The Delusional Devil (Betraye...

By TrapMaster20

202K 3.4K 2.9K

A/n: This will probably my biggest story I've thought of so far, and possibly one of the most dark and fucked... More

Prologue - The Fall into Delusion
Y/n's Childhood Part 1
Y/n's Childhood Part 2
1 - Gaining Power, Vengeance, and an Ally
Laura Bio
2 - Infiltration Begins
Monika Bio
3 - Finding Asia and Learning New Things
4 - A Vessel for Me
5 - The Amnesiac Girl
Uzume Bio
6 - It's Time to Genocide!
Stronger Than You - Y/n's Response
7 - New Plans
8 - The Battle of Kuoh
9 - The Princess of Another World
Angelise Bio
10 - The Depressed Girl
11 - The Fall of the Misurugi Empire
Aya Bio
12 - Summer Break
13 - Time for the Next Phase
14 - The Counter Attack Against Loki
15 - Dealing with Demons
16 - The Pieces are in Place
17 - Saving Asia, Again
18 - The Whirlpool of Delusion
Updated Bio
19 - Divide
20 - The Fallen World
21 - The Reveal
Vote - Y/n Ankokuboshi Death Battle
22A - Fight for the World!!!
23 - Fate Works in Mysterious Ways
24 - The Silent Requiem
25 - The Beginning of The End
Opening 2
Updated Uzume Bio
DBX - Y/n Ankokuboshi vs Muzan Kibutsuji
26 - The World Now Knows
27 - The CPU Gantlet
28 - The Leading Path
29 - Y/n Ankokuboshi vs Uzume Tennouboshi; The Final Fight
Finale - Good Things Don't Come Without a Simple Sacrifice

22B - Reach out for the Truth!!

2.4K 58 22
By TrapMaster20

No one's POV

We see Issei fighting the Corrupted Rias Gremory.

Rias(Corrupted): Give up already! I understand everything now! This is why I lived this long!

Issei: Rias. That isn't true, and you know it!!!

Rias(Corrupted): Then die.

Rias(Corrupted) then launches a spell, knocking Issei back. Issei then prepares a dragon shot, and prepares to launch it as Rias(Corrupted) comes rushing towards him.

Issei: After everything she's done for me, I can't leave her like this. I can't leave her in Y/n's hands! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!

Rias(Corrupted) then kicks Issei in the face, and then uses her wings and wraps Issei's neck around them. She then tosses Issei, as he starts remembering things about his time with Rias. Rias(Corrupted) then shoots her POD at Issei, making him scream in pain.

Issei: *groaning*

Rias(Corrupted): Why won't you just die already?!

Rias(Corrupted) then rushes Issei, causing massive damage to his Balance Breaker. As Issei flies back, he stops, as blood comes from the helmet.

Issei: Wake up. Rias, I... I love you.

Rias(Corrupted): Then die for me!

Rias(Corrupted) then grabs Issei's neck, and starts to strangle him. However, Issei starts getting pissed and grabs Rias(Corrupted)'s arm.

Rias(Corrupted): What?!

Issei: Wake up. Rias, please!

Rias(Corrupted): I'm already awake!


Issei then kicks Rias(Corrupted) in the gut, causing her to fly backwards.


Issei: I understand. I know what I've gotta do now. But... I'm so afraid of hurting you.

Rias(Corrupted) then throws another POD at Issei, knocking him back.

Issei: I just wanted to be your protector.

Rias(Corrupted): Now, let's finish this...

Rias(Corrupted) then starts unleashing all of her power, ready to kill of Issei.

Issei: No... Not on my watch. If I don't put a stop to this, then Y/n gets exactly what he wants! Please! Stop it, Rias! Don't let Y/n win! You're better than him!!!

Rias(Corrupted): *gasps*

Rias(Corrupted) then stops and starts hesitating.

Issei: I won't let you down. I'll do whatever it takes. Nothing is gonna stop me.

Rias(Corrupted): You... can't stop me...! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A STUPID PAWN!!!!!!!

Issei: That's right. But I'm just a simple pawn. I AM RIAS GREMORY'S PAWN!!!!

Issei then rushes and punches Rias(Corrupted), knocking her back. However, Rias(Corrupted) quickly shoots another POD blast at Issei, destroying his armor.

Issei: Wake up!!!!

As Issei flies towards her, the delusions that Y/n created start trying to infect him, but he keeps moving.

Issei: Rias! Please! I know you're in there! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!

As all the delusions stop trying to infect Issei, he goes for an attack, and quickly starts destroying them.


As Issei destroys the last delusion, the crystal flies out of Rias, turning her back to normal.

Issei: *gasps*

Rias: Issei...? It's you! Thank you. My darling. You saved my life.

Issei: Rias! You're you again, right? I was so worried!

Suddenly, Croire appears holding the crystal that was corrupting Rias.

Croire: Huh. Y/n put a lot of delusions in this thing to make sure Rias stayed with him forever. You must be pretty tough to have defeated all of the delusions in there.

Issei: You...!

Rias: Issei, what's going on?

Issei: I'll explain later. But why'd you come here?!

Croire: Figured I'd come and ask what you plan to do, now that you've freed Rias from Y/n.

Issei: I'll kill him for all the shit he's made Rias go through!

Croire: Well, that is an answer. But the core of Heart Dimension basically is the CPU's Life Force, so Y/n can keep coming back, even if you kill him off.

Rias: Then I guess we'll just have to destroy the crystal, then!!

Croire: Smart move, since it would end Y/n for good. But if you do that, Zero Dimension is gonna disappear along with Heart Dimension. And since Heart Dimension is basically a CPU's Life Force, Uzume will die as well. Poof. Will you feel alright doing that to her?

Issei: What...? That can't be...

Croire: I guess I can fill you in like I did Uzume not to long ago. This world is where the CPUs are born. If that crystal disappears, it's pretty obvious that this place will go, too. Man, what a heavy situation you're in, right? If you leave Y/n alone, and let him live, your world's screwed. If you save your world, Uzume and Heart Dimension's gone, meaning you'll never see Uzume again... Earth is standing at a fork in the road of history right now. What choice are the leaders of the supernatural world gonna make?

Rias and Issei: ...

Croire: I know it's hard to make the decision, but you better find the answer soon. If you do nothing, the fusion of the two dimensions will just happen.

Rias: Why does the world have to suffer because of Uzume?!

Croire: Well, it's not because of Uzume. The world's suffering right now because of YOU, Rias. You were the catalyst for everything that's happened so far. Y/n's current state, Uzume's birth, and all the sudden attacks on your Peerage. Your actions on that one, single, fateful moment in time has finally come back to haunt you in the end.

Rias: What do you mean?

Croire: Oh right. When Y/n resurfaced his memories, you were still in the capsule, so you didn't get the memories back. If you remember the stray devil Eliade, then you should know that you sent Y/n there when he was your rook to die.

Rias: What?!

Croire: In fact, I did somehow find some places where Y/n lived while trapped in the little Rias's book. But even when I gave them to Uzume, she wouldn't tell you or the others. Y/n was hurt by the one person he thought he could trust with his life, and you betrayed him, just like everyone else. It's not that weird if that hatred for the world ends up stickin' to him as a curse, right?

As Rias and Issei ponder about that question, Croire takes the opportunity to send both of them back to Earth.

Croire: There. That's one problem taken care of.


We now see Uzume, sitting alone after she's learned the truth about herself, and the dimension she's currently in.

Uzume: ...Damn it! What the hell is this...? In the past, I lost everyone I ever cared about, abused by those who took me in, and now learned the one who saved me actually betrayed me! On top of that, I'm nothin' but scraps that broke off from the true "Me"... And in the end, I gotta defeat "Myself" or the world I love and the Zero Dimension will fuse. But if "I" disappear, so will Heart Dimension, Zero Dimension, and me...

Uzume then starts to cry, letting her tears flow freely, and her voice changes to Y/n's when he was only 3, and starts using male pronouns instead of female ones to describe herself.

Uzume: ...I don't want this anymore. I don't wanna think of anything anymore... Why, why is it always Y/n? ...........Why is it me...? Y/n just wanted to have a happy life, and live with the ones that care for him... Y/n can't... can't decide... Y/n's a CPU... It's his job to protect the people of Earth... What does he do...? ...Someone, tell him... Someone answer us...

Uzume then starts to feel her head hurt and grabs it, trying to stop it.

Uzume: No, it hurt! We want to die... let us die...! Y/n doesn't wanna think anymore... Oh, someone, save him... Save me... Save him, mommy...!

Suddenly, a bright white light appears, and takes the form of Y/n's mother. It slowly walks towards Uzume and smiles.

Alyssa(Spirit): Did you call for me, my dear?

Uzume, looks up and sees Alyssa, and starts wiping some of the tears.

Uzume: Mommy...? ...Why are you here...?

Alyssa(Spirit): This isn't the you I loved in those short years of your life. I didn't expect you to go back to your childhood way of talking.

Uzume: Mommy... Mommyyyy........!

As Uzume hugs the spirt of Alyssa, she hugs Uzume back, with tear across her face.

Alyssa(Spirit): Y/n- no. Uzume. My deepest wish was for you, the split off part of my son, and my son, to live a happy life. People have nightmares and evil thoughts. Everyone does have them, Uzume, it's natural for mankind. But, people do eventually wake up from these nightmares, so, please... Wake up, along with Y/n... together...

Uzume: W...Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!

After a long crying session, Uzume regains her composure.

Alyssa(Spirit): Are you feeling better now, my child?

Uzume: Yeah, I showed you somethin' real pathetic, but thanks to you I feel a lot better.

Alyssa(Spirit): Uzume, my sweet little child, if what I've heard from you is correct, then you are a piece of Y/n's conscience that broke away from his soul that was infected with delusions... hatred.

Uzume: I'm... Y/n's conscience...?

Alyssa(Spirit): Think of it as the Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Yin and Yang. With all things in the universe, there are two opposite sides. One that holds the light. The other holds the darkness. Human minds are no exception to this statement. Y/n was corrupted by darkness, but the light inside of him gave birth to you. The house you saw in your memories, inside contained a journal of all the people who did wish to see you again, smiling happily.

Uzume: I didn't think about that place to much... I had no idea there was so much detail inside of it...

Alyssa(Spirit): I don't know what was held in the memories you were given by Y/n, but don't let those few memories taint you. Think about the better days.

Uzume: ...


Child Y/n's POV

Location: Forest

Age: 6

Y/n: *sniffle*

I'm currently hiding in the forest, trying to avoid Karen, when I hear a voice.

???: Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know someone was here!

Y/n: Huh?

I turn and see a young girl with white hair and red eyes.

Y/n: Wh-Who are you?

Sophia: My name's Sophia.

Y/n: I'm Y/n... Y/n L/n...

Sophia: You seem upset. Is something bothering you?

Y/n: *nods head*

Sophia then sits next to me.

Sophia: Do you mind telling me?

Y/n: *sniffle* My parents died... around a year ago... I barely have anything to eat at the orphanage... I'm all alone!! I wanna die! I don't wanna live anymore!!

Sophia: *gasps* Don't say something like that!

Y/n: How would you know?!

Sophia: Because... my hair...

Y/n: Your hair...?

Sophia: *nods head* None of my family members was born with white hair. They say I look ugly, and I'm what's know as an "illegitimate child."

Y/n: Ah. I guess we're both sort of outcasts.

Sophia: I guess we are.

After that day, I always headed towards the woods at night, always meeting up with Sophia. We would talk, and sometimes would play tag or hide-and-seek with each other. She was the joy behind the sorrow.


As I'm heading towards the area where me and Sophia hang out, I hear someone.

???: There's the kid!

I quickly turn around and see another one of my bullies, Luis, with a few of his goons.

Y/n: L-Luis?! What are you doing here?!

Luis: Food supplies for us was perfect, until YOU came along!! I've been doing everything I can to make sure that you suffer, so you starve to death, but I've seen you be happy.

Y/n: Wh-What are you saying?!


As Luis draws a sword, ready to slash me, I cover my eyes and hear the slash. I open my eyes and see Sophia standing between me and Luis.

Y/n: SOPHIA!!!!

Luis: Oh crap! We gotta get out of here!

As Luis run away, I go over to Sophia.

Sophia: I'm so glad... you're alright, Y/n...

Y/n: Why? Why did you get in the way?! I've lost everything already!?

Sophia: I... Honestly don't know... My body... it just moved on it's own...

Y/n: *tearing up* No... I don't want you to go!!! Please, stay with me!

Sophia: Don't cry, please. I don't want that to be the last thing I see.

Y/n: *crying* No... please...

Sophia: Y/n... I may not be around much longer... but I will be there in your heart when you need me. Can you... do that for me...?

Y/n: I will...

Sophia: Thank... you...

Sophia then closes her eyes, and dies right in my hands. I start to cry, but I wipe the tears away.

Y/n: *sniffles* No. Sophia wouldn't want this from me. I'll live a good life. For her sake.

*End of Flashback*

No one's POV

Location: Heart Dimension

Uzume: *gasps*

Alyssa(Spirit): Do you remember now?

Uzume: I remember her now, mother. There were people out there who were kind to me. "I" was so focused on the pain that was caused, that "I" failed to see the big picture!

Alyssa(Spirit): I'm glad to hear that.

Uzume: But Heart Dimension and Earth... Now that I remembered all of these things, I can't choose one over the other...

Alyssa(Spirit): That is true, but remember what I told you? About how you're the light to Y/n's darkness?

Uzume: Yeah.

Alyssa(Spirit): Use your light and purify Y/n's darkness.

Uzume: *gasps* I get it! It's a tough gamble, due to "me" absorbing hatred for almost three whole years, but I'm willing to take it!!!

As Uzume walks away, ready to purify the core of Heart Dimension, Alyssa(Spirit) smiles as she slowly fades away.

Alyssa(Spirit): Please Uzume... save yourself... and my son...


Location: The Core of Heart Dimension

We see Uzume standing 10 meters away from the core.

Uzume: Alright. Let's do this.

Uzume then glows and turns into her Balance Breaker.

Uzume(Orange Heart): Uzume will save everyone!

Uzume then starts to fly towards the Share Crystal, but Croire speaks up

Croire: Sorry, but what the hell are you doing?

Uzume quickly lands, deactivating her Balance Breaker, and looks at Croire.

Uzume: You! You're that weird fairy whose working with "me" aren't you?!

Croire: Yo. What's up?

Uzume: Nothing much. Betting you're here to stop me.

Croire: Bingo. But man, Y/n's a real slave driver. Even though I'm fine with just recording history, he really pushes me around. If the kid knows about the threat of it, and bothers not to tell anyone, the he should just stay here and protect it himself. Don't you think that, too? I mean, you are a part of him after all.

Uzume: True, but I'm going to save us!

Croire: No way in hell you are! I finally have the chance to record the most interestin' history so far! I'm not gonna let you get in the way! COME, DELUSIONAL WHITE!!!

Croire then uses magic and creates a new version of Y/n's Dark CPUs.

Delusional White: Time to die, you piece of shit!

Uzume: I don't know what this Delusional White is, but its' nothing! No matter how much you power 'em up, I have the advantage!

Uzume then starts channeling Share Energy into her fists, ready to fight. Delusional White then rushes towards Uzume, but she quickly dodges the attack, and throws her own, Delusional White blocks it with her axe.

Uzume: What the hell?!

Delusional White then goes for a kick to the gut, but Uzume quickly jumps back and stops it from happening.

Uzume: Come on! That all you got?

Delusional White then gets angry and starts trying to hit Uzume, but she dodges the attacks with ease.

Delusional White: You damn brat! Stop dodging!!!

Uzume: Alright, you asked for it!

Uzume then stops dodging, and as Delusional White swings her axe up, Uzume goes for a blow right to the chest, knocking Delusional White back.

Delusional White: You damn brat! I'm not out yet!

Uzume: You know, thanks to the new memories I have, I learned some new tricks! AND THIS IS ONE OF 'EM!!!

Uzume then pulls a piece of string, and Delusional White notices a grenade on her.

Delusional White: A Grenade?! You little-

The bomb then goes off, destroying Delusional White.

Croire: No freakin' way... How could a Delusional CPU be defeated with a simple grenade...?

As Croire tries to figure out what's going on, she fails to notice Uzume snuck up behind her, with Little Rias's book.

Uzume: Gotcha!

Croire: HUH?!

After a little struggle, Uzume seals up Croire.

Uzume: Whew! That's one problem taken care of!!!!

Croire: No, stop! Lemme out! Let me out, damn it!!

Uzume: Nope! I've got some use for you later!

Uzume then puts the book down, starts channeling Share Energy into her feet, and jumps towards the share crystal.


As Uzume punches the share crystal, a bright light then emits from it, but quickly changes to a dark color.

Uzume: Damn. "I" must've realized it. Better get out of here before he gets back.

Uzume then jumps back and grabs the book.

Uzume: Now here's where you're coming in use to me, Croire! Open a gate back to Earth! Do that, and I'll consider letting you out.

Croire: Okay. But you better consider it!!

Croire then opens a portal, and Uzume jumps through it, heading back to Earth.

To Be Continued...

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