Reaching For The Trigger 2

By PrettyNGolden

496K 15.5K 1.4K


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter Seven

19.3K 662 111
By PrettyNGolden

"So whats next?", I asked Don.

"We got to get to Quincy's office and from there a bunch of calls get made.", he said.

"Who do I call?", I asked.

"People who make the drugs.", he said.

Our conversation was interrupted when I got a call from Kyree. "Where's my daughter?", I answered immediately.

"Calm down I have your daughter", he said, "If you want her back you have to do as I say."

"Whats that?", I asked.

"Give it up", he said.

"Give what up?", I asked.

"Everything...that house, the cars, the money, the job.", he said.

"No", I said.

"Why?", he asked.

"Because Quincy left that for me and its practically all I have right now.", I said.

"Well looks like your daughter stays with me.", he said.

"Can I just give you money?", I asked.

"No I want everything.", he said.

I hung up the phone trying to hold myself together. I couldn't believe Kyree wanted all my stuff. He was crazy if he thought that I was going to give up everything Quincy left for me.

"Who was that?", Don asked.

"Kyree", I said.

"Is he going to give you Bria back?", he asked.

"No", I said.

"Why not?", he asked.

"Because he wants me to give him everything Quincy left.", I said.

"Damn so what are you going to do?", he asked.

"I'm just going to have to get her back by myself.", I said.

"Not by yourself", Don said.

"Then with who?", I asked.

"You just accepted to take over a gang.", he said.

"So?", I asked.

"You now own over 1000 niggas", he said.

"Oh shit", I said, "We need to get down to that office now."

"Lets go you can drive", Don said and we ran to the car.

"So where is this place?", I asked.

"Downtown and I know you like security so its highly secured.", he said.

"Great", I said.

"Can I ask you something?", Don asked.

"Sure", I said.

"What are you going to do if Quincy wakes up and finds out you been sleeping with Kyree?", he asked.

I slammed on the breaks so hard, I made Dons head hit the dashboard."Who told you?", I asked.

"No one", he answered while holding his forehead.

"How do you know?", I asked.

"Its my job", he said.

"Who made it your job?", I asked.

"Quincy", he said, "When y'all got engaged he told me that if anything was to happen to him I was suppose to look after you."

"I thought that was Kyree job", I said.

"No Kyree is a crook and I'm surprised it has been two years and you haven't figured that out.", he said.

"So what you trying to say?", I asked.

"What I'm trying to say is I think Kyree has been trying to get rid of Quincy.", he said.

"No way", I said.

"You don't have to listen to me but just hear this....if I was you I wouldn't leave Quincy at Dr. Kristina's house alone.", he said.

We pulled up at a building that looked run down and vacant. "You kidding right?", I asked.

"About what?", Don asked.

"Come on you know Quincy would never work at a place like this.", I said.

"Don't judge a book by its cover just wait till you get inside.", he said.

We got out of the car and I followed Don to the back of the building where there were two men standing in front of the door. "Pass code?", one of the men asked.

"Lelani", Don answered.

The man opened the door that opened to a beautiful lobby with a front desk and a waiting room like area. "The password is my name?", I asked Don.

"Yes", he said.

"Good evening Ms. King", a girl at the front desk said.

"Hello...what is your name?", I asked.

"I'm Tamara", she said with a wide smile.

"Follow me to the office", Don said. I followed him onto a elevator. "Watch out for her."

"Why?", I asked.

"Because she has slept almost every person that been through here.", he said.

"She slept with Quincy?", I asked.

"No", he said.

"Ok good because I was going to fire her.", I said. The elevator opened to a huge office. I looked around the office and saw a bunch of pictures of Quincy and his son.

"What are you going to do about this mural?", Don asked about the huge wall painting of Quincy.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"Would you want to get it painted over with a picture of you?", he asked.

"No I like the big painting of him.", I said. I sat in a chair behind the desk and put my feet up."This chair still smells like him.", I said.

"Your creepy", he said, "Can we get started?"

"Sure what do I do first?", I asked.

"You have to call the importer", he said.

"Which is?", I asked.

"Guys from Mexico who make the stuff.", he said.

"Ok whats the number?", I asked.

"I don't know", he said.

What? You know everything else.", I said.

"Look the desk or something", he said.

I opened the desk drawer and looked through it to find the number but I came across a picture of me and Quincy from the night he proposed.

"What you looking at?", Don asked.

"Just a old picture of me and Quincy.", I said.

"Ms. King I'm sorry to interrupt but someone just dropped off a package for you.", Tamara said while handing the package to me and walked out.

"What do you think it is?", Don asked.

"I don't know. I didn't order anything. How could somebody know I was here?", I said.

"Let me open it", Don said.

"Why?", I asked, "The package is for me."

"How do you know its not some kind of set up?", Don asked.

"True. You open it and get blown away.", I said.

Don pulled out a knife and started cutting open the package. "This ain't nothing but a letter.", he said, handing the letter to me.

"There's no return address or nothing.", I said. I opened the envelope and a small piece of paper was inside that read : "More days, Less parts."

"What is it?", Don asked.

"Kyree fucking with me.", I said, "Is there anything else in the box?"

Don searched through the box and pulled out a small bag. "Here's something", he said while handing it to me. I ripped open the bag and a bunch of hair went everywhere.

"AHH!", I screamed.

"Whats wrong?", Don asked.

"HE CUT OFF MY BABY'S HAIR!", I yelled. I was so angry I could feel my face turning red.

"Calm down", Don said trying to make me relax.

I sat there trying to keep my self together but then I got an idea. "Don can you do me a favor?", I asked.

"What is it?", he asked.

"Can you alert all the gang members with whats going on and tell them we will meet tomorrow?", I asked.

"Sure of course", he said.

"How about you go home I think I'm going to stay for a little while", I said.

"Ok cool see you later", he said and then he left.

I sat in the room and just looked around me ; it was like the world of Quincy. I looked on the desk and some remotes and decided to figure out what they went to. I picked up one of the remotes and started pressing random buttons that turned on music and the fire place.

"Hey", Tamara said, making me jump.

"Can you knock first?", I asked.

"Sure I'm sorry", she said.

"What do you want?", I asked.

"Nothing I'm just bored. Nobody comes here anymore.", she said.

"They will now that I'm taking over", I said.

"Do you want to hang out sometime like go shopping or something?", she asked.

"Suree", I said.

"What day is best for you?", she asked.

"No day really I'm really busy trying to get my daughter back", I said.

"Quincy has a daughter?", she asked.

"Yes but this guy named Kyree took her.", I said.

"Omg Kyree I know him. We used to date.", she said.

"Seriously?", I asked.

"Yes if you need anything I can help because I know a lot about him.", she said.

"Like what?", I asked.

"Well I know where his gang hangs out and I know exactly where he lives.", she said.

"How long has it been since y'all dated?", I asked.

"We broke up a couple of days ago.", she said.

I couldn't believe Kyree had been cheating on me. I thought about it sometimes when he didn't come home but it didn't really effect me. "Did you ever hit on Quincy?", I asked.

"Of course not", she said.

"Why?", I asked.

"Well he was cute but when found you it was like no other girl mattered. I don't even think he knew I existed.", she said.

My phone started ringing and it turned out to be Kyree calling. "Bout time you answered.", I said.

"Did you get my package?", he asked.

"Don't you touch my daughter", I said.

"I haven't but a few of my niggas did.", he said.



Gosh this chapter sucks lmao!

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