Rebirth of a Supermodel

By demaurye

540K 22.8K 1K


Chapter 001
Chapter 002
Chapter 003
Chapter 004
Chapter 005
Chapter 006
Chapter 007
Chapter 008
Chapter 009
Chapter 010
Chapter 011
Chapter 012
Chapter 013
Chapter 014
Chapter 015
Chapter 016
Chapter 017
Chapter 018
Chapter 019
Chapter 020
Chapter 021
Chapter 022
Chapter 023
Chapter 024
Chapter 025
Chapter 026
Chapter 027
Chapter 028
Chapter 029
Chapter 030
Chapter 031
Chapter 032
Chapter 033
Chapter 034
Chapter 035
Chapter 036
Chapter 037
Chapter 038
Chapter 039
Chapter 040
Chapter 041
Chapter 042
Chapter 043
Chapter 044
Chapter 045
Chapter 046
Chapter 047
Chapter 048
Chapter 049
Chapter 050
Chapter 051
Chapter 052
Chapter 053
Chapter 054
Chapter 055
Chapter 056
Chapter 057
Chapter 058
Chapter 059
Chapter 060
Chapter 061
Chapter 062
Chapter 063
Chapter 064
Chapter 065
Chapter 066
Chapter 067
Chapter 068
Chapter 069
Chapter 070
Chapter 071
Chapter 072
Chapter 073
Chapter 074
Chapter 075
Chapter 076
Chapter 077
Chapter 078
Chapter 079
Chapter 080
Chapter 081
Chapter 082
Chapter 083
Chapter 084
Chapter 085
Chapter 086
Chapter 087
Chapter 088
Chapter 089
Chapter 090
Chapter 091
Chapter 092
Chapter 093
Chapter 094
Chapter 095
Chapter 096
Chapter 097
Chapter 098
Chapter 099
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121 - 122
Chapter 123 - 124
Chapter 125 - 126
Chapter 127 - 128
Chapter 129 - 130
Chapter 131 - 132
Chapter 133 - 134
Chapter 135 - 136
Chapter 137 - 138
Chapter 139 - 140
Chapter 141 - 142
Chapter 143 - 144
Chapter 145 - 146
Chapter 147 - 148
Chapter 149 - 150
Chapter 151 - 152
Chapter 153 - 154
Chapter 155 - 156
Chapter 157 - 158
Chapter 159 - 160
Chapter 161 - 162
Chapter 163 - 164
Chapter 165 - 166
Chapter 167 - 168
Chapter 169 - 170
Chapter 171 - 172
Chapter 173 - 174
Chapter 175 - 176
Chapter 177 - 178
Chapter 179 - 180
Chapter 181 - 182
Chapter 183 - 184
Chapter 187 - 188
Chapter 189 - 190
Chapter 191 - 192
Chapter 193 - 194
Chapter 195 - 196
Chapter 197 - 198
Chapter 199 - 200
Chapter 201 - 202
Chapter 203 - 204
Chapter 205 - 206
Chapter 207 - 208
Chapter 209 - 210
Chapter 211 - 212
Chapter 213 - 214
Chapter 215 - 216
Chapter 217 - 218
Chapter 219 - 220
Chapter 221 - 222
Chapter 223 - 224
Chapter 225 - 226
Chapter 227 - 228
Chapter 229 - 230
Chapter 231 - 232
Chapter 233 - 234
Chapter 235 - 236
Chapter 237 - 238
Chapter 239 - 240
Chapter 241 - 242
Chapter 243 - 244

Chapter 185 - 186

2.1K 97 3
By demaurye

Chapter 185

Yizhi was founded in 1912 and was one of the oldest fashion brands in Huaxia.

Before the rise of Ji and Ya, Yizhi could be considered the peak of the Huaxia fashion industry with a strong power that represented Huaxia. It held a certain position in the global fashion industry. In recent decades, there was a ‘downhill’ trend but Yizhi was still the top luxury brand in Huaxia except for Ji and Ya.

Yizhi would only hold three high-end shows every year. The fall and winter show in October was their last one for 2017.

If in the past, Ruth Mary only invited ranked supermodels apart from Ming Yu, then Yizhi only invited famous supermodels on the rankings, with no exceptions.

There was no problem for Yizhi to invite Ming Yu.

But what if Yizhi invited Ming Yu to participate in the fashion show as their opening model?

At the beginning of November, the last Yizhi high-end show of the year took place as scheduled.

Fashion lovers from all over the world gathered in the capital of Huaxia. Lights kept flashing in the dark as countless luxury cars slowly stopped at the entrance of the venue. Pairs of beautiful high heels and shiny shoes stepped on the red carpet. There was the sound of the camera shutters as the guests entered the venue one by one.

The guests who could get Yizhi’s invitation letters were famous design masters, photographers and supermodels in the industry. This Yizhi fashion show was for men’s clothing so among the invited guests was the world class model, Adenes Clark.

The world’s ‘s second-ranked male model had long blond hair, a beautiful appearance and a unique feminine and neutral temperament.

As Adenes walked the red carpet in a white high-end outfit, the reporters immediately took photos excitedly. When Cecilia stepped on the red carpet, they were so excited that they kept pressing the shutter and regretted that they didn’t have more hands.

Xi Ze was one of the last few to show up.

When this handsome and elegant design master appeared in the reporters’ field of view, some people couldn’t help exclaiming. But this didn’t affect Xi Ze’s calm pace. A calm aura slowly enveloped this narrow red carpet, so that people could keep taking pictures but their breathing was weak.

Once the tall figure disappeared into the venue, a new reporter said to himself, “Xi Ze’s momentum is much stronger than Adenes and Cecilia…”

Inside the venue, there was a huge crystal waterfall wall.

The rock palace was carved out of a whole piece of crystal like a crystal treasure. Under the surrounding lights, it shone brilliantly. Clear water poured down from the rock palace like small waterfalls, giving the illusion that the ‘Milky Way is falling.’

Once Xi Ze entered, there was less than 20 minutes until the opening time. He simply left his name on the signature wall, walked to the door of the venue with Ding Bo, raised an arm to let a beautiful woman hold it and they entered together..

Once this golden couple entered the inner venue, the reporters could only speculate at the situation inside. After seeing this, the reporters who followed Xi Ze all this way reluctantly shook their heads and went back.

“The relationship between Xi Ze and He Chaoman is so good. It has been so many years? Why haven’t we heard any news about a scandal?”

“Yes, He Chaoman debuted in the Ji and Ya show. I thought that these two people must have an ambiguous relationship. How has it been so many years without any news leaking out?”

“Hahaha, how can Xi Ze not feel how beautiful He Chaoman is? I don’t believe it! Unless he is gay!”

The two reporters smiled at each other and didn’t take this joke to heart.

He Chaoman didn’t disclose her relationship with Xi Ze because she didn’t want to be tied too much to him. Due to the fact that she had her mother’s surname, no one though that He Chaoman would actually be Xi Ze’s little aunt.

Despite there being not much news about the two of them in the past few years, there were still speculations. After all, Xi Ze wasn’t close to anyone (because his vision was too high) and He Chaoman never had any dating news (because she was always at home). If they didn’t get together, who would they be with?

“Oh yes, I’ve found that Ming Yu’s news have always been related to Xi Ze in the past year.” A small reporter suddenly thought. “For example, the RAmer Charity Gala and Xi Ze always seems to be at Ming Yu’s fashion shows!”

Another reporter waved his hand and didn’t care. “It is because those are occasions that Xi Ze must attend. What is strange about it?”

“Oh, yes…”

Near 7 o’clock, Xi Ze linked arms with He Chaoman. The two of them whispered together as they walked to their seats. In other people’s eyes, they seemed to have a good relationship as they walked and chatted. In fact, they were talking about—

“Aren’t you slightly jealous that this is the first end-end show Ming Yu is participating in as an opening model?”

“Why? Jealous of what?”

“Jealous that it isn’t your show.”

Xi Ze gave a slight smile and said, “This is just the beginning. I have many more days with him.”

Everyone was seated and at exactly 7 o’clock, the lights in the venue were instantly extinguished. There was no light apart from the ones below the stage. This sudden darkness didn’t surprise any of the guests present. It was because in the next moment, 16 dim lamps were lit on both sides of the stage.

Yes, they were lamps not lights.

These 16 emerald glazed lanterns were modelled after the oldest octagonal lanterns in Huaxia. They had a three-layered overlapping structure and the shape of the eight sides were polygons. The 16 lamps were lifted on a white-jade like platform, exactly 10cm above the height of the stage, and sparkled with a hazy light.

There were just 16 lamps. Naturally, it was impossible for them to illuminate the entire show. There were also eight high-wattage spotlights from above, merely lighting up the stage but not the surrounding seats. It made the audience in the dark feel a classic and elegant atmosphere. It felt like they could hear the gurgling sound of bridge water.

The theme of Yizhi’s high-end show was ‘5,000 Years.’

These words were simple and many foreigners probably only thought it was a number. But the people of Huaxia immediately thought of the 5,000 glorious years of Huaxia culture.

In the quiet venue, the mottled bamboo shadows swayed on the background wall. The clear and smooth background sounds of flowing water gradually flowed up, enveloping the hearts of the audience and smoothing out any anxiety.

Standing behind the background wall, there was a tall and handsome male model and several Yizhi designers.

One of the designers in the first row nodded at the youth. The latter smiled and didn’t hesitate to step out.

Once Ming Yu appeared on the stage, his original smile had disappeared.

There was no expression on the young man’s handsome face. He seemed like a god on a frosty day as he walked calmly among the 16 lanterns. His long black hair was fixed to the left with hair gel, revealing the bright and white face and delicate ears.

Long black string earrings fell from the tiny hole in the ear towards the boy’s shoulder. The thin line was made of black silk and a green jade the size of a thumb hung at the bottom.

As the opening model, Ming Yu’s outfit was naturally very important. The outfit was obviously an authentic suit style but the pure black camel cloth had a silver dragon outlined in silver thread. The dragon head and dragon tail were placed ingeniously, as if it was really living in the clothes.

The jade earrings, silver dragon, Huaxia style and the simple and clean makeup.

It made everyone present think that this youth was an ancient man walking through millennium, using the indifferent aura that couldn’t be described to show Huaxia’s independent style.

Ming Yu turned to go back and the audience burst out clapping.

Mr. Xi, who just raised his hand to clap, looked slightly stunned. Then he turned to look at his clapping female companion and said quietly, “Little aunt, this is my wife.”

He Chaoman, who ended up clapping first, nodded calmly. “Yes, I know this is my nephew’s wife.”

The models that appeared next in the show wore the pendant earrings like Ming Yu. They also wore clothes that had a variety of ancient Huaxia elements.The 16 glazed lanterns reflected of each other and created a subtle visual effect.

Although not all the models were from Huaxia, they all had a purely Oriental face.

For the Huaxia people familiar with their own culture, this style naturally surprised them as they found something that was balanced between fashion and classical. For the Western audiences who weren’t deeply aware of Huaxia culture, such a high-end show made them open their eyes!

There might be some immature places and some design flaws, this idea was ingenious enough to win the applause of the audience!

In the fashion show that lasted just over 20 minutes, there was a total of five applauses.

One time was for a model that appeared in the middle, two times was for the finale model Luo Cheng and two times for the opening model Ming Yu!

An absolutely perfect opening!

An equally excellent closing!

Once all the models came back on the stage to start the large performance curtain call, the audience excitedly stood up to give the outstanding chief designers applause.

Xi Ze gazed deeply at the youth standing among many models and whispered, “You can still show such a style.” At the same time, he kept clapping.

On Xi Ze’s other side, the chief editor of Muse, Song Chuci smiled slightly and said meaningfully, “The more brilliant the stage, the more it can reflect the glory of the pearl.”

Xi Ze was slightly stunned by the words. Then he smiled and asked, “Luo Cheng?”

Song Chuci calmly replied, “There is also Ming Yu.”

The Yizhi ‘5,000 Years high-end fashion show in November officially came to a close!


Chapter 186

After the Yizhi fashion show ended, the entire Huaxia fashion industry and the global fashion media reported on this spectacular fashion show!

It wasn’t like there had been no high-end shows with a Huaxia theme in the past. For example, Ji and Ya had a high-end show with the theme of Dragons and Phoenixes.

But even Ji and Ya couldn’t compare to Yizhi this time. The stage music, music selection and the blending of ancient Huaxia style with modern fashion style combined to create such a novel fashion show.

Of course, this was only part of the Yizhi fashion show. The outfit design of Yizhi could be regarded as an average level. Compared to Ji and Ya, it was one stage worse.

However, after the fashion show ended, Ji and Ya’s chief designer Xi Ze was interviewed by reporters and he said, “This 5,000 Years fashion show. The inspiration is very good and has placed pressure on me.”

The next day, countless newspapers and magazines reported on this fashion show.

[5,000 years of ancient scenery, the years of culture accumulating in this fashion show!] [Green Bamboo Dragon Shadow: Yizhi’s high-end show garnered global applause.]

[Yizhi’s chief designer Liu Zhenqi: We just wanted to use the Huaxia style to describe fashion]….

Yizhi’s high-end show really was a show. The overall level of fashion wasn’t as high as Ji and Ya’s last women’s high-end show. However, the new ideas caught the attention of many people outside the industry, attracting passersby.

Three days after the fashion show, a new issue of Muse was released worldwide.

The cover contained Du Ruo’s sexy photo while the inside page was actually Ming Yu.

The two people were wearing the same white shirt style. Du Ruo seemed to only be wearing a thin white shirt. The sun shone on it and it was sexy enough to cause nosebleeds.

Ming Yu gave off a gentle and kind temperament when wearing the white shirt. When this youth leaned against the wall and smiled at then, they could feel the golden sunshine gently dance in his slightly curly hair. His skin was white and transparent, while his eyes were clear like amber.

The huge difference between the outer cover and inner page made it easy to remember these two outstanding supermodels. In addition, the poster attached to Muse magazine was quite strange. The big poster was a group shot of Du Ruo and Ming Yu.

In the past, the magazine attached poster would be a single photo of the cover character. This time, the photo had two people!

In the poster, Du Ruo sat on a deep red sofa with her legs crossed, the white long legs and red fabric forming a sharp contrast. The plump red lips were curved in a smile and the sexy and enchanting beauty handed a small green jewel to the youth standing to the side.

Ming Yu solemnly took the jade with both hands, the two people staring at each other.

This poster was beautiful enough with just Du Ruo!

Now with Ming Yu, it made fans all over the world go crazy!

Even the He Chaoman fans, who always argued with Du Ruo fans, had to admit: 【 These two taking a photo together, it is really beautiful… eh? I bought this issue of Muse? What? I actually bought two issues! QAQ Manman, quickly appear in a magazine and save us!!! 】 He Chaoman who was playing games at home, “Achoo! Who is talking about me?”

But when this issue of Muse appeared, many people looked at the poster of Ming Yu and Du Ruo and felt something strange. After they read the relevant reports related to Du Ruo and Ming Yu, some of the more sensitive people smelt something wrong.

Du Ruo’s contract as the global spokesperson of Yizhi is about to expire. This time Ming Yu was suddenly invited to Yizhi’s show as the opening model. This article on the Yizhi fashion show was actually written by Song Chuci, chief editor of Muse, and in the poster, Du Ruo is handing a piece of jade to Ming Yu…”

What a surprise!

This wasn’t right!!

For a time, many of the media outlets and netizens exploded. They started to discuss if the meaning of Muse’s double poster was inadvertent or if it was intentional?

As these fans and media were talking in full swing, a handsome and relaxed youth was sitting on a wide mahogany in a private work room on the top floor of the Muse building and looking at the situation with interest. He flipped through a thick magazine while looking at his phone from time to time.

Few people dared to touch Xi Ze’s desk.

Xi Ze’s sense of cleanliness was such that he didn’t have any contact with people he was only a little familiar with. If a person dared touch his personal belongings without his permission, as long as their relationship with Xi Ze was good, he might use his poisonous tongue to let them eat a bit of pain. But if the person wasn’t related to him, he wouldn’t attack but he would never bother seeing that person again.

Of course, the category of things classified as personal items was still relatively small.

However, this work table was definitely one of them!

As a designer, there were countless valuable design drawings on this table as well as some expensive pen and ruler tools. Don’t touch the table. If a person touched the table then they would receive the man’s cold eyes.

Now there was a youth sitting on the table without a care, chuckling from time to time. Beside him, the handsome and elegant man wasn’t angry. Instead, he continued to work from calmly. Occasionally he would use his favourite pen to poke the youth’s waist, teasing him.

“Don’t do it! Aren’t you busy?”

Ming Yu lightly reprimanded. Xi Ze made a dark expression and had to hold back his salty pig hand.

Ming Yu was looking at the Muse magazine while also helplessly looking at the netizens’ speculations. Finally, he turned to look at Xi Ze and said, “You don’t know, these fans are really… what are you so angry about?”

Xi Ze’s lips slightly thinned and he raised an eyebrow. “I am angry?”

Upon seeing this, Ming Xiaoyu thought carefully and understood what was going on. Ming Yu was very happy when he saw that Xi Ze was jealous. He put the magazine down and suddenly put his leg down from the table. When Xi Ze still hadn’t replied, Ming Xiaoyu sat in his lap.

Xi Ze was slightly stunned and subconsciously held the youth’s waist.

Ming Yu smiled and said, “Don’t be angry. If you are angry then I will have to hit you. I have been watching the fan reactions to Muse. They seem to have completely forgotten that this article also talks about Luo Cheng. They are guessing about the poster containing Du Ruo and I.

An old saying was the most appropriate way to describe Xi Ze’s mood at the present.

『 Soft fragrant jade in my arms 』

Look at this sweet and soft Ming Xiaoyu sitting in Mr. Xi’s arms.

Xi Ze’s mood was suddenly very good. “Song Chuci thought well this time. With this issue, Muse’s sales will reach a peak tomorrow and might even break the global sales record. But since he treats you and Du Ruo as the highlight of this issue and regards Luo Cheng as a foil, he might eat some bitterness when he goes home at night.”

Ming Xiaoyu wasn’t stupid. Once he heard this, he was slightly startled before understanding. “Editor Song and Luo Cheng are in that type of relationship?”

Xi Ze gentle hummed.

Ming Yu recalled the scene where he met with Luo Cheng in Muse Magazine. What was Ming Xiaoyu thinking? He thought that he was stupid and he never expected that husky and the cold Editor Song to have this type of unclear relationship.

But the two people didn’t stay on this topic for long. In order to appease the angry man, Ming Yu had suddenly sat on the other’s lap. But his posture was too wonderful. He was just sitting on a certain part and gradually felt that thing about to wake up.

They were still in the company. Therefore, Ming Yu coughed and planned to stand up quickly. But how could Xi Ze let him. He gently rubbed against the youth’s body while smiling, “Don’t move and let me hug you. I will slowly make it subside.”

Ming Yu’s cheeks were red with embarrassment. He had never done such a thing with this man in this office, nor did he intend to. However, Ming Xiaoyu could only remain half stiff as he let Xi Ze rub himself against him. This counted as venting.

This ambiguous atmosphere became thicker and gradually, even Ming Yu felt a bit hot. He lowered his head to look at the man sitting below him. It just happened that his gaze met a pair of dark eyes.

The two men looked at each other for a moment before suddenly kissing in a tacit manner.

The bites and licks caused a beautiful breath to spread out. Ambiguous sounds filled the gentle studio as Xi Ze’s hands hugged the youth’s waist and Ming Yu was directly holding Xi Ze’s neck, forcing the kiss.

After feeling that the thing underneath him had completely awakened, Ming Xiaoyu no longer wanted to think. He let the other side continue to move while at the same time, he actively exchanged saliva with the man.

Red cheeks and heavy breathing. When the two people’s lips separated, Ming Yu’s eyes were surprisingly bright and he felt some familiar feelings.

The second kiss was almost inseparable. Therefore, the two people didn’t hear someone knocking on the door. It was only when the door was pushed open that Ming Xiaoyu subconsciously pushed away Xi Ze. At the same time, he bent down and hid under the table.

Xi Ze, “…”

Ming Yu, “…”

The ignorant Ding Bo, “Xi Ze, I just knocked on your door. Why didn’t you hear it? What? Your face is a bit red. What’s the matter?”

Xi Ze tried to suppress his lust as much as possible and raised his eyes, calmly saying, “Nothing… What is it?”

Ding Bo didn’t think too much. He just looked at the man with suspicious eyes before saying, “Well, I bought 1,000 copies of this magazine….”

“Ding Bo!” Xi Ze suddenly interrupted the other person’s words. Ding Bo made a strange expression while Xi Ze gritted his teeth and said, “I am not feeling well right now. Wait for half an hour and come in again.

Ding Bo was startled. “Half an hour?’

A moment later, Xi Ze’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “One hour later, come again!

The confused Ding Bo turned to leave and whispered at the door. “What is the matter? You were the one who told me to buy the magazines for you. I quit! ╰(‵口′)╯ !!!”


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