Chapter 6

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Lucifer had been gone much longer than he was expected to be and it worried Charlotte deeply. She asked a local horse man to ask around and find out if any trace of the merchant had been seen. He rode through farms, the village, and the market, informing nearly everyone of Lucifer's absence. One of which happened to be a servant of Seviathan who was under strict instructions to inform his master of any change in regards to the family. He quickly rushed over to Seviathan's manor.

"Lie still wench and keep silent!" The lecherous marquis commanded from his room where at the moment was "relieving himself" with one of the many women he had either seduced or forced himself on to.

"Pardon me sir." Seviathan's servant said after knocking on the door of his chamber. The door was then opened by an infuriated Seviathan who had just finished putting his pants back on.

"How dare you disturb me!" He snapped viciously. "Did I not tell you to leave me be for the next two hours!"

"A thousand apologies sir but I bring news of your stepfather Lucifer."

His demeanor quickly changed from anger to interest. He then turned to the woman he was with and ordered,

"Be gone you filthy tramp!"

He didn't even allow her to get dressed again. He just tossed her out of the house while she was still only in bed sheets, slamming the door and locking it so he could converse with his servant alone.

"What have you heard?" He asked.

"Well a few days ago Lucifer received news that one of his cargo ships could still be in one piece so he left on a journey to see collect any valuables. But he has yet to return and his daughters are becoming fearful. Your stepsister Charlotte is terrified that he's been killed by wolves."

Seviathan smiled in a pleased way and he began to make himself look as presentable as possible. Now you're most likely wondering how the death of Lucifer would make Seviathan so excited. Well he was certain that if Charlotte's father had died then there would be no one to support her. No one to take care of her. No one to protect her. Thus giving her no choice but to accept his offer of marriage. Also the way he would comfort her in her grief would surely convince her to finally give into him.

He saddled up on to his horse and rode off to the farm house. At the sound of horse shoes drawing near and a knocking at the door, Charlotte assumed that it was her father and hurried to answer the visitor.


But her smile fell as soon as she saw the marquis standing on the other side.

"Oh Seviathan." She said sighed.

"Sorry to be such a disappointment." He said.

"Oh no it's not that it's just I was hoping that it was my father. He's been gone for more than three days. I'm worried."

"I know. I heard and that's why I have come."

"Really? Have you seen him? Oh please tell me that you've seen him."

"I'm afraid not Charlotte and I'm also afraid that I have heard some very unsettling things."

"What do you mean?"

"There is talk of wolves hunting and one of my servants claims that a man had been killed by them while traveling along the path. I hate to say this but I believe that your father is-"

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