the best of me ⎪eren jaeger

By arminplzjust1chance

31.7K 1K 978

↬eren j. ⎪ ❝ You are my favorite place ❞ Giving your apartment to Eren, a boy of your friend group, didn't s... More

✿chapter one - new experience
✿chapter two - eren's laugh
✿chapter three - my favorite place
✿chapter four - i think the same about you
✿chapter five - the only photo we have together
✿chapter six - anything that is in our hands
✿chapter seven - pretty
✿chapter eight - a ray of sunshine
✿chapter nine - lies
✿chapter ten - bad memories
✿chapter eleven - the other side of the party
✿chapter twelve - hidden feelings
✿chapter fourteen -indifference
✿chapter fifteen - explanations
✿chapter sixteen - new priorities
❀chapter seventeen - moving
❀chapter eighteen - excuses
❀chapter nineteen - the bookshop
❀chapter twenty - forgotten
❀chapter twenty one - halloween's secrets
❀chapter twenty-two - those little details
❀chapter twenty-three - the best for you
❀chapter twenty-four - confessions
❀chapter twenty-five - between pages
❀chapter twenty-six - Shiganshina Park
❀chapter twenty-seven - I know who you are
✾chapter twenty-eight - first date
✾chapter twenty-nine - sleepover
✾chapter thirty - different perspectives
✾chapter thirty-one - blaming
✾chapter thirty-two - unrecovered memories
✾chapter thirty-three - the first day of the last month
✾chapter thirty-four - looking at the moon
✾chapter thirty-five - lights off
❁chapter thirty-six - stranger
❁chapter thirty-seven - the worst of me
❁chapter thirty-eight - past and present
❁chapter thirty-nine - repeat
❁chapter forty - true colors
❁chapter forty-one - stay there
❁chapter forty-two - always guilty

✿chapter thirteen - the same as before

668 28 14
By arminplzjust1chance

A/N: there are some implied season 3 and 4 spoilers.

°•. ✿ .•°

The day started as usual. It was a cloudy day, those that you liked. However, the sound of the alarm made all these positive thoughts disappear. God, I really have to change the sound, it's unbearable.

It was colder than normal, just like yesterday. Due to this, you took a white sweater and black jeans from the closet. While you were sitting at the desk, putting on some makeup, you noticed the presence of the roses that Eren had given you yesterday, remembering the promise you made to yourself yesterday.

Just like before.

While you were thinking about that, you received a message.

historia my queen

good morning!!

I spent the night at Ymir's house so I'm near to ur house

do u want us to go together to school?

she can't go to the first hours, skating competition:(

You put a smile on your face. She's so cute.



I'll b out in abt 20 mins

You looked one last time at the roses and the photo of you and Eren, which was next to them. This is for the best, right? It's only been three weeks being friends. It will not cost me anything to go back to acting like in the last three years. Anyway, he sure thought I was a burden, spending too much time in the apartment, having to be next to me all the time at the party ...

I mean, in that case all my friends will think of me in that way as well...

You immediately put those thoughts away. They didn't do you any good in the past.

After having some breakfast, you left your house, waiting for Historia, who appeared after five minutes. "y/n! Good morning" she greeted you.

You did the same thing and started walking to school. "Aren't we going to wait for Eren?" the blonde asked, as you were passing the apartment without even looking at it. You didn't want to do that.

"Um... yeah, I forgot about that" you babbled.

Said boy opened the building's door and looked at both of you. "Good morning" he yawned.

While Historia and Eren were talking about something you weren't very interested in, you immersed yourself in your thoughts.

Actually, there was something that had been going around in your head for a few days, which was when you remembered it. You took your mobile out of your pants pocket and opened the calendar application. Exactly one week.

One week until your parents came back from... wherever they were. For a few months you no longer cared. Anyway, they hardly ever answered when you called.

"y/n?" Eren brought your presence back to the present. "Is anything happening? You look distant".

You shifted to peer at him. "Um, no, I'm just tired. Yesterday was a loooong day" you explained, forcing yourself to smile at your friends.

The first class you had was History. You sat next to Sasha, who was between you and Historia. As usual, she was eating something. Today, she chose a strawberry lollipop. "Yo" she whispered, "I think Connie gave me this expired, this tastes like absolute shit".

You tried to contain your laugh due to Mr. Zachary being one of the teachers that scared you the most, along with Mr. Shadis. "If it tastes bad, why are you still eating it?"

"Well," she explained, "I need some sugar if I want to pay attention to this class. This is sooo boring".

The old teacher wrote something on the board. New project.

"Not this again...", Historia complained.

"Good morning class" Mr. Zachary got noticed. "As you can see, we are going to start a new project. You have to do a research work, in groups of three, on some important conflict that has happened between two nations, invented by you, but changing a bit what really happened. What would have happened if those two nations had had a military, nuclear, or even biological power that would have been capable of destroying the world? Could such a catastrophe have been avoided, had one of the nations been wiped out, or both?"

"That is so cool!" Sasha exclaimed. "What do you think about the Second World War? We can say that both of these two nations had, um... really big creatures that could destroy the world! We can add some topics to our investigation, such as racism, isolation or concentration camps".

"Woah, you are indeed a creative person..." Historia commented. "I think it's a good idea!"

"Same" you added, already excited for this interesting project.

"What about the nations?" the blonde girl asked. "They have to be completely new".

"Pfft, that would be easy", Sasha assured, "we choose the name of our school and other one. For example, Paradise against Marley nation. Easy!"

"So a war carried out by Paradise and Marley, both of them having these enormous creatures that can completely destroy the world... Seems fine to me", you concluded, laughing. "If I lived in that universe, I think I would have died even before the war started".

"I think I would go to Marley to fight as soon as this war started and I would die in the most ridiculous way in the world", Sasha imagined.

Historia's blue eyes shone. "Well, as my father is Paradise High School's principal... In that universe I would be the queen!"

The entire lesson was based on the three of you imagining what role each person in the class would have in this universe you created. Mikasa being the strongest soldier, Reiner being one of the bravest warriors, Connie being one of the few who would survive, not really knowing why ... Everyone had their role in this story. This is so funny.

"Agh, I love this!", Sasha commented. "Hey, do you want to go today to the mall? It's been a long time since we don't go shopping!" The girl turned her head back, facing Mikasa, who was discussing with Eren and Armin about their project. "Mika! Do you want to go with us to the mall today?"

The black-haired girl smiled, excited. "Of course! That will make me relax after spending a fucking hour with these two" She moved her hand, pointing at Eren. "This guy can't stop talking about a conflict that ends with freedom".

You watched Eren, who was talking to Armin in a very entertaining way. "If the nations do not fight, they will not win ...", "If they destroy their enemies, they will be the freest people in the world!" Those were two of the many things he was talking about to his friend.

"Ok, so after everyone finishes school, we'll go directly to the mall. Mikasa is the one who ends later, at 5pm, so we'll wait for her. Ymir can't go today, but what about Annie?", Historia asked.

"We're going together to the cinema" Armin answered with a smile on his face.

"Ah man", Eren complained, "I thought you were going to my house today. Well, I guess it will only be Reiner, Connie and me".


After finishing the classes, Sasha, Historia and you went to the library, continuing your History work. "Aaagh, this is so hard!" the brunette complained.

You softly tapped her head, "Sasha, it was your fault. Your idea was so complex, now we have to put a lot of effort!"

Mikasa appeared at that moment at the door. "Girls!" she whispered. "Let's go!"

The four of you left school and went to the nearest bus stop. After a few minutes, the bus arrived. The ride was about fifteen minutes, more than enough time for Sasha to fall asleep on Historia's shoulder, who was trying to hide her giggling so as not to wake her up.

"y/n", Mikasa called you, "how is it going with Eren? It's been a long time since I asked".

That question left you speechless. "Umm..." I can't tell them about what really happened, "It's good! I mean, we don't talk too much, it's just... a normal relationship between us. Nothing else. Just like before! Nothing really changed".

Mikasa's face turned into a confused one. "Oh... I see. I thought that you were getting to know each other, but I guess it's not like that. I mean, it's only been three weeks after all".

You sighed; glad you didn't raise suspicions. "Yeah... How are you and Jean?"

You noticed the girl getting nervous. "O-oh, we really didn't talk to each other after the party". In that moment, she received a message.

Jean😡: hey, I heard u were hanging out with the girls. Text me later, hope u have a good afternoon <3

"Mikasa!!!" you exclaimed. "Awww, he's so cute! And you said you didn't talk to each other that much..."

Her cheeks were covered in heat. "It's not like that! I always don't know what to answer to those messages. God, what a disaster..."

"Y/n, Mikasa!" Historia got up from her seat, waking up Sasha. "We are already here! Let's go!"

All of you left the bus and entered in the mall. It was huge and full of shops and places where you could spend hours and hours without getting bored. Besides that, there were always a lot of people, so it made the atmosphere even more magical.

"What should we do now?", you asked.

"Eat!", Sasha happily replied.

"Sasha, we can do that later", Historia put a hand on her shoulder, consoling her. "I thought that maybe we could buy something to wear for Armin's birthday. We only have one month left!"

Ah, Armin's birthday, literally the best day of the year.

Since you came to this city, you had been invited to the boy's birthday. In his family, this day was very important, so he always had a huge party in which the entire class was invited. It was a special occasion, because Armin worked a lot on it, so every year, all of you bought a new dress for it. It was like a prom, although since Sasha tore her long dress after tripping over something last year, all the girls decided that you were going to wear short ones for this, except Ymir, who assured was going to buy a suit.

"Let's enter in this shop" Mikasa suggested, pointing to a local which had its showcase full of dresses.

Inside of this, there were all kinds of dresses: short, long, simple, ornate, with bright or sober colors... Everything anyone could imagine.

"Oh my god, I want this one!" you heard Historia exclaimed. The blonde came from the other corner of the shop with a baby pink milkmaid dress printed with dark pink flowers. "I'm going to try it on!" she walked to the fitting rooms.

Fifteen minutes had passed, and you still couldn't find any dress you truly loved. Sure, there were a lot of them you liked, but none that you could think this is the one. Maybe I should buy a suit like Ymir...

You went to the fitting rooms, where Sasha and Mikasa were already there as well. The first one to come out was Historia. "You look like a princess" you admired her.

Heat rushed to her cheeks. "Thank you! I really like it. Agh, I want to call Ymir to show it to her, but it has to be a secret!"

In that moment, Mikasa opened the curtain and moved next to you two. She chose a sleeve less black dress with white lace on the chest and shoulders. "I love it!" Historia exclaimed, "I'm sure Jean will think the same as me" she teased her.

Mikasa's only reaction was to ignore what the blonde just said, although you could see that she had a small smile on her face.

After a few minutes, Sasha came out, trying to zip up her orange dress, which also had flowers with different colors. "This is so hard to put on!" she complained, while Mikasa was helping her.

"All of you look beautiful. I haven't even found anything..." you said, going back to the shop. While walking down the corridor, you went through Sasha's fitting room, seeing that someone has left before a dress. It was white, long-sleeved and with some cleavage. In addition, it had lace on the edges of the chest area and at the end of the skirt, which had a small cut as an opening. It was simple, but you still liked it.

You entered in the fitting room without saying anything to your friends and tried the dress on. It was tight, but not enough that you could not breathe. I love it.

"Where's y/n?" Sasha asked.

You came out of the room, and all of the girls turned their head to look at you. Immediately, their faces changed. "It looks so good!" Historia babbled.

"Mhm", Mikasa agreed.

Sasha moved next to you and looked at every detail the dress had. "You should definitely buy it".

As you promised Sasha, after buying the dresses you went to eat at an ice cream place. Then you went to the movies, where you found Armin and Annie. The girl carried with her a stuffed animal that her boyfriend had bought for her. "I can't, they are so cute!" you exclaimed. "I wish I had something like that..."

While you were saying that, images of Eren appeared in your mind.

When the movie finished, it was already pretty late. Instead of going on bus, the four of you decided to go back walking. The way back to your houses was long, so after 30 minutes walking, by request of Historia, you stopped and walked inside of a park that was nearby.

Mikasa sat on a bench. "I'm sooo tired".

"Me too" you agreed, "I can't feel my legs".

"Same, I'm full after I ate all that ice cream..." Sasha explained, "Damn, I wish someone cook for me whenever I want some food! I will fall in love instantly". Historia, who was next to her, let out a laugh.

Suddenly, all of you got scared because of a loud sound. "God, what was that?" you asked.

Mikasa offered herself, "I'll go check".

After five minutes, she came back with a pale face. "They... closed the door. We can't leave this place".

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

"What?!" Historia exclaimed. She checked the hour, "I mean, it makes sense, it's already 9pm".

"Oh... so that's why it was written that this park closes at 9pm..." Sasha whispered.

You put a hand on your face, "Sasha! Why didn't you tell us?"

"Whaaat? I supposed that they will tell us that they were going to close like five minutes before or something!" she defended herself.

Mikasa sat again, clearly nervous. "How are we going to leave now? If we try to jump off the fence, we are going to get hurt. It's too big".

"Wait, Eren said this morning that Reiner and Connie were going to his house this afternoon. I'll call Reiner and tell him to bring a portable ladder from Eren's house" Historia took out her phone and call him, "Reiner! You won't believe what happened to us..."

After the boy agreed that he would go to the park, all of you sat on the bench with Mikasa.

"Aw, Annie and Armin looked so cute today!" Sasha remembered. "I wish I had someone who liked me this way!"

"Same" Mikasa said. "When I was younger, most boys didn't look at me that way because, well, I was less feminine than the majority of the girls. They thought I was weird because I was always protecting Eren. It's not my fault, though, he was an absolute mess!" she laughed. "Also, there was a time in 8th grade where all of the girls started wearing makeup. When people asked me why I didn't do that, I always told them that 'I didn't like it', but the truth is that I didn't know how to use it until last year!"

"That's true!" you assured. "Ah, I still remember that afternoon at your house. I said 'I'm not leaving this place until you learn how to do your makeup in a way you like!' or something like that. At the end, even Eren was impressed when he saw you!"

"Well, now you have Jean" Historia teased her. "I lived the opposite from you. Because I looked like a really fragile girl, who didn't know anything from life, all of the boys tried to be with me. But I didn't like them, and I didn't know why, until two years ago, when I met Ymir", she blushed.

"Awwww, that's so cute, I can't!" Sasha complained. "I just want someone that cooks for me or takes me out to some fancy restaurants. God, that will be the perfect date!"

"Oh, then you'll be jealous of y/n", Historia added, "Eren already cooked for her, right?"

Your cheeks went red, "Haha, yeah... It was delicious! I never knew that he was so good at cooking!"

"You seem to get along pretty well, huh?" the blonde continued, trying to get more information out of you.

"Yes!" you exclaimed, forgetting about what you promised to yourself yesterday. "As we didn't get to know each other better in these three years, I didn't know that we could be friends, but it seems I was wrong. In these three weeks, we spent a lot of time together, and it was cool. I mean, after all, I'm the owner of the place he currently lives in, right?" you smiled.

You looked at the faces of your friends. While Sasha and Historia were smiling, Mikasa looked at the floor with sorrow. "Mikasa, is there anything that matters?" you softly asked.

She looked at you. "Oh... it's nothing".

"You sure?" you insisted.

"It's just... I have something to tell you".

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

It was a Friday night. Mikasa was in the bathroom, still saddened that Eren had to stop living in her house after three years. Everything was uncertain: Neither she nor her parents knew where the boy was going to stay from tomorrow.

While she was returning to her room, she passed by Eren's. He was someone talking to someone on the phone, whom the girl recognized as Reiner.

"Yeah, I don't even know why she suggested me that. We are not even friends..." Eren continued.

Mikasa waited at the door until he finished talking. Then, she entered in the room. "Hey..." she greeted the boy, "I heard that someone suggested you something. What is it? Is something related to you and having a new place to live in?" she asked, clearly worried.

"Um, yeah..." Eren moved the hand with which he was holding his phone, showing her a chat he had with someone. "Y/n? Has she let you live in her apartment? That's perfect for you!" the black-haired exclaimed. "Ah, she's so sweet..."

"Wait..." the boy laughed. "Who told you I was going to accept her suggestion?"

Mikasa was confused. "Why wouldn't you do it?"

He shrugged. "We're not friends".

She rolled her eyes. "Eren... don't start. Why is it so difficult for you to open to some new people? Since..." the girl tried to not mention his parents death. "Since ninth grade, you closed your friends circle so much, you need to change that, more when people are trying to help you".

"Why would I want to open to her? I don't even like y/n!" Eren exclaimed. "I only need the people that has always been by my side. I don't want anything from her! God, they're all the same..."

"'By my side'? What the fuck are you even talking about? She had always tried to be your friend, but you didn't let her, nor anyone since your parents died!"

Oh my god, not today. Mikasa put her hands on her mouth, still shocked about what she just said. "I'm sorr..."

Eren was about to punch something. "Ugh, why can't you see it? Thanks to that bitch you had to mention them! Why can't you understand that I don't enjoy her mere presence? Is it so difficult to understand that I don't like her personality? I can't comprehend why all of you like her so much!"

Mikasa closed the door, getting angry. "Listen, Eren. What I don't understand is why you're acting like that. Is it her fault that I mentioned your parents? No! I can't come up with any reason you don't like her, I really can't. But you're going to accept what she told you".


"Yes, or you're leaving my fucking house right now".

She then took his phone and texted you.


yup, that one

with what u said ig I don't need to send u the ubication lol


nah, ik where it is

so is it good for u tomorrow at 10 am?


that would b great

good night :)


good night and thank u, y/n

"God, why can't you let me take my own decisions?" Eren complained.

"I will let you take your own decisions when you tell me why you hate her so much" Mikasa ordered.

The boy, who was now sitting on his desk, tapped his fingers against the table nervously, uncomfortable about what she just asked. "There's no reason", he said in a dry tone, "I don't like her and I will never do, and you can't do anything about it. The only reason I will accept that is so you can shut up. Good night" he moved his arm, indicating to Mikasa that to leave his room.

Before she did it, the girl looked at Eren one last time, her eyes full of disappointment. "She would be so sad..."


The next day, Mikasa woke up pretty late, as she wanted to be as active as possible for Historia's house that night. "Eren" was the first thing she said. "Oh my god... I should have wake up before, he for sure didn't go y/n's apartment!"

She ran to his room, only to find him already dressed and packing his things. "Good morning" he said.

"You actually went?" Mikasa asked, which make the boy moved his head in approval. "That's perfect! What are you going to do?"

"Well, as you can see," he moved his arms, pointing to all the boxes that were in his room, filled with clothes, "I'm actually staying here. Of course I'm moving to her apartment, Mikasa".

The girl smiled from the excitement. "Great! I'm so happy for both of you".

"Both of us? I still think the same about her. Nothing changed. As I said last night, I'm only moving there so you and her can leave me alone already".

Mikasa slapped him. "You're so immature... They day I find out why you hate her so much, I will be dead".

The day passed quietly for her, and at night, all of you were playing truth or dare. After Reiner's turn, it was yours. "y/n!! Truth or dare?" he asked.

"True" you replied.

Reiner smiled. "I have the perfect question for you. What do you think about Eren, now that he is living in your apartment?"

"What?" Sasha and Mikasa both said. The black-haired girl acted like she didn't know anything about him moving to your apartment, because, if you asked her something, she couldn't shut up about her conversation with Eren last night. The brunette looked at her confused, as he knew she was the one who forced him to do that.

"What am I missing? Is Eren really there?" Historia asked.

"Yeah, yeah, y/n is a really good person..." A smirk formed in Reiner's face. "Anyways, answer the question".

"Um, I'm happy that he has a new place to live, and I'm happy with my decision. Not the reason why I left him the apartment, but he is cool I guess" Mikasa noticed that your face suddenly changed completely. "However, I don't think he can say the same about me, right?" you asked, while looking at him straight in his green eyes.

Wait, does y/n know anything about what happened yesterday between me and Eren?

After the game ended, while everyone was either asleep or talking to someone under the influence of alcohol, Mikasa couldn't stop thinking about what you had said earlier.

"Guys, I think I'm going back to my house, I'm really tired", you said.

"I'm going back too" Reiner added. "y/n, I'll leave you with my car at your house".

You smiled at him. "Ok, bye everyone!!".

Mikasa could feel that her heart was breaking. She's so sweet... She doesn't even realize what's happening.

When Reiner and you left the house, the girl moved next to Eren, who was sleeping. "Hey..." she said, waking him up. "What happened before? While playing truth or dare, y/n said something about you that didn't sit right with me. What did you tell her?"

The boy rolled his eyes. "Nothing. I was grabbing some drinks with Jean and she suddenly appeared bombarding me with questions about the apartment. I only told her that she was asking too many things already".

"Eren, please... Not this again" Mikasa put a hand on her face, thinking about something she could do to solve this. "Come on, say something to her through the phone".

"What? No! yesterday was the last time I will ever do that" he assured.

Before Eren could notice it, Mikasa took his phone, went running to the bathroom and talked with you through messages.


I'm sorry for talking to u like that

ur the only one that really helped me yesterday

I'm sorry


it's ok

you don't need to apologize two times;)

Eren suddenly appeared in the same as her. "Mikasa, seriously, stop playing!" He took his phone from her hands and saw your message, which cause him to be confused, but with a small smile on his face. "She used the same lines I used with her today... weird". He typed something.


ouch, using my lines I see

well, it's just that

Mikasa hit him. "You're so annoying. Now, please, listen to me. I know that you hate her, you made yourself very clear. But, please, give her a chance. She's just trying to help you. Invite her to come over the apartment tomorrow, you can make some lunch!".

Eren looked at her. "Mikasa..."

"Please" she insisted.

"Probably this is because of the alcohol, and tomorrow I will regret it, but ok. This is the last time I do this" he assured.


do u want to come tomorrow?

already have some dirty clothes

and I'll make lunch


sounds like a plan

I'll b there at 11am

hopefully not late again

"Perfect!" Mikasa exclaimed, and then took out his phone again, typing something to you.

"Mikasa!" Eren shouted from the back, running after her.



and y/n

I think the same abt u


I think ur cool too

it's just that I was just idk

confused abt some things today

it's true that when I met u I thought u were kinda dry

but with the time, and with the apartment thing

I changed fr my opinion

(End of the flashback)

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

"After that, I really didn't ask him anything. I thought it was the best. You know, maybe if I kept asking him about you his opinion about you could get worse..." Mikasa ended her story

"Oh..." you muttered. You didn't know how to react. "So Eren... hates me?"

Everything that happened in the beginning was not of his own free will? If it hadn't been for Mikasa, he wouldn't have even considered it, right?

Now I understand why he was so dry with me in Historia's house ... and why he changed his opinion of me so much by message. Well, he never changed it, it was Mikasa's thing. When he invited me to the apartment for the first time ... he didn't want me to be there, right?

Everything I think Eren thinks of me ... is a lie. He hates me, or he hated me, I don't know what to think at this point. But what have I done to make him hate me so much? We didn't know each other that much to have an opinion about each other.

What have I done wrong? You felt your heart breaking. Trying to separate yourself from Eren in the end paid off.

"But Reiner told me that night that Eren was just overwhelmed..." you whispered.

And when he asked me every day if I was going to go to the apartment, was he faking it there too?

What about the roses he gave me yesterday? And when he hyped me up, calling me pretty?

My head hurts so much...

"I don't know what happened to him that night, y/n, I'm sorry..." Mikasa tried to console you.

You forced a smile. "It's ok, Mikasa, it's not your fault. I guess is mine. After all, I'm the one Eren hates..."

"Don't say that!" Historia exclaimed. "I'm sure Eren was just... overwhelmed, as Reiner told you. When something bad happens to him, he tends to act that way, especially with people who tries to help him. I'm sure that there's a mistake in all this..."

"Yeah, that's for sure! Eren is not like that" Sasha assured you.

You shrugged. "Girls, don't worry, it's ok. I can't do anything about it. I'm just sad that everything... was a lie. I thought we were friends, that's all" you told them. Tears were appearing on your eyes, but you had to contain them. You promised that to yourself yesterday.

"Girls!" someone shouted.

Mikasa looked in the direction the voice was coming from. "It's Reiner!"

She and Sasha ran to the door, while you and Historia were walking slowly. "I don't understand that yet. He doesn't seem to be acting fake right now. That was probably just a matter of those days, you're really good friends now!" she guaranteed.

You hugged the blonde girl. "Thank you for saying that, but I don't know what to believe. That day when we had lunch together, it seemed like he enjoyed being there, but it was completely the opposite. Who's going to tell me that the same thing isn't happening right now?"

"Whatever, I guess things will be as before. It doesn't matter, though, he made very clear that he liked it that way" you concluded.

When you arrived at the park entrance, you saw two more figures next to Reiner: Connie and Eren. "Girls! Are y'all ok?" the brunette asked.

You looked at his turquoise eyes, trying to figure out what they were thinking about. They seemed worried. Well, I guess I'll never know. Back in the day, I also believed something which wasn't true.

Historia and you got out of the park thanks to the help of some portable ladders Reiner brought. When you were coming down, Eren held out his hand to help you. You stared for a moment, and then you looked at him. Your wet eyes told him that something was wrong, but he didn't dare ask what.

Without saying anything, you refused his help and went down the stairs alone, which made the boy more confused.

Connie, who was next to him, gave you a hug. "God, I was so worried about you guys! Here," he offered you a blanket, which you gladly accepted, "It's pretty cold, huh?"

You smiled, "Yeah, it is. Thank you, Connie".

As you were going to talk with Reiner, Eren stood in front of you. "Hey, are you ok? You look sad. It's been like that since this morning, but now it seems worse. Did something happen?"

Flashbacks of what you just heard fifteen minutes ago appeared on your mind, making you speechless. How should I react? I should be angry, but...

"y/n!!" Sasha, who was next to Reiner, called you, as she noticed that the boy was trying to talk to you. "Come here!"

After five minutes of talking with them, all of you started walking. Reiner told you what he planned on doing this weekend, while Sasha and Historia were commenting on what they wanted to buy for Armin's birthday.

You realized that you haven't heard anything from Mikasa or Eren. You looked back, seeing them a little out of the way. She was telling something to the boy, who did not look up from the ground.

Is she talking about what you just told me?

While you were thinking that, Eren looked up. His emerald eyes, which to you always seemed to be shining, now showed a reflection of regret and sorrow when they settled on you.

He knows I know. I shouldn't care but...

Your heart felt empty with just the idea of him being sad because of someone like you.

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