13th Doctor OneShots S2

By JessicaSongAQ

5.1K 149 183

I don't Own any of the characters that belongs to the BBC Doctor Who. Hey Fam, So because these Oneshots/fic... More

Spyfall Part 1.1
Spyfall Part 1.2
Spyfall Part 2.1
Spyfall Part 2.2
Orphan 55
Nikola Tesla's night of Terror
A dilemma ?
Fugitive of the Judoon
Another nightmare?
Head over Heels.
Can you Hear me?
A Virus!
The Haunting of Villa Diodati!!
11th/Amy/Rory/River and J.
Doctor Who?
Inner feelings!! T|W
The Master!
13th/10th/Rose and J.
Happy Halloween✨🎃
Ascension Of the Cybermen.
The Timeless Children.
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 1)
Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 2)
Baby J.
Unnamed Title
Secrets come out!


51 3 15
By JessicaSongAQ

It had been a Month since the Doctor, Ituxi, Yaz and Jess had been to another universe. They had been on quite a good amount of adventures and about a week and a half of just relaxing in the Tardis.

Ituxi had left to get on with some personal stuff only she and Jess knew about. Eventually Jess became very depressed without her Wife, while Yaz and The Doctor went out on adventures on their own.

Another month passed since Ituxi left, Yaz had gone home for a little while.

However Jess was still feeling lonely and so alone despite being in the presence of the Doctor.

The Doctor could tell how depressed her daughter has gotten in the last few weeks. She just got worse and worse as the days passed.

The Doctor didn't like seeing this and decided to try and help her daughter.

Jess was laying down beside the console on a giant purple bean bag that she brought through from her room. The Doctor shakes her head as she comes back from her own kitchen after re stalking the Custard cream dispenser.

The Doctor begins Piloting the Tardis but she lets the Tardis choose when and where.

While they're in orbit flying to their destination the Doctor claps her hands.

"Right, Jess up, up. Up you come." She helps her up off the bean bag.

Jessica only squinted her eyes as she looked confused as she stood up. "Eh-what?" She gasped at how cold the Doctor's hands felt.

"You're cold..." she points out.

"Ahh! A little yes." The Doctor didn't bother. "Right then." They had landed.

The Doctor looks at the time, '1300' then to the date. '1862' and the day. "Oh..." she smiled.

"Okay, let's change mhm?" The Doctor was excited.

"1862." The Doctor leads herself and Jessica to a room filled with historical period clothing.

"Only if you change too." Jess crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.

"But..." the Doctor sighed. "I love my clothes." She did a small spin as her jacket flowed flawlessly behind.

"Well, if I have to change, so do you." Jess giggles.

The Doctor, with changing, It was rarely, well hardly ever. It's like she has a full on closet  of the same clothes on repeat.

"Common Muuuuum" Jess pouts and gives the 'puppy dog look.'

"Awk! Okay then. You've twisted my arms." The Doctor let out a very audible sigh Jess chuckles.

The Doctor picks out her Dress to wear, a Victorian 1860 day dress, with a light blue moire jacket with metal gray silk profiles. Embroidery and applications of silk
thread. A light blouse with a small rouche tulle. A very gorgeous wide skirt in moire blu
with blue faille edges. With hints of
gray silk, made entirely with an artisan method.

Jessica opted for something similar but in Purple, In Fact it was the splitting image except hers was in a light violet shade. When both the Doctor and Jessica stepped out of some changing rooms after changing they chuckled at how both of them chose similar dresses with just little differences.

Jessica groaned moments after. Picking up her skirt. "I hate this, you know."

The Doctor laughed and turned. "Oh, I know." She knew exactly what Jessica thought of these dresses, it's not that she didn't find them beautiful, it was wearing them that annoyed her the most.

The dresses were absolutely gorgeous and she envied the woman who could wear such clothing.

The clothing was in such good condition such beautiful fabrics and looked aesthetically pleasing, however the skirt was far too heavy for her, far too annoying and just not practical.

"Let's hope we don't have to run today." Jessica snorted.

"Well, if we do I have the perfect footwear on." The Doctor grinned. Under her dress she had her boots on.

Jessica also had boots under hers.

"Right then. Off we pop." Said the Doctor.

"Okay..." Jessica shook her head and laughed.

Once they exit the Tardis the scent in the air hits Jessica. She really didn't like the air's smell, it didn't smell that good in the sense of things.

The Doctor clicked the roof of her mouth and stuck her tongue out pointing her pointer finger in the air.

"Ahhhhh! Mhm. Definitely 1862." She spun around. "Edinburgh, Ooh..." she was about to continue when both the Doctor and Jessica heard a small voice calling out for the Doctor.

"Doctor, Doctor, come quick." The hand waves over at a man and they both look at him.

The Doctor grins. "Dr Henry Littlejohn. He's the city's first medical officer. He published a Report on the Sanitary Condition of Scotland's capital city, I forgot when and what happened with that. But judging by the date and time this is his first time as the city's Medical Officer of Health." She licked the air again. "Salty."

Jessica just snorted and cringed. "You want to follow don't you?"

"Please?" The Doctor asked almost in a child-like tone.

"Well then lead the way, Old man." Jessica chuckled.

"I beg your pardon, I am a lady now thank you very much." The Doctor laughs softly knowing Jessica was just having a laugh.

"Well, you have the body of a woman but really you still act like a very old man." She jokes.

"No lifetime supply of Jammie dodgers for you anymore young lady." The Doctor nudged Jessica slightly.

"How, Rrrrude." Jess rolled her R.

They both chuckled as they made their way down an alleyway following Dr Littlejohn.

The alleyway stunk of god knows what, it was chili and darker than expected.

Some voices could be heard as they got closer and closer they met a door that was slightly open.

The Doctor gently pushes it more open; it creeks a little but not enough to disturb the people inside.

The building was freezing, the air was horrible and both Jess and The Doctor could see a small dirty rotten mattress on the floor as another small child laid upon it.

"Please sir, please you have to help my sister." Said the young voice from earlier.

It seemed to be a small boy around the age of nine or ten and a little girl no older than six.

"I will try my best but I cannot promise you anything, This is fascinating."  Dr Littlejohn said.

The young boy looks over noticing, The Doctor and Jessica, he just stares.

Dr Littlejohn turns to the boy. He followed his gaze. "Oh, Hello, May we help you?" He stands up, moving out of the way of the little girl as the Doctor comes into the room more.

"Hi, sorry. We just heard voices and came to see what was going on." The Doctor smiles politely.

"I see. I'm sorry Miss but I believe it's best you turn back and don't come closer." Dr Littlejohn says.

"And why is that?" Jessica wondered.

"I'm unsure what we are dealing with here and if it's infectious then we will be in big trouble." Littlejohn had kept as much distance as he could but still was close enough, he knows in himself that he can't have many around this child.

"I may be able to help you, Sir." The Doctor smiles.

"I highly doubt a lady like yourself would be able to help." Littlejohn smiles back.

"You never know what crazy things I might have seen on my travels around the world." The Doctor says.

"Very well." He was intrigued. He stepped further away allowing more room for the Doctor.

The Doctor reaches the girls bedside more closer than Dr Littlejohn was but still respecting some personal space.

The young child was conscious yet unable to actually move.

There was a few seconds before the Doctor took her sonic out. She scanned the child. "Kagawa Virus." The Doctor muttered under her breath.

"Excuse me?" Dr Littlejohn asks.

"Mum?" Jessica asks "what did you say?" She wondered.

"It's the Kagawa Virus, but very early to Earth's knowledge, mostly Torchwood and UNIT only know about this." She said standing back up. "I think."

"Ma'am? Can you save my sister?" The boy asks.

Dr Littlejohn "What do you mean? What do you speak off?"

The Doctor sighed, she turned to them all, looking between them. "It's the Kagawan lizard. Normally caused by a poisons sack, It has already taken over I'm afraid, it's caused a feedback loop in her brain, occupying it completely, causing more than likely memory loss and eventually the coma that she seems to be in. She is conscious but unable to move, there was an antidote at some point but it came ineffective over time, normally holding onto memories is the only way to survive and more than likely what's keeping her alive right now." She sighs.

Dr Littlejohn tilted his head. "You speak as though you really have seen this before, who are you?"

"I'm the Doctor." She smiles. "Nice to meet you. And as to your question?" She looks at the little boy. "What's your name and your sisters?"

He sniffs "I'm Thomas and my sister Elise."

"Okay Thomas, don't worry, I will make sure we get her back but I need you to do something for me. Can you focus on strong happy memories you both have, so she can hear all your stories, memories, things you've spoken about, so she herself can focus on strong memories. It's the only way to fully cure her. Can you do this for me?"

The boy nodded and ran to his sister's side to begin telling her off all the stories he made up while she was a young baby, their mother passed while giving birth to her in this very same room in the very same bed she lay upon.

Unknown to anyone else the girl and boy had been exploring, they came across a spaceship that was sorta disguised but not quite good enough from curiosity exploring children.

They watched as no one came from the ship, and knowing no one would believe them they ran upon one day exploring this ship by themselves, causing themselves to be exposed to anything and everything within that ship, the aliens upon this ship crashed a few years prior no one ever noticed till now.

The Kagawan lizard was set to come back in time from when they first tried this virus but they let it out on their own ship while both that were aboard after crashing ran to check on the sack as they opened the doors to the room where they kept their virus. The door shut and locked them in with it. It eventually burst and killed them.

Elise had run off from her brother and entered that room. The smell and the look at the lizard things alone made her run back, but she chose not to say to her brother.

She was exposed for a small amount of time but it slowly managed to corrupt her mind.

The boy however was perfectly okay.

Dr Littlejohn steps closer to the Doctor "A female Doctor?"

"Yes." She says back.

As he continues to ask questions Jessica listens into Thomas.

He tells Elise of the same stories he always told her, painting a beautiful picture of their mother into her mind. This stuck, like glue. And this was what kept her so far alive.

The sound of those stories and tails after a few hours of telling became tiring for the boy.

"I don't have much else to say." He sighed "We haven't seen much as such we have no mother or father." He cries.

"Hey, hey." Jessica says.

Jessica had gone over to the small boy and she somehow managed to sit down. She opens her arms for the boy to comfort him; he gladly takes this, hiding his face over her other shoulder as she wraps her arms around the young boy.

"Hey, we will figure this out. We're not going to give up. Ever." She soothes the boy.

The Doctor watches with Dr Littlejohn.

Jessica suddenly thought, her face falling towards the little girl and she thinks. "Hm."

"I've an idea." She says.

She lets the boy cry out his fears before he gets up. She however stayed down. She slowly reaches over to the young girl.

"I've got a really good idea." Jessica looks at the Doctor and before she can protest Jessica touches the little girl's head.

She fills her little mind full of her brother, his cries, his worries, but also all the stories he told. She also fills her mind with her own memories of the stars, she whimpers softly as her head begins to pound but she keeps going finding more memories of the girls within the little girl's mind.

She accidentally comes across the memory of the ship and the lizard people that scared the girl. This caused the girl to scream awake with sweat dripping from her forehead.

Dr Littlejohn "Remarkable. Very fascinating." He turns to the Doctor. "How did she do that? What did she do?" he asks.

"I'll tell you soon." The Doctor said rushing over to Jessica she leans down and catches her body before she falls onto the mattress.

Jess has exhausted herself. Jess slowly lifts her head to see the little girl now in her brother's arms.

"It worked." Jessica smiles before she falls into a deep sleep.

The little boy gasps. "Is she? Is.." the Doctor cuts him off.

"Don't worry, she's fine. She'll be okay." She smiles at him.

"Dr Littlejohn help me with my daughter? I need to get her back home." The Doctor asks.

"Yes, yes, yes. I will help you, yes. But you have to explain to me what happened." Littlejohn replied his mind racing not understanding but really wanting too. 

"Very well. Elise? Welcome back. Now, Thomas and you will come with us." And like that they follow.

While the Doctor and Littlejohn carry Jessica. Thomas carries his sister in his arms.

The Doctor explained everything to Dr Littlejohn, which happened back there and Elise explained to the Doctor after she asked about if she came across anything suspicious she told the Doctor about the ship and what she saw, as they approach the Tardis the Doctor explains it's bigger on the inside no time for their reactions, they get Jessica to the beanbag at the console.

Afterwards the Doctor gives both the little children a biscuit.

"Now before you do anything Dr Littlejohn we need to find a home for these ones". She smiles towards Thomas and Elsie.

They both look towards them curiously.

"I know just the place to take them." He smiles, wanting to adopt them himself. His wife cannot have children so far, unable to anyways, and they have always wanted children. "I'd love to adopt them both."

"Oh course." The Doctor jumps a little. "You adopt two before a miracle where you end up with eight more. 1865 is a good year for you and your dear wife and the years that follow."

The Doctor knew she had to wipe his memory of this anyways and decided it was okay to give a little spoiler.

"Excuse me?" Dr Littlejohn asks, eyebrows scrunched down.

The Doctor didn't let anything else out. Oh she knew that would be a bad idea.

But she knows that these two kids will be in a good home and soon have many siblings.

She wiped Dr Littlejohn's memory but kept his thoughts about finding the kids and adopting and new memories of how he found them.

She didn't take the children's memories however.

"Thank Jessica for me." Said Thomas as they left the Tardis.

"I will." The Doctor smiles.

Dr Littlejohn left a few seconds later "Let us go. I will check you both over and we will get you a nice bath sorted and some food." He smiles down at the kids.

Soon after they leave the Doctor heads back and she shakes her head at Jessica.

After an hour Jessica began to wake. She softly groaned as the headache came back hard. "Oooo." She muttered.

"Hurts." The Doctor looks down at her. "Here. Take this." She passed her a little orange capsule and water.

"Thank you." Jessica took the pill and her head soon enough came clear and pain free.

"Two a day for a few weeks and you'll be right as rain." The Doctor helps her up.

"Now. Come. We're going to go find the best bakery around before exploring some more we're not finished here just yet." The Doctor said.

"Wait? What about the girl? The boy? And Dr what's his name?" Jess rubbed her eyes.

"They're good, you saved her. And they're as we speak getting adopted by Dr Littlejohn." She smiles.

Jessica smiled warmly.

The Doctor and Jessica found a perfect little bakery that gives out the best bread and cakes. They filled themselves before going back to the Tardis they changed before heading to a planet full of a bouncy ground.

Both of them got a sick feeling after too much bouncing but they decided to ignore it for some candle floss and special chocolates on this planet.

After they were done they went to a very good hotdog place on earth before heading back to pick up Yaz.

However as soon as Yaz entered the Tardis, the Tardis began flying. She took them to Kilmarnock, 2022 January the tenth.

And as soon as the doors open Jessica steps out to bring up the contents of her stomach. Some of which glowed a vibrant green.

Yaz was worried, as was the Doctor while her own stomach contents threatened to come up. 

At the very moment Jessica lifts her head a young woman asks if she's okay not noticing the Doctor or Yaz at the side of the Tardis.

Jessica had stepped round the side from the doors to be sick.

Her head pops up to find no one other than Atticus. "Are you okay?" They were concerned.

"Y-yes. Thank you." Jessica wipes her mouth.

"You really don't look okay." The young human nervously bites at the inner of their own lip.

"I'm Atticus and you are?" They awkwardly asked.

Jessica realized there and then this definitely is her own universe and the young human they met in the other is the Alternative version of Attics.

"Hi?" Says Yaz as she steps around with the Doctor. They heard the conversation.

"Jessica, Yaz and the Doctor." The Doctor says smiling. Pointing at herself and the others as she introduced everyone.

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