The Apocalypse [Dreamnotfound...

AsunaSilver tarafından

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Dream, George, and Sapnap have been living together in Florida for years when a zombie apocalypse uproots the... Daha Fazla

An Apocalypse on the News
Getaway Driver
A New Crew
The Walking Dead
Home Sweet Home, I Guess
The School
Can't Shoot Straight
An Altercation
Memories and Fantasies
Fuck! Zombies Are Invading!
Professional Sharpshooter
We're Leaving
Welcome To Our Base
Lil Nas X
We're Clear
Just in Case
Way to Ruin the Mood
I Win
Rise and Shine, Motherfuckers!
Go Get Your Boyfriend
Stupid Mistakes
It's Halloween!
The Muffinhead
Can We Talk?
Karl's Gone
I Can Stay
Training Arc
Let's Get Out Of Here
A Bet
Captain Levi
Stay Together
Don't Panic
I Have An Idea
Took You Long Enough, Nimrod
Karaoke, Eggnog, and Mistletoe
You're Alive
You're A Fucking Genius
No Time Like The Present
A Cure
Bring Them Back
We're Sticking Together
He's Gone
Never Have I Ever
Are We The Bad Guys?
The Ambush
Our Win, Boys!
An Exit
Stop The Car
I Missed You, Idiot
Restless Energy
The Upperhand
They're Back
Deal's Done
We're Good
I Love You, Idiot
Fuck The Apocalypse
A Toast
What Do You Want?
Just Like Old Times
It's Been A Good Run
Update - Authors Note


557 23 5
AsunaSilver tarafından

A Valentine's Day special!! This one's only about Dnf because I'm still heartbroken that George said no, lol.

Enjoy <3<3


It started as a stupid dare. The first year George had moved to Florida, Sapnap dared Dream to ask him to be his Valentine on Valentine's Day. Dream hadn't realized why his heartbeat had quickened at the thought, or why he'd secretly hoped George would say yes when he asked. And he hadn't understood why George had blushed either, or why he'd been disappointed when he said no.

Since then, it's become a kind of tradition. Dream would jokingly ask George to be his Valentine, and George would jokingly reject him. Every single year.

But then again, Dream thinks, taking a deep breath. They just started dating this year.

Dream's thoughts are a loud mess in his head as he rolls over on his sleeping bag to face George. George, who's still asleep, his face peaceful. Dream almost feels bad waking him, but...

"George," he whispers, gently shaking his shoulder. "George."

George groans as he stirs, batting Dream's hand away. "What d'you want?" he murmurs, eyes fluttering open. They focus on Dream, dark and sleepy, and something stirs low in Dream's stomach. But he ignores it, concentrating on the speech he has prepared in his mind.

"Come with me," Dream says quietly. "I know it's early but just... trust me."

George sighs, curling further into his sleeping bag. But there's a glimmer of worry in his eyes as his gaze flickers over Dream. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's good," Dream says, sitting up. "Just follow me, George."

George mumbles something incoherent - Dream's willing to bet it's a bunch of insults directed at him - but he stretches and sits up, taking Dream's hand when he offers it. The others are still asleep in the classroom, and Dream tries to stay quiet as he leads George between sleeping bags and out of the classroom.

He shuts the door quietly behind them, and lets out a breath. George blinks at the bright lights of the hallway, wiping the sleep from his eyes. His hands are tucked into an oversized hoodie that belongs to Dream and, for a moment, Dream can barely control himself as he looks at him.

"What?" George asks, and Dream snaps out of his trance. "Why did you wake me up, idiot?"

"I - " Dream stammers, and catches himself. He needs this to be perfect. "I wanted to ask you something."

"At this hour?" George asks, gesturing at the classroom. "Everyone's still asleep."

"Exactly," Dream says, taking both of George's hands. His heart is thundering in his ears as he remembers every time he'd jokingly asked George, every time he'd jokingly been rejected. This time will be different though. This time, George can't say no.

"George," Dream starts, and George blinks the sleep from his eyes, looking more awake as he waits for what Dream is about to say. "Will you be my Valentine?"

George's POV

George stares at Dream, wondering if he'd heard him right or if he's still half-asleep.

But Dream's eyes are so wide and earnest, shining with hope, that George knows he's not dreaming. And he can't help the snort that escapes him, turning into a giggle.

Dream looks half-hopeful, half-affronted as George bites his lip to stifle his laughter. "What is it?"

"That's what you woke me up for?" George asks, between giggles. "You could have asked me that literally at any other time."

"Yeah," Dream says, squeezing George's hands. "But then the rest of my plan wouldn't have worked."

"You have a whole plan?" George asks, raising his eyebrows to hide the blush tinting his cheeks, the way he stumbles over his words at the thought of how much trouble Dream went to just for him.

Especially when he remembers every other year Dream had asked him and he had said no.

"Just in case," Dream mumbles, cheeks pink, and George has to bite his lip to keep from kissing him.

"So... you woke me up," George says, like he's listing reasons. "Way before anyone else. And now you want me to say yes to you?"

"Yes?" Dream says, looking hopeful again. "Come on... there's really no reason to say no, George."

George giggles again, even as his heartbeat stutters in his chest, his blood heating. "Of course I'm gonna say yes, idiot. You're my boyfriend, who else would be my Valentine?"

Dream's POV

The words thud through him, and he can't tell if he's heard them right. "You're... you're saying yes?"

George shrugs, but his cheeks are stained pink and he avoids Dream's gaze. "I mean, I don't really have a choice..."

Dream pulls George to his chest, wrapping his arms around him. George melts into him almost immediately, settling his head against Dream's shoulder. "You can't change your mind. If you're saying yes, then I'm officially your Valentine."

George sighs loudly, but there's a smile in his words. "Yes, you are. Happy?"

"Extremely," Dream says, burying his face in George's hair. His face is still burning, but he's more relieved than he thought he would be. After so many rejections, he can't believe George has actually agreed to be his Valentine.

"So, are we gonna do something?" George asks, still pressed against Dream's chest, his fists resting lightly on Dream's hips. "Because if not, I wanna go back to sleep."

"No!" Dream says, holding George tighter. "I mean, yes. We are. You can't go back to sleep."

He's already told Karl to tell the others that him and George will be gone for the day. Karl, who's the only other one who remembered Valentine's Day, who  helped Dream come up with his plan. He wonders if Sapnap will remember to ask Karl to be his Valentine. He'd better, actually, or Dream will remind him himself.

"We're going for a drive," Dream announces as he leads George by the hand through the quiet hallways.

"To where?" George asks, innocently, and Dream refuses to meet his gaze or he might accidentally tell him.

"It's a secret," he says. "You'll figure it out once we're on the way."

George complains only half-heartedly as they get into the car, but his cheeks flush pink the second he catches sight of the red rose laying on his seat.

"It's for you," Dream says, barely getting the words out with the millions of worries running through his mind. "And," he adds, grabbing a bouquet of dandelions from the back of the car. "So are these. Your favourite flowers."

George stammers something as he looks between the flowers, taken aback. "I - when did you plan all this?"

Dream just smirks, handing George the dandelions. "Wait until you see the rest. It gets better."

"You're so incredibly cheesy, it's not even funny," George says, but he accepts the flowers, a small smile tugging at his lips, and Dream's heart warms as he starts the car.

"And I'm gonna be extra cheesy," Dream says. "For all the times you rejected me. This is my revenge."

George rolls his eyes, clutching the flowers tightly as Dream speeds away from the school in their convertible. "Wow, what a threat," he deadpans, and Dream grins and pinches his side in retaliation.

"Actually, I wanna know," Dream says, his voice light, even as his thoughts grow serious. "Why did you really say no to me all those years?"

"It doesn't matter," George mumbles, but he answers anyway. "How could I say yes if you were obviously joking? Neither of us liked each other at the time. Or we didn't know if we did, anyway."

"Well," Dream says. "You definitely knew. You're the one who refused to say I love you, not me."

George scoffs and Dream grins. "You're insufferable."

"You're such an idiot," Dream shoots back and George just shakes his head at him. But he slips his hand into Dream's, squeezing slightly.

"Okay, but actually," George says. "Where the muffin are we going?"

But all Dream says is, "You'll see," as he heads in the direction of their old apartment in Florida.

George's POV

George only risks smelling the flowers when Dream stops the car in a vaguely familiar parking lot and gets out of the car for whatever reason. He's touched, but he's not about to let Dream know that. Even if it's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for him. Dream would tease him about it forever if he did.

"Come on out," Dream calls, snapping George out of his thoughts. He quickly gets out of the car, but he can't bring himself to let go of the flowers. So he brings them with him, taking Dream's hand with his free one.

There's a few zombies roaming around and the building they're standing in front of is in ruins. But George still recognizes it.

"This is the airport, isn't it?" he asks, and Dream nods.

"This is the first place you ever landed in Florida. And that," Dream adds, pointing down the road toward another crumbling building. "Is where I first saw you. Standing outside on the first day of school."

George's cheeks feel warm. "You remember that?"

Dream just shrugs. "I told you I'd be cheesy."

He leads George to their old school, and George remembers every moment of his first day; standing outside, alone, as he noticed the tall, beautiful, green-eyed guy staring at him from across the courtyard. He'd never understood why Dream approached him, never understood why they had had a connection from the start.

"This is our first official date," Dream announces as they enter the school's stairwell. They climb flight after flight until they reach the roof. George blinks as he spots the crimson blanket laid on the roof's floor, piled with food and drinks. "You said you wanted me to buy the food."

George snorts but he can't stop staring at the makeshift table for two. "Where did you get all this?"

"I pulled some strings," Dream says mysteriously. He moves toward the middle of the roof. "Remember when we used to eat lunch up here? With Sapnap?"

George huffs a laugh. "Of course I remember."

Dream just smiles at him, his eyes warm and open. And it's suddenly difficult to breathe, suddenly impossible to speak.

Until Dream blinks and looks back toward the food. "We should probably eat this before it gets cold. If it's not already freezing."

George laughs and follows Dream to the blanket. His eyes go wide at all of the food and drinks Dream's managed to find, and he wonders again how much planning went into this. And what would have happened if he'd said no to Dream's question.

"George?" Dream asks and George looks up to meet his gaze. And suddenly, he can't look away. Not as Dream shifts a little closer to him, their arms brushing. George's mouth goes dry as Dream traces a finger over his knuckles, warm and gentle. He looks back up, locking their gazes. "Happy Valentine's Day, George," Dream says, and George doesn't know what to say.

So he leans forward and brushes a kiss over Dream's lips.

His lips tingle as he pulls back, and he realizes Dream's hand is still cupped over his. Realizes it, just as Dream closes the distance between them, and his lips touch George's.

The kiss is soft and perfect and George's thoughts dissipate. All he can think as he melts into Dream, is that he'd been an idiot not to say yes before. Not to admit his feelings years ago, before the world got destroyed by zombies.

George winds his arms around Dream's neck, shifting to sit in his lap as Dream's arms wrap around his waist. And for a few moments, as he sits on that rooftop in Dream's arms, the world is perfect.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Dream," he breathes against Dream's mouth. Dream just hums in response and locks their lips together again, and George lets himself get lost in the kiss for as long as he can.

Dream's POV

They're both quiet on the way back from their old school. Dream because he's trying to sort through his thoughts. George, Dream guesses, because he's too flustered to say anything after their date.

Their first date and their first Valentine's. Dream still can't believe it, still doesn't know if he's dreaming. But he doesn't want it to end, doesn't want to get back to the school.

Dream stops the car by the school, and neither of them get out.

"Dream," George says, finally, and Dream mentally prepares to have to go back inside. But instead, he feels something warm at his mouth and, when he looks at George, he finds him pressing a chocolate against his lips. "This is my present. I stole it from your stash of food."

Dream huffs a laugh. "Look who's being cheesy now, idiot," he says, but he opens his mouth to let George pop the chocolate in. George's hand brushes against his lips, sending a shiver through him, as George smirks at him.

"I had fun," he says, watching Dream chew the chocolate. "We should do this again, sometime."

Dream almost chokes on his chocolate. "You mean, you wanna go on another date?"

George shrugs. "I guess" he says unenthusiastically. But he blushes when Dream grins and pecks him on the lips.

"It's a deal," he says. "Oh, and one more thing," he adds, before George can get out of the car. "We're doing this every Valentine's Day."

George scoffs. "This?"

"You know what I mean," Dream says. "From now on, you have to be my Valentine. Forever."

George opens his mouth, looking unsure what to say, his cheeks stained pink. But then, he sighs and pinches Dream's side. "Forever," he says, a  smile touching his lips. And Dream can't help his own smile as he imagines the Valentine's Days to come.

(2296 words)


I'm probably not gonna post another chapter until Sunday, but the story is getting to the end (kind of, lol). Also, Happy late Valentine's Day! <3

Okumaya devam et

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