Waxing Gibbous

By orbell21

353K 14.8K 498

Waxing Crescent rewrite. Alex is just a normal girl trying to live her life in the rainy town of Forks, but w... More

Part I - Twilight
Welcoming (A)
A Warm Welcome (B)
First Sight (A)
Strange Interactions (A)
A little more (A)
Frustrations (A)
Family is more than DNA (A)
Phenomenon (A)
I'm Okay (A)
Revelations (A)
Blood Type (A)
Family Meals (A)
La Push(A)
Scary Stories (B)
More incriminating Evidence (A)
Beautiful days (A)
Port Angeles (A)
Interrogations (A)
Complications (A)
A Free Mind (A)
What? (A)
Hunts and Tricks (A)
Run (A)
Epilogue (A)
Part II New Moon
Getting Taller (A)
Unfortunate Birthday Party (B)
Something Strange (A)
Gone (A)
Sick (A)
I'm Still Learning (A)
Things are Changing (A)
Soul Questing (A)
Legends (A)
First Hunt
Tradition (A)
Aniu and Home (A)
Goodbyes (A)
Welcoming (A)
A New Normal (A)
The La Push Gang (B)
Any Day Now (A)
Giant Wolves (AB)
Our First Kill (A)
Cults (A)
Leeches (A)
Trouble (A)
New Plans (A)
Budding Friendships (A)
The Hunt (A)
Back (A)
Additions (A)
Treaty (A)
Talks (A)
Part III Eclipse
Getting better together (A)
Trips (A)
Traditions and Talks (A)
The Chase (A)
Trying (A)
Revealing (A)
More (A)
Babysitting (A)
No More Lies (B)
Boy Trouble (A)
Vampire Intruders (A)
Misguided (A)
More Trouble (A)
Bonfires (A)
Fourth Wife's Sacrifice (A)
Engagements (A)
Rings and Pixie Visitors (A)
Total Misunderstanding (A)
Don't punch wolves (B)
Graduation Woes (A)
Wild Parties (A)
Plans (A)
Beta (A)
Instructions (B)
Figuring things out (A)
Origins (A)
Selfish (B)
More Training (AB)
Reassurances (A)
I want to try something (A)*
Trails (A)
Personal Heater (A)
The Battle (A)
Hurt 3rd POV
Painful Reminders (A)
Stronger (A)
Discoveries (A)
Part IV
Return (A)
Big Days (A)
Surprise Gifts (A)
Not so great gifts (A)
I promise (A)*
Umm.... What? (A)
Trouble Brewing (A)
A True Leader (A)
Warnings (A)
Defecting (A)
An Idea
Trying Something
Talks and Manipulation (A)
Fitting In (A)
Bat in the Belfry (A)
I'm Still a personal heater (A)
All ready to go (A)
Things go from bad (A)
To Worse (A)
New Faces (A)
Treaties (A)
Waking Up (A)
Tests (A)
Imprint talks (A)
What's wrong with that? (A)
Alone time (A)*
Jacob Intervenes (A)
Best not to know (A)
Dinner Parties (A)
Planning (A)
Uh-Oh (A)
Sentenced to Die (A)
Left Us (A)
New Plans (A)
Waiting (A)
Allies (A)
Talents (A)
More Information (A)
Korinna's Knowledge (A)
Company (A)
Uninvited Guests (A)
A New Home (A)
Forever (A)
Deadline (A)
Bloodlust (A)
Contrivances (A)
Power (A)
Happily ever after (A)

Injuries (A)

2.6K 104 0
By orbell21

If I were being honest, I wanted to be with my mom, I wanted that comfort that came with being hugged by her.

"okay" she replied opening the door for me before getting into the car and turning the heat up. She started driving towards home looking back at me slightly as she made it to the main road. I reached down to grab my jacket, engulfing myself in more warmth.

I knew I needed to tell my aunt, but I also wanted to be a fair distances from the vampire. Yes, Vampire. The ice-cold skin gave me the last piece of evidence I needed.

"Al? are you going to tell me what happened?"

I nodded slightly "I think... I think I need to go to the hospital"

"What!" my aunt looked back at me, and I grimaced, I shouldn't have worded it that way

"I think I broke my thumb" I replied cradling my hand, now that the adrenaline was gone, I could feel how painful it was, my whole wrist actually. It was bruised for sure.

"Shit" she whispered under her breath, as she dug through the console to grab something. Her hand reached across the dividing line handing me a small bottle of sprite. "drink this and just relax, okay"

I grabbed the bottle a small nod "okay" I took a few sips not really ready to admit everything before I needed too. I knew I would have to before we got to the hospital, but I wanted to drag it out.

"I need you to tell me what happened" she said after we crossed the boundary into Forks.

"I went to the library then the bookstore, like I said but when I left the bookstore I ran into Bella"

"yeah, I saw here, and Carlisle's son"

"he only showed up afterwards."

"after what?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, an involuntary shiver climbing up my spine. "Bella wanted to go to the other bookstore, and I offered to lead her, since it was along the way back. But I was distracted and not thinking, and I led us further into Port Angeles... it was my fault"

"what was your fault?" she looked at me after a moment "Al? what was your fault?"

"there were these guys and they... they were following us, and I freaked out led us the wrong way and they encircled us. They were drunk and... and they..." I couldn't say the word even now "I punched one of them, he didn't like that, so he pushed me against the wall. I thought about kneeing him, but he grabbed my wrist, and I couldn't think. Then Edward showed up and scared them away, at least enough for us to get out of there." I rushed out in a breath.

Eve didn't say a word, she just drives until we are pulling into the hospital. "okay, we're going to go in here and getting you checked out. I need to be sure nothing else is wrong."

I nodded and followed after her. The hour-long drive had allowed me to calm down a little, I wasn't in shock, because I had some sugar. I could tell Eve was still weary, she was waiting for me to drop or for something else to happen. And truthfully, I needed to be sure nothing else was wrong.

When we got into the hospital, much like the time before and every other time I've had to be hospitalized, for one reason or another, I was rushed to the emergency room. Perks of a small-town hospital, it was usually not very busy. But there was also the perks of your parent being a doctor.

It was only then when I thought about it that I remembered my mom. "what am I going to tell mom?"

"you tell her what you told me; she's not going to blame you for anything. She might baby you for a little, which is why I'm not going to call her because no one needs that right now"

I nodded "thank you... I'm sorry I should have just come straight back"

My aunt looks at me, wide eyed "if you did that then Bella may not be okay, I wish it never happened, but you are alive and so is Bella."

I nodded, not truly believing her. it was my fault Bella, and I were around those guys, it would've been my fault if we got attacked. What if they went after another person? What if there was some other unfortunate girl that was attacked because they didn't get their first target.

"Do you think I should file a police report?"

"that's up to you kiddo. If you want to then I would suggest you do so. But they may not catch him."

I didn't want to think about that possibility, but I also didn't want to risk those guys actually hurting someone else. I'd probably have to go back to Port Angeles to file the report, I wasn't sure I wanted Charlie to know about it. Before I get into my head I was taken back for some x-rays, I could already see the bruises on my wrist starting to form.

Once back into my room I found it difficult to keep my eyes open, probably because my adrenaline was gone and my body was crashing, plus I was given some pain meds. Before I could fall asleep Carlisle walked through the door.

"hello, Eve, Alexandra"

"good evening, Carlisle. I'm sorry to pull you in right before the end of your shift, but I know Val would feel better if it was you who handled this"

"not a problem, Eve. Let's get started." Carlisle put the x-ray on the light, before explaining. "her thumb is dislocated, with a small fracture; hand and wrist are sprained, and some bruising is forming." He turned towards me "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

I glanced at my aunt, but figured Edward would probably tell him so I gave him the short story "I punched somebody"

Carlisle nodded "that would definitely cause these kinds of injuries. I'm assuming there was a reason, but I won't ask too many details." He looked at Eve while grabbing the supplies needed. "We're going to wrap it up and give your thumb a splint. I would recommend to refrain from punching anyone"

He focused on my wrist repositioning it so that everything was the way it needed to be. The cold fingers were pleasant and helped with the throbbing... Thankfully.

I got lost in focusing on my wrist that I didn't hear the conversation that Eve and Carlisle were engaged in, probably something about pain or work. Who knew.

But it really made me wonder. If Carlisle was this blood thirsty monster how could he stand to be surrounded by it daily. And not just a little bit of blood, this wasn't like a papercut people in the hospitals bleed like crazy.

"you're all set" Carlisle said finally. I looked at my wrist, it was bandaged with a splint or rather two – one for my thumb and one for my wrist. "the thumb brace should stay on for a few weeks, the wrist brace about 2 weeks."

I nodded, exhaustion getting to me.

"thank you Carlisle... I better get her home before she passes out where she's sitting" Eve replied helping me stand before guiding me to the car.

I wasn't surprised about my mother's reaction when I got home, I was expecting it the entire drive home. But I wasn't the only one. Eve seemed to be rehearsing what she was going to say the whole drive.

"Aunt Eve?"

She snapped out of her thoughts as we pulled into the driveway. "yeah?"

"thank you, for taking me to the hospital"

My aunt sighed "you don't have to thank me for that, I will always take care of you" she paused looking at the house, where a light was on in the kitchen. "I'm sure your mom has dinner ready and is very worried" 

I got out of the car grabbing my backpack, taking a deep breath I followed Eve into the house. My left hand was still cradled against my chest. Two weeks at least in their braces. At least they were comfortable enough. 

Eve and I stepped into the kitchen both preparing for a scolding. "you're lucky dinner's not done yet, otherwise I would be upset"

She finally turned to look at the two of us, her eyes narrowing in on my hand. "what happened?"


"she's okay, Carlisle confirmed everything, let's let her take a shower before dinner."

My mom looked like she wanted to protest but nodded anyway "okay, I still need to finish everything"

I walked up the stairs slowly, a heavy stupor clouding my mind. I went through the motions of getting ready for bed without paying any attention to what I was doing. It wasn't until I was in the shower — the water too hot, burning my skin — that I realized I was freezing. I shuddered violently for several minutes before the steaming spray could finally relax my rigid muscles.

I stumbled out, wrapping myself securely in a towel, trying to hold the heat from the water in so the aching shivers wouldn't return. Then I pulled on my pajamas before stumbling into my room. My mom was sitting on my bed, a bowl of chicken and rice sitting on the nightstand.

"I figured you could eat in here" she looked over me again trying to figure it all out "Al, what happened? Eve told me you came back and were basically going into shock"

I sat on the bed next to my mom and allowed her to examine my wrist. "I...I went to the library then to the bookstore... when I left, I saw Bella, and I offered to lead her to the other bookstore. But... But I went the wrong way, I knew I could redirect us but, We got too far in and then there were these guys and they... I punched one of them so we could get away, but it only made him mad. They would've, but Edward showed up and scared them away... mom I'm sorry" I didn't even realize I was crying until my mom wrapped me in her arms.

"don't apologize, it wasn't your fault." She kissed my forehead "I'm just glad you are okay"

"you can't tell Charlie"

"what? Why?"

"I don't know if Bella's said anything or if she wants too... I don't want her to get in trouble or anything" I rambled off. I saw my mom's face soften.

"okay, I won't say anything, but I'm not going to lie. If Charlie asks, I'm going to tell him"

I nodded knowing this was the best I would get. "thank you"

She smiled "okay, I want you to eat then get to bed. you look like you're going to pass out any moment."

"I will." I looked at her as she stood in the doorway of my room.

"and I don't want you walking around Port Angeles alone anymore."

I nodded hurriedly agreeing with her. I didn't particularly want to walk alone anyway. Actually, I didn't want to go to Port Angeles anytime soon. Too terrified those men would find me again and this time I wouldn't have someone to stop them.

I was so exhausted that I fell asleep the instant my head touched my pillow, Toby climbing up next to me bringing a sense of safety. And thankfully I didn't dream of anything.

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