Jisung x NCT

By Anndatu0795

112K 2K 197

NCT 22 hyungs really adore Jisung, their maknae. They are so possessive and obsessed. They protect him at all... More

Dream 1/3
Dream 2/3
Dream 3/3
Nosung ( Jeno x Jisung)
Jaemsung ( Jaemin x Jisung )
Chensung ( Chenle x Jisung )
Haesung ( Haechan x Jisung )
Marksung ( Mark x Jisung )
Rensung ( Renjun x Jisung )
NCT 127 x Jisung I
NCT 127 x Jisung II
Taesung (Taeyong x Jisung)
Taesung (Taeyong x Jisung) II
Jaesung (Jaehyun x Jisung)
Jungwoo x Jisung (Woosung)
Yuta x Jisung (Yusung)
Johsung ( Johnny x Jisung )
Dosung ( Doyoung x Jisung )
Taeilsung (Taeil x Jisung)
Sungsung ( Sungchan x Jisung )
Tarosung ( Shotaro x Jisung )
WayV x Jisung II
Lusung ( Lucas x Jisung )
Kunsung ( Kun x Jisung )
Derysung ( Hendery x Jisung )
Tensung ( Ten x Jisung )
Xiaosung ( Xiaojun x Jisung )
Yangsung ( Yangyang x Jisung )
Winsung (Winwin x Jisung)
NCT x Jisung

WayV x Jisung I

2.1K 49 0
By Anndatu0795

-""We are your hyungs but you handle us easily!"-


At a popular bar in South Korea, five men can be seen talking seriously while watching the crowd.

Many women and guys want to approach them but they are backing right away when they see how they look at them.

Death glares mean that they know they have to back off or they might regret it later.

"What's the news on the task I gave you, Lucas?" the mascular man seriously ask while staring at him.

Lucas leaned back on his chair and then drank the wine decently before he answered.

"Well you know me Xiaojunnie, right? No one can resists my charm even y'all! ... So they absolutely approve in our proposal and I will report it to Kun hyung later after we finish our goal here!" He arrogantly whispered before winking and toasting his wine to them.

They just smirk at the hot young man then they also toasted their glasses.

"Winwin, what are your plans for our coming events?" their companions suddenly asked.

"I haven't thought of a plan for that yet, Hendery! But it looks like Yangyang and Ten hyung have a plan so let's just leave it to them before we think of another idea that can be added for that freaking events that will satisfy us too!" he smirk at Yangyang who just smiled at him a little.

Hendery just smiled too but smirked at the end.

Later, they received a call from Ten and said that Kun would pick up Jisung so they had to go home and fix themselves before their baby would even wonder about their outfits and badboy looks. So the five quickly left the bar and Lucas pulled the car over so that they could be ahead of the two.

At school, Jisung is busy watching next to the gate of their school and waiting for his hyung.

He was pouting while fidgeting his finger when someone suddenly surprised him behind him so the poor boy startled.

When he saw who it was, he slapped him lightly on the shoulder. Instead of retaliating, they just smiled like goofy brats. Later, they both laughed.

"You're so reaaaaaally annoying, Lele! Be thankful that were bff if not? I will kick you hard right away!" he threatened him and then looked at the road again.

"Kun hyung is still not yet here?" Jisung slowly shook his head and then pouted as if he was bored with waiting.

Chenle just patted his head softly and then also watched the road.

"Maybe it's traffic so he's a little late of picking you up! .. Well, if it's okay?  I'd like to take you home with me because I can see Yuta hyung's approaching here now ... But?.. we know Kun hyung, right? He will scold me too if I got you from him!" shrugging his shoulder at his bestfriend.

"I know and I also don't want to go with you so get out of my sight before I finally kick you away, midget!" his repulsive repulsion at him. Chenle immediately raised an eyebrow.

"Who's midget you were referring huh? You're just 2cm higher than me so don't bragging here!" He fight back.

"Yeah 2cm and you can't reach that no matter what you do so bye bye and Yuta hyung has his arms crossed now! ... And I think you need to rush there before he pull you to his car!" he laughed while whispering to it and then teased Yuta who has eyebrow raised in boredom.

Chenle scoffs at him and then hurriedly ran towards to his hyung after bidding goodbye at the smiley Jisung who waves his hand cutely at the two especially to Yuta who waved back at him while pushing Chenle on his car.

Soon there was a faint horn behind him. He smiled broadly to see who it was and then ran to the other side to ride.

"Slow down or else you might fall! My ghad Sungie ahh?" he sternly says to the grinning kid who doesn't care of it and just hop inside then kiss his strict oldest boyfriend on the cheek.

"Don't be mad at me hyungieeee, I was so bored waiting at you there and besides I miss you to the point that I'm more excited to go back home and sleep!" still grinning at the frowned man.

"Such a brat!" then he leaned at Jisung to adjust his seatbelt then give him peck on his lips while smiling sweetly.

Kun started the engine then drove away while talking at Jisung who excitedly telling him some stories that amused at him lately.


Once they arrived, Jisung just simply loosen his seatbelt then remove it before grabbing his bag and run outside of the car, escaping to his hyung that made Kun's just watch at him in disbelief.

Because of Jisung's haste, he almost fell, fortunately Lucas caught him immediately who's waiting for them to arrive.

"Baby boy! Who told you to run fast? You almost fell Tsk!" He seriously scold Jisung who just grinned.

Then Jisung hops on Lucas then kissed his giant hyung who still frowning his forehead with his stern face.

"Enough with your scolding hyungieeee! And besides you're here and you're at the right time so I'm still safe right? Especially if someone name Lucas caught me, right? right? riiiiiiiight?" while giving him peck at his both cheeks repeatedly that makes Lucas smile slowly to his adorable baby who just clinging at him like a koala.

"Still !!! ... Tsk, you're always getting my favor huh? You really know my weakness! .. Well? Let's just get inside before they all come out here!" and then he walked into their house while still carrying their baby giant who still hugging tightly around Lucas' nape and his legs wrapped around his waist.

Hendery, Xiaojun and Ten immediately greeted the two of them and then kissed Jisung who was still carried by Lucas.

Winwin patted his ass to get off on Lucas.

Lucas carefully lowered his body and then messed up his hair. Jisung just swayed his hands playfully.

"Where's my kiss baby boy?" Winwin asked seriously while crossing his arms and tapping his foot, waiting Jisung to approach him.

Jisung just smiled widely and then ran closer to Yangyang who had just come out of the kitchen to hug him.

Yangyang was surprised but still hugged his baby then twirling him around.

Winwin's mouth agape that makes them laughed except Yangyang who was confused and Kun who just entered the house.

"Okay okay! I am deeply apologize to my one and only twinnie boyfriend who's now sulky! .. Hyungie don't do that! We can't handle your handsomeness anymore if you looks like that because your too hot to stareeee!" he sweetly whinning as he approached Winwin.

They all scoffs playfully when they heard what Jisung said then stared at the flustered Winwin who was stunned there with his blank face.

Lucas just softly pinched Winwin's cheek so he just rolled his eyes, to lessen his embarrass expression from his baby's boldness suddenly.

They all laughed when Lucas acted like he was hurt when Winwin rolled his eyes at him after.

Because they are the same height, Jisung just give Winwin a peck on his lips and smiled with his gummy smiles while hugging his hyung.

"Okay the drama is over, Jisung baby needs to change now! Come here baby, I will assists you" Ten interrupted then get his things.

"So bias! I'm your baby too hyung, but you never did that to me anymore, I'm starting to feel annoyed huh" Yangyang annoyingly remarks that makes them giggle

"Ohhh! Are you perhaps jealous of me now, hyungie?" Jisung asked innocently while staring into Yangyang's eyes.

"Of course not! Why should I be jealous to my baby? Maybe I'll be more jealous when your the one who ignore me! .and? ... Ghad I'm just reminding Ten hyung that I'm still his baby too like what he was declared!" Looking at his hyung betrayed.

"I thought you weren't a baby anymore?" Ten teased the younger.

"Uhmmmm! .. Yeah I'm not but still ... Tss nevermind 'bout that! Let's go up now Jisungie, I'll assist you, okay?" he sweetly said, Jisung happily nodded then cling on Yangyang's arms.

The remaining six just smiled at each other and watched the two who chasing each other up to their room.

"Follow them Ten hyung or else the room will be messy again later like before!.. And?.. I'm still tired to clean!" Hendery chuckled while massaging the back of Xiaojun who was just wiggling his eyebrow.

"Yeaaaah! I think I need you there Kun hyung to handle another of our brat baby boys who says he's no longer a baby but acting like he's even more of a bratty baby!" Ten said laughing so they just laughed too quietly.

"Uhuh! You should go there now hyungs and it looks like there's already a war happening in their room!" Xiaojun suggested when they heard the noise.

They just slapped their forehead and then the two oldest climbed up.

"Help me first Lucas, while they're still busy!" Winwin invited him to their shared room. Lucas just nodded and then they signaled to the two then leave them alone in the living room.


After dinner, Jisung slowly run to his room to check the date in his phone. He smiled secretly when he saw that his birthday is coming in just two days and was excited by his hyungs gifts because he always love their gifts even it's just a handwritten letter. He value all the gifts he received especially when it comes to his hyungies.

Jisung is not materialistic person, he really treasure and appreciates all they give.

He silently lock his door so that Yangyang or any of his hyungs could not suddenly enter.

He rummaged through his box and looked at the handwritten from his hyungs which he really took care not to tear or get lost it.

After reading the letters, he took the other gifts his hyungs made for him. He smiled sincerely and appreciate it more while reminiscing the past.

"Jisungie baby! Why our room is lock? .. Are you doing something unnecessary?" Xiaojun suddenly knock outside with his huskily voice, teasing the maknae who immediately blushed with his dirty thoughts.

"Hey baby! .. Are you okay there? Why are you not answering me?" he worriedly asked when Jisung didn't answer quickly.

"I'm okay here hyungie! I .. I'm changing my shirt! I .. I just got out of the cr! Give me a seconds Xiaojunnie hyung!" Jisung hurriedly hid the box and then took a shirt to change.

After he made sure there was no things left, he quickly opened the door so that Xiaojun could enter while he still checking his room.

Jisung startled when he turned around because of  Xiaojun's leaning face at him with his one hand on his waist and another on the wall besides of the door.

"Baaaaby! What did you dooooo ~?" wiggling his thick eyebrows with his thin smiles that makes Jisung blushed, when he remembered what was on his mind earlier of what his hyung suddenly remarked.

"Stop teasing me hyungie! Just lift me up now coz I want to cuddle with youuuuu ~" extending his arms so Xiaojun just smile and lift his baby to go downstairs.

"Such a baby! A giant oneeee ~" he singsong that make Jisung's cutely giggled at him.

They sit in the middle of the sofa to join in watching a movie. Winwin get Jisung at Xiaojun and place him on his lap.

Xiaojun wants to protests but Winwin pouted at him which is rare when he wants something or someone. Jisung guiltily looks at Xiaojun but grinned after.

"I will let you tackled me on your bed all night Xiaojunnie hyuuuuung ~" he whispered but enough for them to be heard.

They immediately turned their attention at him then whines except Xiaojun who have pleased expression and looking at them as if he won the lottery.

"I'm your roomate baby!" Yangyang exclaimed

"I'm your cuddle buddy babeeee!" Lucas whines

"I'm supposed to be with you at night baby!" Ten pouted

"I'm the one who always giving you an extra money for you to spend and buy all you want!" Kun interrupted that made them looks at him

"How unfaiiiiir?" they mouthed but Kun just shrugged and looks at Jisung hopefully but he just received a toothly smile.

"I can play games with you all night baaaaby!" Hendery suggesting that made them scoffs.

"Dery is out ~" Xiaojun teased the poor boy who just defeatedly slumped on the sofa and just grab a snack.

"Well I will give you to Xiaojunnie, and let's cuddle tonight, okay baby?" Winwin sweetly said but Jisung clung on his nape and hug him tight

"Nooooo ~~~ You want this so be with it and let's cuddle until we've done the movieeee ~~~" he teased again the sulky Winwin.

"My name is Win but always lose when it comes to you!" he sighed then hug the youngest tightly.

"We are your hyungs but you handle us easily! .. How unfair but still love it!" Ten added then kissed Jisung's mochi cheeks. Jisung just giggled and return his kiss too.

The others just slumped at the sofa when Jisung winks at Xiaojun after, accepting his final decision.

While Xiaojun still smiling and patted Hendery's lap to give him space to sit between his legs. Hendery wants to push him slightly but seeing the daggers eye of Ten, he just let Xiaojun to sit and teased him nonstop.


I want some mafia genre but I'm still learning so I will make some simple stories. I wish it satisfied you all even it's not perfect and not well made.

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