Chapter 17

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The next morning Vagatha had gone down to the pavilion located in the lower regions of the castle. In her hands she held a key which she would use to unlock the pavilion door. She had just put the key through the hole when she heard a noise. She looked back and saw nothing, thinking that it was only her imagination she continued to unlock the door. However she heard the noise again and again, each time she looked she saw nothing. She started to get scared until she realized that the noise had a familiar scuttling to it.

She frowned in annoyance and pretended to be ignorant. The scuttling noise came closer and closer until,


She drew back and smacked Anthony before he could jump her.

"Nice try you dirty sneak." She scoffed.

"Ow! You know sweet wings you didn't have to be so rough." Anthony said rubbing his cheek from where she slapped him.

"Rough? Please that was mild compared to what I should to do you for constantly trying to creep up my skirt every time my back is turned."

"Why Vagatha I'm deeply hurt by the accusation." He said. "I was doing no such thing. I was just looking the needle I dropped."

"Anthony I don't know what's more pathetic, your attempts at perversion or your attempts to hide it. You're just like a twelve year old human male."

"And you're just like a fifty year old human female. You know I'm just teasing you when I do that and I think you secretly like it."

"Ugh, you are no gentleman."

"And you are no lady."

"Anthony go away. I have business to attend to."

"You counting the dough again? What for? We never run out."

"I'm just trying to make sure that everything is properly organized and secure. Now leave me be."

"I can't sweet wings because I have a problem."

"Yes you have a tendency to repulse those around you. Especially me."

"I'm serious. It's been bothering me for days and I just don't know who else to go to for advice."

"Alright." She sighed. "What's the problem?"

"Well the thing is I know someone who's recently become very enamored but at the same is in complete agony and hopelessness."

"Oh Niffty's in heat again? What male thing is she trying to mate with this time?"

"Nothing like that. It's more along the lines of wanting to make a confession but not knowing how to go about it."

"When confessing your feelings you shouldn't be so nervous or make a big fuss. Just say how you feel and go for it."


"That's my opinion on the subject. Just take that special someone into your arms, smother them in kisses, and tell them how much you adore them."

"Alright then." He smirked excitedly. "I adore you."


Without warning he threw his arms around her and kissed her cheeks.

"Oh to the devil with you!" She cried shoving him away. "And keep all of your hands and legs to yourself or I'll break each everyone of them!"

"Admit it sweet wings, you act cold as ice whenever I'm around but deep down you're burning like fire for me."

"Oh I'm burning for you alright. I'll be burning you with a lit candle the next time you touch me."

"You can set me on fire if you want Vagatha but keep in mind that moths can't resist a flame."

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