Kamala & Doug: A Dream Come T...

By breeoc97

49.3K 1K 471

Kamala Harris has just become the first ever woman Vice President in a historic election. She thought that wo... More

the day after the historic win
a brunch with the bidens
stress or something else?
denial turned into reality
the first glimpse
a christmas surprise
tender loving care
the game changing moment
an inauguration gender reveal!
a sexy + romantic valentine's day
announcing the news to the world
cbs this morning interview
romantic date night
a special tattoo + friends visiting!
first ever mother's day
doug's sick day
a surprise beary baby shower!
is it time?
welcoming devi into the world
just the three of us
devi meets family via zoom!
heading home + devi meets his siblings!
biggest surprise EVER!
senate + house friends visiting!
more family visits!
the babies finally meet!
interview with joy reid
devi is one month old + heading to cali!
visiting shyamala'a grave
the dodgers and giants game!
doug's birthday
kamala's birthday
family cuddles in bed
meeting with the president of france!
devi's 1st thanksgiving
devi's first hanukkah
kennedy center honors
christmas eve party!
a christmas eve gender reveal
relaxing day at home
spending time with friends!
inaugural ball
visiting mama at work!
instagram pictures
a fun brunch with the clintons!
doug gets covid
formula shortage hits home
devi's 1st mother's day
ivy is here | birth announcement
planning the boys' birthday
kamala's weird pregnancy cravings!
devi meets ivy
a birthday surprise!
the macrons are in dc!
a cute morning at the white house
welcoming ivy
meeting grandpa (pt 1)
meeting grandpa (pt 2)

another big surprise

880 18 12
By breeoc97

*Kamala and Doug find out a surprise! Thank you to joebidenloving for helping me write this!

November 27th, 2021

Kamala, Doug and Devi are having a sleepover at Maya's house along with Meena, Nik, Amara and Leela!

It is now the next morning and Kamala and Doug are up early and are in the bathroom.

Doug is wearing just pajama bottoms while Kamala is wearing sweatpants and one of Doug's t-shirts.

For the past few weeks, Kamala hasn't been feeling like herself. She feels bloated, is tired and her breast are tender. Doug thinks she is pregnant but Kamala doesn't think so because she doesn't have the symptoms she did with Devi.

Kamala is currently dipping four pregnancy tests into the red cup of her first morning pee while Doug holds Devi.

"Why are you taking four pregnancy tests?" Doug asks Kamala playfully as he smiles at her. 

"Because why not! All of them expire around the same time and I don't want them going to waste. Plus, I wanna see if they all give me the same answer."

"Babe, of course they do. They did with this little guy." Doug says as he tickles Devi's tummy and Devi giggles.

"Shh! Maya, Tony, Meena, Nik and the girls are asleep!" Kamala shushes Doug before kisses him and Devi.

"Are you a big brother? Are you going to be a big brother? I think you will be but Mama doesn't believe me. I told her she was pregnant with you before she realized it!" Doug says in a babyfied voice at Devi as Devi coos and plays with Doug's chest hair.

"Ow Ow Ow!" Doug says trying to release Devi's hold on his chest hair. 

"Devi, don't pull on Daddy's chest hair. He only likes it when I do that." Kamala says causing Devi to giggle.

"Don't tell him about that, baby. That's for only you and me." Doug says and gives Kamala a wink.

Kamala hits Doug's chest and plants a fast kiss on his lips.

"He won't remember it anyway." Kamala giggles and Doug lays his arm around her.

"Good for you, baby" Doug says and places a soft kiss in Kamala's hair.

"So what's your bet, Devi? Huh? Do you think you will be a big brother in nine months?" Doug says and Devi looks up at him with big eyes.

Devi locks eyes with Doug and nods slightly, just as if he understood Doug's question.

"He is saying yes, baby! Devi knows that he will be a big brother soon." Doug chuckles and pulls Kamala closer.

"I am going to be really surprised if I'm pregnant again. I don't have that many symptoms like I did with Devi." Kamala says to Doug.

"Every pregnancy is different! Kerstin was sick with Ella but not as bad as she was with Cole. Maybe that means you will get a baby sister, Devi! Do you want a baby sister?" Doug asks Devi and Devi smiles happily.

"If I am pregnant, you do know that the baby and Devi will only be eleven months apart." Kamala says counting the months on her hands.

"Oh boy, I didn't realize that! Isn't that Irish twins or something like that?" Doug says with a chuckle.

"I think so! And I'm sure we will be fine, it will just busy with two in diapers and bottles for a while. Right, baby? But you will probably be done with bottles before the baby comes if I'm even pregnant. I don't think I am." Kamala says to Doug and Devi before checking the timer and there is two minutes left.

"It will be fine, baby. I'll take care of them both and you." Doug says, kissing Kamala's temple.

"Don't get too excited, just because you were right last time doesn't mean a miracle will happen twice." Kamala says.

"Don't give up yet! There is still a minute left on the timer. Devi and I are both sure there is a little baby in here." Doug says, and moves his spare hand to Kamala's stomach.

Devi coos in agreement and wiggles in Doug's arms happily.

"I think it is time to check, baby. Devi is getting impatient." Doug chuckles and gives Kamala a kiss on the cheek.

Kamala chuckles at Devi wiggling around and smiles at her baby boy.

"Mama loves you, Devi. Forever and always. I don't want you to ever forget that." Kamala says as she rubs Devi's chubby cheeks and Devi smiles at his Mama.

"And Daddy loves you too, bud! Forever and always." Doug says as he kisses Devi.

"Okay, boys! Let's look!" Kamala says as she and Doug flip the four pregnancy tests over.

All four pregnancy tests are VERY positive!

"That's what I said, baby! I knew you were pregnant again!" Doug says happily and kisses Kamala's cheek.

Doug looks over at Kamala, who's has a stunned look on her face. He keeps quiet and waits for her reaction.

"I can't believe it, you were right! We are having another baby!" Kamala says and looks at Doug with tears in her eyes.

"Another miracle baby! I love you, honey." Doug says and brings Kamala in for a hug.

"I love you too! Oh, buddy! You will have an Irish twin in nine months time! A baby brother or sister!" Kamala says as she looks down at Devi and tears begin to fill her eyes.

"You are a big brother! Yay!" Doug says as he claps Devi's hands and Devi giggles loudly.

A few seconds later, there is knocking on the bathroom door.

"Auntie? Uncle Dougie? Are you two in here? I have to really pee!" Meena says as Kamala and Doug both giggle.

"No! Me first!" Maya says as she runs over to Meena

"Mom! I was waiting first! And what about the master bathroom?" Meena says to her mom playfully.

"Dad is in there!" Maya says to Meena.

Kamala and Doug smile at each other and then at Devi.

"Should we tell them?" Kamala asks Doug and Doug smiles.

"I think it would be fun." Doug says with a cheeky grin at Kamala.

"Then let's do it." Kamala giggles as she reaches for the lock to unlock the bathroom door.

"You tell them honey." Doug says and gives Kamala a quick kiss on the head before she opens the bathroom door.

"Hi, Meena and Maya! Sorry, we took so long. We had a thing we just had to wait a few minutes for." Kamala says with a grin.

"What is it, Auntie?" Meena says and looks worryingly at Kamala.

"Tell us Kamala! Is something wrong?" Maya says.

"No no no, everything is fine! It's all fantastic!" Kamala says and smiles big.

"Then tell us! Why all these secrets?" Maya says impatiently at her big sister.

"It looks like Devi is going to be a big brother!" Kamala squeals and holds up the four positive pregnancy tests.

"We literally just found out!" Doug chimes in with the biggest smile of his life on his face.

"WHAAAT! AUNTIE! Again? Another baby? That's fantastic news!" Meena says and throw a herself around Kamala's neck, not longer remembering her urge to pee.

"That's absolutely amazing news, Kamala! I'm so excited!" Maya says and gives Kamala and then Doug a hug.

"I'm so happy for you!" Maya says as she starts to tear up.

"Devi needs a baby brother! Do you want a baby brother?" Meena says playfully as she gives Devi lots of kisses.

"No! He needs a baby sister! A baby sissy! Yes!" Maya says as Doug hands Devi to her.

"We will be happy either way!" Kamala says with a big grin.

"I'll be happy either way as way! Another miracle for us. We are just so happy and excited." Doug says, kissing Kamala and Kamala kisses her back.

Maya gives Devi lots of kisses, causing Devi to giggle. Devi then begins to play with Maya's hair

"Be careful, he pulls hair!" Doug says as he chuckles.

"Doug nearly doubled down this morning from the pain when Devi pulled his chest hair!" Kamala chuckles.

"It wasn't that bad! But it did hurt." Doug tries to defend himself.

"I'm sure it was horrible. Meena never stopped pulling mine or Kamala's hair when she was Devi's age." Maya says, kissing Devi's cheeks again.

"Oh yeah, I remember. You had strong hands from the beginning, Meena." Kamala chuckles lightly at her niece.

"You're going to have hair pulled too, Devi. Yes! Don't believe for a second that your little sister or, maybe little brother will have mercy on you." Maya says to Devi in a babyfied voice.

"You'll experience the harsh reality yourself, buddy." Doug jokes as he strokes Devi's hair.

"Devi's hair is so pretty. It looks curly now!" Meena says as she rubs Devi's head.

"Yeah, the longer it has gotten it is getting curly! Just like Doug's was when he was younger. Ella had curly hair as a baby too." Kamala says with a cheeky grin.

"Yours too, sis!" Maya says as she tickles Devi and he giggles.

Doug rubs his arms around Kamala and kisses her cheek, causing Kamala to smile.

"How are you feeling, Auntie?" Meena asks Kamala.

"I feel pretty good! I don't have many symptoms! I've felt bloated, tired and my boobs have been sore." Kamala says to Meena and Maya.

"That's how I felt with Meena until a few weeks and then I got sick!" Maya says as Devi begins to play with her again.

"Don't pull my hair out, silly boy!" Maya says in a playful voice causing Devi to giggle.

"Yeah, I remember that. I hope I'll skip the sickness." Kamala says with a smile as she admires Devi and Maya's interaction.

"You made me so sick, Meena. I was totally down for weeks." Maya says and playfully slaps Meena on the arm.

"It's not my fault! I couldn't control that." Meena tries to defend herself as she rubs Devi's hair.

"But it was all worth it." Maya says and reaches up to give Meena a kiss on the cheek.

"I promise that I'll take good care of you if you get sick. I'll bring you soup and hold you're hair back every day if you need me." Doug says and gives Kamala a kiss on the head.

"Thank you, baby. You're the best husband and Dad ever." Kamala says and turns around to give Doug a kiss on the lips.

"Aww, how romantic! I remember Mommy telling me it was my consequence for having unprotected sex!" Maya says, causing Kamala to laugh loudly.

"I remember she said that every time she heard you throw up." Kamala says as she laughs.

Devi coos loudly as he smiles at Meena.

"Hi, baby! Hiiiii!" Meena says as Maya hands Devi to her.

"Do you have any teeth yet? I don't see any!" Meena says in a babyfied voice, causing Devi to smile.

"I think they are coming! He always wants something in his mouth." Kamala says with a grin.

"Santa needs to bring you some teething toys! Yes!" Meena says as Devi smiles.

"Your Auntie will talk to Santa! He will bring you so so so many presents. Yes, baby! You will be so spoiled!" Maya says in a babyfied voice.

"Don't go and spend too much on him. He won't have time to use it all!" Kamala says to Maya and Meena.

"I'm sure he will have plenty time. He will love all of the new toys he'll get" Meena says.

"And don't you come here and talk about spending too much money on a baby. You are the one that bought half a baby store when I was pregnant with Amara and Leela." Meena adds and Kamala nods.

"But that doesn't mean you should do the same!" Kamala chuckles.

Devi burps playfully, causing everyone giggle loudly.

"Piggy! You are a little piggy!" Meena says as she kisses Devi's cheek.

"Please don't tell the girls yet, okay? I wanna have a few doctors appointments first." Kamala says to Maya and Meena.

"Of course! I completely understand! I don't want to confuse them!" Maya says to Kamala.

"I won't say anything until you want me to!" Meena says as she kisses Devi's cheeks.

"Are you hungry, Devi? You haven't ate since we woke up." Doug says to Devi.

"Oh, maybe you are. Are you hungry Devi?" Kamala says and strokes Devi's hair.

Devi stretches in Meena's arms and reaches his hand out towards Kamala.

"I do think so. Let's get you to Mama to get you fed okay?" Meena says as she hands over Devi to Kamala.

"Let's sit down over here and you can eat. We can finally let Meena use the bathroom. Yes, we can." Kamala say as she sits down in an armchair in the living room.

Kamala begins to breastfeed Devi as Meena hurries into the bathroom. Doug and Maya take a place on the sofa next to Kamala's armchair.

"Does that feel good, baby? Yes, I think you were very hungry." Kamala says as Devi latches on to her breast.

"Awww, he looks adorable even when he eats." Maya says with admiring eyes.

"Yes, he's always super duper adorable and sweet. He is so calm and at peace." Doug says and jawns.

"Except when he gets really tired or really really hungry." Kamala chuckles.

Devi happily holds onto Kamala's necklace while he continues to breastfeed.

"He loves to hold onto Mama's pearls." Doug says with a cheeky grin.

"A few of my friends told me that breastmilk can taste different while being pregnant or I won't have any at all. So each time we feed will be special. However, which ever way he is fed is totally fine with me, I know he is happy and healthy." Kamala says to Doug and Maya.

"Yeah, I tried to breastfeed Meena and it just didn't work out. Fed is best." Maya says to Kamala and Doug.

Meena finishes using the bathroom and walks over to Kamala, Devi, Maya and Doug.

"Awww, Auntie. You are made such an adorable baby! I just can't get enough of him." Meena says as she sits down next to Maya on the couch.

"Thank you, Meena. It was hard sometimes but we did it Devi." Kamala says and kisses Devi's forehead.

"Hey! I helped too." Doug says jokingly to Maya and Meena.

"Yeah, little contributions do count too." Kamala jokes and hits Doug playfully on the arm.

"Thank you, baby." Doug says and leans over to give Kamala a kiss.

"Are you done, baby?" Kamala says as Devi releases his hold and stops to eat.

"It looks like it. Do you want me to take him for a while?" Doug asks and Kamala nods before handing over Devi to Doug.

"I want you to have your body to yourself some times of the day." Doug says and strokes Devi's head.

"Well, that won't be exactly true now, but thanks for the effort Dougie" Kamala says with a chuckle.

Doug burps Devi on his shoulder and he burps loudly.

"Devi! Hi, bubby! You are so cute!" Meena says as Devi looks at Meena while he sits on Doug's lap.

For the rest of the day, Kamala, Doug and Devi all hang out with Meena, Nik, Amara, Leela, Maya and Tony! :)

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