I Fell In Love With The Devil

Von gabi8229

244 3 1

There is always something to see, you just have to open your eyes. Piper had everything until the day when sh... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 16

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Von gabi8229

I picked up my shirt and tugged it on while Levi found a towel to wipe off the sweat that still shone on his skin. I used my shirt to wipe off the sweat that had transferred from his chest to mine during our little session. I looked out the window as Levi changed out of his sports shorts and into the nice casual outfit he had on before. Levi's arms slipped around my waist as he hugged me from behind and kissed my hair. 'We should probably go back downstairs,' he murmured into the back of my head. I nodded but didn't move, neither did he. We stayed like that for a few minutes before we actually thought of leaving the gym.

 I trailed behind Levi down the stairs to the computer room where everyone was trying hard not to look at us as we entered. I noticed all the knowing smiles that passed between them all and I ducked my face to avoid them. I sat in a seat beside Scarlett who was tapping away at a map of Sydney. Levi sat down beside Jake and David who clapped him on the back and asked as loud as they possibly could. 'What's the plan for tonight?'

I buried my face in my hands in embarrassment. Scarlett put a comforting arm around my shoulders and whispered, 'They're just jealous cos' they're the only single ones here, even tiny tots over there has a wife.'

I giggled as she pointed to the man that Levi had argued with over me and the tracker mishap. 'What's the bet she's extremely tall. Imagine that,' I mused and we burst into loud laughter. I struggled to breathe and my tummy hurt from all the laughing. I eventually regained myself and couldn't help the smile that remained plastered on my face. 'Where's Theodore now?' I asked, his red dot seemed to be everywhere at once. Scarlett scrunched her nose at the flickering dot. 'He enters the CBD and all of a sudden his tracker doesn't follow him but appears in a new place every second.'

'Obviously, X's base is there, right? Why else would the tracker never follow him there?'

'That's what we thought but the problem is the CBD is big, their base could be anywhere in there. It could be under a store, above it, separated into small bases that specialise in different fields, we know nothing that could help us find them.'

'Except that it's in the CBD,' I sighed. Suddenly a thought came to me. 'Scarlett.'

She looked up from the computer and waited for me to go on. 'Is there a pattern that the tracker follows once Theodore enters the CBD?'

She pursed her lips in deep thought then said, 'You know what, that's not a bad idea. There isn't one that I've noticed but I could run a program that will record the tracker's appearances and once it matches a sequence it'll tell us.' She tapped away for a few minutes until a file began downloading. 'It could take a while, so any other ideas?'

'They would have to code whatever is making the tracker appear all over Sydney, right?'

'They would. And?' She spun around and clicked on the map again so that it showed only the CBD in a bold outline.

'I don't know much about computers or anything but could you trace the coding back to the location it was created at?'

'Depends on how well they hid their tracks. I definitely can't do that but someone back at the agency might be able to. We might get multiple locations, a fake location, stuff like that.' At that moment the file finished downloading and Scarlett went straight to putting it in place.

'Will this program be able to find the original sequence of locations?' I inquired.

'I'm not sure. I know it'll find the pattern, there's probably some setting that allows it to unscramble it back to the original sequence. Why?'

'Will finding the original sequence help with finding the location it was created at?'

'I'm really not sure. I could ask someone else back at the agency to do some fiddling with it to see what they can do. I'm an amateur in computers compared to some people there.'

I was pretty useless with computers and I had no clue what half the people in there were doing so I headed into the kitchen to make snacks because that was all the help I could provide. I sorted through the cupboards until I found a few packets of choc chips with a cookie recipe on the back. I made these cookies all the time with mum when I was little and they tasted amazing, especially when they had just come out of the oven and the chocolate was still melted. I spent the next half hour making a large batch of them. Levi poked his head in just as I was getting them out of the oven. He sauntered over like he owned the place which technically he did. 'A smart cookie told Scarlett to run some program and it turned out that it matched ten times in a row. She sent the data to the agency to see what they can do with it,' he grinned.

'Finally, some progress. So who was this smart cookie that helped?' I leaned my butt against the bench and slapped his hand away from the cookies.

'Oh, it was a nobody,' he teased. I punched his shoulder and batted his sneaky hands away from the hot trays with the oven mitts. 'No sex on the bench please,' David smirked upon entering. I rolled my eyes and pushed Levi and David out of the kitchen before they began feasting on the freshly baked cookies. They needed time to cool otherwise those dumbarses would burn themselves on the trays. What was it with boys and food? I waited a few minutes then transferred the choc chip cookies onto shiny cooling racks that looked brand new. After another minute or two I piled them onto a tray and shouldered open the swinging door. As soon as I exited the kitchen, everyone swarmed around me like an angry hive of bees but they weren't angry, quite the opposite. 'Not as good as mine,' Jake boasted.

'These beat your's every day,' Scarlett objected with a mouthful of cookie. I laughed and soon there were only crumbs left. Even tiny tots complimented my cooking and after Levi glared at him for a full minute, he apologised. I told him that there was no harm done and went back into the kitchen to wash up all the dishes. 

'They've sent something back,' Scarlett exclaimed excitedly. I yawned and stretched in the chair I had been about to fall asleep in. 'Sorry, what happened?' I mumbled.

'The agency sent something back,' she repeated. My tiredness vanished and I jumped out of my chair to join the huddle around her computer. 'They managed to get into the coding and somehow traced them back to five locations. Prada had the most hits, Gucci comes in second, Meriton Suites, Wynyard Park, and State Library of NSW. The coding was done at these five locations but they could still be fake.'

'We don't have any other leads that I know of,' Levi said. 'We may as well check 'em out.'

'I'll go to the Library,' Jake suggested, 'David can partner me.'

'Matthew and I'll check Wynyard Park,' Scarlett proposed. 'I guess that leaves you two to cover Meriton Suites. Say you're booking your honeymoon or something.' She winked.

'She's never been on a stake-out, it makes sense that you guys go to an easy-ish one.'

'Excuse me but I slipped through your fingers and Theodore's multiple times before I came back here and finally got caught,' I huffed. 'I'm pretty sure a stake-out is easier than that.'

A smirk appeared on Levi's face. Jake stuck his middle finger up and grumbled something under his breath. 'Just because you chose the State Library doesn't mean you're saving the Prime Minister,' I teased. Jake's finger flicked my way but a grin spread across his face. 'What about Gucci and Prada?' I asked. 'Who's doing them?'

'We'll look into them later in groups of three instead of two. Better to be prepared than unprepared. The more the merrier and the less likely they are to catch you all,' David explained. 'More witnesses too in case something happens.'

'Meet back here in two days?' Matthew inquired.

'Two days,' Levi confirmed. 'Any longer and they might notice us and it could become suspicious but if you see something earlier that points to the location of their base report it and we'll meet back here at ten o'clock that night. If we begin to look suspicious then they may start watching the house. You guys head back to yours with a three-five hour interval between your arrivals. They may watch you guys too. Who knows if they've got access to our phones so I'll send a text earlier that day asking if you all want to come over for some drinks and a catch-up since we haven't seen each other in a while. That way X can see they may think that we are catching up instead of reporting their activities.'

There were nods all around the group so Levi and Matthew left to inform the other agents what was happening. 'I am not pretending to be on my honeymoon,' I stated firmly to Scarlett. She shrugged but a cheeky smile played on her lips. She continued clicking a few buttons before swivelling around on her office chair and giggling at me. 'It's a really good cover,' she said. 'No one would expect a thing, a young couple staying in a luxury suite.'

I sighed and rolled my eyes. 'I guess it would be a good cover, but still.'

'What's to worry about, no one will suspect a thing if they hear a lot of noise coming from your suite,' she cackled at what she had said so matter-of-factly and I glared at her so she added between gasping breaths, 'For all... anyone knows... you... could be... fighting X.' She wiped a stray tear and doubled over in silent guffaws. I threw my hands in the air and stomped out of the room. I tugged my phone from my pocket and dialled a number that would remain forever ingrained in my head. 'Hi Piper, just a sec,' Holly said, 'Mum, I'll do it later Piper just called... no I can't hang up... you could say hello, I'm sure Piper would love to hear your voice.'

'Hey there Piper, it's Suzy. How's Sydney? When you come down you'll have to tell me all about it. I hope you are coping okay, I heard what happened and I'm so sorry.'

'No, it's okay. You must be finding it hard too,' I replied sadly.

'I think it was hard for a lot of people to get their heads around, mine included. Happened in the blink of an eye I believe the saying goes.'

'I promise I'll visit soon, maybe during the holidays.'

'Whenever is fine. We'll always be here and you can visit whenever you feel like it.'

'Thanks Suz. Could you put Holly back on please, I really need to talk to her.'

'Oh silly of me. I shouldn't have held up your conversation. Here she is.'

The phone was given back to Holly. 'What's so urgent?'

'I've just got to fill you in, it's been a while since we last chatted.' I laid down on a sofa in the living room and began my long story. 'I did break up with Jason.'

'He seemed pretty smug after you did. Lucy was attached to his hip all day,' Holly sneered.

'So what's happening with you and Mr Handsome Rich Guy?'

'Well we kinda went to this Prada event-' I was cut off by Holly's sudden outburst.

'The one that made the news with that creepy message... Please tell me that it had nothing to do with you.'

'Yeah, it sorta did but I'll get to that. So before we actually got out of the car I was shitting myself and Levi noticed.'

'Aww, sweet. Go on,' she pressed.

'So he drove us a few blocks away and we-'

'Tell me you didn't lose your virginity in a car. If you made out that's all good though.'

'Holly. I did not lose my virginity in a car.' I looked up to see David stumble and glance my way. I quickly averted my eyes. 'We kissed for a bit and then drove back and got out. I met his parents while we were there. Naomi seems ditsy but she's got a brain as sharp as a knife. Anyway, we hid in a room and I looked around while Levi rested his leg. Nothing came up then but during the show until-'

'Naomi walked into the bathroom and saw the message she thought was for her.'

'Exactly, but it was meant for me. It was freaky and sure I was shaken but that lead to some pretty stupid ideas on mine.'

'Piper. You are not stupid, you're the smartest fucking person I know except for the computer nerds but you've gotta respect their brains. Crazy smart.'

'You'd be surprised at my dumbness. I said something nasty to Levi and his friends about Levi's mum and I ran away. I secluded myself away from everybody because I was scared I'd hurt them or X would come after me and injure them in the process of killing me. Did you see the laundromat murder with the roses?'

'Yeah, I did. I'm following the whole case, everyone at school is.'

'I was there. I was meant to die that night because I wasn't at my motel room where they planned to murder me. I had to get a tracker removed from my phone and I had to buy another with a new SIM card because X was tracking my SIM.'

'I know I said it sounded like a Bond movie but now I'm regretting saying that.'

'I did get captured by them for a short period of time. Levi's brother is a maniac. He calls himself Satan and planned to give Levi my dead body after he killed me in some dramatic way. He wrote Levi a secret note along with the message that was on Levi's garage door. It was creepy, gave me shivers down my spine every time I closed my eyes. He referred to me as Angel, Levi as Devil, and himself as Satan. It was something about clipping my wings so that I fell and since the Devil doesn't have wings he'll fall too and Satan will rise because he is some dark angel, something along those lines.'

'That's seriously fucked up. What kind of whacko is this dude?'

'Not a nice one. So I did come back and I found this tiny grave in the yard, I haven't told anyone about that yet. So I dug it up and found this USB.'

'Have you looked at what was on the USB? It must've been left there for a reason.'

'I- I haven't. I'll do that soon. Anyway, I snuck inside and downloaded the tracking program they had been using to follow me and Theodore. Matthew caught me and made me realise I'd caused more pain by running away. Levi almost fucking killed himself when he thought I had died at the laundromat and he believed it was his fault.'

Holly blew out a breath and whistled.

'Matthew made me stay the night in Levi's room --and before you ask, nothing happened.'

'I wasn't going to,' I heard the mischievous hint in her voice.

'So, turns out that X's base is somewhere in the CBD and I'm going on a stake-out with Levi to a suite place.'

'How long will you be away for?'

'I think it's just two nights. If we find anything earlier, we come back earlier.' I quickly glanced up to make sure no one was eavesdropping. 'Since you mentioned it, I shoulda looked at the USB last night. I'll check that USB out this arvo if there is a free computer. Any news from Melbourne?'

'Not a lot. We've gone back to school and I've already got three assessments that are due in four weeks. I regret picking the ATAR course, I don't even plan on going to Uni.'

'You'll be fine and since I'm the smartest person you know, you're the second smartest person I know, after me of course.'

'Good to know that you've got heaps of faith in me. I really appreciate it.'

'Good luck with your assessments, I promise to call soon.'

'You better. You wait weeks before you probably even consider calling again.'

'Not weeks. Just a few days. I'll call in two days, promise. Bye.'

'Bye Piper. Visit soon please.'

'I will. B-Bye.' I ended the call and breathed in deeply. It was good to recount what had happened to me; it helped me keep track of my life, especially since I couldn't see Holly at school and afterwards too. I sat up and wandered back into the computer room. David was trying exceedingly hard to avoid looking at me. I bit my lip to hide my smile and I perched myself on a stool beside Levi's chair. 'Do we need to bring anything?' I asked him.

'Changes of clothes black and normal coloured, we'd look like goths if we both wore all-black outfits down the street during the day. Whatever else you think you'll need.'

'Can I make some suggestions,' Jake piped up. Jake's smile was all innocence. 'I'll go alphabetically. Airpods, binoculars, con-'

'Shut it Jake,' Levi hissed and knocked the back of his head. Jake grinned and pushed himself on the office chair to the other side of the room. 'I'll start packing my things.' I headed upstairs and found a navy duffle, the black one was beginning to look suspicious.

I finished packing just as the others made their way upstairs to pack their own things. I made sure that the USB was safely tucked into my pocket and I hurried down the stairs to the computer room. I slid into one office chair and sent it rolling sideways for a good metre. Whoops. I steadied myself and pulled myself closer to the desk and pushed the USB into the USB port. I clicked on "Files" and searched for the USB which was super creatively named "Black USB". It opened a slideshow of photos... Photos of me. The first one was of me in the crashed car with mum's, dad's and probably my blood splattered everywhere. An ugly, shocked cry escaped my mouth and a sick feeling filled me up. It faded when I arrived at the hospital and changed suddenly to me asleep with heaps of tubes connecting me to machines and Levi's business card on the bedside table. The next shot had the nurse in it bent over me but no business card in sight. She has to work for someone... Why else would she take the card? The memory came back vividly. Her outstretched hand and fingers snatching up the card. Another photo: a birds-eye view of Levi and me in the black Jeep before my first encounter with Anita then a photo of Anita shoving me over and Levi running to my side. One of me picking the lock to Levi's office... surfing in the distance... sitting on the beach. The night Levi got shot and me wrapping the wound in Glad Wrap then the video of my last sentence before I smashed the camera. Swimming in Matthew's shared house's pool... leaving the salon with my hair and makeup done... leaving the house with Levi... arriving at the Prada Gala... Levi and I pretending to make out while unlocking the door. My shocked, confused, devastated, angry face in the bathroom when I beheld the mirror and the original message. The day things took another turn for the worst. Various shots of me during my running away stage: leaving the house and getting into a bright orange Ferrari, stopping at the shared house, handing the car over to the valet and never going inside. A black screen for a solid ten seconds then a series of close-ups of my face when I was scared and angry as well as the messages before anyone saw them. After the last close-up of me, it quickly changed to a photo of the laundromat with a girl who looked like me in bike shorts and an oversized t-shirt putting her stuff in a machine. I thought it was a still photo but it was a short video and before I had the chance to register the little red dot in the corner of the screen, a gunshot exploded from the computer and red splattering the shining white interior. I jerked back and doubled over, preparing myself for nausea to hit. I did feel slightly sick but I was overwhelmed by anger, hatred, guilt and a twinge of fear. It flicked to a short video capturing Theodore slamming me into the ground. I gritted my teeth and touched my heavily bruised back. A photo of the message painted onto Levi's garage door and my reply with a line of text in between, 'Nicely put.' The small grave in Levi's garden with the tiny headstone. The last was a photo of a note in cursive writing with a handgun and a rose laying beside it. "TIME TO CLIP YOUR WINGS AND FALL."

'What the fuck is going on, Piper?' Matthew hissed. I swivelled around to come face-to-face with Matthew, Scarlett, Jake, David and Levi. Shit.


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