Chapter 48

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Charlotte stepped out of her room and went to look for Alastor. They met in the hallway and she could tell that he had been on his way to see her.

"Good morning my dear." He said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did. Did you?"

"Not really but it happens."

"I know. I'm glad we ran into each other like this because I wanted to talk you about something?"

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's about when I leave next week. I think that-"

"Wait don't say anything. Not yet." He took both of her hands into his own. "I want to talk to you about that as well but I want it to be on your last day here."


"Because I want you to spend the week without any stress or worries. In fact this entire last week will be all about you. You may do anything you like and have anything you want. It will all be done without complaint and no request will be too great."

"You're too kind Alastor. That isn't really necessary."

"I insist. I want your last week here to be a happy one. You deserve it."

"For what?"

"For all that you've done for me. For everyone. Your presence here has made everyone so much happier. Hell you've made Husk smile and we all thought that it was an impossibility."

"Really? Cause I don't think I really did anything."

Alastor's smile grew wider.

"Humility. Just when I think you couldn't possibly have anymore virtues. Your humbleness is charming but you don't give yourself enough credit. You've done so much for us and we're going to spend this week showing our appreciation to you."

"Well if you insist." She said. "But I really do think it's unnecessary."

He kissed her hands.

"This week will be the most splendid for you Charlotte. I promise." He swore. "And on your last day I have a very special surprise for you."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Now my dear if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

"No I suppose not." She giggled.

"Just be patient. It will be worth the wait." He assured her. "Now I do believe that Niffty has breakfast waiting in the dining room. I asked her to make something special for us."

"Which is?"

"Pastries. What do you think?"

"Sounds delicious but you hate sweets."

"Well I never said all the pastries were sweet. Niffty cooked them to suit our needs. Yours was made to be cherry filled and topped with cream but mine is filled with egg and salted pork, topped with herbs."

"Sounds like your kind of pastry."

They ate breakfast together and made plans to spend the day in the garden. Charlotte went ahead but Niffty jumped Alastor before he could follow. She couldn't help herself. As soon as Husk told her the news she just had to talk to him.

"Alastor I don't think I've ever been so excited for you." She cheered. "You two will be so happy together. I just know it."

"Hold on to your bloomers Niffty, I haven't even asked her yet." Alastor said.

"I'm that case how are you going to do it?"

"For starters I thought that I could just spend the week doing everything she wants and making it fun for her. Reading, walking in the garden, activities that make her most happy."

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