the best of me ⎪eren jaeger

By arminplzjust1chance

31.7K 1K 978

↬eren j. ⎪ ❝ You are my favorite place ❞ Giving your apartment to Eren, a boy of your friend group, didn't s... More

✿chapter one - new experience
✿chapter two - eren's laugh
✿chapter three - my favorite place
✿chapter four - i think the same about you
✿chapter five - the only photo we have together
✿chapter seven - pretty
✿chapter eight - a ray of sunshine
✿chapter nine - lies
✿chapter ten - bad memories
✿chapter eleven - the other side of the party
✿chapter twelve - hidden feelings
✿chapter thirteen - the same as before
✿chapter fourteen -indifference
✿chapter fifteen - explanations
✿chapter sixteen - new priorities
❀chapter seventeen - moving
❀chapter eighteen - excuses
❀chapter nineteen - the bookshop
❀chapter twenty - forgotten
❀chapter twenty one - halloween's secrets
❀chapter twenty-two - those little details
❀chapter twenty-three - the best for you
❀chapter twenty-four - confessions
❀chapter twenty-five - between pages
❀chapter twenty-six - Shiganshina Park
❀chapter twenty-seven - I know who you are
✾chapter twenty-eight - first date
✾chapter twenty-nine - sleepover
✾chapter thirty - different perspectives
✾chapter thirty-one - blaming
✾chapter thirty-two - unrecovered memories
✾chapter thirty-three - the first day of the last month
✾chapter thirty-four - looking at the moon
✾chapter thirty-five - lights off
❁chapter thirty-six - stranger
❁chapter thirty-seven - the worst of me
❁chapter thirty-eight - past and present
❁chapter thirty-nine - repeat
❁chapter forty - true colors
❁chapter forty-one - stay there
❁chapter forty-two - always guilty

✿chapter six - anything that is in our hands

952 39 28
By arminplzjust1chance

You woke up at 7:15 am, meaning that you had one hour to get ready and be at school. You did what you usually did in school mornings: go to the bathroom, washing your face, do your makeup and choosing your outfit for that day. You decided to wear some mom jeans with an oversized white shirt. For breakfast, you ate some pancakes and drank some orange juice, both of them prepared by you.

You took your school bag and the piece of cake and went to school. Weirdly, you didn't find any of your friends while going, so it was a silent and calm walk. This and also being still dark put you in a good mood. Can't believe I'm slightly happy at this hour. After 5 minutes, you passed through the apartment. You focused on the balcony, and through the window Eren could be seen, sitting in the couch, still eating his breakfast. You smiled, and in that moment, he looked at where you were. Your eyes widened, and before he could do or say anything, you started moving to school, which was a few meters away. Jean and Ymir were in the entry, waiting for the others to arrive.

"Morning guys", you greeted.

"Hello, y/n" Jean said, while Ymir moved her head.

In that moment, Annie, Connie, Marco, Sasha and Reiner appeared. You all said hi to each other while waiting for the rest.

After 5 minutes you could see Armin, Mikasa and Bertholdt heading to where all of you were while talking, next to Historia, who was showing something in the phone to Eren. "Yeah, can't wait to eat it today", you could hear the boy telling her.

"Hey guys", you said.

"Talking about you, I hope you brought that piece of cake", Historia told you and pointing to Eren with her hand, "this guy here has been asking me all the walk if you didn't forget about it".

You looked at Eren, confused. Now you two were the only ones who were part of this conversation, as Historia was talking now to Ymir. "Really?"

A bit of red appeared on the boy's cheeks. "Um, yeah. I don't know, I guess I'm hungry".

You laughed, starting walking through. "Well, yes, I brought it, but you'll have to wait until this afternoon".

Eren put his hand on his chin, acting like he was hardly thinking about it. "Mmmmm, I guess I can wait until that moment. By the way, I saw you before in front of the apartment. If you have told me, I would have gone with you to school".

Now you were the one who was blushing. Did our friendship actually change that much in like, what, 3 days? "Oh, yeah, I didn't want to bother you because you were still having breakfast".

"Next time just say it to me", he said, "what class do we have now?".

Suddenly, Reiner appeared. "Math with our favorite teacher!".

All of you entered in the class, Mr. Ackerman already waiting. "Hello, Levi!", both Sasha and Connie exclaimed.

"Tsk,", the man responded, "seat in your place already".

After everyone did what he just ordered, Mr. Ackerman took out of his bag a pack of papers. Not the exams of last week. "As you can guess, I already corrected your exams. Let's say that this class, in particular some students, has made me rethink about my job as a teacher".

"Are you actually going to leave this school after you have been telling that like about, I don't know, 2 years?", Ymir asked.

He looked straight at her. "No. What I was saying, there are very different grades, but surprisingly, only two of you have failed, which is actually disappointing".

"Purrr bestie, tell em!" you could hear Connie say from the back. You were in the second row, next to Bertholdt and Historia.

"In fact, I'm telling them. Connie, y/n, you are the ones who failed".

You looked at the back, seeing that Connie was already smiling, which made you do the same thing. "Let's fucking go!" you both shouted while laughing.

"I would be crying..." Historia whispered.

Mr. Ackerman handed out all of the exams. "What did you two got?", you asked Bertholdt and Historia.

"A- ", both answered.

"Damn, then it's me".

The day continued as usual. The next class was chemistry with Professor Hange, in which you did an experiment with Mikasa.

After a 30 minutes break, you had class with Mr. Shadis. All of you got dressed for it and went outside.

"Good morning, class", Mr. Shadis said.

"It's already afternoon", Connie corrected.

The teacher looked at him with an angry face. "Good AFTERNOON, class. Today we are going to play y/n's favorite sport..." NO. NOT.... "soccer!"

No fucking way. Playing soccer in this school was an authentic nightmare. Mikasa, Reiner and Ymir were like Elite players. It's not that you were bad at it, it's just that they were very good compared to you. Well, at least I have Historia and Sasha.

"Ok, we are organizing the teams". Shadis commanded. He decided that there will be 4 teams of 6, so there would be two matches playing at the same time. In your team, along with other classmates, there was Mikasa, Connie and Armin. The one who was playing against you was formed by Reiner, Eren, Sasha and 3 other people. Jean, Annie, Bertholdt, Ymir, Historia and Marco were in the other 2 teams. You all got in your positions, Sasha being in front of you. "We are gonna beat your ass", she threated you.

"I have no doubt", you replied, clearly scared.

"3, 2, 1... GO!" Shadis shouted. The game began. 

During the first two minutes you didn't even touch the ball. Damn, I hoped that I could even touch it one time. While thinking about that, you were hit from the back, which sent you to the floor. "y/n!", someone exclaimed. Who's saying my name?

You were on the floor, a bit dizzy, and seconds after, you saw Eren coming to your direction. "y/n! Can you hear me?" he asked you while helping you getting up.

"Yes, thank you. Who was it? You know, the one who hit me".

"It was Sasha, she is very excited because she is actually doing a good match", he explained.

You saw Sasha 2 meters away looking at you and saying sorry. "Oh, it's ok".

You continued to play the game. After 5 minutes, you found yourself in the other team's area. Mikasa kicked the ball, but Eren stopped it. However, he deflected it next to you. This is my opportunity. As well as your partner, you kicked the ball, but this time it entered in the network. "GOAL!" Connie shouted.

There is no way I just did that. "OH MY GOD!"

Everyone that was part of your team came to hugged you. "End of the game! 2-1, Mikasa's team wins", Mr. Shadis shouted.

"You did very good", someone said from behind. Thinking it was Sasha, you turned around. Eren?

You blushed. "... thank you", you muttered, while he was smiling at you. After that, the boy went to the opposite direction to talk with Mikasa, and you could feel a sharp pain in the back of your head, which Armin seemed to notice.

"We should go to the school infirmary", he suggested, which you agreed to. You two went to said place. After waiting for about 5 minutes, the school's nurse gave you a tablet to reduce your headache and told you to rest on one of the stretchers for a little while.

Armin got up of the chair he was sitting on. "I wish I could stay longer, but we have history class right now, and you know how Mr. Zachary hates us to be late".

You nodded. "No worries, I'll wait here until I can go. Thank you, Armin".

With that, you looked at the ceiling, with nothing to do. Boredom made your eyes close little by little, and without even realizing it, you fell asleep.

The first thing you could felt were some fingers touching your arm. "y/n, can you hear me?" I recognize this voice saying the same thing before. You turned your head to the right, and your eyes fell on others of an emerald color, which happily widened when they saw you have moved. "There you are", Eren whispered.

You closed your eyes, bothered by the intense light. "What are you doing here?", you asked, "You should be in class".

"Yes, but Armin told me you were here, and he didn't want to talk because Mr. Zachary was explaining something, so I didn't know how you were feeling".

That comment made you smile. "Well, now I'm much better. You should go to class now; I have to talk to the nurse so she can write a note saying I wasn't able to go in this hour".

He nodded and waved his hand, saying goodbye. Even after he was gone, you were still looking at the door through which he passed, smiling.

After the infirmary, you had lunch with everyone. You sat with Historia, Reiner, Connie and Sasha.

"So...", Reiner said, "You actually scored a goal today. Impressive".

You smiled. "Coming from you, I'll take that as a really big compliment. It wasn't me tho, Eren put the ball next to me, so I would be the worst at soccer if I didn't score it".

As you were talking, Jean sat next to you. "Hey guys", he said.

"Hey Jean!", Historia answered. "We were talking about soccer, which, by the way, we also won!", now she was talking to you.

You gave her a smile. "That's great".

You and Jean started talking about how the day was going so far, and the good time you both have had yesterday. "Hope we can do that again", he insinuated.

"Yes! It was really good", you said. When you looked around the cafeteria, you saw Eren looking at you. He was sitting with Mikasa, Armin, Bertholdt, Ymir, Marco and Annie. When he saw you were paying attention to him, he waved his hand while smiling. You did the same thing.

You had your last class before you went to Eren's apartment. It was art with Mrs. Magnolia. 

"Hi everyone!", she greeted all of you, "today we are going to do something that I think all of you would enjoy. You are going to paint the person who is next to you, but we have to use a range of colors that we associate them with".

"I love it", Historia, who was next to you, whispered.

You looked at her, analyzing her face. Pink? No, I don't really see it. She reminds me of... the sky. Also, she's always looking at it when we go out, like she's waiting for something.

You started painting her face. By the end of the hour, you both finished it. She gave you your portrait. "I have chosen red because the first time I saw you, you were wearing a sweater of that same color and the first thing I ever said to you was 'I really like it!', or something like that. Besides, when we hang out and it's almost night, when the sky has this kind of color, you always look mesmerized. I hope you like it!", she exclaimed.

You couldn't stop smiling. "I love it, and I love the idea too. Here's yours", you handed your painting, "I chose blue because you are always looking at the sky, no matter the weather. Also, your eyes made me choose this color".

She looked at you, shocked. "This is the one of the first times someone says blue instead of pink. Thank you so much y/n, blue is my favorite color! It reminds me of my sister's eyes", she explained.

"That's great. Well, I have to go now with Eren. Again, I love it!", you exclaimed, running to the door.

Historia started packing her things and left the house. She smiled. I can't wait to find out what Eren thinks about y/n being drawn with his favorite color. In the school's exit, she found Reiner. "Hey Reiner!"

He turned around to face her. "Good afternoon, Historia. What's up?".

"I just left art class. It was really cool, I had to paint y/n with a range of colors that reminded me of her", she explained.

Reiner nodded. "I just talked to her and she told me the same thing. Well, she could barely speak, she was really anxious about going to Eren's apartment".

Both him and Historia formed a smirk on their faces. "You ship them, right?", she asked.

"Obviously. I mean, I don't know why, but since he told us on Friday that he was going to live in her apartment, I've been having a feeling that this is going to change A LOT their relationship. We have to do anything that's in our hands to make them a couple", he commented.

"Are you kidding? I literally drew y/n's portrait with Eren's favorite color. Knowing her, she will show him it and say I drew her, so he would think 'damn, why did Historia draw her using red?', because everyone knows that y/n's favorite color is white", Historia explained.

"I didn't know that. Do you still remember everyone's favorite color?", Reiner questioned, which made Historia moved her head in approval. "Well, it looks like you have it all planed, so if you need help, say it to me". The boy looked like he wanted to say one more thing, but he stopped himself.

Historia got confused. "Is there something that matters, Reiner?".

He took a deep breath. "You know, I really love Eren and y/n, and... I'm scared that if they spend so much time together, they will find out about... what happened in their past. That would totally mess up their friendship or whatever they have. Not only them, but the whole group...".

The girl touched Reiner's shoulder. "Stop thinking about that. It's not good for you. I'm sure that when they'll find out, they will not really care about it".

He sighed. "Thank you, Historia. Well, I have to go now to play baseball with Bertholdt. Have a good night!", Reiner exclaimed while separating from school.

"Good luck, Reiner. Tell me about your afternoon later", Historia said while going to the opposite direction.

.•° ✿ °•.

A/N: in the next chapter I will do Eren's pov:p

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