Dandelions | Yuki Ishikawa


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After her parents died in a car accident, Mio was forced to move with her grandmother from Okinawa to Okazaki... Еще

Four Eyed Freak
Call Me Yuki
Tall, Scrawny, Smart and Cute
Sports Day
Go Out With Me?
Meet Kasumi
I Messed Up
Cold Christmas
Sleep With Me
Friendly Visit
We're going out?
You.. What?
What Have I Done?
What about my ice cream?
Ice Cream
Love at First Sight
Hen Party
Thinking Out Loud
It's You
Masa & Yuki
Karma is a B*tch
One Day
Time Apart
Truth or Dare
Not When You're Drunk
Failing to Protect
Against All Odds
It's Blinding
Little Peanuts
Uncle Yuji
All is Well
Bonding with the Ishikawa Twins


1.6K 39 4

Yuki left for VNL, I gave his SEV necklace back. He was happy to see that I kept it safe. I went back to Osaka that same day to check on my apartment. It was very dusty and and stuffy. I opened the windows to air it and let some fresh air in as I clean around. I went to my favorite ice cream shop after and walked around the area. I stayed in Osaka for about a week. I spoke with my manager to see if there's any news regarding my transfer to our branch in Tokyo. He said that he was just waiting for approval from the manager there.

I took a stroll in a park the day before heading back to Tokyo and I bumped into someone.


I looked at the person and smiled.

"Masa! Oh my! It's been a while" I said.

"It has. How are you?" he asked. Masa looks good and happy.

"I've been great, actually. How are you and your girlfriend?" I was not quite sure if they're still together.

"We're doing well, thank you for asking. How about you? I've heard that you and Yuki are close"

"We uhm... we actually just got back together the other day. He visited a few a couple of months ago and it just went from there" I told him.

"Seems like nothing can keep you two apart. You look healthy and happy too, so it seems like he's taking great care of you"

"He has when he's not busy with volleyball"

Masa and I strolled through the park chitchatting and joking around. He was disappointed on how he didn't make the team this year, but he was proud of Yuki for being named the captain.

"Well, you taught him well. He learned from the best" I told him.

"And he's getting better each day"

I nodded in agreement.

We parted ways soon after and I went back to my apartment to pack my things as I leave for Tokyo tomorrow. As I was about to go to bed, Yuji called. My heart stopped for a moment. Why is he calling at this hour? I hope Yuki's okay.

"Hey, Yuji" I answered as normal as I could.

"I need some advice..." he said.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Why would I think something happened to Yuki? I worry too much sometimes.

"Advice on...?"

"Shit hit the fan with my friend," he started, "the same friend that chased me with a field hockey stick before"

"I remember, the one who's very tomboyish and then she started wearing girly clothes"

"Yeah, her..."

"So, what happened?"

He told me how he's had a crush on Aya, Ran-chan's lovely girlfriend. He told that to his friend who advised him to skip out on her since Aya's obviously taken already. She told him that there are other girls out there and close to him.

"What did you tell her?" I asked. Yuji can be a bit... hmm... defensive at times and he can be an arrogant jerk as well. So, hopefully he didn't do or say something stupid.

"I asked if she meant herself... she said why not..."


"I laughed at her, I don't know why I laughed... but I did. I didn't mean to laugh at her"

Poor girl.

"You laughed at her? Did you apologize or say something after?"

"I told her... why would anyone want a tomboyish girl like her who barely graduated from uni"

"Nishida Yuji!" I was pissed. Why on earth would he say that?

"I know, I know... I should've not said that. She's an amazing person who has put up with how shitty I am, but I don't know. I just felt defensive when she said that. It was like she was mocking me... or telling me to lower my standards in women"

"You know I would have smacked your head and probably strangle you already if you were here" I told him, "You're telling me that she's amazing and all, yet you're getting the vibe from her to lower your standards?"


"Yeah, maybe you do need to do that. Why on earth would someone go out with you if you treat women like that? This girl... she's in love you, moron. Why would she tell you to look closer if she's not? She confessed right then and there and you just laughed at her face. She seems like a great girl and is able to deal with your random whims and whirlwind personality and is probably way out of your league and you consider her at the low end? What the fuck, Yuji?!"

He was silent.

"I hope she hit your or something" I added.

"She slapped me" he said.

"You deserve it"

"She was crying when she left"

"When was this?"

"The day before we left..."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"I saw them together today, Aya and Ran, and they look so happy together. I knew right then and there that I don't have a chance with her and whatever I was feeling... it was just an infatuation.. a silly crush"

"So, you're just now realizing that you actually like your friend and you need some sort of help or advice on how to win her back?" I asked him.


"I'd help you, Yuji... but this time, you need to fix this on your own. You need to learn and deal with the consequences of what you have said and done. It's the only way to learn..."

He sighed, "I figured you'd say something like that.."

"Hey, just give her some time and space. Then slowly approach her, notice the little things that she likes.. food, drinks, snacks"

"She likes video games. She's a streamer and has a decent amount of viewers and followers"

"See, there you go. Start from the bottom, Yuji, then make your way up"

"Thanks, Mio-san"


"Go to sleep, captain is going to kill me if he finds out I called you this late" he said.

"Yeah, night Yuji"

The trip back to Tokyo the next day was uneventful. The apartment feel so empty though when I got back. These next few weeks is going to be lonely...

Days went by and Yuki would call whenever he's free. I've watched their matches just so I can see him. See him play. To ease my mind knowing that he's doing well. I, on the other hand, has been feeling a bit tired lately. Fatigue? Probably. I have been working a lot lately, so it's probably why. I didn't think much of it. I probably just need to relax.

Before I knew it, he was back... I did not even know that he was returning that day. I was surprised when he opened the door, I was in the middle of a meeting at the time and I tried so hard to not jump up and run to him while my manager was talking. He was tapping his foot by the entrance, he knew how much I wanted to run up to him and hug him. I was getting impatient, my manager kept on talking and talking... it took him another 5 minutes before ending the meeting. The moment that he did, I jumped out of the couch and ran to his open arms.

"I missed you!"


"How come you didn't tell me that you were coming home today? I could have picked you up?" I asked.

He kissed my forehead before letting me go, "I wanted to surprise you and it was worth it." He left his luggage by the door and sat on the couch, exhausted from the long flight.

"Are you done work?" he asked.

"In about an hour. Are you hungry?" I joined him on the couch, sitting on his lap, straddling him as I rest my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around my small frame. "Actually, I am hungry" he said as I feel his hand drawing circles on my back through my shirt.

"What do you want?"

He then flipped us over, gently laying me down on the couch. He kissed my neck and nibbled on my ears, "I'm hungry for you" he whispered. I felt his hand tug on my shorts and slowly pulled it down. His fingers pushing aside the thin fabric between my legs and slowly rubbed me there.

"Mmmmm.." I moaned.

"Is that a yes?" He asked as he continued to leave kisses on my neck, fingers putting more pressure as he rubbed me down there.

"I.. I still.. have to work" I managed to say.

He then sat up and closed my laptop, "Not anymore."

For someone who seems to be timid off court, shy, and soft spoken... well... he's pretty great in bed. I can never keep up with him, being an athlete and all. He's got great stamina and is always ready for another round. No complaints here. He's more rough and needy this time, probably because of the separation...

He decided to stay with me in Osaka for a couple of weeks, while he was on break. He wanted to spend as much time as possible together since he's got the Olympics coming up and AVC right after... then the Italian league starts... We haven't really talked much about it, I just know that he's excited. When is he never excited about volleyball? Yuki went back to Tokyo when training started for the Olympics. I stayed in Osaka, but I did promise him that I'll be in Tokyo during the event. My fatigue wore off and I'm feeling normal again. I stopped working too hard and too much after seeing him so worried when I would basically just nap or fall asleep right after I clocked out of work. I don't like seeing his worried face.

Just as I promised, I travelled to Tokyo for the Olympics. Spectators were not allowed due to the pandemic, but Yuki told me that knowing I'm close by is good enough for him. I did not miss a single match of both men's and women's team. I never knew that Aya was such a great player considering her height, but girl... she can fly! My favorite part was when Ran-chan's fake set to Yuki, that move was just amazing. Like how even?!  THEN Yuki does the same thing, but to Yuji!!! I was screaming and jumping at those parts, I was pumped up! When Yuki called during an off day, all I talked about was how good they were and those two plays. He was happy that I was watching their matches.

"Actually, my favorite part was when you winked" I told him as I laid in bed.

"You like that?" He asked.

"Mhmm, and probably the rest of your fans too"

"I should do it more often then"

"Nooooo" I complained.

"Why not?"

"Because...lots of girls will start falling for you and I can't tell them that you're mine"

He chuckled, "Alright, I won't do it often then and just so you know, even if all the girls in the world fall in love me.. I only belong to you"

I blushed at that, "Cute. You're too cute"

They managed to get to quarterfinals, but they were up against Brazil. What are the chances of them winning? Not high, but I will always support them. Always have faith in Yuki and his team. Never give up. They fought hard. Every point was a battle to be won and Brazil did not make it easy for them. They gave everything they've got, but Brazil was the better team that day. Seeing Yuki cry broke my heart. I know how much he wanted to get a medal for the team, especially at home court. I wanted to run to the venue and give him a hug, give each of them a hug, tell them that they played well and worked hard. Tell them that everyone is proud of them and what they have accomplished.

When he got back after the Olympics, he was quiet. The defeat still looming over him. I may not know the feeling of losing at a competition like that, but I know he's taking it hard considering he was the captain of the team. He was their leader. He was supposed to lead them to victory. When he arrived at the apartment, all I could do was hug him as tight as I can. Telling him how proud I was with his accomplishments, how he lead the team to quarterfinals and how hard they fought.

"I failed them.." he said, trying not to cry.

"You have not failed anyone. You are a great captain and an inspiration to everyone"

"You think so?"

"I know so"

For a week or so, he was quiet.. sad.. he would watch replays of their match against Brazil. He would pause and rewind at certain spots trying to see where he made the wrong move or where they could improve. At first I understood why he was doing that, but as days passed by, he would do nothing but rewatch it over and over. It was getting to the point where he would skip meals just to watch it. He would stay up late watching it and sometimes not even sleep at all. It was an obsession.

"Yuki, please have some dinner" I told him. He was, yet again, watching the match.

"I'm not hungry"

"You haven't had anything all day, just eat something"

I was ignored, again. I skipped dinner and went to bed in the other room, which I had been doing for the past few days. I don't know what to do. I understood why he was doing this during the first couple of days when he got back, but now...? It was unhealthy and I didn't know what else to do except for one thing... I left. I went back to Osaka the following day and it took him 3 full days to realize I was gone.

"Where are you?" He asked when he called me.


"What? Why are you there? When did you leave? When are you coming back?"

"I left 3 days ago, Yuki"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I sighed... "There was no point in telling you..."

"What do you mean?"

"You were too busy rewatching the matches that you forgot about eating and actually living. You forgot about me" I told him.

"What are you talking about? I was trying to learn from my mistakes. Trying to see what I could've done better"

"I know that, I understand that losing in quarterfinals was difficult after fighting so hard to get there. I understand that you needed some time to recuperate, to get over it, to see the mistakes and learn from it, but you have become obsessed to it. So obsessed that you don't even eat and would stay up late or not even sleep at all. It's not healthy, Yuki"

"Why didn't you stop me? Why didn't you tell me?"

I seriously wanted to smack him on the head right then, poke his chest... I was frustrated.

"I did, Yuki, so many times, but you ignored them. You... ignored me. It took you 3 full days to realize that I was gone. Did you even realize that I haven't slept next to you for the past few days?"

No answer.

"You have AVC coming up... at this rate, if continue THIS... you're not going to be healthy enough to compete. What's a team without their leader? Don't let them down, Yuki, they all look up to you, they want you to guide them to victory... Don't let me down and especially don't let yourself down. Don't let that one match define you... You are so much more than that"

He didn't say anything, but I could hear his sniffles. He was crying and I so wanted to be there to comfort him, but unfortunately I can't.

"I'm sorry..." he said in between his sobs, "I didn't mean it to go this far... I just... I just wanted to be the best captain out there, I wanted to be perfect"

"Nobody's perfect, love..."

"I know... forgive me?"

"Already forgiven, please take care of yourself... no more skipping meals and staying up late"

"I promise... when are you coming back? I miss you already... it's so quiet and lonely without you here. It's not... it doesn't feel like home"

"I'll be back for AVC... I need to take care of some work related things here first"

"Can I visit you?"

"Of course, you're always welcome to visit"

"Okay... I'll be there this weekend"


"And Mio?"


"I love you"

"I love you too"


A/N: I can't rewatch their match against Brazil. My heart just keeps breaking everytime I see a clip of him crying. I'd rewatch any other match except for that one...

Anyway, did you guys watch their match yesterday? It was a very heated match, but it was one of the best matches I've watched so far. I think Yuki could've done better, he wasn't having a good day compared to the match on Sunday... I don't know, just an opinion.

Do you guys want a play by play for AVC? I'll probably have to rewatch it somewhere... or you guys could read Ran's book since I did a little bit of play by play there. If not... we could like skip the play by play... let me know!!

Also, I might have some delays putting some chapters out... my Samsung Note 8 screen died on me yesterday so I had to pull out my older phones... Note 5 and a Note 2. Unfortunately, my Note 5 has screen issues as well. I had to use my Note 2 which is almost 10 years old. Anyway, it's ridiculously slow, but with whatever luck I have left... my Note 8 alarm went off this morning and the screen is fixed! I usually use my phone to write since I like being on my bed etc... but don't worry! I just ordered an S21 Ultra and will be arriving by the 10th.. hopefully lol.

As always, thank you so much for all your support, votes, comments, and follows!! I really appreciate them all!!

Take care and see you guys on the next chapter!!

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