Chapter 38

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On the night of the ball Alastor was determined to make sure that nothing went wrong. The course meal was sumptuous, the decor was magnificent, the music was both lovely and befitting for the evening, he even had a special gift to give Charlotte. Yes everything was perfect. Well almost perfect. Upon glancing at his reflection in a hanging mirror, Alastor noticed that one flaw had yet to be corrected for the ball to be a complete success.

He grimaced at the sight of his wretched face and then began to feel very melancholic as he thought about Charlotte. She was always so beautiful. Not even a royal princess could compare to her beauty, goodness, and virtue. She deserved to spend tonight in the company of a gentleman who's looks were equal to her own. Not one who's looks were unbearably monstrous.

He was certain that before she came here she had every nearly young gentleman at her beck and call. Suitors eagerly waiting for her to decide which one of them she would choose to be her life partner. He had seen the one suitor that her father had chosen for her and he couldn't help feeling a little insecure when he saw how handsome Sevithan was. He started to spy on Sevithan in order to fully understand why Lucifer was so insistent on giving him Charlotte's hand in marriage. At first glance it made perfect sense why any woman would gladly consent to becoming Sevithan's wife. He had looks, money, class, no fangs or claws or antlers, hair growing only on his head. He was attraction at first sight. However when Alastor heard the tone that the man had used whenever he spoke of Charlotte it made him very cross.

His tone held no affection or endearment for Charlotte, only lechery and superiority. He didn't describe her as a precious angel that he wanted to protect and cherish til his dying day, he described her as a pretty trinket that he wanted own. He didn't talk like he wanted to sincerely earn a place in her heart no matter how small, he talked like he was entitled to have her whole heart. It made Alastor feel so repulsed and angry that he was almost tempted to hunt down the lecher and eat him in a slow, agonizing way. Yet even so Alastor couldn't deny that Sevithan had him beat in matters of appearances. If only he could be handsome. Or at the very least decent looking.

"Hmm...Maybe I could try cutting my hair and my claws again. Maybe this time when I do it they won't grow back in five minutes." He put his hands over his face and began to pull on the skin, seeing if he could somehow morph his features into something much more pleasing to the eye. "Maybe some powder might dial down the morbidness."

"If you ask me sir you should start with trying to get rid of that blood smell."

Alastor almost jumped out of his skin when he realized that Anthony had been standing behind him the whole time. He felt embarrassed for not only having his insecurity be witnessed by someone but also for not having sensed Anthony's presence in the room sooner.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know that your looks bother you a lot more than I thought." Anthony replied.

"With a woman like Charlotte in my life, can you blame me for being bothered so?"

"No but Alastor you do realize that Charlotte doesn't care what you look like. Not anymore that is."

"I know that but I...I just wish that I could look nice for her."

"You know I think I can help with that."

"You can?" Alastor asked skeptically.

"Of course. I may be a spider but I'm a spider with excellent tastes. I know beauty like the backs of all my four hands. I can make even a mere toad appear stunning."

"Does that mean you can make me look decent?"

"Look decent?" Anthony chuckled. "Sir when I'm done with you, you'll look better than decent. You'll look like the handsome prince you truly are."

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