Little Wicked Game (2021)

By KatherineYork7

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This is a story for everyone who loves Blair Waldorf ~Russo Amore has everything a girl might want...all exc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 : Epilogue

Chapter 4

796 110 175
By KatherineYork7

Everyone was super supportive and I got too excited and um.. yeah here's a new chapter today hahah ❤

Damyan's p.o.v

What the fuck just happened?

She boldly proclaimed that she didn't remember me. Was I mistaken?

No, no, that was definitely her.

Was I that forgetful?

Did I change that substantially?

I stared at my angry face in the bathroom mirror while I was washing my hands.

What am I doing? Why do I care? Fuck this.

I ambled back to my classroom and sat down, slamming my legs over the desk.

I scoffed. So what if she doesn't even remember me?

Back then I was anxious for weeks. I wondered if my breath was bad, if my gym outfit smelled like sweat if I was in general a bad kisser? JUST WHAT WAS HER REASON to run out like a little gazelle?

No. I swore to myself after that time, I will never worry about shit like this again.

Focus on everything else but that.

And after making that decision, I was having the time of my life. Especially in high school. Baseball, friends, fun and power. Life was great.

"Damyan! There is someone here for you." Mateo, one of my classmates, pointed at the door.

He wiggled his eyebrows like it was something interesting and then leaned over whispering. "It's Elif Bradberry. The student body president."

The tall dark-haired girl was standing there waving at me with a smile on her face. I saw her way too many times since I got here for it to be a coincidence.

"Did you manage to settle with classes and everything?" She asked politely, her eyes sizing me up.

"Yes I did." I approached her.

"If there is anything you need, let me know. I will take care of it personally." She smiled again.

I crossed my arms and leaned on the door. "Is this special treatment?"

She stared at my arms, a bit distracted and then waved her hands in denial. "Of course not. It's my duty as the president to make sure all students are doing well and feel at ease."


"I see." I nodded. "I'm doing well, as you can see.." I took a step back ready to get back to my seat.

"Are you joining any clubs?" She eagerly asked.

"Is it mandatory?" I glanced back.

"No, but it does look good on paper when you apply for university." She innocently smiled.

"I see. Well then I guess I'll join the baseball team." I answered nonchalantly. It was something I was thinking about anyways.

"Perfect. They'd be lucky to have you." She stayed there for a second before leaving the classroom.

"Ohooo." Mateo walked up behind me. "Interesting. She asked you to join a club and you did."

I turned around laughing. "The only thing I'm interested in is Baseball."

"Oh come on. She's obviously interested, she's taking the initiative to talk to you and she's hot. Why are you making life difficult for yourself?"

I shook my head. This clueless idiot. It is women in fact, that make my life difficult.

I beckoned him to come closer and I put him in a chokehold. He laughed trying to do the same to me.

"I'll get one thing clear. There's not a girl in this school that I would ever want to date. Don't try to set me up again."

I let go of him and he took a deep breath, laughing. "You're crazy."

"I am."

He pointed a finger at me. "There's no use talking to you.."'

I dropped down on the chair laughing. He can think whatever he wants.

After classes were over I headed to the teacher's office, to sign up for the baseball team.

Few girls that had extra activities after classes were rushing through the hallways and then they slowed down whispering to each other as they passed me.

Getting this attention was something I was already used to.

Girls wanted my attention, guys outside my class avoided crossing paths with me.

The first year of high school I got taller and wider, what seemed like overnight and suddenly everyone wanted to be friends with me and girls wanted to date me.

Then I started playing baseball which turned out to be fun and I was great at it. My team was winning games and people were talking about me.

It was like starting a new life.

After signing up for the team, I left the teacher's corridor, satisfied with my decision. This was a good choice after all. I miss playing baseball.

I was on my way out when I heard a burst of cheerful laughter in the schoolyard.

I glanced at the other side of the school.

It was her again.

My heart was beating excited for a second so I had to hit my chest a few times to return to normal. What was wrong with me?

She was running around like a little kid in circles getting chased by one of her friends and laughing. She then went back to her circle of friends and continued explaining something to them with vigor. She seemed like the life of the party even in this freezing weather.

She was different from before. The atmosphere around her was lighter. She looked carefree. Happy. Beautiful. No wonder she didn't remember me.

I swung the backpack on my other shoulder and left. It was better for both of us if we just forget whatever life we had before high school.


Russo's p.o.v

I was tucked in perfectly with the softest brown plaid blanket, with legs curled under me, sitting on the green armchair next to my window. Little orange pumpkins, crunchy red leaves and round pine cones were all over my room, leftover decorations from Halloween.

I was hugged in a white sweater, wearing matching slippers.

The weather was murky, clouds had the whole sky covered and the trees were like little gnarly creatures with their lifeless branches pointing at the leaf covered streets.

The leaves were gently being swept off the pavement as a breeze from the north would pass by with the cars rushing somewhere on this November Saturday morning.

I flipped the page of my book and reached for the notebook and the pen I left on the window counter. I had to write down this next part. It was important to write down notes.

I loved doing things the old-fashioned way and then I'd just take a picture of it to have in my phone. The best mix of old and modern.

Lo-fi autumn music was playing softly in the back, low enough for me to hear the scribbling of the pen over the paper and the rustling sound, when I'd turn the pages of the book.

The room smelled like cinnamon from the lit scented candles.

The door clicked open and I raised my head expecting to see mom.

"Aren't you a pinterest mood." Shay tossed her bag on my bed and dropped down next to it over the fluffy carpet and a cushion.

I tossed the blanket and got up.

Five seconds later Luca walked in as well and stopped confused for a second.

"This was not what I expected." He pointed at the cat shaped pillow on the bed. "Cute."

I grabbed the pillow, hiding it behind my back. "It's... um.. A cover?"

"Aham. Sure."

Shay interfered. "Don't you know evil comes in the most innocent shapes and sizes."

"Like chocolate." I added.

"Or an overpriced hermes bag." She agreed.

"Or buying cute things you don't need until you realize you spent way more than you originally planned." I noted. "But we digress."

I tossed the pillows off the ottoman so Luca could sit.

Mom walked in, carrying the heavy tray. I quickly helped her place it on the coffee table.

I started taking out the snacks while she talked to Shay and Luca.

My cat Rascal walked in after her trying to check out the guest. He circled around mom's feet before allowing Luca to pet him and then he sat between him and Shay who he knew very well.

I placed the chocolate muffins first, then the baked pumpkin topped with a bit of honey, some crackers, the fruit salad and the forks, and then salep as a hot beverage for the day.

"Have fun."

"Of course we won't today, mom. We all have perfect grades that need maintenance. We're here to study." I smiled. "How do you think I excel in literature and history."

"I excel in math." Shay smiled.

"I'm great with physics." Luca reached for a chocolate muffin.

"Aren't you a boring bunch." She sighed and glanced at Luca. "I know these two are in the singles club, I have slight hope for you."

"No comment." Luca continued munching on the muffin.

"Ai these kids. Other mothers have to worry about their kids' secret lives, I have no entertainment whatsoever."

Luca and Shay laughed.

"I'm being serious here Russo. Get a secret boyfriend, pull a prank on a teacher, get into a hair-pulling fight with someone. Did you even get anything from me?" She shook her head.

I turned towards Luca and Shay. "It's a gift and a curse being perfect."

"Now that..." Mom smiled. "You get from me."

She took the tray and left.

"I love your mom." Shay indulged in the fruit salad.

I got up and reached behind my bookshelf taking out the hidden whiteboard and dragging it to the center of the room. "Now order of business."

I took a printed picture of me and stuck it on the board with a crown magnet over my head.

"Aren't you getting ahead of yourself with that?" Luca said.

I pointed my finger at him. "You keep that attitude up and I'll take those muffins from you."

He pulled the plate closer. "Sorry."

I tapped the board. "To become the queen of the school I must join the student council at the right opportunity. To get all the votes I need I have to seduce my ex-crush who's also Bradberry's target. It's safe to say she'll be after me as soon as I reveal my intentions so we have to be exactly on time submitting my name to the student council."

I turned towards the board. "We must not underestimate the enemy. She's not some dumb mean high school girl. Bradberry is a war veteran. To win against someone like her one must attack accordingly."

I took out the marker and started writing on the board. Student council

"To be able to do a surprise attack we have to hit her weak point. In this case, her strongest suit is also her weakness. We will flood her with so much work that she has no other choice but to focus on it."

"How are you going to do that?" Shay asked, picking up Rascal and holding him like a baby. He was completely passed out in her arms.

"Glad you asked." I closed the marker in the meantime.

"I've motivated everyone I was close to,  to come forward with their idea for a Christmas festival I want to propose and throw as soon as I get in the student council. Then I urged my literature club to demand better rights from the student council. I also asked my closest teachers to give her extra work because I had presumably heard she wanted to get a better resume for university."

Shay scribbled that in her notes. "You're truly an evil mastermind. There's no way she can focus on Damyan and do all these things at once."

"But this won't last long." I explained. "That's why I'll have to act as soon as possible with my seduction plans."

I opened the marker again and started writing. Reveal

"Once I make my move she will find out one way or another. At this moment I already need to have submitted my application for the council and back down silently because she still has more power than me, unfortunately. She will confront me for sure, making sure I know my place and at this moment she will reveal her cards in front of me. This way she doesn't know my strengths and I can strike when she least expects."

Number 3. Maneuvering

"Now I'm prepared for all her attacks, but I need you to watch your backs."

"Relax." Shay brought her pen down and took a sip from the salep. "I know how to deal with her. Let's be real, I would be her first target, but the only reason she hasn't attacked me so far is because she knows I have no interest in her things. If she dares to come after me I won't sit still."

"Alright." I nodded and turned towards Luca.

He put his notes down. "I'm covered."

"I believe you are, but I want you to follow two simple rules. One, don't engage in any bait. And she will bait you whether it is to get you on her side or to get in a fight."

"And two?" He asked.

"That goes for both of you. When in doubt, remember our goal." I started pacing back and forward with both hands behind my back.

"I can't be there all the time giving you instructions or telling you what to say and do. But I trust my judgment that you two are the best people for this job and whatever trouble might arise you two only need to know the goal to strive forward."

They were looking down at their notes.

I suddenly clapped my hands to get their attention. They both snapped their heads up.

"You're both decisive and strong-willed. You know when to pounce when to draw a line. Both of you have so much potential to drive others to the ground that you've been repressing, and I want you to use that power to crush whoever is in your way or threatens your peace. That's the only way that we can win this war. We have to be ruthless and brave in face of danger."

"I kind of feel inspired from that speech," Luca said with confidence.

"My heart is excited just from thinking about this." Shay cracked her fingers.

"Perfect." I hit the board with the marker's cap. "Now part 2."

I drew a line.

Luca raised his hand.

"Yes? Any ideas to contribute?"

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

I sighed impatiently. "Fineeee.."

He left the room and I crossed my arms.

"Here, have some pumpkin. You worked hard. " Shay placed one on a plate and handed it to me.

I sat down next to her and munched on the pumpkin. Rascal woke up and came to settle on my lap. He passed out again now that he had all the attention from me again.

Shay was looking at something on her phone, while snacking.

Yeah, this is gonna take a whole day.

Monday Afternoon

I knew what to do in theory. Now I only needed the opportunity to try it out.

So why was I feeling nervous?

I had to be subtle, but stand out. I needed to draw attention to myself without saying a word.

So I wore a cute skirt outfit, put my long hair up in a messy bun, revealing my neck and delicate necklace that ended exactly before reaching my collar bone.

I even added a sweet-smelling perfume.

I tried not to forget this was a popular guy we were talking about. Extra caution was needed. I had to remain calm and deadly the entire time. Show fear and it's game over.

My boots clicked on the floor as I made my way through the hallways. I had managed to find out which classroom his class was in, thanks to a friend.

Plan was to simply walk by there and get his attention while I remained impartial.

Be a cold sexy woman who doesn't bow to no man. That should get his attention.

I saw him lean on one of the heaters, next to the window. It was like a flashback.

There were a bunch of guys around him laughing at something and he stayed there entertained by the crowd and what they were telling him. He stood out the most out of everyone.

Few of his guys checked me out in a not-so-subtle way.

I was ready to walk by when suddenly a girl from the other class jumped out in front of me.

"Hey Russo. Haven't seen you in a while."

"Heeey." Oh shoot.

I stopped to say hello.

"Did you manage to.." She started chatting about something and while normally I was happy to engage in a conversation, today was not the day.

What if he goes inside and I miss this opportunity to pass by?

I glanced towards the window just to make sure he was still there, but we locked eyes.

He noticed me.

I instantly looked back down.

Damn it, he caught me looking.

"I am so glad to see you." I smiled at her, trying to seem fully engaged in the conversation and not at all at him. "We should catch up for coffee after school one of these days."

"Uh I wish but my mom will kill me.." She continued explaining.

I looked up again and this time I locked eyes with him. He was already looking at me. He reverted his head instantly and laughed at something his friend said.

I know you don't laugh like that. It's obvious you were looking this way.

"Do you still hang out with Shay?" She asked me.

"yeah of course." I answered.

"Can you ask her if she can get the autograph of this one model if she ever meets her.. I .."

I looked up, trying to see if he was still looking at me.

He was looking at something his friend was showing him on the phone. When he was done looking, his eyes glanced at me and I instantly looked away.

"I will ask Shay." I promised her.

The school bell rang signifying the start of the classes.

Oh shoot. The plan!!!!

Before he got back to class, I have to leave first. I have to be the one to leave first.

"I have to go now. I'll talk to you later." I told her and looked up.

Oh no, no no.. They were ready to leave.

I sped up as fast as I could without sparing him a glance and managed to walk inches away from him, slightly brushing my shoulder on his chest as he was heading to enter his classroom.

I was so close I could smell the cologne he wore.

Chin up, walk straight.

I managed to look like a model walking on a runway, while I was in sight.

The moment I turned a corner, I rushed like a madwoman to get to class on time.

It didn't go exactly to plan, but phase one was complete in a way.

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