Chapter 65

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Charlotte had spent hours searching each place in the house that Helsa could have possibly hidden the ring. She checked the guest rooms, the kitchen, the drawing room, the dinning room, but the ring didn't seem to be inside. So next she went outside but no such luck there either. The poor maiden fell to her knees and began to weep bitterly. Her goats Razzle and Dazzle saw her tears and went to comfort her but although she appreciated their kindness, only the ring would heal her sorrows.

"What am I going to do?" She sobbed. "He's dying! He's dying because I left! And he'll only live if I go back! But how can I without the ring?!"

Razzle nuzzled his head under her arm while Dazzle gave her cheek a soft lick.

"He was so good to me! So gentle and caring! I never knew a man who treated me so wonderfully and when I was with him I was happier than I had ever been! But now he's going to die and it's all my fault!"

If goats had tear ducts then Razzle and Dazzle would have been crying just like their mistress. They couldn't bear to see her so sad and they wished that there was something they could do to help her.

"Enough crying already." Ordered the unsympathetic voice of her sister. "I mean really, you're being so melodramatic about this whole thing."

"Helsa please!" Charlotte begged. "I will give you anything! Anything you want, just please give me back my ring!"

"You know I really don't understand what all the fuss is about. I mean sure the lot of his riches will go to me and Father but you'll still have a good amount of wealth."

"You really think that's what this is about?! His wealth?! I could careless for his riches! I'll I care for is his life! I want to go back to him because it's the only way he'll live! Can't you understand that?! Can't you at least have some human feeling besides vanity and greed?!"

"The feelings you're speaking of are for the weak. I realized that a long time ago."

Charlotte gave her a pitiful look.

"What's that for?" Helsa replied.

"You never had a chance, did you?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"My stepmother was grooming you to be selfish and greedy from the moment you were born. She made sure that you would never learn what it never meant to be compassionate. She only wanted you to turn out just like her. Incapable of loving anyone but herself. She died when you were still young but it was already too late. Her wicked views had been permanently sewn into your heart. Cruel, manipulative, and self-serving is all you know how to be. I pity you."

"You pity me?! Me?! Ha! Why should I be pitied?! I'll soon be the richest woman in the land!"

"No you won't! Only I can use the ring and I promise you Helsa, if Alastor dies I'll never use it again! You'll never have that treasure!"

"So you think. But my brother has recently another way to reach that castle."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well obviously I'm not going to give you exact details but your ring isn't the only magic item that can transport someone. As we speak Seviathan and Baxter are gathering up a hunting party to slay that monster."

"No!" Charlotte let out a blood curdling scream. "No! No! No! No! No they can't do this! Helsa please don't let them do this! Try to talk them out of it! I'm begging you!"

Put her words did not sway the vile woman. However it did sway the two goats to realize that the time to act was now. When Helsa proceeded to walk away Razzle and Dazzle took a few steps back, lowered their horns, and charged full speed ahead. They head butted her right into a large mud puddle.

Love Is Never Uglyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें