Oleh Msmarv28

565 43 0

When Angelique Savant, a quiet, unassuming foster kid with a genius IQ is found not guilty of attempting to m... Lebih Banyak



11 1 0
Oleh Msmarv28

The atmosphere at the girl's home is a bit sullen after the death of one of the students. And if there is one thing, I've learned from what happened that night, it's that I never want to come face to face with a messenger. It also made me want to learn everything I can to survive.

I practice harder, laser focused, which helped me pick up on things faster.

"You're getting better at controlling your abilities," Sebastian smiles.

"Yes. Thanks to your sister and her private lessons. Though it feels more like a beating than anything else," I tease. "Why didn't you ever tell me you have a sister?"

"It never came up," he shrugs.

"That's bull and you know it. I've borne my soul to you, Sebastian. A little reciprocity would be much appreciated."

Sebastian tosses me my father's journal and sits down on the sofa next to me. Rolling my eyes, I open it up and start reading it.

He is the King of avoiding conversations he doesn't want to have. And changing the subject is his way of saying he'd rather watch paint dry than to talk about his feelings or any subject he deems to sensitive to talk about.


Diving into my father's journal, I devour the pages as he speaks about Becka, and how much he wants to do right by her. But he was too in love with my mother to do it.

I wish I was lucky enough to find a love like that.

My gaze shifts to Sebastian sitting across from me. His black Led Zeppelin muscle shirt doing nothing to hide the ridged planes of his abs, the bulge of his biceps, and his broad shoulders.

Another of my father's journals rests on his lap. And he has his right foot resting on his left knee, with one arm stretched across the back of the sofa. It's unfair to the human population for him to be this hot. Like seriously... why dangle this forbidden fruit in the face of the female population knowing he's already been promised to someone else.

And it's not me...



Peeling my eyes away from Sebastian, I bring my focus back to my father's journal. And towards the end of one of the entries, he talks about a journal his father left him. The entry stops after that, and the only other thing written on that page is a set of numbers. Sitting up, I wonder why that set of numbers looks familiar.

"What is it?" Sebastian asks.

"These numbers... I've seen these numbers before, but I can't remember where," I tell him.

Leaning over to get a better look at the numbers, I can see his brain processing the information. These numbers look familiar to him too.

"We need to go back onto your father's property," he tells me. "Do you think you can get Becka to help us out again?"

"I don't know. I'll call her," I shrug.

Grabbing my cell phone, I call Becka who agrees to let us come back to the house to look around. Because now that there's no doubt her husband is my father, she seems more than interested in getting to know me.

"She said we could come by this Wednesday. Magdalene will be out of town again," I tell him.


"Can I ask you something?"


"What was she like?" I wondered.

"What was who like?" He frowns.

"Naomi. What attracted you to her?"

Sebastian sighs heavily, and a pained expression crosses his face. He swallows hard and I half expect him to shut down on me. Because I know this is a tough subject for him.

"I met her the day she was assigned to me for duty. She was... beautiful. Inside and out. And whenever she walked into a room, her presence commanded the attention of everyone present. There were many who found her attractive, but it was me she would get nervous around," Sebastian recalls. "And she was mine to have."

A piece of the puzzle slid into place with that statement.

Naomi is the girl he was promised to.

"You were in love with her," I realize. Seeing it written all over his face.

"Terribly," he chuckles. Deep in thought. "Madly. But I didn't deserve her. And in the end, she was taken from me."

"What do you mean?"

"She's dead," he meets my gaze then. As if to say, 'this is why you need to keep your distance from me'.

Sebastian stops his explanation there, leaving me bursting with anticipation. There are things I want to know. Like, how did she end up dead? He can't leave me hanging like this. We're making great progress here. So, I give him a little push.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

I need to know more about this girl he seemed to care so much for.

"We were set to be married. But we weren't married yet. Only, I couldn't wait. I kissed her one day, and she should have pushed me away, but she didn't. Kissing led to other things and in a single moment we both betrayed everything we stood for. I've replayed that moment repeatedly in my head. Wishing I could go back to stop myself. It was a moment of weakness I wish I could take back. I let everyone down. Including myself. But it's Naomi who paid the ultimate price."

Again, I wait for him to tell me what happened to her. But he doesn't. He stops right there, leaving me hanging on his every word. Wanting to hear more.

"What price?" I asked.

"You should finish reading your journal," he shakes the thoughts from his head. Changing the subject.

"I hate when you do that," I sulk. "It's like dangling a piece of meat in front of a starving animal. And the moment it tries to take a bite, you snatch it away."

"Now you're a starving animal?" Sebastian teases.

"You know what I mean," I narrow my eyes at him.

"Believe it or not, there are parts of me that are off limits... even to you," he smirks.

"You're a tease," I shake my head. Getting up to leave.

Laughing, Sebastian is right on my heels. I opened the door to leave, but he places his palm against it, and slowly shuts it.

Turning around to face him, I gasp and hold my breath. Not expecting him to be so close. And now my heart is pounding in my chest. With a million butterflies taking flight in my stomach, and panic taking root in my mind. He's leaning into me, and God help me, I don't want him to stop. I yearn for the touch of his lips.

And he silently puts me out of my misery...

The moment our mouths collide, my mind goes blank, and I lose control of my body. My arms fall to my sides, my knees weaken, and the panic inside my head subsides into this sort of peaceful tranquility.

And I hoped this moment would last forever.

After everything he just said, and how he's intent on keeping me at a distance, I'm surprised he would be the one to make the first move. And I'm afraid to touch him because I don't want him to come to his senses. So, I stand there with my arms at my sides, letting him kiss me until I can't fight the urge any longer. Then I reach up to embrace him. Gently grasping his face in my hands, only to have him quickly snap out of it.

Sebastian backs away from me. Staring at me with this shocked expression on his face. He turns bright red, embarrassed, and averts his shame-filled eyes to the floor.

A knock on the door behind me brings us both back to reality, and I open it. Amariah stands on the other side the door.

"Where is he?" She asks.

"Right here," I prop the door open wider and step out of the way.

Noticing the disheveled look on Sebastian's face, she eyes us both suspiciously.

"Did you not learn your lesson the first time?" She narrows her eyes at Sebastian.

"Let's discuss this in private," he tells her.

Escorting her out of the room, he glances back at me on his way out. And once the door closes, I walk over to the sofa and flops back onto it. Grinning from ear to ear like a complete idiot.

Nothing in the world is going to be able to erase that kiss from my mind. It was perfect in every way, and minutes later, I'm still trying to steady my heart rate.

Most of my encounters with Sebastian were not this pleasant. Full of lustful adrenaline, and realizing I have a little time to kill, I take a walk so I can think. And snooping around the girls' home seemed like a great idea. But as I walk the halls, I notice it isn't much of a girl's home. One of the buildings housed girls but the other building housed boys. That's probably where Sebastian and Sam stay when they aren't at the West Covington Boys home.

My kiss with Sebastian replays in my head. Confusing me beyond my normal amount of confusion. I care for Sebastian. A lot. And he has this hold on me I can't even put into words. But he isn't mine to have.

So, what am I doing?

Descending the stairs leading towards to front door, I venture outside, crossing the cold wet grass to the other building for the boys. A quick peek inside reveals there's no sign of anyone anywhere. And as I make my way through the long dark halls, I make sure I'm not seen by anyone.

Or so I thought.

"You're trespassing," a familiar voice tells me.

"Not if I was invited," I reply. Turning to face him.

"Were you invited?" Samuel asks. "Because I highly doubt that."

"Are you going to rat me out? I just needed to get away to think for a bit."

"In other words, Sebastian has done something to you and you're seeking comfort."

"Not comfort... an understanding," I correct him. "He kissed me."

"He kissed you?" He backs away. Surprised.

"It wouldn't be the first time. We were talking about Naomi and-"

"Well, that explains it," Samuel cuts me off. Rolling his eyes. Then he completely dismisses what I was saying. "A few of us guys are going to go out and have fun. You want to come with?"

"What is with you and Sebastian and blowing me off?" I scoff.

"No offense, but I don't want to hear about or talk about Sebastian. I want to have fun."

In other words, I've been talking about Sebastian too much.

"Where are you going?"

"You want to go or not?" He asks. Refusing to give me an answer.

Throwing all caution to the wind, I shrug.

"Why not."

"Okay, let's go." He motions for me to follow him.

Taking me by the hand, Sam takes me to his car before I can let anyone know where I'm going. We climb into his car, and the two of us take off alone.

Unlike the muscle car Sebastian drives, Sam drives a black Porsche Boxster with black leather interior, and heated bucket seats. Which fits his rebel personality. It's flashy, fast, and driving it probably gives him an adrenaline rush. Especially when he blows through the speed limit.

The only time he drives below eighty miles per hour is when we come to a stoplight. And as soon as the light turns green, he goes from zero to eighty in a matter of seconds. Causing me to grip my seat so hard, my fingertips turn white.

And Sam laughs at me every single time.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of a little speed," he smiles deviously.

"It's not the speed I'm afraid of. It's the crashing," I reply sarcastically. "Maybe you should slow down."

"My reflexes are surgical. It's impossible for me to crash."


Taking it as a challenge, Samuel slams his foot on the gas and the car accelerates even faster. The speedometer climbing up to one hundred before I close my eyes and squeal.

Keeping his eyes on me, Samuel accelerates faster and faster.

But he's not watching the road!

I have two choices here. I could spaz out and scream, or I can beat him at his own game.

In the end, I decide to rise to what I knew was a challenge. Rolling my window down, I climb out of my seat and sit down on the windowsill. Wind blowing through my hair, whipping it wildly behind me.

Closing my eyes, I take it all in. How freeing it feels to be less goody-two-shoes, and more reckless for a change. It's more of a rush than I expected.

Samuel tugs at my leg, and I climb back into the car. Then he slams his foot on the brakes and we slide. Spinning around in circles until we end up neatly in place between two cars. Practically tipping his car over onto its side. A valet walks up and Sam hands him a one-hundred-dollar bill to park his car.

"You Covington Boys carry some serious cash," the valet smiles.

"It's the only way to travel," Sam smiles back.

We walk into the nightclub, without being carded I might add, and inside, Malachi and Ian are waiting in the VIP lounge. Surrounded by a bunch of girls.

"I see you brought the party with you," Malachi chuckles. Shaking his head.

"You could say that." Samuel smiles back.

He motions for me to sit down in the booth, and then he slides me a drink. Lifting the glass to my nose, I smell it, and I'm surprised when it smells like alcohol.

"Is this alcohol?" I gawk at him.

"What else would it be?" Sam frowns.

"I can't drink alcohol."

"Says who? Sebastian? Do you always do what you're told?"

"Yes!" I nod emphatically. "It's how I stay out of trouble."

"I think you should drink up," Sam waves the glass in my face.

"I have a better idea. Why don't you drink it for me?"

Shrugging, Samuel drinks the glass in one gulp, then grabs me by the hand and pulls me onto the dance floor. I've never seen Samuel dance before, but I must give it to him... he can move. He moves better than I do. I mean, I can hold my own, but Samuel is smooth. And he captures the attention of all the ladies in the room.

"I have to go to the ladies' room," I tell him.

"Okay, but hurry back," he winks.

I go to the bathroom, and when I come out of the stall, there are two women standing near the sink. Staring at me. And the way they're looking at me makes me a bit uneasy. Hurrying back out to the dance floor to find Sam, a guy I've never seen before stops me.

"Care to dance?" He asks.

"Actually, I'm with someone," I shake my head and attempt to walk away.

"Yes, I know... me," he pulls me back over to him.

"Actually, she's with me," Sam walks up to him.

"I don't think so," the stranger replies. Opening his jacket to reveal the firearm he has on his right hip.

"I guess I'm supposed to be scared now, huh?" Samuel feigns fright.

"You don't have to be scared, just be smart."

"Listen, we don't want any trouble. We just came here to have fun. Let my friend go and we can all continue to have a good night."

"Or what?" The stranger asks.

"Or someone will pay your mother Mable a visit at her home in Baton Rouge, and let's not forget about your four-year-old daughter," Sam smiles wickedly. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to them because you tried to take something that wasn't yours to take."

Suddenly, my eyes shift to the reflection slithering along the ceiling just above the strangers' head. I try to run, but he wraps his arm around my neck.

All hell breaks loose...

"Let me go. Please," I plead with the musclebound stranger.

My eyes still on the reflection gathering above us on the ceiling. Slowly descending towards him.

This isn't going to end well...

Clenching my eyes shut, I duck to avoid being grabbed by the reflection. Waiting for screams that never come. Instead, I hear a familiar voice that instantly put my mind at ease. And opening my eyes, I watch as Sebastian walks over to us. With everything and everyone frozen like statues. 

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