about the Chocolate and M&Ms. We're Out.

Spider Man 2099: Dammit Venom, What did we say about the Chocolate.

Y/n: Is that...Tom Hardy?!

Eddie Brock (2018): Who's Tom Hardy?

Venom (2018):

The Spider people then discuss about finding the other spiders and rounding up the Villains

Spider Man 2099: We had gotten a few sightings of a few of our Villains.

Spider Man (TASM): Which ones?

Spectacular Spidey: We've been getting reports of Giant Lizards, Maniacs on Gliders and a women with prostettic limbs from her back. We've also been getting sightings of a man in black and white carrying a sword.

Spider Man (MCU): Wait, But what about the shut down codes?

Y/n: I got that covered. Harry could upload the codes.

Spider Man 2099: Ok, Andrew and Tobey will handle Lady Octopus. Me and Spectacular got the Goblins, Y/n, You got Connors and Li.

Y/n: So Doctor Connors is the Lizard Man and Li is the Negative Zone Person?

Miles: Yeah. We'll stay here just in case if more of us come or an attack occurs on our base of operations.

Spider man 2099: Ok, Tom #1, Tom #2. Prep the containment cells for the villains when we get back. Miles, You're on pick up duty.

Eddie Brock: Got it.

Spider Man (MCU): Okay, see if there's anymore of us, this is crazy...

The Spider men then go off to find the Villains. 


Y/n is seen swinging through the city as he searches for Mister Negative and Lizard.

Spider Man (MCU) [Comms]: You find em? 

Y/n: Not yet. I'm Still...

Y/n's Spider Senses go off as he senses a surge of energy. He knew Mister Negative was right behind him.

Y/n: I Think I found him.

Mister Negative then swings his sword at Y/n's head who dodges the slice of the sword. Y/n then Kicks Mister Negative in the chin.

Y/n: Okay, You are definitely Mister Negative

Mister Negative: Peter Parker. I should have known you were Spider Man.

Y/n: I'm sorry, You got the wrong person, but Mr. Li you need to come with me. We might be able to...

Li then fires a blast of Negative Energy as Y/n dodges the blast.

Y/n: Wanna get Nuts? Let's Get Nuts!

Y/n tunes "Taking Me Back" by Jack White

Mister Negative then Starts to slice and dice at Y/n, but Y/n dodge the attacks. Y/n then web Mister Negative's Eyes and punches him in the face. Y/n the kick him in gut and then cartwheel kicks Mister Negative.

Y/n: That all You Got?

Mister Negative: You Underestimate Me, Spider Man!

Mister Negative then fires a blast of Negative at Y/n knocking him back. Y/n Webs any debris to the walls and webs.

Y/n: That was close...

Y/n notices Mr Negative getting away on a Subway Train.

(Author: Spider-Man 2 anyone?)

Y/n: Not on My Watch.

Y/n then swing to train and lands on the roof of the train. 

Y/n: Li, You need to come with me. We can get everyone home...

Mister Negative: No, I don't need your help!

Mister Negative then fires another blast of Negative Energy and begins to hack and slash at Y/n but he dodges the swings and kicks Mister Negative in the stomach knocking him down but he flips back up. The two exchange blows but Y/n then kick Mr Negative in the side knocking him off balance. Mister Negative is able get the upper hand and make a cut in Y/n's suit on his chest.

Y/n: Okay That was close...

Mister Negative: I Warned You!

Mister Negative then pounds y/n through the top of the subway going inside. Y/n sees that people were inside so Y/n was able use his  acrobatics to get out. Y/n then slingshots out of the side of the Train and kicks Mister Negative onto a bridge overlook. The Attack knocks Mister Negative Out Cold.

Y/n: Sorry Bud, But We need you to come with us.

Y/n then calls Miles for Mister Negative's pick up.

Y/n: Hey Miles, I got Li. Going after the Doctor.

Y/n then calls Harry if he could snag the code from Fisk Tower Servers.

Y/n: Harry, Could You get me the codes on Fisk's Super Collider?

Harry: Sure, I thought is was an earthquake?

Y/n: Theoretically, Yes. Realistically, No. The Multiverse is real. Expect different versions of myself.

Harry: Okay, I knew your adventures were weird just not this weird.

Y/n: Yes, Now if you excuse me I'm off to find a Giant Lizard Man.

Harry hangs up the phone as Y/n swings to the top of a building to find a sewer lid. He sees some workers coming out of the sewers. Y/n then jumps off the roof and dives into the sewers. Y/n then cling to the walls of the Sewers as he crawls on them in search of Connors.

Y/n: Um, Doctor Connors?

No answer.

Y/n: Ok Finding a giant Lizard is harder then I...

Y/n's Spider sense go off as if someone was going to hit but he sees another him.

Spider Man (TAS): Whoa, Easy Tiger. I'm looking for Connors too.

Y/n: Oh, Looks like I encountered another Spider Man.

Spider Man (TAS): Yeah, Allow me to introduce myself I'm...

Y/n: You're Peter Parker, I'm Y/n L/n.

Spider Man (TAS): Well You Catch on fast kid. But lets go lookin for the Doctor shall we?

The Two spider men then go off into the sewers. They go deeper and deeper to find themselves in a wide area.

Spider Man (TAS): The Trail Ends Here? How Strange...

Y/n: I think he ran off. Hopefully we...

Y/n's Spider Senses go off as a Tail waves behind Y/n's Head. Y/n webs the figures hand as it reveals itself to be none other than the Lizard.

Y/n dodges the attack as Lizard Chases after Y/n and TAS Spidey chases Lizard.

Y/n: Okay is it me, Or is that a mutated dinosaur from the cancelled Jurassic Park 4 movie?

Spider Man (TAS): That's No Cancelled Concept Art, That's Doctor Connors!

Y/n: This Lizard Man is the Doctor?!

Spider Man (TAS): Yeah, It all started when...

Y/n: fight now, Talk later!

Y/n dodges a Pillar of metal that was thrown by Lizard. Y/n Webs his face as Lizard claws it off of his face. Y/n punches Lizard in the face and Gut. Lizard Then claws at Y/n but TAS Spidey hits Lizard from behind. Lizard the swings his tail at Y/n as he claws at TAS, But Y/n dodges the Tail and Webs it to the Wall.

Y/n: I Have You Now...

The Lizard then breaks free from the webs and his tail hits TAS in the face. Lizard the faces Y/n.

Y/n: Oh No...

The Lizard the tries to grab Y/n and claw at him but he dodges the attempts and clings to the wall Lizard then crawls up the wall and attempts to claw at Y/n, but Y/n would kick and Punch Lizard in the face.

Y/n: You gotta fight this doc, Don't make me hurt you!

The Lizard then claws at Y/n who dodges the attack and webs his hand to the wall. He then shoots two weblines on Lizard's Back and Throws him down to the ground. Y/n thinking he won notices Lizard gets back up with ease.

Lizard: Fool...Nothing Can Hurt Me...

The Lizard is then ravelled to the ceiling and and webbed up. The figure then comes down to be another Spider Man.

Spider Man (TV 2017): Hey Guys, Sorry I'm. Heavy Traffic.

Spider Man (TAS): Don't Tell Me, You're named Peter Too?

Spider Man (TV 2017): Well, Yeah. H-How Did You know.

Y/n: He's been in this dimension for some time. I'm Y/n L/n. You think you can help us carry him back to our Base of Operations?

Spider Man (TAS): Base Of Operations Eh, Well Call a Sucker for Pain, How long has this base been up?

Y/n: Since Yesterday. 

Spider Man (TAS): Well, So Much for getting Excited.

Y/n: Well then, It's time to haul the Nice Lizard Man back to base.

The Three of them then use the subway to Haul the lizard under the abandoned apartment. Meanwhile the spiders only were able to capture two Villains.

Y/n: Hey guys I brought more us'. Guys?

Spider Man 2099: Sorry kid, What were you saying?

Y/n: I found more spideys. Also where are the other Villains?

Spider Man (TASM): The Goblins Got an Upgrade...

Spider Man (2002): My Best Friend is one of them...

Spider Man (TASM): Our Best Friend....

Spider Man (TAS): Talk about the communism

Spider Man 2099: Also, Lady Octopus was with Mysterio. We Got our Asses Whooped.

Y/n: Well are we gonna Track em down?

Peter B.: Later, But we need that Goober.

All the Spider men look at Peter B. dumbfonded and confused at what he just said.

Spider Man (MCU): I Am So Confused Right Now.

Miles (ITSV): He's Talking about the Codes. We need fix this mess.

Spider Man (TV 2017): What needs Fixing? 

Y/n turns the TV on and surprisingly it still works. The Tv had been talking about the Anomaly of two Empire State Buildings.

Y/n: Ok I speak everyone when I say: Nuff Said.

Miles: He's Right, If we don't restore the Multiverse More Villains will just pour into this universe as more of our worlds merge until New York Destroyed.

Y/n: I for One can agree with you Miles.

Miles (ITSV): But when we entered this Universe, We've been getting a Villain Flood since the Collider Incident.

Spider Man (MCU): You know, If we steal those codes the Villains will be looking for us Top to Bottom.......Not Like That Top To Bottom, But You know what I mean.

Y/n: That Reminds Me, Harry?

Harry: Yeah, Y/n?

Y/n: Did you find the Codes?

Harry: Well I Have Good News and Bad News. Good News is, I found the codes. The Bad News...

Y/n: It's Highly Secure. Were you able to snuff out it's Location?

Harry: Yeah, They're At a Place called, Roxxon Energy Corporation.

Y/n: Thanks.

Y/n turns to the group as he informs them on the Codes Situation.

Spider Man (TASM): Roxxon It is.

Y/n: Lets find it first.

Spider Man (MCU): Hey Wait For Me!

Y/n, TASM, MCU, and 2002 swing off in search of Roxxon. Meanwhile the villain's group just got a whole lot bigger.

Riot: Why do you Summon Us!

Electro (TASM2): He's Right. The Last I worked with someone we got our asses kicked.

Green Goblin (2002): That was Last Time...We're Growing in Numbers and Mind...

Tinkerer: Not So Big Numbers but Mind I totally Get. I mean why team up with Fisk?

Lady Octopus: Someone's aggravated...

Mysterio (MCU): Whatever Happened To You Spider Man have pissed you off...

Lady Octopus: Why do you, Hold a grudge against Spider Man?

Tinkerer: He killed someone close to me...Now...I Just want every Spider Man Dead.

Green Goblin (2002): Your Pain...I see...Use that Anger. Your Hatred for the hero seethes through more than you can imagine. I've seen what you could do...Why Not Repay the favor to Spider Man.

Tinkerer: How?

Green Goblin (2002): With Your Brilliance, You can find a way. But first, You Attack his heart. Take the ones he loves just as he took the one you loved...He'll be Broken from the inside-Out.

Tinkerer: I don't just want him to suffer. I want him beg, Feel my Pain. I want Him to feel My Pain in the hereafter as an addition to what he has done to me.

Green Goblin (2002): You're Time Will soon Come. But first we must wait and see what our Next move is. I'm Something of a Scientist Myself.

New Goblin (SM3): Dad? Is that...You?

Green Goblin (2002): In the flesh, Harry.

New Goblin (SM3): It's good to see you again.

Tinkerer watches as the Father and the son reunite. He himself however couldn't get her out of her mind. Not since the battle of Harlem. Tinkerer pulls out picture of him, Miles and Phin.

Tinkerer: I will find a way. Your Death won't be for nothing...I Love you always...Phin.

The Tinkerer has a saddened look on his face while looking at the Picture of his Former Best Friend and Girlfriend.

(To Be Continued)

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