Quartic:The Darkness Withen [...

By YourSecreetAuthor

1.4K 69 8

Quartic is the planet we live on, our society based on the signs. Twelve of them to be exact, but as crisis f... More

Caelum- Ch.1
Tamsin & Thomas-Ch.5
Ferdinand- Ch.4
Ferdinand-ch 5


60 3 0
By YourSecreetAuthor


Today was the first day of my new assignment, straight after coming back from a photoshoot, I received a call from my cousin Ferdinand.

It piqued me that he would call me so soon after finding Wyatt.

But it didn't surprise me, he always came to me when it came to finding intel on people.

Probably because I'm the only shapeshifter he knows.

"Alrighty, this room looks nice" I say looking around, after settling down into my bed, watching Ferdinand leave after showing me the way here.

I had changed my form again to a teenage boy with stark blue eyes, freckles and blonde hair.

Typical of my cousin to give me a blonde haired boy, nobody seemed to suspect them of anything. Which I would say was a smart move on his part.

"Hey who are you?" Wyatt asks from the middle of the room with a tooth brush hanging out of his mouth.

I looked him up and down, with a raised brow.

"Liam, I'm your new room mate" I gave him a smile and watched him stop for a second to think and raise his brow at me.

"I didn't see you in my vision" Wyatt muttered under his breath, stroking his chin in thought.

It made me wonder if I had meant to hear what he said, but nether less I was suddenly more nervous than I was before.

"I'm sorry, what?" I frowned at him, he looked at me and gave a shrug.

"Oh its nothing, it probably was a false one" He shakes his head with a laugh, he'd completely forgotten the fact that I had just moved int, but he accepted it like it was nothing.

This kid really did not seem to care about much, did he?

"So where you from Liam?" Wyatt said suddenly on my right side, sitting on my bed.

I did a double take as I had just seem him walk into the bathroom.

"I'm from Romania, weren't you just in the bathroom?" I asked him out of confusion, watching him closely.

"Yeah, I do this by accident sometimes" He sighs and stands up again, drying off his hair with a towel.

That was weird, by accident?

Surely he was just messing with me, if he were a demigod, he'd have his powers at least under control a little.

Unless he wasn't God and half god, it seems he may be stronger if he's having trouble.

I bought out my notebook, turning to angle my book away from him.

Writing down 'Wyatt:Teleportation? Query' shutting my notebook and sliding it into my pocket.

I watched him as he sat down on his bed, laying the towel on his pillow as an attempt to keep it dry.

Then turned over on his right side towards the wall.

"Good night Liam" Wyatt says with a yawn, throwing me a smile before he falls asleep.

I too fell asleep not long after that.

It wasn't until later on in the night.

I had awoken to go for a toilet break and saw blankets floating above Wyatt's bed with him still underneath, like he was still sleeping, his form still under the blankets.

I was in shock and couldn't believe he was doing it in his sleep.

I quickly added a new note into my book.

'Levitation?' Which it may not be- oh never mind, he was just flying, I could see his topaz wings underneath him.

I think that answers my question.

Definitely a demigod.

I shook my head in disbelief, I can't believe he can just do that by accident when I had witnessed a friend of mine spend years trying to master flight.

It baffled me.

I pretended I hadn't seen him just float above his bed, as walked back from the toilet, trying to ignore the fact that my room mate was floating above his bed as I popped myself into bed and turned over to face the wall to sleep.

With so many questions running through my head.

This was something I'd have to report to Ferdinand after my first day after classes were over.

When we had awoken in the morning, I accompanied Wyatt to his first class to observe him in each of the classes.

Which he seemed to struggle with elemental magic, I did notice that there weren't any classes for the type of magic that he had, which made me wonder if that was why Ferdinand had such a hard time finding the demigods he needed.

If they made classes suited to them, he would find them easier.

But it would also set a huge target on their backs if they were the only ones that were passing the classes.

Now I see why he hadn't put those classes.

"Clever Ferd" I muttered under my breath as I watched as he sat at his desk bored, not really doing much.

He appeared to get along with another class mate named Caelum, he didn't seem to have any ill will with Wyatt.

But I kept up with them, entering myself in conversation, Wyatt kept giving me funny looks.

Like he was scanning me over quite a few times, but I tried to brush it off.

I usually got those looks, especially in situations where I would appear out of nowhere quite randomly.

"Where are you from Liam?" Caelum asks me with a smile, chewing through his sandwich in the cafeteria.

"I'm from Romania" I say simply, giving Caelum a smile back, playing with my food in front of me.

I was hungry, but I couldn't risk eating the food, until I was alone and in my true form.

"Are you not hungry?" Wyatt questions with a raised brow, gesturing down to my food.

"I'm not usually hungry at this time of the day" I quickly say, covering for the fact that if I ate, it would release the form I was currently in.

This seemed to only happen to me though, other shapeshifters wouldn't have this problem.

I'm sure it's because I can gather peoples thoughts, powers, and information by turning into them.

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