Love Is Never Ugly

By Fantasyandromance516

38.2K 1.6K 454

An innocent and gentle-hearted beauty, a deranged and blood-thirsty beast, the timeless fairy tale retold in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Big News
Inspiration First Half
Inspiration Second Half

Chapter 49

385 21 4
By Fantasyandromance516

The entirety of next week was completely devoted to Charlotte. For seven days everything would be done for her pleasure and her pleasure alone. Sunday was spent playing playing in the snow and taking another sleigh ride through the forest. Monday they all sat in the library where Alastor and Charlotte read out loud to the servants and put on a sort of production for them. Tuesday it was a picnic in the garden followed by hiding and chasing games. Wednesday they were in the art gallery having a painting contest which Vagatha won. Thursday it was cooking a large breakfast for everyone with Niffty and helping Anthony with some designing. Friday was a day of music making, a full on concert for the staff.

Saturday however was to be the most special of all. An elegant dinner, a song on the harpsichord, dancing on the balcony, and then Alastor would pop the big question. The servants pulled out all the stops for this. Anthony designed and sewed the most chic gown and suit for the couple to wear, Niffty cooked her most sumptuous meal ever, Cherri and Husk decorated the room romantically, and Vagatha saw to it that the entire process was done in an orderly fashion. But setting up a romantic evening was the only thing the staff had planned. They too had some surprises up their sleeves.

"In honor of your last day here my lady." Niffty said to Charlotte just before she would begin to prepare for the evening. "We have all brought you special gifts to remember us by."

"Oh thank you but there was no need." She said.

"But we wanted to give you gifts." Vagatha said. "You've become more than a guest to us. We're as fond of you as we are of Alastor."

"Although Husk won't admit it." Anthony said.

"Watch it six eyes." Husk warned.

One by one, each servant handed Charlotte a beautifully wrapped box which contained an equally beautiful gift. From Vagatha, a portrait of Charlotte in the garden with everyone when they went on that picnic together, painted with the most lovely water colors. From Anthony, a silken and chiffon scarf, embroidered with detailed designs of roses. From Husk, a silver jewelry box that played music. From Cherri, a crystal bottle of exquisite perfume made from the roses in the garden. And from Niffty, a golden charm bracelet and the charms were made to resemble a cat, a lizard, a mouse, a spider, a moth, and finally a heart.

"These are wonderful." Charlotte said admiring each and everyone of the gifts. "I really don't know what to say."

"So you really like them?" Cherri asked.

"I love them. I'll cherish them for the rest of my life. Thank you all so very much."

"So which gift is your favorite?"  Anthony asked.

"Anthony we said we weren't going to do that." Vagatha said.

"I know but what's the harm in choosing favorites?"

"I can't choose which one is my favorite because they're all the exact kind of gift I would want." Charlotte said. "A gift with love."

Charlotte was not unfamiliar with being given expensive and extravagant gifts. They had been given to her since she was a few days old and although she appreciated them, as the years went on she realized that those gifts were given to her as way to buy her off. Buy her favor and her adoration. Or in her father's case, but her forgiveness when he was too busy to spend time with her. She could recall very few gifts that were given to her out of sincere thought and love. Also these gifts were not just given in sentiment but they had been given with her tastes and preferences in mind.

The painting of her with her friends exhibited her appreciation for art and served as memoir to a happy time she spent with her new friends. The scarf and perfume were made based off of her love for roses, her favorite flower. The musical jewelry box was given with her passion for music and song in mind. And the bracelet was given to her out of her desire to always hold those close to her in her heart and memory. The thought and consideration that had gone into each gift touched her heart and made her love for the servants increase.

"You five are the best friends anybody in the world could have." She smiled. "I wish I had something to give you all."

"Don't worry about it honey." Husk said.

"Yes. You just focus on getting ready for tonight now." Niffty said. "I'll start your bath and once you're done Vagatha will help you with your hair."

Niffty had decided to give Charlotte a bubble bath tonight and she had such a time popping them, blowing them about as she were a small child again. If she truly were a child again she probably would have stayed in the tub all night. After her bath, she was dressed into a white gown with a skirt that was in ripples while lace and crystals adorned the entire garment. Her blonde hair was brushed into blonde waves and a small part of it was pinned up by a white rose. She wore the pearls Alastor had given her and a pair of diamond earrings.

"You know I'm not sure which of Anthony's dresses are the best." Charlotte said as she gazed at her reflection. "Everyone that he's ever given me is a treasure. So beautifully designed and sewed. I wonder how he would fair with a wedding dress."

"Who knows? Maybe someday he'll make yours." Vagatha said.

"Oh no. Although I would appreciate that and I'm sure he would create something magnificent, I already have a dress picked out for my wedding day."


"Yes. My mother's. Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed off getting married in the same gown my mother was married in. I know that she'll never be there for my wedding day but I feel like if I wear her gown, a part of her will be."

"Hmm." Vagatha smiled. "Alastor's mother talked about him getting married someday. Part of her felt that a chance of that was slim but she couldn't help but dream. Dream of weddings and grandchildren. Something to fill this dead castle with life and ease the painful memory of losing her husband. Sometime before she died she gave Alastor her and her husband's rings. It was her way of saying she wanted him to be as happy with his future bride as she was with his father."

"What happened to his father? Alastor said he was killed but how did that happen?"

"Alastor would prefer that you not know but let's just say when his parents were married there were a lot of complications. Complications with their people and their families."

"Their families didn't approve did they?" Charlotte asked. "Just like in Romeo and Juliet?"

"Not exactly. His father's family was thrilled, it was his mother's family that was filled with regret."

"Does Alastor have any extended family? Any grandparents? Uncles? Aunts?"

"His entire family on his father's side has been dead for years."

"What about his mother's side?"

"He has two living aunts on her side, his mother's elder sisters. But he wants nothing to do with them. He only met them once but he hates them more than he hated humans."

"What did they do to him?"

"It wasn't what they did to him, it was what they did to his mother. Marie never told him but he was smart enough to figure out that they were the reason for her many tears."

"I don't understand. What did they do to his mother?"

"I can't say anymore. It's too personal to Alastor and it's not my place to tell you. Could we please leave it at that?"


Speaking of Alastor, he was a nervous wreck tonight. Every evening this week he had been practicing his proposal and going over every little thing that could possibly spoil it. He also made certain that he looked his absolute best tonight. His hair, his clothes, all neat and in place. He had to look decent for her.

"I never thought I would actually hate my teeth." He groaned when he saw his razor like jaws in the mirror. "If we were to ever kiss her I would probably cut her mouth. She'd bleed and would be so revolted."

"You know sir, talking to yourself is considered not very healthy." Niffty said.

"Ah! Niffty!" He said startled. "Don't you usually knock?"

"Yes but you left the door wide open. Anyway I came up to inform you that dinner will be ready in ten minutes."

"Good. Thank you."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes...No...Maybe. I don't know."

"Are you nervous?"

"A little. You know I'm starting to think that maybe this wasn't the best idea. Perhaps I should postpone this for another time?"

"What time? She'll be leaving tomorrow."

"Well maybe it's too soon."

"It will be too late if you don't act now."

"I'm just not completely sure that this was a good idea."

"Alastor what are you afraid of?"


"Alastor." She raised her eyebrow. "Tell me the truth."

"I'm...I'm afraid she'll laugh at me."

"Oh don't be silly, she'd never do that. You know she wouldn't. You're just letting your insecurities get the better of you. Yes or no, I promise she'll take your proposal seriously."

"You really think so?"

"I know so. Now come here and let me fix your kerchief."

"Niffty you can't reach my neck, you're too short."

She pushed a chair in front of him and climbed on top so she could reach his upper body. She quickly set to work on his kerchief.

"You know I never noticed until now, but you have your father's eyes."

"You've never met my father. How do you know what his eyes were like?"

"I've seen pictures."

"If I were born like everyone else, do you think I would have looked like him or Mother?"

"Hard to say but if I had to guess I'd say you would have his physique since men typically take after their fathers in that department and you would have her coloring since she was darker toned."

"What do you suppose Mother would say if she were here right now?"

"Well I can't say for certain but I believe that she would say that she's very proud of the man you've become during this year and that you have nothing to fear from Charlotte."

"I hope you're right."

"With your mother in mind, do you remember how much she loved to hear you sing?"


"And Charlotte has been wanting to hear you sing. Serenade would be very romantic. Don't you think?"

"No Niffty."

"It would please her very much."


"You have a wonderful voice."


"But sir-"

"No. After Mother died, I said I'd never sing again."

"Not even for Charlotte? On her last day? It would tonight the very best for her, you know?"

Alastor huffed in defeat.

"One song. Only one."

"Excellent! And I know just the one!"


"It's a surprise."

"I don't like your surprises Niffty."

"You'll like this one. Trust me."

He meant to protest further but she was gone in a flash.

"Oh dear." He thought with his nerves riding further.

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