Chapter 45

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Alastor gradually became Charlotte's sleeping companion. Every night he would lay beside her in bed and hold her in his arms while she would stroke his fine coat. She always fell asleep first and when she did he would bestow butterfly like kisses on every part of her face save for her lips. Charlotte never knew of the kisses but she did feel them. She thought that she had dreamed these soft touches and she very much enjoyed them. In the morning, Alastor would wake really early and before she did then quietly slip out of the bed. 

The days were spent with the two of them always being together. Reading together in the library, playing music or dancing to it, taking leisurely walks together in the garden, sometimes just conversing together calmly. He would bring her a beautiful rose from the garden everyday and everyday she would assist Niffty in making something special for him to serve at dinner. Soon sadness and anger became a rarity for the fair beauty and the scarlet beast. Sincere smiles always adorned their faces and their laughter could be heard any place in the castle.

"Alastor look! It's snowing!" Charlotte was eagerly pointing toward the window and behind the glass snowflakes were falling all around. Covering every inch in a white blanket save for the garden. "Oh I haven't played in the snow since I was little girl. Can we please go out?"

"You may do so if you wish my dear." He told her. "But snow has never really been my favorite type of weather. It's cold and wet and makes a mess of everything. 

"Oh..." She sighed in disappointment.

"But I can send some of the servants to join you. Of course Vagatha, Anthony, and Cherri will have to stay inside. Cherri is cold blooded and insects and arachnids don't fair well in conditions such as these but Husk and Niffty can definitely join you."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that."

But he could tell by her eyes that she desperately wanted him to be with her. That she wouldn't have as much fun if he wasn't there. She hid it well but they had become so close over the months that Alastor didn't need for her to tell him how she felt. And even though he wasn't too fond of snow, he never wanted to disappoint her.

"I suppose I could go out for a few minutes. But just a few."

She lit up like an evening star and hurried up to her bedroom where she put on the winter cape Anthony had made for her. The color and material was a velvet blue lined with white mink. He also gave her soft muff for her to warm her hands in. She pulled the hood over her head, grabbed the muff, and went to meet Alastor at the front door. 

"Where are Husk and Niffty?" She asked him.

"They'll be awhile. I forgot that Husk is a cat and any form of water doesn't really appeal cats." He answered. "Niffty will have him out there eventually."


With that said they stepped outside to take part in the winter wonderland. Charlotte was dazzled by the array snow flakes coming from the sky and how they sparkled in the sunlight. She moved to stand under the white shower and opened up her arms to embrace the falling flakes. Her eyes were closed, her lips were smiling, and her radiant face was tipped upward. That's when she began to dance. Dance as gracefully as a porcelain ballerina in a music box, hearing her own music in her head.

Alastor watched her with undivided attention and he could not help but be reminded of his mother would sometimes perform fairy dances outside. She had never done it in the winter though. Marie never liked winter because everything was dead in winter. Another reason why Alastor had never been fond of snow.

However seeing Charlotte whirling around in the flurries, with the snowflakes getting caught in her hair, the light shimmering off her form, looking like a perfect angel while displaying a most darling smile, it caused him to view the snowy winter in a new light. Yes death in a way was apart of winter but he now realized so did beauty.

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