By FranciscoJoseAlonso

450 48 4

Road To PPVs and Crossovers and UCW shows More

UCW Road To Heaven or Hell 1: Waluigi
UCW Road to Heaven or Hell 2: Leomon
UCW Extra 3: Team Sonic vs Bandicoots + aftermath
UCW Road To Heaven or Hell 3: Wario
UCW Extra 5: Sonic vs Gray, Knuckles vs Natsu
UCW Extra 6
UCW High Impact 16: Against All Odds Fallout
UCW High Impact #18
UCW High Impact #19
UCW High Impact #20
UCW High Impact #21
UCW High Impact #22
UCW High Impact #23
UCW High Impact #24
UCW Money Above All Promo Package
UCW Prime Target (Money Above All): Asuna vs Sonya
UCW Money Above All
UCW High Impact #25
UCW High Impact #26
UCW High Impact #27
UCW High Impact #28
UCW High Impact #29
UCW High Impact #30
UCW High Impact #31
UCW High Impact #32
UCW Disorder and Profit Promo
UCW Disorder and Profit
UCW High Impact #33
UCW High Impact #34
UCW High Impact #35
UCW High Impact #36
UCW High Impact #37
UCW High Impact #38
UCW High Impact #39
UCW High Impact #40
UCW No Way Out Promo
UCW No Way Out
UCW High Impact #41
UCW High Impact #42
UCW High Impact #43
UCW High Impact #44
UCW High Impact #45
UCW High Impact #46
UCW High Impact #47
UCW High Impact #48
Glory or Demise Promo
UCW Glory or Demise
UCW High Impact #49
UCW High Impact #50
UCW High Impact #51
UCW High Impact #52
UCW High Impact #53
UCW High Impact #54
UCW High Impact #55
UCW High Impact #56
UCW Genesis 2 Promo
UCW Genesis 2
UCW High Impact #57
UCW High Impact #58 "In honor to Eddie Mac"
Interview with Yang Xiao Long
The Scarlet Truth
Graveyard Discussion (Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's arc part 1)
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight Arc Part 2: Feud with the Watterson (Part 1)
UCW Extra: Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's arc Part 3
Shovel Knight and Edward Mason Arc Part 4
UCW Extra: Shovel Knight and Edward Mason's Arc Part 5
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 6
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 7
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 8
Interview with Peach
Interview with Karin
Peach and Karin's Arc Part 1
Zarya vs Monika (Week 1-8)
Zarya vs Monika/Anti-Rebellion vs R Evolution (Week 9-16)
Zarya vs Monika/Anti-Rebellion vs R Evolution (Week 17-24)
Enri Louvre's Extra Champion reign Part 1
Enri's Extra Title reign Part 2
Enri's Extra Championship reign (Weeks 9-12)
Enri's Extra Championship Reign (Weeks 13-20)
Fairy Tail's Wendy and Mirajane vs SAO's Sinon and Leafa
Banri and Zange vs SAO's Klein and Agil
SAO's Sinon and Leafa vs Wicked Twister's Nagi and Shoka
UCW High Impact #59
UCW High Impact #60
UCW High Impact #61
UCW High Impact #62
UCW High Impact #63
UCW High Impact #64
UCW Against All Odds 2
Hayden and Yukiteru (Dependants) vs Fairy Tail's Natsu and Gray
UCW High Impact #65
UCW High Impact #66
UCW High Impact #67
UCW High Impact #68
UCW High Impact #69
UCW High Impact #70
UCW High Impact #71
UCW High Impact #72
UCW Greed
UCW High Impact Intro (Men)
UCW High Impact Intro (Women)
UCW High Impact #73
UCW High Impact #74
UCW High Impact #75
UCW High Impact #77
UCW High Impact #78
UCW High Impact #79
UCW High Impact #80
UCW Pride Pre-Show
Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (half 1)
Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (Half 2)
Mario Bros vs Tom and Jerry
Mario Bros vs Dependants (Yukiteru and Robert Haydn) Half 1
Road to Rocker Entertainment: Elias
Road to IWA Unforgiven: Consequences of Underestimation
UCW Pride
UCW High Impact #81: Jin Sakai vs Gray Fullbuster
UCW Extra: Enri vs Ebel
UCW High Impact #82: Angelica vs Darkness
UCW Extra 2: Enri vs Six
UCW High Impact #83: Klein vs Isaac Foster
UCW Extra 3: Fairy Tail vs Anti-Rebellion vs Jin Sakai and Sekiro
UCW High Impact #84: 6 Women Tag
Extra 4: Kuromaru vs Catherine Ward
UCW High Impact #85: Digimon vs Greedy Bastards
Extra 5: Inori Himuro/Iku Honda vs Peach and Karin Yuuki
High Impact #86: Lucy Heartfilia vs Kiki
Extra 6: Kuromaru vs Hinata
High Impact 87: No Disqualification: Fairy Tail vs Jin Sakai/Sekiro
Extra 7: Ruairi vs Kuromaru vs Catherine Ward
High Impact 88: Tag Team Title rematch
Extra 8: Kuromaru vs Halter
UCW No Way Out 2 Pre Show
UCW No Way Out 2
UCW High Impact #89
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #1
Road to UCW Glory or Demise 2 #2
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #3
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #4
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #5
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #6
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #7
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #8
UCW High Impact #90
UCW Glory or Demise 2
UCW High Impact #91, Season 3 Start
UCW Extra 9: Halter (c) vs Ruairi
UCW Might #1
Extra 10: The Arrival
UCW High Impact #92: Unexpected Happenings

UCW High Impact #76

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By FranciscoJoseAlonso

1- Non-Title match: Lucy Heartfilia vs Six:
The purpose of this match was:
-To show how Six was smarter than she appeared to be as she went rather than after the fingers like she can do well she went after Lucy's legs because she knew that was her final strike and thus went after it to essentially ridden Lucy out of her main weapon and in the process netted a 70/30 lead at first since with her legs being worn down then Lucy having any weight lifting attempts would be countered not because of weight since Six didn't weight that much but rather because Six could easily escape by clipping Lucy's legs and then proceed to regain control of the match.
-This worked at first till Lucy caught on to what Six was doing and switched from moves that required a lot of momentum to do to ones that could be done in an instant such as snap suplexes and this netted her an 80/20 lead since with snap moves Six had no time to clip her legs to stop the moves.
-To show how Six still didn't give up and figured out another more risky way to keep the match even in going full speed since she noticed she had to have more speed than legs damaged Lucy and she was right and this forced the match back and forth since even with the disadvantage, Lucy's strategy of snap moves still worked really well.
In the end, Lucy improvised a rollup by grabbing Six's fist when she wad about to punch her and then do the Nakamura armbar transition before switching her position till she had Six pinned by the face with one hand and her legs trapped with the other and this got Lucy the clean victory since Six was not strong enough to kick out of that weird rollup.

2- After the match, we see Lucy grabbing a mic to proceed to say the next:

Lucy: Well i'll be damned, i am actually facing someone who can perfectly be described as an idiot who sacrificed everything to save others albeit they're smarter than Alice Baskerville in Mako.
Mako, i know of that one time where your greed and your family's led to you essentially becoming a Fight Club President to help you all get out of that dirty house you live in and it suceeded even if thanks moreso to your partner Ryuko than anything else.
You had everything and didn't notice you were being used because of your greed and ended up turning against your own friend and had it not been because you noticed you were being "disgusting" as you say you were as well as your family you would have ended up killing her and then you proceeded to sacrifice it all not because of greed but rather pride disguised as you doing the right thing.
Actually, i think you're dumber than Alice since at least her BS sacrifice did serve for something and she didn't chicken out at the last second whereas you chickened out of a sacrifice...only to do another one afterwards that nullified all you have gotten.
What i'm trying to say is, since you're such an idiot that would prefer other's safety over success...then what chance do you have of beating the Heart of Fairy Tail and someone who has yet to lose clean!.
None, and i will show you that at Pride when i beat you and retain my title.

*The segment ends with Lucy leaving the ring while being booed by the crowd as usual and she just says that she's stating facts*

3- Non-Title match: Arcadia Business (Max Caulfield and Rachel Amber) vs R Evolution (Monika and Anri Warhol) with Charlotte Wiltshire:
The story behind this match was simple with Arcadia Business mocking their challengers by either doing their moves or playing to the crowd as they didn't see them as threats and how this affected the match since if the former happened then the match was back and forth since as much mocking as they wanted to do with moves they didn't exactly know how to do them in a way that didn't hinder them and in the latter thing happening, then R Evolution had the edge since they weren't playing to the crowd at all throughout the match but rather were laser focused on winning and this gave them an impressive 60/40 lead considering they were against the champs and specially after seeing their not so good run against Anti-Rebellion.
In the end, Arcadia Business won after a Win-For-Hire (Double Wheelbarrow Facebuster) on Anri and Max covering her.

4- After the match, we see Miku and Kizuna appearing in the stage and saying the next:

Kizuna: We get it, we're not seen as threats to your reign and that's fair, however i'd say we were if that match you just had right now is something to indicate.

Miku: Agreeing with Kizuna on that one since you struggled to keep the match back and forth and even were in problems to get the victory despite being so better than us due to using our moves and mannerisms...and if that happened when you tried doing them then what do you think will happen when you have to face those who know how to do them both perfectly?.

Kizuna: You will lose, because copyrighting people is funny and all until you face the real deal and realize you're nowhere near their level.

*The segment ends with Kizuna and Miku leaving while the crowd cheers as Max and Rachel look at each other realizing that their opponents do have a point after all on them being threats id going by the match they just had*

5- We see Erza entering the ring to a bit of a mixed reaction even if cheers still outnumber the boos due to how she acted against Karuta by showing her ego and then grabbing a mic:

Erza: Well, at Episode 80 as everyone knows i will be defending my Openweight Championship...however i am not scared of her because even if i do have to admit facing someone as built as me can be a challenge, it does not mean i will fear someone who is trying to force everyone to think like them and if they don't they get beaten to the curb.
Well call me the Scarlet Rebel or whatever Zarya decides to call me because i will not let that stand and i will beat her at Episode 80 to show everyone to not fret Anti-Rebellion since they're beatable because if i beat the most likely to be dominant member of them then no one will fear to think unlike them.
I'll see you then Zarya.

*The segment ends with the same reaction as Erza entered in now being only a tad more positive as people do like that Anti-Rebellion's leader could be taken down and with it their fear factor*

6- Yang vs Judy Hopps:
The story behind this match was:
-Yang trying to beat Judy to show Chloe that unlike her she didn't need to be in tag team matches to win and to get one over her in the process.
-Judy showing that for a debutee she was putting up a good fight against Yang even despite her opponent's piwer advantage thanks to one trait that she has which is technical analysis of weaknesses and she used it to target Yang's arms so that her punching power was reduced and she had more difficulty lifting her which succeded moderatedly since the match was back and forth as the match progressed.
-Judy's tactic would have worked on any other day had Yang not been out to get one over Chloe by winning which would put her over beating someone down and by herself rather than with help like Chloe did with her buddies on their challengers, this made Yang fight back even despite how much it hurted sometimes to punch Judy and that she had her patience tested as she couldn't lift Judy in time to hit a power move.
In the end, Yang connected a Spinning Elbow and covered Judy to win cleanly.
After the match, she grabbed a mic and said the next:

Yang: Chloe!, i got one over you just now by topping your aided assault with a victory by myself and to get to the point what i want is another match with you at Pride!.
I know you'd see this as a golden opportunity to get some momentum for your trio since you'd be facing someone who you pinned twice already so what are you waiting for, come and accept my match!.
However, i warn you that i will beat you this time because as you have just seen, i can get one over you and i will do it again at Pride or hell even before then!.

*We now see Chloe appearing on stage to say the next words*

Chloe: I hope you don't regret this, because you're on!.

The show ends with the crowd cheering due to the match getting confirmed and Chloe and Yang staring at each other

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