Immortal Love

By ChelseaFlynn8

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Venus White had just moved to Forks Washington during the last few weeks of Summer vacation a few years after... More

Chapter One: Twilight
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten: New Moon
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen,
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty: Eclipse
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty: Breaking Dawn
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty: Final

Chapter Twenty Seven

27 0 0
By ChelseaFlynn8

Jasper’s P.O.V
Myself and the others were standing on one side of the field waiting for the Newborns to emerge from the woods and I soon began to hear them getting closer as they ran towards us and the one thing on my mind was Venus and soon enough, they came running out from the trees and we had ran towards them and began to fight and we all began to kill a few at a time before the wolves finally came and began to do the same as they began to rip them apart. Throughout the fight, I was looking for Venus’s mother but so far I hadn’t found her yet but after about a minute or so had gone by, I heard Carlisle calling my name and rushed over to see what he wanted and to see if everything was alright and by the time I got there, I came face to face with Venus’s mother as a girl hid behind her, “Jasper” she said and I was in shock when I remembered Alice's Vision about her, “are you alright?” I asked her and she nodded and I did the same and I looked at both Esme and Carlisle, “is this Venus’s mother?” Esme asked and I nodded, “yes it is.” I told her before looking at Julia, “you should stay here for now, I’m sure Venus would be Happy to see you” I told her before she hugged me, “thank you for taking care of her” she said and I hugged back before I went back to the fight and so did Carlisle and Esme. 

Venus’s P.O.V
After Edward had told us everything was going alright, Edward had a worried look on his face, “someone’s hurt?” Bella asked, “Venus, Jasper found your mother and Alice was right about her vision about her, she’s been turned into one of us” he said to me and  let out a heavy sigh before he continued to speak, “she’s close, I can hear her thoughts. Seth go” he said and both Bella and I walked over to Edward and stood behind him, she knew we weren’t there but she caught my scent, she knew you guys would be with me” he said to us as we looked around, “she found us” Bella spoke up, “she’s not alone” Edward said before someone came walking into view but It wasn’t Victoria, it was the man that went missing in Seattle, it was Riley, “Riley. Listen to me, Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I’ll kill you.”Edward said to him before Victoria jumped into view, “in fact, she’ll be glad that she doesn’t have to deal with you anymore.”Edward said to him as he kept his eye on Victoria, “don’t listen to them Riley. I’ve told you about their mind tricks” she said to him, “who said they were tricks” I spoke up, “I can read her mind, So I know what she thinks of you.” Edward said to him trying to get him to listen, “he’s lying.” she tried to say, “she only created you, and this army to avenger her true mate, James. It’s the only thing she cares about, not you” he said as they continued to confuse him, “there’s only you. You know that” she said to him, “think about it. You’re from Forks, you know the area. That’s the only reason she chose you. She doesn’t love you” Edward said to him, “she never has” I said and it looked like he was thinking about it, “Riley, don’t let them do this to us. You know I love you” she said and I rolled my eyes a little, “you’re dead” Riley said and I panicked a little and just as he was about to charge at us, Seth came and tackled Riley to the ground and fought with him. 

Not long after, Victoria tried running away until she stopped, “you’ll never get another chance like this again” Edward said to her and she turned to face us, “you warned them. You want Jasper and I to feel the pain you felt when we killed James. When we tore him to pieces. When we turned him into ash. When we turned him into nothing” he said to her and it was visible in her face that her anger towards him was growing as she was also beginning to shake and she soon charged at him and the both of them fell to the ground and when she got up she tried to reach for Bella and I and I moved us back before Edward had yanked Victoria away from us and she flew into a tree before climbing it and Edward grabbed both Bella and I as we followed her until we stopped and he soon pushed the tree she was on as it soon fell to the ground and as Edward was punching Victoria, Riley soon stepped in and started to fight him as well and I rushed toward Bella and made sure that she was alright before we both started to think of something to help him and when I noticed that she had grabbed a rock sharp enough to cut someone I looked up at her, “are you sure?” I asked her and she nodded and I grabbed one as well and we both made a cut in our arms that was deep enough for it to bleed and when that happened, both Victoria and Riley turned their heads towards us and it had distracted them long enough for Edward to tackle the both of them down and soon enough, Seth got a hold on Riley and as he tried to drag him away, Riley kept call for Victoria but she never went to save him and like before, she had tried to charge at us before Edward stopped her from doing so and he was soon able to have her head ripped from her shoulders andBella and I walked up to him as he stared at the body and he ripped a piece from both his shirt and Bella’s and wrapped them on her wrist and mine before Seth came back, “something’s wrong” Bella said, “Alice need us to go” Edward said to us before taking a lighter out of his pocket and decided to give it to me and I just looked at him as I grabbed it, “you do it, for what she did to your mother” he said and I nodded and looked at the flame coming from the lighter before throwing it on the lifeless body.

Not long after, the three of us made it to the clearing that the fight was held to see a pile of bodies being burned, “how long?” I heard Edward ask as I rushed up to Jasper and hugged him tightly, “you’re bleeding” he said in my ear, “I’m fine, it’s nothing serious” I told him as he moved away from the hug and kissed me, “where’s my mother?” I asked him and he looked in the direction he was and saw my mother standing there with a smile on her face and I ran to her and hugged her, “oh sweetie how I’ve missed you” she said as we hugged, “I’ve missed you to momma” I said to her before we walked over to the others just before one of the wolves attacked one of the vampires from Victoria’s army until Jacob decided to step in and rip it off the grey wolf until it later whimpered in pain and turned into his human form after the pack attacked the Vampire, “is he going to be alright?” my mother asked as Jasper walked up behind me, “he’ll be fine. I’m sure the pack will allow Carlisle to help him” he said as Bella ran to him along with Carlisle and Edward as the rest of the pack surrounded them and Carlisle had come back with Edward and Bella as the pack left with Jacob. Not long after they had left Alice had spoken up, “they’re coming” she said and we all stood together as my mother stood next to a young girl not much younger than me whos was probably brought into this mess and soon enough, a group of people wearing cloaks walked up and took off their hoods, “Impressive, I’ve never seen a coven escape and assault this magnitude intact” the woman said to us, “we were lucky” Carlisle told her, “I doubt that.” she said, “it appears we’ve missed an entertaining fight” the man with dark hair had said, “yes, it’s not often we rendered unnecessary” she said after him, “if you’d arrived a half hour ago, you would have fulfilled your purpose” Edward said to them, “pity. You missed a few” she said looking at my mom and the girl she stood with and both Jasper and I stood with them and I held my mother’s hand, “we offered them asylum in exchange for their surrender. One of them is relative to someone here” Carlisle told her, “that wasn’t yours to offer. Why did you come?” the woman asked as she looked at both the girl and my mother until they both had started to scream in pain and they both fell to the ground and I was being held back by Jasper, “STOP PLEASE, I’M BEGGING YOU” I pleaded as I felt tears slip down my cheeks.

After a little while longer, she had eventually stopped and I knelt down next to my mom as she sat up, “I’m alright sweetie” she said to my, “I don’t know, Riley wouldn’t tell us” the girl said to them, “he said our thoughts weren’t safe” my mom said after her, "her name was Victoria, perhaps you knew her” Edward said to the woman, “Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her. Isn’t that right Jane” Carlisle said, “of course. Felix” she said and as he took one step Esme spoke up, “they didn’t know what they were doing, we’ll take responsibility for them. One of them is a mother and she has just been reunited with her daughter” Esme said to her as Jane stopped Felix, “give them a chance” Carlisle said as they both tried to reason with them, “the Volturi don’t give second chances, keep that in mind. Ciaus would be interested to know that they’re still human” Jane said and I felt the panic rise, “ the date is set” Bella said to her, “take care of that Flix, I’d like to go home” the Jane said to him, “wait please I’m begging you. Please don’t kill my mother she didn’t want this and neither did the girl. Spare them please. Just this once give them a second chance please” I pleaded as I stood in front of them and Felix stopped again to look at Jane and it looked like she thought about it as she looked at me, “fine. Just this once” she said and I was surprised at first as Felix walked back to her and the other two before they had walked away and when they were gone, everyone turned to face me, “nobody has ever convinced them to do anything. No matter who it was” Carlisle said to me and I didn’t know what to say besides hug my mom tightly as I was happy that she didn’t die, “I love you mom” I said as I began to cry, “I love you to sweetie” she said back before we moved away from the hug and smiled at each other and we all decided to head back to the house.

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