Avalon Isn't What It Used To...

Bởi A_L_untold

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My mother says my endless curiosity and my need to venture is a curse. Though, I know she only says that beca... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Avalon to Otherworld
Chapter 2: Stupid Squirrels
Chapter 3: Fae-Ri
Chapter 4: What are 'Shoes'
Chapter 5: Ori-gon?
Chapter 6: Coin
Chapter 7: 2 Months
Chapter 8: The limb
Chapter 9: Grounded
Chapter 10: Grounded
Chapter 11: Moss
Chapter 12: 6 months
Chapter 13: Countdown
Chapter 14: Dancing Hearts
Chapter 15: Too Small
Chapter 16: I Missed You
Chapter 17: Broken Promises
Chapter 18: Secrets
Chapter 19: Recalling the First
Chapter 20: I love you
Chapter 21: Heaven
Chapter 22: Returned
Chapter 23: Consecration
Chapter 24: Sweetheart
Chapter 25: Twitterpated
Chapter 26: Intertwining Worlds
Chapter 27: Coming Clean
Chapter 28: More like, Peter Pan.
Chapter 29: Alm
Chapter 30: Rob
Chapter 31: Thanksgiving
Chapter 33: Trapped
Chapter 34: Tripped into the Past
Chapter 35: Emotional
Chapter 36: Shrunk
Chapter 37: The Dress
Chapter 38: Meeting Maya
Chapter 39: Vows
Epilogue: 2 Years Later

Chapter 32: The Great Christmas Mage

131 7 3
Bởi A_L_untold

It was the coldest winter I had experienced yet, and so much colder than the 20 years I spent in Wintertide. It was like the month Owen calls 'December', was angry with us. Within it's first week, a blizzard shut down our little town. Regardless, Owen and I made good use of being locked in doors. He had taught me how to use the magic of the 'internet', and we discussed the details of our 'wedding', which we decided would be held during summer. 

Our Christmas festivities were put off for that week, but it only made me more excited for them. When the weather allowed us to venture outside, our first goal was to go pick out a tree! Seeing as I seemed to be more susceptible to the chilling bite of the cold as a Fae, this new experience was to be done in human form, especially since I didn't need to be in a pocket or dodge snowfall.

Decorating it this year was completely different being in human form, however the magic of the season hadn't changed in the slightest. If anything, it was more so. Every day I spent with Owen seemed enchanting in some form or another. We had been taking pictures on his 'phone', as well as with the device he called 'the polaroid'.

And since this winter season I had the ability to skate around the ice like the other humans, we did that too.

"Come on". He laughed breathily, holding out his hand to assist me onto the ice. My uneasiness was clearly portrayed through the tension in my body. I had just ineptly waddled my way to the ice field he called a 'rink' and reached out a quaking hand to his.

I slipped through my first step onto the ice, only to be caught and held up by Owen's seemingly endless strength. I giggled with bright eyes as he pulled me around the ice for an hour before I gained the confidence to try it on my own. He glided backwards in front of me with arms at the ready in the case that I should fall, again. Which I did... Again. And again.

The last hit to my rump left me wincing, and flinching at the humans that skated past me with speed.

I looked up to the bright and concerned smile in front of me, "That one hurt". I giggled awkwardly, as he pulled me up off the ice with ease.

"You'll get better, you're just trying too hard not  to fall", He couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah. Well," I giggled shyly, realizing that this time I didn't have a warm and enormous hand to break my fall,  "Let's just say, I now fully appreciate the security of your hand".

My comment seemed to give him pause as he shook his head with an adoring smile growing steadily across his lips. "You are so  cute", he admitted, before he nodded towards the exit, "Come on, let's get you home".

I huffed a sigh and matched his smile, as I allowed him to pull me towards the exit, more than ready to accept defeat.

On Christmas' Eve, Owen and I joined Rob at his sister's, Clair, for the festive dinner. It was a magical night, truly. I learned that I was what's called a 'vegetarian', which meant I didn't eat meat, and that Human children grow so swiftly. Darren was 6, and Miley, 2; After spending time with the younglings I realised their size and intelligence were comparable to Fae children around the ages of 300 and 150.  Although, I was slightly perturbed with Darren's lack of faith in the great Christmas Mage, I just brushed it off in light of Christmas spirit.

When Owen and I got home, we opened the gifts we had gifted each-other, which was our new tradition; Owen's first time opening gifts of Christmas' Eve was last year, with me. Owen's perfect gift was a Wildberry Tea, whereas I had knitted him a new head covering thanks to Robs assistance in obtaining the materials. Rob called it a 'beanie', which he explained had nothing to do with any sort of bean. After we danced for hours to the Christmas instrumentals, we both retreated up to bed where sleep welcomed us in a warm embrace.

I couldn't have been more excited for the morning of Christmas, and my heart was aching with happiness. I had planned on making breakfast for my lovely human before opening the gifts that the great Christmas Mage brought us, until reminiscing with Owen about the festivities of the prior night lead me to the realisation that:

Owen had lied.

"I cannot believe you"! I growled venomously as I turned to storm up the stairs. I was furious  with him.

"Babe", he pleaded as he darted in front of me to stop me from storming off. "Don't. Come on, just talk to me". But I wasn't going to back down.

"MOVE", I said fiercely, the fire in my eyes warning him not to test me.

He shook his head, and I could see the uncertainty in his action. But it didn't dampen my fury in the slightest.

"Either you give me space, or I will give myself space", I gritted in warning.

He peered at me for a moment as if he were doubting my words. Before I knew what was happening, he—as fast as lightning—grabbed my right hand and swiftly pulled the enchanted chain from my finger. Within a second, I yelped and found myself freefalling only to land in Owens practiced hand a moment later.

I screamed infuriatedly as I wrestled in his grip, only to be deposited onto the counter. I quickly stumbled up to stand, aggressively adjusting my baggy sweater in utter austerity.

"HOW  DARE YOU"! I yelled up to the towering man that dared to take my chain. "GIVE IT BACK NOW", I shouted, holding out my hand.

"Not until we talk this out", he said calmly, his tone trying to appeal to me. I could feel his insecurity and regret as he undoubtably felt my rage.

I gritted my teeth and huffed before yelling again. "Give it back now before I go celestial on you"!

Shock crossed his features he shook his head again.  He stood firm, holding the chain in a fist  as he straightened his posture and crossed his arms in defiance.

"AWGH"! I screamed and stomped my foot. He knew I wouldn't do that, and he knew exactly what I would do; which is why he swiped the chain in the first place. And because it was winter, my window-escape was shut... And I was now too small to open it.

But the door is unlocked, I thought, glancing towards the door. I quickly looked up at Owen, who had already caught on. I conjured my wings and raced towards the door, but before I could pull it open even a crack, Owen had shut it and turned the lock.

"OWEN"! I screeched. I glared up at him to see him looking down at me with deeply apologetic but resolute eyes. "AWGH"! I grumbled loudly and shot up to the beam above the kitchen, desperate to create space between us.

"Come on Ri", he called from below.

"NO! How dare you take that chain from me Owen"! I yelled, looking down at him furiously. "IT IS NOT YOURS TO TAKE! AND TRAPPING ME IN HERE"? 

"Okay, you're not trapped. I just don't want you running off to the Grove and disappearing on me for weeks instead of talking to me".


"Yes, I would," he spoke firmly looking up at me. I knew by his tone that he was trying not to raise his voice as to not hurt my sensitive ears. "I'd know if you had suddenly became calmer, that you went to the Grove", He explained.

I took two quick harsh breaths before my temper took over completely, "Here! How about we trade", I shouted and started to pull the ring of engagement from my finger.

"DON'T YOU DARE  REMOVE THAT RING", He boomed vehemently in warning, with a threatening finger. The gravity of his tone halted my action immediately. I adjusted the ring back onto my finger and dropped my hands to my hips as my wings open and closed slowly behind me. His enraged eyes sending a shiver down my spine.

"Now", he said speaking calmy again, "I understand if you need space, but I don't want you going to the Grove".

"You've no right tell me what I can and cannot do"! I stomped again before I flinched at his frustrated volume.

"I'M NOT—I'm not." He adjusted his volume quickly, and took a deep breath. "Babe, I am asking you not  to leave me. I'd rather you be mad at me, and take it out on me, scream, cry, throw things, whatever you need. Just.. don't leave the realm for space".

I took a deep breath mulling over his words. His tone pleaded with me so sincerely. Even as angry as I was, I couldn't help but hear him out. I dropped off the beam and caught myself in a hover in front of his face. I took another deep breath and attempted to speak calmly.

Regardless, my tone seeped with venom. "Owen, I promise I won't leave the realm. But I would like my chain back, and I would like you to open the door".

He released a long breath and then opened his palm in front of me offering the chain as if it were a sign of peace. I took the chain from his palm and wrapped it around my neck as he reluctantly unlocked and then opened the door.

I glared at him as I conjured my light-seal and flew out the door towards Shae. I dodged the drifting balls of Christmas snow and quickly made it out to my Willow where I informed her of Owens treachery. It was then I learned even Shae knew about this all along. I couldn't even trust my tree! However, Shae explained that it was purely for me, and that there was no ill-intent behind it. We argued the morality of the lie for 4 hours when Owen finally came out to check on me. Though I tried my best to ignore him.

"Sweetheart, please come out". His voice was rich and seemed to warm the frozen air. But I was not about to falter.

"NO"! I shouted from inside my old Room. Shae vibrated in amusement, stating that she believed that I had made my point. But I ignored her too and tightened the blanket I had wrapped around me.

"Well, at least come eat lunch with me, you didn't eat this morning", he said patiently. His tempting words making my stomach grumble.

"How do I know you're not lying about lunch"! I shouted sourly.

I heard a small gasp. "I would never lie about food". He responded firmly, but I could hear his underlying sarcasm.

Is he really enjoying this right now? I'm livid, and he's taking this as a joke? I gritted my teeth.

"I'll take my chances"! I said adamantly, stubbornly firm with my position.

And audible sigh broke the small window of silence. "What if I bring you food", he said growing slightly impatient, "Then will you eat"?

My stomach growled again as I took a step closer to my terrace, "Maybe". I said loudly glancing up at Shae's snow covered canopy through the entrance above.

"Alright", he breathed out in disappointment. "I'll be right back". The sound of violently crunching ice and snow that slowly dissipated told me he was retreating to the house. Yes, I was cold and hungry. And yes, I would accept food from him. But there was no way I was going back with him.

I sat down on my mound, and huddled under my blanket desperate for warmth. This winter was colder than the last, and my light-seal barely kept me warm; Even with 'leggings' and a 'sweater', inside Shae, whilst using my blanket. I didn't have any water in the basin to heat up my room, so I brainstormed what I'd do for the next few days since I decided I wasn't going to go home with Owen yet. After about 5 minutes, I began to crave some hot tea... Not just any tea, the wild berry tea I had been gifted last night from Owen. But I hadn't had any of that tea since its sweet flavor grew bitter with betrayal.

Oh, but I would just love something hot... I whined to myself internally. Maybe I can just....

"Lavender tea may, or may not, help sooth my fury... a little". I grumbled to Owen with the Calling.

"Alright," he responded, "I'll be there in a few. Do you want anything else"?

"You mean besides a mate that's honest with me? No. Thank you". I retorted bitterly. But Owen didn't respond to that comment.

And after a about ten minutes, the sound of distant crunching told me that he was on his way back to me. What I didn't expect was there to be twice the number of crunching footsteps. I quickly ran up the stairs of my scout entrance to see who was accompanying him.

I huffed in annoyance and trudged back into my room after recognizing the other giant to be Rob. I tried to reign in my temper, knowing that Rob wasn't who my anger was directed at; and the slippers he had presented me with at Christmas had kept my feet warm for the past 4 hours. The male voices conversating about the bar, and crunching snow grew louder, and louder before they ceased all together.

"I made pancakes and brought you some tea", Owen called up to me.

I fluttered up to my terrace and looked down at the two men. I smiled at Rob. "Good morning Rob", I said before turning to Owen with a less pleasant expression.

"Merry Christmas", He greeted curiously, no doubt wondering why I seemed cold towards Owen. Owens lips curled into an apologetic grin as Rob spoke up again, "Why are you glowing"?

"It's supposed  to protect me from the cold". I said, hinting that it was indeed doing a poor job.

I glanced at Owen who's caring expression and beseeching gaze nearly made me break. I looked away to gather all of my suddenly depleting strength as he stepped up below my balcony. He held up the fae-sized breakfast cakes that were placed on a small paper towel.

After a very brief pause, I hastily wrapped the towel around them and took them from his gloved fingers before rushing back inside. I grabbed a cake off the stack and began to eat before I set the rest down on the counter.

"Is she okay"? Rob whispered discretely as I swallowed my bite. But a human sized whisper couldn't escape my Fae-hearing.

"Yeah, she's fine", Owen said with a tired sigh, and I interrupted him before he could elaborate.

"FINE"? I questioned loudly, grabbing a cup from my shelves, and flying out to my balcony.

"There you go, lying again"!

"Oh, come on", he rolled his eyes as he unscrewed the top of the canteen he called a 'thermos', and proceeded to pour its steaming contents into its cap.

"So, you're not fine"? Rob asked awkwardly as Owen held the pool of hot tea up to me. The steam rose up and wafted over me pleasantly.

"No! I'd be fine if my mate didn't lie to me", I glared at my mate as I dunked my cup into the steaming tea, filling it up before taking a sip.

"Lie"? Rob looked to Owen scrutinizingly as I hopped back into my room. "What did you lie about"?

Owen's voice dropped low as he mumbled out his whisper, "She found out about Santa".

It was absolute betrayal...

"You should have told me"! I yelled from inside my room, my heart thumping with rage. Rob snorted trying to swallow his laugh, before he murmured an apology. Likely due to a discouraging look from Owen.

"How did she find out", Rob asked, unable to hide his mirth.

"Darren told her at Christmas dinner", he added monotonously as I wrapped my blanket around me again.

"Oh dude", He laughed. "I'd be pissed too".

"YEAH! Do you know how dumb I feel"! I shouted, directing my voice towards the balcony.

"OKAY"! I flinched as Owen raised his voice. But his volume dropped to a whisper, "Rob, can you give me a few minutes? I'll meet you back inside".

Without any other words spoken, Rob left. Owen stayed quiet for a few minutes presumably allowing Rob to get out of ear shot before continuing.

His voiced raised to a firm decibel. "Ri-ae-ya, Get your cute little butt out here right  now".

I scoffed, and floated up to my terrace with the blanket wound around me tightly whilst holding my hot cup of tea. I looked down at Owen who looked to be less patient then normal, and although he had used stern volume just moments ago, he didn't seem angry. Did that stop my mouth from flying away?

"And how do I know you actually think it's cute, Huh? How do I know that you're not lying about that too"?

He rolled his eyes, "Sweetheart, I just wanted you to fully experience what it was like when I was a kid. Okay? I didn't want to upset you by lying, I just wanted you to experience our magic".

I sniffled, pulling the plush blanket partially over my head to protect my ears from the cold.

"Do you know how demeaning it is to find out Santa isn't real from a youngling"?

"I really am sorry. I could tell how much it hurt you by your reaction, not to mention I felt it. I didn't mean to betray your trust, and I didn't mean for you to find out that way".

"And just when were you planning on telling me then"? I looked down at my tea to hear his response.

"Okay—I wasn't planning on telling you 'til next Christmas", he murmured in admittance, "All kids, well most, grow up thinking he's real. And I just wanted you to have that for a while. The way my mom did it for me".

"I'M NOT A CHILD! And don't bring your mom into this", I sniffled again as I looked at him impatiently.

His eyes pleaded with me to understand, as he pouted apologetically. "Please forgive me"?

I rolled my eyes, and looked away. Don't look at him. If you don't look at him, you'll stand firm.

"Babe? It's Christmas", he sang in a light-hearted cadence trying to coax me. "I love you... I don't want to fight.... And you're cold...".

"I am cold", I admitted sourly with another eyeroll, and glanced down at him briefly before looking up and away again.

"You still have to open your gifts", he reminded me in the same cadence with a growing smile; He could tell it was working.

I peered down at him, desperately trying to remember his treachery and the pain of embarrassment it had caused. But for some reason the pain was out of reach, and his smile pulled at my heart, goading me out of my stubbornness.

He sang out again, "My hands are warm... and you're cold...". I couldn't help but cough a laugh out at how awful his petitions were, and how much I adored them. After hearing my laugh, his smile brightened even further, and I had to fight to not be infected by it. I rolled my eyes again unwrapping myself from the blanket and tossing it back into the room as he slipped his hand out of it's glove.

I floated down to him from my terrace and was gently scooped out of the frigid air by his warm hand before he pulled me to his chest, sheltering me behind his jacket. He turned towards the house and I huddled in the fiery warmth of his hand as he hiked through 2 feet of snow. The pad of his thumb searching for my cheek, grazing the side of my face tenderly before holding me a bit firmer to his chest.

"I can't believe you almost took off your ring", he chuckled out, looking down at me.

I looked up to see him grinning, seemingly entertained by that fact. "I can't believe you stole my chain", I said loudly, only to be heard over the crunching of the snow beneath his feet.

He laughed breathily as I giggled with him, snuggling further into his chest. 

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