Chapter 35

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On the other side of the room, Vagatha, Anthony, and Niffty were carefully spying on Alastor and Charlotte while they dined. Of course they knew better than to do so but in this case they felt that they had to because they feared he might have become very angry and upset with the dinner Charlotte had planned for him. You see Alastor had always been ashamed of the fact that he lost the ability to eat like a person and every time he had ever made an attempt to re-learn he would become so frustrated. Frustrated enough to go into a fit. His servants were worried that such an event would occur this evening but thankfully it didn't.

They watched in great relief as Charlotte patiently and kindly taught Alastor how to eat with utensils again. They watched him struggle and drop things on more than one occasion which made him feel embarrassed and frustrated but he didn't lose his temper. He remained calm and Charlotte remained patient.

"I don't believe it." Anthony said. "He's learning how to eat at a table and he's not going crazy over it."

"Well Charlotte was very thoughtful about it." Vagatha said. "Although I don't think Niffty should have used 'monthly bleeding' as an excuse to get Alastor out of the castle."

"I panicked!" Niffty said. "You all know I'm a terrible liar. Especially when it comes to him."

"Still you could have at least thought of something less embarrassing to say."

"Who cares? The point is the dinner worked out well." Anthony said.

"Yes you can tell that he's really trying and that Charlotte really wants to help him." Niffty said. "She's a very good influence on him."

"Very good." Anthony said. "Those two work so well together that it's starting to give me an idea."

"What idea?" Vagatha asked.

"Staff meeting in the kitchen everyone. I'll send for Husk and Cherri."

The five servants gathered around in the kitchen to hear Anthony's idea and discuss their thoughts.

"Alright everyone, as you all know Charlotte and Alastor have become very close recently." Anthony explained. "They've become good friends and we all can sense the chemistry brewing between them. When there's friendship and good chemistry, love can't be far behind."

"Anthony what are you getting at?" Husk asked.

"What if Alastor and Charlotte fall in love? Then his curse will finally be broken."

"But Anthony that's a big what if." Vagatha said. "A very unlikely one."

"You all sounded so sure it was possible the other night."

"We were just teasing." Husk said.

"I wasn't. Come on guys, let's think about this. According to Marie what can break the curse?"

"She said that Alastor must fall in love with a true beauty and earn her love in return." Vagatha said. "Both must confess their love and seal it with a kiss."

"Correct. Now if I'm not mistaken Miss Charlotte fits the exact definition of a true beauty.  She'll be staying with us for a while and she is growing closer with Alastor, they could fall in love."

"Or just be really good friends." Vagatha said. "Anthony I think you're forgetting one key detail that stands in the way of any potential romance between them."


"She doesn't see him as a man."

"She thinks he's an animal." Husk said. "An animal to be pitied or a pet to serve as a companion. That's not the kind of love that will break the curse."

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