Chapter 68

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After the intruders were chased away, the staff couldn't help but take a moment to cheer over their accomplishment.

"You know that was actually kind of fun." Anthony said. "Wonder when the next mob will come by."

"Hopefully not for a very long time." Niffty said. "I often try to avoid violence if possible."

"Point is we managed to protect Alastor." Vagatha said. "And it seems that we can handle ourselves in crisis very well. I'm impressed with everyone's skills."

"Yeah especially Cherri and those bombs she made." Anthony remarked. "Hey Cherri how did you make those anyway? Do you think that you could teach me?"

But there was no response.

"Hey Cherri have you gone deaf or what?"

Still no answer. That's when the servants realized that Cherri didn't appear to be in the room.

"Where did she go?" Vagatha asked. "She was right with us about five minutes ago."

"Cherri!" They began to call. "Cherri! Cherri! Cherri!"

But her voice did not call back. They looked around the room and started to worry that she had been hurt. Anthony was the one who discovered her and although she wasn't hurt, what he saw was just as horrifying.

"Oh God no!" He gasped.

"Anthony what is it?" Husk asked.

He and the others ran toward him, they became terror stricken at the sight of it. There on the floor, crawling out from one of Cherri's work dresses, was a regular, average, garden variety, albino lizard. One that was normal size and lacking any human qualities.

"Oh Cherri no!" Niffty said.

She reached out to Cherri but suddenly she started clutching her head as long forgotten urges  and instincts replaced her human-like will.

"Niffty!" Husk held her with care. "Damn it all! Not now!"

"Stay with us Niffty!" Vagatha pleaded. "Don't go!"

"I can't think." Her voice was becoming more squeaky. "Everything is fading."

"Niffty you can't let this happen! You have to fight it!" Husk begged.

"We can't transform back now! We just can't!" Anthony said.

"You...Squeak...You all were the only family I ever had...Squeak...I love you all so much...Squeak...And I love Alastor too...Squeak...I hope he knows that he was always a handsome prince to me...Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

She shrank and shrank and shrank until she could fit in the palm of Husk's paw print. A regular door mouse was all that remained of her.

Husk, while he still had some will power, carefully put her down so she could scurry off somewhere safe. Then he felt himself being forced on to all fours and his mind becoming clouded with feline instincts. Everything was happening so fast.

"Vagatha...Meow...Anthony...Meow." He choked out. "Meow...You and everyone else here drove me...Meow...Batshit crazy. But...Meow...You all were my only friends...It was an honor to know you....Meow! Meow! Meow!"

Tears welled up in Anthony's eyes and Vagatha's as they watched Husk revert to a normal domestic cat. Not sure what else to do, they embraced one another desperately. Clinging to their human thoughts, feelings, and memories for as long as they could.

"Anthony I'm scared! I don't want to leave you!" Vagatha wept bitterly. "Not now! I'm not ready!"

"I don't want to leave you either! Not when I finally have you back!" He sobbed. "Oh God Rosie! Please don't let this happen! Please do something!"

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