Little Wicked Game (2021)

By KatherineYork7

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This is a story for everyone who loves Blair Waldorf ~Russo Amore has everything a girl might want...all exc... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 : Epilogue

Chapter 1

2.1K 141 302
By KatherineYork7

It was quite cold outside and I could see my breath in the air. I stuck my hands between my legs over the skirt, trying to keep them warm. Shay pulled out the two seasonal fruit salads and placed them next to her.

There was a bit of sun, shining over the school as well and the tiny garden where Shay and I sat during lunchtime.

It was a beautiful day, and despite the bit of disagreement I had with my English teacher about how my opinion on Hamlet during today's class can be wrong when it's my opinion, I was dedicated to having a good day.

Shay had told me all about the glamorous fashion outfits and bags she got, working part-time as a model and I was contemplating which one to borrow first.

But just like I had jinxed it, the most despicable person I knew passed by our spot.

Her presence alone, spites me. Her walking gives me the most irritating chills and those shoes..well those were okay but.. Her whole demeanor was enough to ruin my day.

It was my biggest nemesis.


Elif Bradberry.

There are many popular and smart girls in the school. All of them were pretty, smart, charming, all of them with their unique characteristics, but my biggest enemy was Bradberry.

Because Bradberry has everything I want. She's the student body president. The one who runs the school.

The position holds power in the school like no other. You run the school government and tomorrow you can run the world.

In a private school like mine, having that position was like making a name for yourself before you put yourself out there in the world. It was like the coronation of a young heir.

And Bradberry wore the crown that I deserved.

It just wasn't fair. She was already a senior. She had her fun all these years. Now it was time for someone new to reign the school.

And what better person than me.

The worst thing was Bradberry didn't even know I existed. She walked with her head held high, laughing with her friends in a snobbish way.

I was staring at her so intensely that I could feel the inner corners of my eyes burning.

If any outsiders could see it, they would write it off like jealousy, but Shay knew exactly why I was so passionate about it.

It was my biggest secret, biggest weakness and fear. But also my motivation for striving for the top.

"She's gone now." Shay pulled my hand down. I had unawarely squeezed the fork in a tight grip.

"Oi, if looks could kill." Shay referred to my villainous glare.

I blinked twice, getting myself back to reality and stabbed a grape in the fruit salad, shoving it in my mouth. "I'm almost done with preparations.It will all pay off in the long-term."

"We've established that." Shay nodded, losing interest.

I clenched my fist. "I will make her weep. I'm going to crush her so hard that my name will echo in her ears with despair."

"Okay there, evil mastermind. Have another grape." Shay handed me another piece.

I shoved it in my mouth swearing vengeance.

"Let's go back to the classroom." Shay suggested. "Any more of this cold weather and you'll turn into an ice queen."

I broke into a smile. "But that's a look worthy of my exterior.. I bet I can still pull off. Conceal don't feel. "

Shay hugged me laughing her ass off. "Come on you weirdo. Let's get you back to class."

We went back to the classroom where today, like every time, twice a week, our classes shared a classroom for a joined subject.

It was noisy as always and crowded.

Shay sat next to the window bit closer to the teacher's desk, while I was a bit further down in the middle row.

While everyone was still chatting, I secretly pulled out my book Art of War and continued reading while munching on a cupcake one of my classmates gave me. Like all great leaders, I know that in order to win the war you have to have knowledge, tactics, and know your enemy.

Instead of just listing through it, I read it as if my life depended on it. I studied each paragraph like a soul mission.

There was nothing in the world that could stop a woman from her ambitions. Not in this era.

And I would be damn stupid if I didn't use that opportunity.

I used every arsenal at my disposal. Good reputation. Beauty. Great marks. Talents. Charisma. I didn't let any one of these strengths go to waste.

"Art of war.." Luca leaned on my desk and read my highlighted paragraph. "All warfare is based on deception."

I closed the book shut. Did he know of my intentions? Have my plans for world domination been revealed?

"The person who succeeds despite all obstacles will have their reputation soar and their enemies will quake in fear. " He said with great mystery and then smiled. "It's a great book."

This was the third time he has proven to be worthy to become a military strategist.

Luca was one of my classmates that I was very fond of.

He was quiet and a bit passive, but he was well-liked by others. He never attempted to, but he was funny and he seemed to care about others too.

The teachers all found him charming. Some of the girls were probably crushing on him even though he wasn't that hot nor cute.

But that's not why I found him interesting. Not only was he incredibly smart and perceptive, but he stayed out of everyone's business and knew how to keep a secret.

He was probably a very calculated guy and did his best to stay on the low while being friendly to everyone and enjoying his day-to-day high school life, despite being capable of so much more.

I appreciated his subtlety and way of life.

"Have you read it?" I pointed at the book.

"I have." He answered.

Oh, this was perfect. "And what do you think about it? Can it be used in today's time?"

He was distracted for a bit and then looked back at me. "Yes. Times change, but people don't. If you understand the crucial parts, anything it's possible."

It was exactly what I wanted to hear.

He left after that and stood by the teacher's desk talking to one of his friends, while waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Intrigued by him even more, I observed him further.

For a while now, I was looking for someone who could help me out.

While Shay was of great help and I learned new things every day, I needed one more person who understood the cruel but necessary survival traits in high school.

He would be a great help to have around.

But how to win him over to my side?

If there is one thing I learned about people I wanted to befriend is that I had to do something for them first, to get something I want from them. People can sense when others want to use them or get something from them. Instead, I always made sure I could do something for the other person.

So what could a simple guy like Luca want?

As he was talking, Luca's eyes shifted to the front row where Shay was sitting. In fact, his seat was right in front of hers and while one might have thought he was looking at his seat, to the perceptive eyes like mine, I could tell exactly what and where he was looking at.

Ohooo.. Interesting. Very interesting.

I spent the rest of the class, glancing back and forward at Luca.

He would use every opportunity to turn around and talk to Shay. Borrowing her pen, asking her for something, taking the time to explain something she might have missed in class. She seemed vaguely interested but also quick to disregard Luca. Looks like she hasn't noticed his crush on her.

It meant he was really good at hiding his intentions. Very subtly, he got his point across when he was talking to her without revealing that he liked her. It was a skill not many guys had. It's usually easy to tell when someone likes you.

Who could blame him for wanting to get with her. Shay was gorgeous. She was polite and calm. She had a very seductive sort of energy, she let out unknowingly. It was blowing hot and cold depending on her mood of the day, and it drove the guys crazy.

I tapped the pen over her desk. Luca liked Shay, but it didn't seem like he knew how to cross the line between them. He was stuck in the classmate zone. That was his weak spot.

As the bell rang I grabbed her bag and went after Luca, but Shay stopped me..

"Meet me at the East Feast cafe after school." She said. "I have something to tell you."

I gave her a confirming nod and ran out of the classroom to reach Luca.

"Luca wait.." I yelled after him. If I can use this opportunity..

As I took a step in the hallway, I suddenly walked past Bradberry. It was like everything turned into slow motion.

(Russo's theme song. Imagine this playing everytime she meets Bradberry 😂)

I slowed down my tempo of walking and I could see Bradberry from the corner of my eye.

Others moved out of their way for Bradberry and her friends.

They made their way in the hall, smiling as if they ruled the world.

Something flipped a switch in me. I turned around and headed towards Bradberry. My feet walked on their own. I wanted to shake her with a look. Tell her I was after her position and to fear me.

Just in that moment Shay left the classroom and managed to grab me.

"Leave it." She ordered.

I tried getting my arm out of Shay's grip, but Shay stood in front of me, glaring intensely. "I said drop it."

Once I calmed down, Shay released her grip. "You've been patient for so long. Don't ruin everything. You'll get there. You'll reign supreme."

I was about to say something, but Shay's eyes looked up.

"Are you eavesdropping?" She said harshly.

I turned around and saw Luca.

"I just heard Russo yelling after me.." He said bit taken by surprise.

"Well she can't talk now." She grabbed and dragged me away.

I glanced back at poor Luca.

He didn't know Shay was only angry because she worried about me.

"I'm fine, Shay." I said, after we were in the clear.

"You're getting impatient lately." Shay crossed her arms. "You went through so much trouble just to get to where you are today. It seems like yesterday when you were just a frail girl. Don't get angry at me for saying this and stopping you."

"First of all, I was never frail. I was just...blind to my potential." I gave Shay a comforting smile. "As for getting angry at you.. Girl. I know you mean well. Even in the past, you gave me strength when I needed it the most. You're the only one I trust after myself."

I gave her a hug.

I had sworn to be loyal to Shay for the rest of her life. When I was a nobody and had gotten into highschool after middle school, Shay who was just starting out in her modeling and knew a bit about make-up and styling had transformed me from a plain girl into a stylish beauty queen. But most importantly she gave me a pep talk.

Why live life doubting yourself, pleasing others, going yes sir, no ma'am, when you can love yourself more and live the life of your dreams.

It was the moment my life goal was created. It was like a light bulb turned on over my head. It felt right.  I was born to live the life I wanted.

And I studied like crazy on how to become the likable figure I was today. From Shay's advice, to reading books on famous leaders, women in history, politicians and movie stars and how they captured the audience's eyes and charmed them. I was dedicated to it all.

Shay was right, I can't run now. Not when I had slowly been rising to fame in my school. Everything had to be well-timed, and I needed an opportunity to strike for Bradberry's position.

"Good thing you stopped me." I admitted. "I'm not ready yet for a declaration of war. I need more power first. I need the perfect timing and opportunity."

"Well good thing I found out something that might be of help." Shay smiled. "It might just be the perfect opportunity you're looking for.."

"Tell me." I grabbed her hands.

"We'll meet after school as we agreed and I will tell you all about it then." Shay smiled.

What sort of groundbreaking information was this?

Hi everyone. The new story is finally here. Oh my gosh 😍😍 I can't wait for you to enjoy this one.

If you're new, hi. You're in for a ride ❤❤

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