The Reader and Protagonist De...

By Ur_sis_Belle

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An internet troll who wanted attention, the reader criticized his favorite web novel, saying: "The protagonis... More

Chapter 1.1 - Reαder: Ι αm α blαςk pσωδer fαn
Chapter 1.2 - Rεαdεr: I αm α blαςκ fαn
Chαρtεr 2. 1 - Αυthσr: ... Unδεrstσσδ
Chαρtεr 2. 2 - Αυthσr: ... Unδεrstσσδ
Chapter 3.1 - Reader: I crossed over into another world...
Chapter 3.2 - Reader: I crossed over into another world...
Chapter 4: Reader: meow~
Chapter 5 - Protagonist: ......
Chapter 6 - Reader / Protagonist: "MUA"
Chapter 7 - Reader: This is not the undead ... Too handsome, it's unscientific!
Main Characters Profile
Chapter 8 - Protagonist: ... Come here.
Chapter 9 Author: Three years flew by.
Chapter 10 - Author: The space-time corridors of the past and future
Chapter 11 - ???: You'll never find him!
Chapter 12 - The way I grabbed people must be wrong!
Chapter 13 - Reader: This young man won't give this cutie to you!
Chapter 14 - Protagonist: I will hold you tight
Chapter 15 - Protagonist: Do not leave my line of sight.
Chapter 16 - Reader: I have not betrayed you.
Chapter 17 - Protagonist: He is mine
Chapter 18 - Protagonist: Give it back to me
Chapter 19 - Doujinshi: Yoooooo ~ ⚠️NSFW⚠️
Chapter 20 - Reader/Protagonist: Don't make a fuss
Chapter 21 - Protagonist: What's this situation?
Chapter 22 - Author: In YY novels, lilies can be straightened
Chapter 23 - Reader: I've already taken off my pants, and this is what you show
Chapter 24 - Author: The Flame Lord's fighting power is only 5.
Chapter 25 - Author: That is the proper use of Storage Rings
Chapter 26 Reader: Soak in the hot springs, talk about life
Chapter 27 Reader: Tempting color
Chapter 28 - Protagonist: Let's make a bet
Chapter 29 Reader: Protagonist, you little devil!
Chapter 30 - Author: As long as you have 998, you can bring a god beast home.
Chapter 31 - Protagonist: Hold me then sit on it.
Chapter 32 - Reader: Study hard and make progress every day.
Chapter 33 - Protagonist: I really want to make a chain and shackle you to me.
Part 1 Special Episode: Four Years
Part 2 Special Episode: Four Years
Chapter 34 - Author: Choose a good rival, this is a lifetime thing.
Chapter 35 - Reader: A dialogue option triggered a bloodbath.
Chapter 36 - Reader: Once upon a time there was an elf princess who fell
Chapter 37 - Reader: I don't know enough about him yet.
Chapter 38 - Protagonist: You will eventually come back to me.
Chapter 39 - Reader: The elves were face-slapped by the author's malice
Chapter 40 - Reader: This close friend is troublesome.
Chapter 41 - Author: Only a pure person can touch a unicorn.
Chapter 42 - Reader/Protagonist: I'll accept this task.
Chapter 43 - Reader: Wine can warm you up.
Chapter 44 - Reader: (LOL)
Vhapter 45 - Reader: Selling out teammates
Chapter 46 - Protagonist: Because it's you.
Chapter 47 - Author: Time separates this pair of lovers.
Chapter 48 - Protagonist: I wanted to do this a long time ago.
Chapter 49 - Protagonist: Don't touch him.
Chapter 50 - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love
Chapter 51 - Protagonist: The one month deadline is now.
Chapter 52 - Reader: I was applying medicine. ⚠️ NSFW⚠️
Chapter 53 - Reader: The call from the artifact.
Chapter 54 - Reader: Is this something that a man would do?
Chapter 55 - Reader: I think I can salvage the situation. ⚠️ NSFW ⚠️
Chapter 56 Protagonist: Don't be afraid of me.
Chapter 57 - Reader: You can't disappear.
Chapter 58 - Reader: Feel good
Chapter 59 - Protagonist: How can a person become a god?
Chapter 60 - Reader: My buddies and I were stunned.
Chapter 61 - Protagonist: I will kill my former self.
Chapter 62 - The Rules: God Tower will be built.
Chapter 63 - Author: The Twilight of the Gods.
Chapter 64.1 - Reader: Coach, his equipment is not the same as mine!
Chapter 65 - Protagonist: I want to be with you forever.
Chapter 66 - Protagonist: Who are you thinking of? ⚠️ NSFW ⚠️
Chapter 67 - Tower of God: Demon God Arena
Chapter 68 - Reader: Eat, sleep, compete.
Chapter 69 Tower of God: The Undead Scourge
Chapter 70 - Reader: People who do not court disaster will not die
Chapter 71 - Protagonist: What are you looking at?
Chapter 72 - Tower of God: The Temple of Knowledge.
Chapter 73.1 - Protagonist: Are you comforting me?
Chapter 74 - The law: A fool cannot survive.
Chapter 75 - Tower of God: The Dragon's Cave.
Chapter 76 - Protagonist: Do you have someone you like?
Chapter 77 - Tower of God: Fairy Illusion
Chapter 78 : Reader: Why give up treatment? (Continuation)
Special Episode: Mid-Autumn Festival
Chapter 79 - The Tower of God: Battle Hymn of Fury
Chapter 80.1 - Tower of God: Gnome Ruins
Chapter 80: Tower of God: Gnome Ruins (Continuation)
Chapter 81.1 - Protagonist: New skill get.
Chapter 81.2 - Protagonist: New skill get.⚠️ NSFW⚠️
Chapter 81 - Protagonist: New skill get. (Continuation)
Chapter 82 Reader: These shoddy products are no good.
Chapter 83 - Reader: Shame Play.
Chapter 84 - Tower of God: The Sky City.
Chapter 85 - A Passion for Candor
Chapter 86 - Doujinshi: These are the two most shameless people it has ever seen
DOUJINSHI: The are the most shameless people it has ever seen ⚠️ NSFW⚠️
Chapter 86 - (Continuation)
Chapter 87 - Protagonist: This will be great, let's do it
Chapter 88 - Protagonist: Do you believe me?
Chapter 89 - Protagonist: He is not me.
Chapter 90 - Protagonist: I have special customs clearance skills.
Chapter 91 - Reader: This world is a novel
Chapter 92 - Reader: I want to see you become God.
- The End -
Chapter 94: EXTRA 1: FEAST ⚠️ NSFW⚠️
Extra 2: Mid-Autumn Festival
Extra 3: Devil's Proof

Chapter 93 Finale:The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

444 16 3
By Ur_sis_Belle

Tick Tock – Tick Tock –

That was the sound of the clock. The clock in his room had always had a bit of a problem. Whenever he sets the alarm, its sound becomes very loud.

Du Ze stared at the clock. The doujinshi fell to the floor in his room and Du Ze felt a strange feeling that he doesn’t describe.

He really returned.

The clock’s hands were moving. He couldn’t tell from looking at it whether much time had passed or not – all he experienced in that world now seemed to be unreal. Du Ze walked to his computer. His mind was blank. There were no thoughts in his head; he was like a robot that was moving based on his programming. He opened the “Mixed Blood” webpage. At the bottom of the page was the “latest update” and it was still the chapter where Xiu attacked the Sky City then fell down into the sea, no one knew if he was dead or alive. The computer’s calendar showed that it was still the day before the end of the world.

It seems like nothing has changed.

The protagonist is still the protagonist and the reader is still the reader.

Du Ze read the comments under the latest chapter. Many readers were speculating about what adventures the protagonist would have after that chapter. No one thought that the protagonist was really dead. Du Ze looked at the comments and felt a faint trace of pride amidst the pain.

He knew that Xiu would fall right into the Dragon Island hidden underneath the sea. He will get the artifact, the dragon spear. He will awaken his dragon bloodline then sign a Dragon Knight contract with a black dragon.

He knew that after the war of the gods, Xiu will meet the fox girl Nina and will awaken his beastkin blood during the ritual. Then he will have his first battle with the god of light.

He knew that when all the gods were dead, a Tower of God would be built and Xiu would climb it to become the Supreme God.

He knew everything because he had gone through it with Xiu.

As a reader, he should be satisfied …

Is that so? Since tomorrow is the day of the Mayan Prophecy, many readers were discussing the end of the world.

(TN: The ancient Mayan calendar reached the end of an almost 400-year cycle, called the 13th Bak’tun, on December 21, 2012. Unlike other cycles, however, at that time the calendar did not move on to the next Bak’tun. Rather, it reset itself back to zero. This gave rise to the idea that December 21, 2012 would be the end of the world.)

His mind went blank for a while and when he regained his consciousness, Du Ze found that he had written a comment and sent it.

[Internet User: Du Ze comment: “Mixed Blood”, Rating: 1, Chapter 275 Review: The angry protagonist couldn’t endure the author’s abuse anymore so he came to this world; he killed the author and destroyed the world while doing so.]

Du Ze stared at the comment then closed his eyes because he couldn’t bear to look at it anymore.

You want to see him.

That’s all you want.



“… He climbed the Tower of God, became the Supreme God, and created a new era. Under the Supreme God’s guidance, the Chaos Continent was at peace and all races live in harmony.” The demon teacher closed “The Primal Chaos Epic” book that he was using to teach his students. “Make a note of this. It will be in the test.”

At that, the sleepy students began to stir. A demon boy stretched his body and said: “But I can’t imagine that, teacher.”

The demon boy carelessly flung his arms around a nearby student. “The angels and the demons were once enemies … what do you think about that Theo?”

“Let go!” The angel tried to wriggle away from the demon. His expression was unhappy as he protested: “You’re squeezing my wings.”

“Teacher,” said a vampire in the back who raised a hand. “I heard that the Supreme God was once a student here, is that true?”

The big classroom suddenly became quiet as the students settled down to hear the answer. The demon teacher pushed his reading glasses up then looked at the students who had pricked up their ears to listen. The little b***ards could be serious in class? The teacher nodded and said: “Yes, this Magic School is famous because of that. Many admire this school for it … As a teacher, I have to tell you that this rumor doesn’t really reflect well on us – the Magic School expelled the God.”

The students exclaimed in surprise and the teacher continued: “In the past, people were ignorant and judged others simply because of the differences in races. Therefore, the Supreme God was persecuted – they almost killed the future Supreme God!”

All of the students were transfixed and the teacher’s stern gaze swept over the angels and demons, who took notes seriously, as well as the other races. “Please cherish your present life and your friends. If you compare today’s situation with that of the past, you will realize how much happier life is now.”

“All this is because of the Supreme God’s blessing.”

“That’s all for today’s class, tomorrow we will discuss ‘A Guide to Fusion Magic’.”


A hand gently closed “A Guide to Fusion Magic” then stuffed it back into the bookshelf. The Supreme God of the world looked at his hands. The fingers were long; each slight movement betrayed immense, terrifying strength. He has great power – everyone knows that – but strength is often inversely proportional to one’s degree of happiness.

Now no one came to take his hand. No one came to comfort him.

[When we leave this tower, we can go back. Whatever you haven’t done, I will do it with you.]

He returned to the school, finished learning the things he hadn’t been able to learn before, but the place by his side was empty.

——He has everything except for that person.

The young and handsome God stood in front of the bookshelf. His surroundings were too empty, revealing powerlessness and sorrow. Dark shadows mixed with grief, submerging the lifeless silhouette of the man.

The wild lands in the east, the boundless ocean in the west, the cold lands in the north, the Elven Forest in the south, the next place to check is … the Lost Land in the center.

The Supreme God’s feet touched the ice crystal ground. The enormous pillar of light was visible from afar, like an ancient, permanent feature of the landscape.

After the Tower of God collapsed, the Chaos Continent reverted to its original appearance, including the Lost Land.

——He fled to the Lost Land and there he met the person who looked exactly the same.

The Supreme God looked at the abandoned temple. His dark blue eyes reflected the image of the broken statue. He walked over to it and fell down heavily at its base, like he did that time when he could no longer move.

Can’t find…

I can’t find him…

Searching for countless millennia, searching every inch of the Chaos Continent – he is the most powerful person in the world and is the Supreme God, but he can’t find even the slightest trace of his most important person, it’s …

It’s ridiculous. The Supreme God closed his eyes. He sat quietly at the base of the statue, motionless.

If someone were to hear the voice of his heart, that someone would be overcome with despair.

He lost a person, someone he loved with an extreme passion and cherished as someone more important than his life.

That person would always say that he believed in him, that he will accompany him to do whatever he wanted, that if he would be his worshiper if he became a god, that he would fulfill his wishes. That person said “meow” at their first meeting…

“Meow ~”

Suddenly, the Supreme God heard a very soft sound, like a beautiful hallucination.

He opened his eyes. A nine-tailed god beast was looking at him from a distance. Its eyes showed both hope and fear – the desire to approach but also the fear of his power.

Seeing the Supreme God open his eyes, the nine-tailed monster’s ears drooped as fear won over. It ran away.

The Supreme God looked calmly at the retreating god beast. He stretched out a hand to cover his eyes and hoarse laughter overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

As expected…not there…

That person will not come to save him again, will not appear next to him.

“You can’t find him. Whatever you do, you will never be able to find him.”

The voice was full of malice and his next words were full of unspeakable temptation.

“As I said before: If you destroy the world, I’ll give him back to you – in the whole world, only I know where he is.”


The Supreme God was silent for a while. He then slowly lowered his hand, revealing eyes that were drowning in madness and despair.

…Destroy the world?

He lost his most important person, why not go mad?

He lost his most important person, why not…destroy the world?

“Du Ze…” Xiu raised his head, his golden hair slid down and landed on the corners of his mouth. He seemed to reach out to someone who wasn’t there. For the first time, he looked weak, as though the slightest touch would break him. “I told you – you have to look at me. If you don’t look at me, I don’t know what I will do.”

——I will destroy the world?

——You mustn’t do that

So stop me, even if you have to kill me to stop me.

The light that represented destruction appeared at his fingertips and the world’s Supreme God smiled a smile that was more sorrowful than tears. “I want to see you, Du Ze.”


Perhaps you didn’t know how much he loves him.

But you can hear it.

When he lost him.

Those heartbreaking cries of grief.

—— Excerpt from ???


“—— ! !”

Du Ze jerked his head up and stared at the glowing computer monitor in front of him. Cold sweat was pouring down his cheeks and a his heart was almost jumping out of his throat. He didn’t know when he had fallen asleep and started dreaming.

The protagonist of his dream was Xiu. That person was looking for him. He searched in countless places, using countless different methods – Xiu even attempted to resurrect the God of Creation. However, the God of Creation was gone and all Xiu could do was to gather a fragment of his consciousness. That last little bit of consciousness was the God of Creation’s malice; because of the God of Creation’s hatred of Xiu, this small fragment remained in the world.

In order harm Xiu, the fragment said to him: If you destroy the world, I’ll give him back to you

So Xiu really did it.

In the midst of the shattered pieces of the Chaos Continent, Xiu held on tightly to that consciousness and eagerly asked: “You promised that if I destroyed the world, you would give him back to me. I’ve destroyed the world, so give him back!”

That fragment of consciousness smiled treacherously. The more pain his enemy feels, the happier he is.

“The world was destroyed by you, ha ha, I lied to you!” Every word was dripping with venom and malice. “To tell you the truth, he is gone. You have lost him completely! Hahahahaha – you can never find him! Hahaha! Ugh – “

Xiu tried to stop him from speaking but even when that consciousness was in agony he wouldn’t stop his mad laughter. Finally, he shouted a taunt: “So what if you become the Supreme God?! In the entire world – you’re the only one left!”

That last scream was still ringing in Du Ze’s head as he sat on the chair. His hands and feet were cold: The only one left? The only one – did Xiu really kill everyone and destroy the world?

That person gave up.

He knew that is was a trap but since there was a glimmer of hope, that person was willing to destroy the world – the Time and Space Corridors showed the same scene. That person will be forced into a desperate situation.

At the end of his dream, Xiu destroyed that consciousness. Xiu was left standing all alone amidst the shattered pieces of the broken world, standing in endless darkness and solitude.

In order to escape from a dreadful foreboding feeling, Du Ze tried to convince himself that it was only a dream He forced himself to divert his attention to something else: The computer screen’s clock showed that it was 11:50. He had slept for three hours.

Knowing Yi Ye Zhi Qiu’s habits, there should be an update at this time.

Du Ze moved his cursor to the “Mixed Race” webpage. As his eyes focused on a line of text, it was as though he had fallen into a vat of ice. His breath stopped in his throat when he saw the words on the webpage.

[Author’s Announcement: Thank you for supporting Yi Ye Zhi Qiu but Qiu has decided to stop writing.]

This message caused a commotion, not just among the readers, but also among the editorial staff. Qiu’s editor Jinyi quickly grabbed his mouse and jumped into QQ chat.

EditorJinYi: Are you there? Are you there? Are you there?!!!

EditorJinYi: I must have opened it the wrong way! You said you wanted to abandon it?

EditorJinYi: Is anyone there? *buzz* Hey, you big shot!

Jinyi tried to find Qiu’s contact information while trying to get a response from QQ chat. He swore to himself that if he found that f*cker’s address, he would get on a plane and fly there to hang himself at the door of Yi Ye Zhi Qiu’s house.

Jinyi persevered until Yi Ye Zhi Qiu finally answered.

YiYeZhiQiu: Ha-ha.

See the iconic “ha-ha”, Jinyi was so mad that he almost choked. He felt as though behind those words was a f*cking sh*t.

EditorJinYi: … Every time I see you write haha, I want to smack! smack! smack you.

EditorJinYi: No, tell me your previous message is not true.

YiYeZhiQiu: It’s true.

EditorJinYi:…… Why don’t you want to write?

YiYeZhiQiu: Tomorrow is the end of the world.

The end of the world, your sister – !!!

The other editors watched with frightened eyes as Jinyi took a deep breath and put the keyboard down.

EditorJinYi: The end of the world hasn’t arrived yet. I think your doomsday is coming. [knife]

YiYeZhiQiu: Haha.

EditorJinYi:…… Boss, you really want to use that excuse? I don’t know you were the type of person who would believe in the end of the world so naively!

EditorJinYi: Give me a good reason!

Yi Ye Zhi Qiu glanced what Jinyi had typed in the QQ chat window. He moved his hand slightly and he accidentally clicked on his mouse and saw “Du Zi’s” comment. After reading it, Yi Ye Zhi Qiu was happy since he had found a good excuse.

Yi Ye Zhi Qiu: Well, the protagonist found out that I was the one responsible for abusing him so he climbed out of the novel to kill me.

The ellipses that Jinyi typed filled the whole chat window.

EditorJinYi: Acting cute! Shame on you!

YiYeZhiQiu: Haha.

EditorJinYi: You really don’t want to write?

YiYeZhiQiu: Yeah.

EditorJinYi: Hey, tell me what happened after that. The cliffhanger is inhumane.

YiYeZhiQiu: Next is the new era, the battle of the gods.

EditorJinYi: f*ck it. Ugh, you unexpectedly abandoned your work.

YiYeZhiQiu: It doesn’t have much to do with the main character.

EditorJinYi: Hey? What’s next?

YiYeZhiQiu: The Twilight of the Gods.

F*ck that just made me want to read it even more! Jinyi’s curiosity was greatly aroused so he tried to convince Yi Ye Zhi Qiu to write again.

He glanced at the clock on the lower left corner of his computer screen. Good, it was almost 12 o’clock.

He glanced at the lower-left time, very well, it was almost 12 o’clock.

EditorJinYi: Are you still alive?

YiYeZhiQiu: Ha-ha.

EditorJinYi: Congratulations, comrade Yi Ye Zhi Qiu, you made it survived the prophesied apocalypse! Please hurry up and update your novel.

YiYeZhiQiu: NASA says 2013 is the end of the world.

EditorJinYi: …

Seeing a new round of excuses, Jinyi realized that it was hopeless. He knows from previous experience that this ha-ha beast probably really doesn’t intend to continue writing.

EditorJinYi: Alright, but for the sake of our long friendship, at least tell me why you suddenly stopped writing?

The chat window showed that Qiu was “typing a response” but nothing happened for a long time.

YiYeZhiQiu: I can’t write, there is “life” in the other worldcaf342fh2#@


EditorJinYi: What are you doing? Are you mashing your face on the keyboard?

Did Yi Ye Zhi Qiu get disconnected? Jinyi was puzzled and was going to ask what happened when he finally saw the response.

YiYeZhiQiu: …

Jinyi was frightened when he saw that series of ellipses. Ye Zhi Qiu was the type of person who made other people “…” but he who could make this ha-ha beast do the “…”?

YiYeZhiQiu: The protagonist really appeared.

EditorJinYi: What? Do you mean that your family’s protagonist really crawled out of the novel because of what you typed?

YiYeZhiQiu: Yes.

Jinyi stared at the “Yes” for five minutes before replying.

EditorJinYi: The protagonist is there? Are you okay?

YiYeZhiQiu: He took a look at me then went away, ha-ha.

EditorJinYi:: …

EditorJinYi: Boss, don’t stop taking your meds. This is reality, not a novel.

Yi Ye Zhi Qiu stood in front of the computer and glanced at the overturned chair. Then he slowly typed the last sentence: “Who knows, maybe we’re in a novel.”

(Uploader: *Le GaSp* he knows! He knows! *Ehem* don't break the fourth wall!)


Du Ze stared at the author’s announcement. He stared at it until his eyes started hurting but the fact that Yi Ye Zhi Qiu had abandoned the novel didn’t change.

He had been naive enough to think that even if he couldn’t be with him, at least he had “Mixed Blood” so he would still be able to watch over that person.

Even if no one else reads it, in a way he will still be with Xiu as he lives his life.

But now even this little bit of happiness was not to be.

Does he have to say farewell to “Mixed Blood,” the protagonist, and Xiu?

“… Why are you crying?”

Is he crying? Du Ze wondered. Then he suddenly froze.

… ?!

Du Ze wanted to turn but just as he was about to look behind him, he stopped.

He dared not turn around. He was afraid that if he looked behind him, a beautiful hallucination would be broken.

Seeing Du Ze standing in front of the computer, the man behind him sighed but the sound was like a laugh. The sound of footsteps came and a hand lightly grasped the back of Du Ze’s neck with a familiar, heartbreaking intensity and warmth.

Du Ze was as silent as a rock as he stared at the computer screen, which reflected the image of a blond youth. The page “Mixed Blood” on the screen completely framed the image of two people.

The reader and the protagonist.

Du Ze and Xiu.

His left hand was lifted up and something circled his finger tightly. Du Ze looked down at the silver-blue ring. When he returned, the ring from that world was gone but now it was once again restored to its rightful place.

Xiu’s breath gently touched his ear: “Don’t leave again.”

Don’t leave it behind again.

——Don’t leave me again.

His chest was overflowing with emotions. Du Ze grabbed Xiu’s arm. The warmth of that touch made him feel that this was real. Du Ze was in a daze and said what he was thinking out loud: “It’s real…”

He knew that his words sounded silly, but there was only tenderness in that person’s smile.

Xiu embraced Du Ze. Xiu’s handsome appearance was not the same as before. It was layered with an indescribable something – the accumulation of countless years. He spent billions of years in the darkness until he was finally reunited with this person.

The truth of the world was so simple yet so complex.

Xiu waved a finger slightly and a line of light blue text appeared in midair. “I promised I would make this story a reality.”

—— Du Ze and Xiu will be together forever.

Du Ze stared at the words, his heart beating faster and faster until his blood seemed to boil. Without being told, he understood that Xiu knew everything now.

Du Ze looked at Xiu. That person’s emotions were hidden in his deep blue eyes making others unable to see the bottomless and powerful affection that they contained. “… Does this story have a title?”

“What do you want to call it?”

Xiu kissed Du Ze’s black hair and his voice was full of the desire to indulge his beloved.

Once there was a reader who got transported into the world of his favorite novel. He met the protagonist and finally they can be together forever because …

Du Ze leaned his head against Xiu’s chest and listened to the familiar heartbeat. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly. “The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love."

(Uploader:.... Anyways so- you guys should definitely check out the vid from the start of this chapter cuz the dedication of it's creator should be known I had to search for the YouTube video of it since it was originally in bilibili. If you can't see the vid on top of this chapter this is the link to the youtube vid:

Have fun and take care guys, mwah mwah 💕

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