Love Bites |Klaus|Katherine|K...

By katherai

10.8K 324 79

"Just kill me. Get it over with!" I shout. Klaus laughs, again. Classic. He always finds my pain so, so funny... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-One

168 3 2
By katherai

I wake up, not even aware that I passed out. I'm on a couch, Klaus'. Where's Katherine? I sit up, starting to panic, when I see Klaus coming my way. I stand up aggressively and he comes up to me.


"That was all your fault! You did that to me- to us!" I slap him across the face, anger burning at the memory of the torture.

"I didn't know-"

"That was the worst experience of MY LIFE!" I sob.

"Stella, I saved you." He steps toward me but I back up.

"Where's Katherine?" I ask, trying to calm down and focus. I wipe my tears away, crossing my arms due to the cold. Klaus never even got me a shirt after Wes took my old one.

"Stella..." He hesitates.

"WHERE is she?!" I yell louder.

"She's fine." Klaus avoids my eyes.

"You didn't answer my question."

"She's upstairs."

I immediately vamp-speed up to his bedroom, and there she is, sound asleep on his bed. I steal one of Klaus' shirts and put it on before getting into the bed next to Katherine. As her head rests in my lap, I just hope she's okay.

"I told you, she's fine."

I look up to Klaus standing in the doorway, and then look back down at Katherine, ignoring him.

She slowly starts to open her eyes and blinks rapidly, finding mine.


I nod. "Do you feel okay?"

She sits up, looking at Klaus and then back to me.

"I-I'm fine."

She turns to me, pulling me into a hug. "Are we safe?" She asks me in a whisper.

"I hope so." I whisper back, looking up at Klaus who's still watching us.

She pulls away and I get up, walking towards the door as Katherine follows me. As soon as I try to get past Klaus he puts his hand out to block me.

"Klaus, the least you could do after you pretty much just sent us to HELL, is let us go home." I glare into his eyes.

He drops his hand, looking to the floor as me and Katherine walk past him.

"I'm gonna need my shirt back." He calls after me.

"Well that's not gonna happen!" I say back, continuing downstairs.

Klaus doesn't respond, accepting defeat.

"We probably shouldn't go back to the hotel room." I say.

"But where else is there to go?" Kat asks.

"I think I have an idea."

— —

"The Salvatore's?!" Katherine shouts as we walk up to the door.

"I texted Stefan and he's fine letting us stay here for a bit." I inform her.

"What about Damon. He literally tortured you like last week."

"Stefan also said that Damon was over that. He won't hurt me."

Katherine tilts her head and worry forms onto her face.

"Would you rather be here or in Klaus' basement? Cuz it's one of the other."

"Fine." She knocks on the door.

"Oh hey!" Stefan smiles. "I'm just heading out to the grill with Elena and Damon, so text me if you need anything." he starts to leave and I grab his wrist, he looks down at my grip.

"Thanks again, Stefan."

"No problem, Stella."

I let go and he leaves. I turn around to see katherine already sitting on the couch, glancing at the walls of the boarding house.

"Fancy." she says.

"Big house, all to ourselves..." I say, positioning yourself on her lap.

"Every girls dream." Katherine says, kissing me. I smile, kissing her back. I run my hands through her hair and she grabs my hips as our lips move in rhythm.

The front door opens before either of us can react, Stefan walks in. I turn and see him, quickly standing up. "Hey, I thought you left."

"Forgot my jacket..." He looks down to the floor, laughing, then looks back up.

He grabs his jacket and starts to leave.

"Stefan." I say, he stops, turning to face me.

"Please don't tell anyone, especially Damon."

He nods and waves. "I saw nothing."

I wave and smile awkwardly. I turn back to Katherine and she laughs, causing me to laugh to.

I sit next to her, still laughing. "Hey at least it was just Stefan. I don't think he really cares that much to be honest."

"He better keep it a secret though." Katherine turns towards me.

"He will."

She leans over me and I lay back against the couch.

— —

Katherine and I are laying on the couch when we hear the door's lock click, and voices outside.

"Shit!" I quickly get up, grabbing Katherine's hand vamp-speeding up into the first bedroom, leaving our clothes downstairs.

Of course it's Damon's bedroom. I open the door slightly and peek out, seeing Damon heading in our direction.

I grab Katherine's hand again, going into the bathroom and locking the door. I turn on the shower and walk in, pulling Katherine with me. I squeal at the cold water and laugh.

I hear the door outside open and face Katherine, putting a finger to my lips as I smile.

"Stella, is that you? Stefan told me you were staying here."

"Yeah I'm in here." I say, Katherine puts her hands on my waist and I smile.

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened." He says on the other side of the door. "It was wrong."

"Damon-" To my surprise, Katherine starts kissing my neck to I pause slightly. "Um- I don't think I can forgive you right now Damon."

"I get it. Don't feel rushed. I know I did a lot of bad things to you."

Katherine moves so that my back is against the wall.

"Where's Katherine? I should probably talk to her too." Damon says.

"Um- she had to run. I'm sure she'll be...back...soon." I say.

"Are you okay."

"Y-yeah I'm great, thanks Damon."

"Alright, we'll I'll be here."

— —

"Are you serious?!" I yell, laughing as we get into the guest bedroom.

"What?" Katherine asks innocently.

"Did you want us to get caught?" I get into the bed.

"Come on, admit it. You were having fun."

I try to hide a smile.

"And you could've stopped me."

"Fine, maybe I could've..." I laugh.

— —

"Aw, you guys didn't have to do this." I sit at the kitchen table as Damon puts a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"I'm just trying to do better, Stella."

I smile, taking a bite.

"Oh, and Katherine I never saw you last night." Damon sits down.

I cough, earning stares from both Damon and Stefan.

"Yeah- back late." Katherine lies.

Stefan laughs and I give him a look.

"Stefan do you still go to school?" I change the subject.

I exchange glances with Katherine.

"We'll, whenever I can, so, not that much." Stefan responds.

"Are you going today?"

"Yeah, Elena wants to-"

"What about me?" Elena says as she walks in.

"Nothing." Damon says passive-aggressively. His eyes clearly avoiding her.

"I'll clear the plates." Stefan says, clearing his throat as he brings his plate to the sink.

"I'll help." I say, trying to escape the large tension in the room.

"Yeah they are going through a phase." Stefan says as I put my plate in the sink. "Ever since Damon kidnapped you- I was not informed by the way."

"I believe you." I laugh.

"We should go to school too." Katherine says, joining us in the kitchen.

I lean my elbows back on the counter. "Since when have you liked school?"

"I mean we can avoid Klaus." She says.

"Wait did Klaus figure out about you two?" Stefan asks, drying his hands with a towel.

"Yeah, that's kinda why we're staying here." I say.

"I see."

"We probably won't be here for long though, he will find us eventually."

Damon and Elena start arguing louder and I turn to Katherine.

"I think that's our cue."

— —

"I'm never going to school again." Katherine groans as she flops down on the bed. We literally only went for like 3 hours.

"Hey, it was your idea, remember?" I laugh, flopping down next to her.

"Well I know something to make the day better."

Katherine climbs over on top of me and kisses me, interlocking my hands with hers.

— —

I wake up to the sunlight and turn over to Katherine, but I don't see her. I sit up, realizing she's gone. She wouldn't just leave would she?

I flip the sheets over and gasp, seeing blood where she's supposed to be. I bring a hand to my mouth as I start to panic.

I jump out of the bed and see more blood across the floor and wall. How did I not wake up to this? I know Klaus has her.

I quickly put on some sweatpants and grab my phone, calling her. Of course she doesn't answer. I knew it. How did Klaus know we were here?

I vamp-speed to the door but stop in my tracks when it doesn't open. Not even my vampire strength can get it open. I pound on the door aggressively, even more panicked.

"HELLO! DAMON? STEFAN? ELENA?" I shout, pounding harder.

Suddenly the door clicks and opens slowly, revealing Elena on the other side in her pjs.

"How the hell did you..." I trail off, but refocus. "Katherines gone."

Elena looks into the room and her jaw drops. "What happened?" She asks.

"I think I have an idea." I turn back into my room and grab a jacket, when I turn around, Klaus has Elena by the throat.

I gasp. "Klaus!" I vamp-speed out but as soon as I get to the door frame I hit what feels like a wall, and drop the floor. A barrier spell.

"Let her go."

Klaus smiles and tossed her into the room. Great, now she can't help either. I stand up, walking the closest I can to Klaus.

"Where is she, Klaus?" I sternly ask.

He smirks again. "She's sleeping." he responds.

I inhale a shaky breath. "Klaus, where is Katherine?"

"You think I'd just tell you?" He starts to walk towards me, to my surprise, he continues walking through the door.

I back up until I hit the wall, not breaking eye contact. "Just tell me if she's alive."

"Now that wouldn't be any fun, would it?"

"Klaus this isn't a game!"

"Yes it is, and you have to find her to get an answer to that question."

"How am I supposed to find her?"

"Hm, I don't know, maybe, track her phone?" Klaus laughs.

I grab my phone and click her location, it shows up, clearly, that she's in the forest outside of Mystic Falls.

Somethings not right. I'm probably going to find her dead body. I start to hyperventilate.

"We'll I can't get there if I'm spelled into the room."

"I just had to keep you here until I arrived, so now you can go."

I glare at him and put on my jacket waking straight out, heading to the forest.

— —

I finally get to her location, and by the time I do, it's dark out. Of course she's not even here, I'm just in a clearing, trees surrounding me.

I call Klaus, angrily. "What did you do with her! You sent me here for no reason, now where is she Klaus?!"

I hear him laughing on the other side of the line. God, he makes me mad.

"Are you sure you looked everywhere." I turn in another circle.

"Yes! Now I played your stupid game just tell me!"

"She's there Stella, you just have to look harder." He hangs up.

"What?" I whisper to myself, confused. I see a shovel perked against the tree. Holy shit. I look down, that's when it hits me.

"KATHERINE!" I scream, grabbing the shovel. I start to dig as fast as I can. All I can do is pray that she's alive down there.

"Katherine I'm here!" I hit something hard, a box, and dust the dirt away with my hands. Using my vampire-strength, I open the wooden box and see her body.

I scream, seeing a wooden stake lodged into her chest.

"Oh my god, Kat, wake up!" I lift her out of the box and set her on level ground. I shake her, now crying.

"PLEASE WAKE UP!" I scream, shaking her more. "KATHERINE!"

She doesn't move. "WAKE UP!" I sob.

Finally I give up, collapsing next to her in the ground, sobbing. I didn't want it to end like this. I knew he was going to kill her, but not so soon.

I sit up, staring at her lifeless body. What the hell do I do now? The pain is like a stake to the heart. There's no way thought wouldn't cross my mind. Turn it off. I mean, why keep it on, there's no one left for me anymore.

Suddenly Katherine starts to shift. Holy shit, she's alive? Her eyes slowly open and then she sits up, gasping and coughing up dirt.

"Oh my god!" I throw myself into her arms and she hugs me back as we sit on the ground together. "Don't scare me like that."

"Ow, everything hurts." She says.

I pull away to look at her and she leans back on her elbows. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"I just got fucking buried alive, and there's a wooden stake... sticking out of my chest."

I look from the stake and back up to her. "It must've barley missed your heart..."

She whimpers in pain. "It's touching my- my heart, I can feel it."

I kneel next to her, grabbing the stake in one hand, starting to pull. Katherine screams in pain and I immediately let go."

"Oh my god, that's worse!" She yells.

"What do I do- what should I do?" I panic.

"Make it stop!" She cries.

"How about we get to the Salvatores, they know what to do, right?"

"I don't know if I can make it- every time I move it pushes closer to my heart." She closes her eyes.

"You can, and you will." I say, helping her up.

— —

I kick open the door to the Salvatore Mansion and help Katherine inside. Damon and Stefan come running over, Elena following behind.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Damon asks as he and Stefan take Katherine from my arms carefully.

Damon wipe offs everything on the kitchen table and Stefan lays Katherine onto it, who's now barley awake. Grey veins are starting to crawl up her body.

"Klaus g-got to her-" I say, crying. "It all my fault!"

Elena pulls me into a hug and I hug her back tightly, crying over her shoulder as I watch Damon and Stefan panicking to come up with a plan.

Damon starts to pull and Katherine screams, but he doesn't stop. Katherines screams stop and her eyes close, that's when I run out of Elena's arms and stop him.

I vamp-speed, pushing Damon away and into the far wall.

"I already tried that and it almost killed her!"

"I had it, Stella." Damon says.

"No, she was dying!" I run back to her and stand next to the table, holding her hand in both of mine.

"You're gonna pull through, Kat, okay?"

She looks to me and nods, before closing her eyes again tightly. "Just please stop the pain!" She cries, making me cry more.

"Stefan please, you can do it right?" I look up to him.

He examines her and doesn't respond. Katherine squeezes my hand tighter. The grey veins have crawled further up her arms and neck.

"Here take some blood, you need it." I bring one hand to my mouth and bite into it, then bring it to Katherines mouth.

She lets go of my other hand to grab my wrist. I feel her fangs sink into my wrist and she starts to calm down a bit more.

Damon walks back over. "We just have to pull it out, there's nothing else we can do."

He moves to the same side of the table as Stefan, and I stand opposite to him.

He looks to Katherine who's drinking my blood and groaning. "Good- that's good. She's gonna need as much blood as she can get."

"Wait but you could kill her, Damon." I say, weakening from the amount of blood that Katherine is taking from me.

"Well she might die anyway, Stella. So let's just do this."

I hesitate and nod as a tear falls from my face. "You're right, just do it."

I take a deep breath and feel slightly light-headed, but Katherine needs my blood.

I pull my hand away from her mouth and grab her hand again. She groans, I know that the pain is coming back to her again.

"We're gonna stop the pain, okay? Just close your eyes, I'm here."

Katherine nods and does as I say. Damon grabs onto the stake, glancing to me before he starts to pull. The grey veins start to crawl up her face higher and cover her arms completely.

Katherine screams and sobs in pain, making me cry more. Damon quickly rips it out and she falls unconscious, her hand rolling from mine.

I take a breath. "Katherine?"

Damon sets the stake down and looks at Stefan, then to me. The veins start to fade back down and I let out a breath of relief.

"Oh thank god." I cry, picking up her hand again. "I knew you could do it."

"We should let her rest." Damon says, picking her up and walking to the living room. I can tell he's relieved too, even though he has a very confusing relationship with Katherine.

He sets her on the couch and I quickly sit next to her, resting her head on my lap and stroking her hair.

"Klaus still knows we live here." I say.

Damon and Stefan sit on the couch and Elena sits next to them.

"Well when he got to her the first time, it was a 1 v 1, now it's a 5 v 1. Power in numbers, Stella, power in numbers." Damon remarks.

"Maybe just 4 v 1, not sure Elena counts." Stefan says, laughing.

Elena his hits arm, laughing. "I mean you didn't have to dis me like that."

I smile. "I would believe that, but it's Klaus."

Katherine starts to stir and her eyes slowly blink open. Once she realizes where she is, she sits up, panicked.

"You're safe, Kat, Damon got it out." I say.

She gets up and looks at the couch where the Salvatores are sitting and smiles.

She sits back on the couch next to me and I turn to face her, smiling. Unexpectedly, she pulls me into a kiss. I guess that's one way to tell them. I kiss her back and then pull away smiling.

"Um, surprise?" I turn to face them.

Stefan is unfazed, since he already knew. But Damon and Elena are too, how would they know?

"Yeah we guessed it." Damon says.

I laugh, "what? How!"

"You should learn to be a little quieter- especially when the guest room is right next to mine."

"Oh my god, you're not serious! That's so embarrassing!"

Elena laughs. "We all heard it!"

I put my head in my hands, laughing.

Stefan gets a call and moves to the other room. Damon and Elena sit awkwardly.

I clear my throat and stand up. "Um, we'll be upstairs." Me and Kat start to walk away.

"Guys, something happened with Caroline." Stefan says as he walks back in.

I turn back to the living room.

"What?" Elena asks, getting up from the couch.

"She'll be here soon, then we can explain everything."

The doorbell rings and Stefan goes to answer it quickly. "Right on cue."

Caroline walks in and Stefan leads her to the couch. All of us are concerned now.

"Um, so I just got some news..." Caroline starts, staring at the ground. "...I'm pregnant."

A pregnant vampire? There's magic involved.

"H-how is that possible?" I ask.

"So, it was the night of the wedding. When Kai killed Jo, the Gemini Coven wanted to transfer her babies into a new body that could take care of them, and that happened to be me."

"Wait- so you're pregnant with the Gemini twins?" Damon asks.

Caroline nods. "I know, it's really crazy."

"Holy shit. Kai's gonna kill you."

"Yeah, that's kinda why I wanted to talk to you guys. We're gonna try to transfer the babies into a different body." Caroline says. "To give them a better chance of survival."

The front door opens and Klaus walks in. I stand up, staring him down.

"What's he doing here?" I ask without breaking eye contact.

"We want to transfer the babies into you."

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