Quartic:The Darkness Withen [...

By YourSecreetAuthor

1.4K 69 8

Quartic is the planet we live on, our society based on the signs. Twelve of them to be exact, but as crisis f... More

Caelum- Ch.1
Tamsin & Thomas-Ch.5
Ferdinand- Ch.4
Ferdinand-ch 5


21 3 0
By YourSecreetAuthor


Water started to float around me in small droplets, hovering above my skin instead of wetting it.

It was making me nervous as the water swirled around me like a tornado.

I rubbed at my skin, unsure if I was hallucinating or not.

I fumbled to get out of the shower, not even bothering to dry myself.

Wrapping my towel around me, stumbling out of the bathroom.

"Raine!" I yell, when I got out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" Raine asks me, looking concerned.

"The water has a mind of it's own, I will not have a shower in there anymore!" I said in one breath, my hair dripping with water, the towel soaked through.

"Don't be dramatic, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this" Raine rolls her eyes, stretching as she stood up to come into the bathroom.

The water had stopped moving.

"I swear to god the water was moving" I said as Raine put her hand in the water and it didn't move.

"See? safe" Raine explained, I shook my head.

In disbelief I moved my arm to feel the water, an the water floated above my arm when it touched it.

"See! not safe, not safe!!" I yelled, moving away from the water.

I saw Raine hit her forehead in exasperation.

"It's you" She started to laugh, shaking her head.

"What's me?" I said in an annoyed tone.

"The water is reacting to you, I think the water is afraid of you" She kept on laughing, walking out of the bathroom to go read again.

I put my hand in the shower again, the droplets floating again.

So how do I control it so it actually washes me, I spent quite a few moments trying to calm myself so the water would still.

It became quite frustrating, the more annoyed I got, the more the rain lashed and flew about.

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine something that made me happy.

But then the water started to swirl, dancing like it too felt happy.

"This is probably why I should be focusing in element class" I groaned, as I gave up trying to shower.

I wrap my towel around me, grabbing my clothes from my bed.

Starting to get changed in the bathroom, for Raines sake.

I don't think she'd be very comfortable seeing the down area.

Especially since I am her friend, once I was changed I pulled out a book on water study.

Trying hard to focus but I just couldn't read the book, the words blurred.

Before I knew it, I'd woken up in a sitting position on my bed with a book in my lap.

"Well then, how do I get help for this?" I questioned, wandering to my first class in my pyjamas.

I again had forgotten to change into day clothes, this isn't the first time it's happened.

No one seemed to phased over it, they were used to seeing me in my pj's by this point.

Water class wasn't until tomorrow, that was highly irritating.

Was it even worth waking up today, wasn't like I was going to learn anything in the other classes.

"Oh hello again Liam" I said as I walked past him again, who was yet right behind Wyatt.

Watching his every move, wasn't that kind of creepy though.

Wyatt kind of had a shadow following his every step.

"Yep, Liam" Wyatt sighed, rubbing his forehead, before walking beside me to our next class.

"Does he ever leave you alone?" I asked him with concern.

"Not even to go to the toilet" Wyatt whined, I could hear the torture under his voice.

"Damn, that must be weird for you" I tried to be sympathetic but it sounded sarcastic.

I wouldn't know how to feel if I had somebody watching me that much.

Probably would get sick of it at some point, that's when I noticed a horned like creature make an appearance around the corner.

Although it was bigger than the one I had seen yesterday.

"Wyatt, lets go" I tugged on his shirt, dragging him away with me.

I saw Liams confused look, then he looked over to where I had seen the creature and immediately followed suit.

This creature seemed to follow Wyatt very fast though, it came barrelling towards us.

It's fangs barred, claws raised.

I held Wyatt close and shielded him.

I half expected to feel claws hitting my skin, but it didn't happened.

I peeked through my eyes to see a shield made of water around us, protecting us from the monster slashing at the shield.

I could feel the brunt of its attack, but it only stung.

"Oh yeah, this is also why I was so eager to get to class" I rubbed my forehead in exasperation.

"this is coming from you" Wyatt looked shocked.

The creature hissed as it continued to claw at the shield, while Wyatt and I were playing cards inside the shield.

Liam took the initiative to find the principal, who seemed to specialise in taking down monsters.

"Do you have a five?" Wyatt asked me, I shook my head.

"Go fish, do you have a queen?" I asked him, I rubbed my chin as I watched him closely for any little lie.

"no" he muttered, he was more distracted with watching the principal and Liam fight the monster, there were a lot of people watching from the side lines.

Others had tried to help but Ferdinand had told them to back away.

I saw a cloud of blue smoke engulf the creature which made it shrink enough to fit inside the jar.

"I'm running out of Jars for these things" I heard Ferdinand mutter.

Not before he stood outside the shield with a raised brow.

"Wyatt, what did you do" He immediately asked Wyatt, like he thought I couldn't have made the shield.

"You'll be happy to know that I didn't do this" Wyatt held his hands up in innocence.

I started whistling, like there couldn't be anyone else inside the shield.

"Caelum, put the shield down" Ferdinand asked, I nodded and imagined it simmering down to a puddle of water.

But nothing happened.

"I don't actually know how.." I trailed off, Ferdinand sighed and went to fetch a book on water shields.

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