
By Mariska98

403K 13.6K 3.4K

Keeping cool during the heat of the summer, Jack Frost is content "chilling out" in the constantly snowy Ice... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Defrosted Video Contest!
Chapter 29
Video Contest Results!
Chapter 30
Trailer Contest News
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Defrosted Contest
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The End
Authors special announcement!

Chapter 42

3K 146 48
By Mariska98

(Kristof )

The cannons boomed from beneath the belly of the Guardian. Causing the entire deck to wobble at each blast as we fired onto the horde armada.

The seasickness in my stomach that I had finally fought off after the 6 and a half hour sailing, was now being replaced by nerves. I feared for Anna, would we make it to her in time? I also dreaded the slaughter ahead.

The weight of deed I had done this morning was heavy on my heart. I know I had done what was needed to be done. For queen and country. I was no pansy.  But killing goes against everything my family raised me by. I knew more killing is something I'd more then likely have to do today,  I know It must be done, I must protect the woman I love,  but deep down inside, I didn't know if I could. 

I have an arm securely wrapped around Svens neck. The loud blasts of the cannonballs being ejected frightened him. "I know buddy." I soothed. "This isn't my ideal Friday either. "

"More speed!" Barks Hans. "Angle the ship, concentrate on the smaller vessels first. Spare no ammunition. "  The Royal expertly leads the troops. I had to admit, I was impressed.  Good or evil, he was born for the job. Even if he was the last link on the royal chain.

A cannonball whizzed just inches from us. "Get that animal down!" The commodore yells at me. It was getting dangerous up here. "You heard the man." I nudge Sven with my elbow and he quickly scampers behind the upper deck wall.

Feeling the need to do something, I sprint over to Hans. "Man the upper deck cannons." He orders and all the men who weren't below deck operating the cannons, slide down from the sails they were adjusting, and run for the extra cannons, those  which lined the outskirts of the upper deck. 10 large black black metal black metal machines  on each side of the boat.

"How can I help? " I asked. He glances between me and the only unmanned cannon, then back to me.  "How's your aim?"

Before I know it I'm basing a cannon. Hans loads the barrel and presses the fodder while I light the fuse and aim.  " Aim for the lower hull, so the ship will take on water once hit. " His words ring through my mind as I swivel the black hunk of metal and take aim.

"The men know this is basically a suicide mission right?" I ask. "Yes." He responds, busy with his work, lifting the ball into the barrel.  "Do you?" I strike the fuse as I question.  He looks straight at me as he wipes the grease off his hands and onto his breaches.  "It's better to die for something then to live for nothing at all." Then he smirks. "We all gotta go eventually right? I think I finally found a reason worth it."

A cheer of victory resonated from the Guardian when the second fleet ship started to take on water. Thanks to our firepower.  It's enemy crew abandoning ship, diving into the water and swimming for the island.

But the moment of victory was quickly dispersed with the ear splitting sound of a cannon ball crashing into the port hull. The side of the front of the ship.  Wood splintering and flying into the sea below.

"Dodge and weave. Release all the sails.  We must take on the mother ship! " Hans called up to the Commodore who held the helm, the giant wooden wheel that steered the Guardian.

The nautical skills of these islanders never ceased to amaze me. They expertly out run the heavier, bulkier viking ships and close in on the mother ship. The giant monster ship coming closer and closer. it's blood red sails looming like a bad omen.

"Aim for the rudder." He orders the cannon operators at the bow of the ship. "So they can't turn towards us."  The 6 cannons at the front end all aim for the rudder, the blade on the back of the ship that controls the steering.  Which sits just below the surface of the water.

I close one eye and take aim, any second now the fuse would burn out. With a almost deafening set of booms the other cannons set off. Some missing the ship by just inches. One hitting the back of the stern.  I position the cannon and faster then the eye can see a ball launches out, landing just below the surface,  but still crippling the rudder.

"Great shot!" Hans slaps me on the back in congratulations.  "Men, get ready to take the boat, we have just minutes til the rest of the ships catch up with us."


(Anna )

They locked me in Lord Dreggs private chambers at the start of the attack.

"Lock my new wife in the chamber with the others." The villain sets a metal circlet atop my head and roughly pushed me towards Groaa. The skinny gangly one picked me up and tossed me easily over his shoulder, like a baker would a sack of flour.
I pick this time to put up a fight, pounding my fists into his back, but it was useless. He was as immovable as a rock. He carries me down the stairs and pushed me into a dimly lit room.  The sound of a giant bolt being locked only added to me fear.

I was surprised at the touch of a soft hand, it reaches under my arm and helps me to my feet.  I turn and I am surprised at the sight of a strange girl.  She had long raven black hair,  oddly shaped eyes stared at me with a mixture of concern and pity. She was dressed in beautiful, embroidered  silks, which bulged tightly at her stomach. She was pregnant. 

In the low candle light of the chamber,  I make out 5 other girls behind her. Who all looked like nothing I'd ever seen before. A girl with beautifully colored skirts,  bronze skin and long curly dark hair stood with a babe in arms.  Beside her a braxen beauty with skin like milk chocolate and eyes like honey, a small baby girl with  carmel colored skin and wild honey colored hair she held tighty against herself. Next to her was Another woman with hair so red it made mine look brown. Dressed in green garments, a toddler supported himself by this woman's knee. A tall thin brunette women dressed in what looked like a bed sheet wrapped elegantly around her body, she as well was with child.  And finally another woman with bronze skin and dark hair,  but this one wore it braided like my own.  She wore what looked like tanned animal skins and a necklace made of....bone?  Again, with child.

All  remarkably beautiful In the most different of ways. Now I see why he wanted Elsa. He was a collecter. All these woman wore a gold circlet on their heads.... Viking symbols of royalty.  Like I suspected,  These woman were all monarchs.

"Are you ill?" She asks through an almost innigable accent.  Concerned filled those hauntingly pretty eyes. The one with the red hair steps forward.  "What Meili means is are you hurt?"  I recognized her voice, her dialect was that of an island far to the south, one called Ireland. Once in a blue moon we would receive a trade ship in the port that had wandered far from home.   It was also my understanding that the queen of the Southern Isles was from this land. Hence the famous red hair all the princes bore.

"You are from Ireland?" I ask.  "Yes, I am princess Aileen. A decade ago my father gave me to this viking as a peace offering."

"And these others,  are you all royalty as well?" I question, but I already know the answer.  Each of the woman nodded in turn except the one in the strange white dress.
"My country has no monarchy.  It is a democracy. Run by elected officials instead of a lineage. But my father is one of those officials  so...."

So basically the same thing. Democracy?  What a strange concept. 

"I was aboard a merchant ship with my father when it was sized.... I was traded for the life of the passengers." She hangs her head low as she explains.  "I am Callisto,  of Greece. "

My attention turns to the girl with the darkest skin I had ever seen. I wanted to go and touch her but I didn't want to be rude.
I was in a room with the most beautiful and exotic women I had ever seen. Suddenly I felt so plain. "Its rude to stare." She snaps at me, pulling her child closer. 

"Relax  Amoya," the woman with the brightly colored skirts and long raven hair speaks. "The girl means no harm. She is one of us now."  She walks over to me, long skirts swaying hypnotically as she crossed the room, many bracelets jingling with each step "Hello little one." She greets, stopping beside Meili.  "I am Nadya. Princess of the Kadja Romani tribe. My sister wife over there is Amoya,  princess of  far away island known as Jamaica."

I look to the leather clad one. So quietly she stood at the back of the room. One hand resting on her swollen midsection.  She couldn't have been much older then 13.
"What about you?" I ask her.

"That is Yepa. She does not say much." Aileen responds. "She was the newest of us until you. She comes from a land of which distance cannot be fathomed. A land so far away and so fast the vikings could not conquer. She instead was taken as a child from her homeland,  given as a  souvenir by the brother of... Lord Dregg. Given to him only 6 months ago as a gift.

This disgust hit me like a punch in the gut. How could a living, breathing human being be treated like a parcel? The idea of slavery, or ownership of another person had always disgusted me. Apparently it was a great and profitable trade among these barbarians.

I held onto the bed post as the ship wrenched violently side to side. With each fire of the humongous cannons the whole place vibrated. I could hear shouting above, we had lost the rudder and another ship was coming up fast.

Instead of relief I only felt fear. Hans had no chance.  I didn't want him to lose his life trying to save me. I couldn't loose him to. I never thought I'd find myself thinking that.  But I found myself wishing he would do what everyone else thought he would. I wished he would just turn and run. This ship alone holds more troops then all the combined forces of our nation's. 

I remember the fear I felt when he was practically dragged away to fight single combat against 'Big Vallary'. It was like that, but now only multiplied ten fold.

The ship rimmed into this one. Above I could hear battle cries and the sounds of a battle beginning.  Cries of pain mixed in with the clashing of steel. I covered my ears, trying to block out the screams. 

The other wife's and the few children had barricaded themselves behind the bed.

I hear the crashing of heavy footfalls on the staircase above. Glancing frantically around, I reach for the nearest object I can use as a weapon. A piece of lumber in the stack beside the fireplace. 

The lock on the door is slid open and two men burst in. As quickly as they enter, they turn and press themselves against the door. One man reaches for the nearest chair to barrage the door with. I catch a glance of the face of the other. Red hair, green eyes  and a perfect jawline is what I see.

"Hans!" I cry, running into his arms and burying my face into his shoulder.  "Your alive!" I pull back and cup his cheek in my hand. "You came back for me."
He is battle weary and his armor is encrusted with dried blood. Hans smiles down at me and covers my hand with his.

"I made made a promise to a lady."

The other figure clears his throat. Pulling off his helmet I am greeted with soft unkept blonde hair and the most charming and caring brown eyes.

My heart stops in my chest.  I cannot believe my own vision.  "KRISTOF?!?"


~Authors Note~

DUN DUN Dunnnnnn.... Cliffhanger!  I know you all hate me right now lol.

Sorry for the long wait, this chapter took a TON of research.  These other wife's are from countries vikings did visit. The names are all names from the regions during that time period.

Meili = Chinese for Beauty.                         Aileen= Irish for Fire/Flame.                       Callisto= Greek for Most Beautiful.              Amoya= Jamaican for Powerful.

Nadya= Slavic/Gypsy  for Hope.                 YEPA (YAY-pah)=  Native American for Winter Princess

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and 8 can't wait to read your thoughts!  Love you guys! - Geekpower1

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