Chapter 23

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It wasn't until Charlotte's stomach began to growl with hunger that she finally acknowledged the fact that she had not told anyone of her decision to eat in the dining room again. She was just about to get up from her chair and look for Niffty when an empty glass was placed in front of her. She looked to see that it was Husk who had put it there and he quickly proceeded to fill the glass with wine.

"Hello." She greeted him. "I don't believe we've had a proper introduction. My name is Charlotte."

"I know who you are." He replied. "And I'm pretty sure Niffty has told you who I am but because I'm supposed to be polite I'll introduce myself. Hello my name is Husk and I am Alastor's butler. Also your dinner shall be brought to you momentarily."

"Thank you." She said.

He turned to leave but then Charlotte stopped him by asking,

"Wait, could you tell Alastor that I would like for him to dine with me this evening?"

"I will do as you request but I can't promise you that he will."

"Thank you anyway."

Husk left the dining hall and about five minutes later Niffty arrived with two candles, silver wear, and a plate set with a delicious supper. She lit one of the candles, asked Charlotte if she needed anything else, and left the young woman to eat in peace when she answered that there was nothing more she needed. She started to eat but stopped midway when her nose caught hold of that familiar scent.

"Good evening Charlotte." She heard the gentleman like voice of the beast say.

"Good evening Alastor." She responded.

"Husk has informed me that you have requested that I dine with you tonight. That you wish for to sit at the table with you and face you."

"Yes. That is correct." She said. "So my good sir will you please allow me the pleasure of your company while I dine?"

He did not answer but he slowly approached her from behind and for the first time ever he sat across from her at the other side of the table. However he did not lit the second candle Niffty had left at his end and he kept his face hidden by the hood of his cloak. No meal or drink was brought to him so he did not eat. All he did was sit there silently in the dark and watch Charlotte partake of her dinner.

"Are you not hungry Alastor?" She asked him.

"I do not wish to eat in front of you my dear." He said. "As you already know I do not eat as a human does. I am certain that you would lose your appetite if I were to eat right now."

"Is it not hard for you to see over there? Why don't you light the candle?"

"No my dear. If I light the candle then it will be easier for you to see my face and I do not wish to horrify and repulse you again."

"Oh..." She said recalling her reaction to the first time she saw his face. "I...I...I-"

"I think perhaps we should change the subject. Would you like to engage in a conversation like we did before?"

"Yes. I would like that very much. What shall we converse about?" 

"Well I am a little curious about your life before you came here. What was it like? What was your family like?"

So Charlotte told Alastor of how when her family was rich they would attend grand parties and festivities. How she would spend her days singing and reading to children, watching birds, admiring art, and gathering up flowers which she so adored. She spoke of how once her father lost his fortune and they moved to the country, she found joy in befriending her neighbors and playing with the goats they tended to. However she also talked about how when they were rich she would often plead with her father and sister to spend time with her and how they were always too busy for her. She talked about how when they were poor she would do all the household chores and cater to the needs of her family.

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